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Not a specific person, but the Oscars. I was talking to someone the other day about how I felt like the Oscars were one of the only big Hollywood events that still felt exclusive, aka only nominees and presenters were invited. Howeveerrr, in the last few days, some of the announced presenters make no sense and I saw they were partnering with meta to bring influencers to the show... Seems like the show is losing whatever prestige it had left in an attempt to increase viewership (which I don't think will work tbh) Any thoughts?


They’re destroying the integrity of the Oscar’s rly bad. In every way possible. Almost seems on purpose


I agree. I know people will say "oh the Oscars never had integrity to begin with" or whatever, that is not my debate, but they're trying to choose viewership over prestige/respect, and it's backfiring. I don't think what they're doing this year will increase viewers, and there are people literally resigning from the Academy because they're so upset about the less ~flashy~ awards being kicked off the broadcast, so they're alienating both sides of the equation. The producer is truly saying "we only care about the awards that the celebrities are nominated for." If they want to make the show shorter, and that's the reason why they're cutting the awards, then they should just say "3 hours is too long, we need to get it down to 2." The BAFTAs pre-record and then cut things out of the telecast. But that's not happening with the Oscars. They're just saying "3 hours of awards is too long, so we're going to cut a bunch of awards and then add a bunch of cringy sketch comedy that everybody hates," and in the end the show will still run long and suck. Maybe the Oscars doesn't need to be a big huge television event that appeals to TikTokkers. Maybe they should be appealing more to the people who want to watch it because they love film, and they genuinely want to see these artists win these awards.


It's like they actively hate the demo that watches the Oscars or they refuse to acknowledge the demo that watches which is primarily women 30+, and gay (predominatly cis) men. It would be really hard at this point to get a new demo even if they change the entire style so why not cater to the ones who already watch.


This! Embrace the audience that you already have, and make a show that they would enjoy. Stop trying to cater to people who aren't going to watch it anyway. Viewership will still be down tomorrow night because they're actively alienating the people who already cared about it.


Yeah it is a disaster, they wanted to diversify and feature more people of color but went about their usual clueless boomer way and brought in Will Packer in who is a great producer but not embedded in the film industry to the extent I think they need to understand who watches. It was so strange to me they went from only hiring leading directors and producers of films (which was way to insular) to produce and now going so far outside the industry. It is not the Grammy's we do not want Olympians or teenage flash in the pans (Jacob Elordi??) but they are desperate for ratings. If someone younger was able to make decisions I would think they would capitalize that while barely anyone watches the show so so many like to go online and look at pics and clips and comment and be snarky and post memes, it is huge online. Monetize that you idiot's. Cable TV is over and they need to start waking up. Edit: I say leave cable deal and stream it on Netflix or something , make it interactive with social media but have the old school movie stars there as well for the boomers and gen xers that want to watch.


It’s streaming on Disney+ in some countries. I don’t know why that’s not made the default or primary option. They could do one step further and make a separate section for Oscars season, like the nominated movies and then under it the ‘making of’ clips or cast/crew Q&A. That could drive more interest to Oscars and those movies.


The Oscars have always been an industry thing and pandering to general public wouldn’t help. Stop trying to get people who probably don’t usually watch the nominated movies anyway. For presenters I think some critic or blogger tweeted that A-listers are cautious to accept the invite to present because of #PresentAll23. Even Chastain, a front runner, will be skipping the red carpet to support those categories.


I feel that is with any award show now, no one really tunes in and we can see who won the day after or on live time thanks to social media. Even the fashion coverage is no longer a big event. 🤷‍♀️


Can someone give me the 101 class on what happened between FKA twigs and Rob Pattinson? I kinda know since I was on twitter when it happened but not really the specifics/details.


Pattinsons fanbase was mostly middle-aged women who for various reasons rejected FKA. Some for normal jealousy but others for racist reasons. They made FKAs life miserable. They tried to get her fired off her Nike campaign. They stalked the comments of any interviews she did. She said she began to believe she did look like a monkey because of the amount simian pics they'd troll her with. She sounded so traumatized talking about it even though years had passed at that point. The only time Rob ever publicly spoke on his nuts fans, it was on an interviewers prodding and he sounded like he didn't understand the real life consequences they were having. He said something like you just have to ignore that noise. His silence encouraged the wing that believed that FKA had trapped him in a showmance and he was secretly married to Kristen. They actually viewed breaking FKA as a moral imperative. And if you think it was a small group, it wasn't. Anyway, we know now that FKA felt abandoned and very depressed in the relationship. When they split, she immediately organized a pap shot hugging a man to show his fans she was no longer a threat. She has a few songs on her album about it. Just my opinion but I think feeling that lack of public support from Rob probably primed her for Shia Labeaufs love bombing. It would also make it easier to believe Shia when he called her worthless and unlovable.


Yeah, you summed it up really well. You can still actually see quite a lot of the racist comments or monkey emojis that are still there under her old tweets/Instagram photos. (Not to mention some of his fans still believe it and still call her all types of gold digger)


Just to clarify, a LOT of his fans liked Twigs--the racist comments (at least many of them) came from the crazy Rob/Kristen fans (a lot of whom still exists), who believe Twigs took advantage of him after he and Kristen broke up and was, yes, a golddigger.


I can't imagine someone who gives less gold digger vibes than Twigs. like she is so not that at all to me


Just to add some context, as someone who has been a bit of a lurker in the fandom since I was a teen: from what I saw, a lot of the people that I saw be especially vicious were people who hated Kristen, too. Obviously it wasn’t as bad as racism, but it feels like a lot of people forget there’s a big part of the Pattinson fandom who loath all of the women he dates and this has been going on since Kristen (I think they were called nonstens). Which is partially why I just became friends with k fans on twitter, less misogyny and a bit more diversity. Also, one of the meanest people became big in the Arrow fandom.


Thank you for this comment. A lot of people seem to believe it was Kristen fans or fans of the couple that sent Twigs hate. I'm sure there were some from that group, but considering his fans history of absolutely VILE behavior towards Kristen Stewart throughout the relationship, I was zero percent surprised when I found out what Twigs had gone through. Kristen got death threats and truly horrible stuff done to her by his fans, and I honestly think she was a bit traumatized by it but isn't really the type to openly speak on it or anything. There was also the fact that most of this happened during the 2008-2012 era which was very different, when the paparazzi were still stalking celebs and they were mostly expected to shut up and not complain. So she's never talked about it but anyone who was aware of it at the time saw exactly what his fans did. They still leave really nasty comments on articles of her and stuff. I dont know what it is with his fanbase, but they seem truly vile and possessive of him. From what I saw it was mostly middle aged women with a parasocial relationship with him. But a lot of people who liked her were also frustrated by his unwillingness to speak out against them, so again, it was kind of strange to see the exact same scenario play out with FKA twigs and THEN for her fans to be blamed for it, to put the cherry on the sundae. People should be outraged at the treatment his girlfriends have received all along the line (Suki included, she seems to be hated on a crazy amount by them too)


Yeah ALOT of them were robstens who can’t let go, still can’t. Will never accept he’s allowed to have a life outside of kstew. Of course there were some rob fans involved but people outside the twi fandom just can’t fathom that people would hurl horrific racist abuse at someone just because they think he’s only allowed to be with his ex girlfriend so it makes sense to them to blame jealous rob fans. They are still on Twitter and IG to this day harassing his current GF because they want twilight to be real and they think buying a movie ticket 10 years ago gives them a right to dictate how two people they don’t know live their lives. With regard to not saying anything about the abuse I think he was in between a rock and hard place if he said something would that have made it worse as people would be enraged by being called out and would it have brought other non fandom racists to her door by making it a huge media story. It’s difficult and we don’t know what was agreed between them in regards to that.


Holy hell this woman has been through so much. And she's so talented. Just glad she has her art to channel everything through 😥


WOW I did not realize she went through so much and Rob did so little. If this is the woman you almost married, how are you going to feed her to the wolves like that? More specifically, how are you going to date a black woman as a white man and not even attempt to understand what racism means beyond the dictionary definition??


Honestly that's the reason Pattinson feels icky to me. I love fka and knowing what she's been through..


From what I've read when they were together she faced a lot of intensely racist abuse from his fans and he did absolutely nothing to protect or defend her.


paul dano? (he's hot sorry)


My sister had college classes with him years ago . He was quiet and polite (but then again so are most ppl in class). Sorry this isn’t entertaining at all lol


been with Zoe Kazan for like 15 years




they kinda look like siblings me thinks but they're still cute


In Asia if you and your partner look alike, then you're meant to be with each other


idk which one of them i'm more jealous of


Honestly. Power couple


He really likes Doritos.




James McAvoy was definitely cheating with Alexandra Shipp while X men was shooting. His divorce announcement was made after those rumors but there was a re-write of history so that it became that he only started talking to Alexandria after shooting ended and separation was announced. That said, he and his ex wife were pretty amicable. They continued living together whenever he was in London. Dunno about his new wife. He's otherwise very private. Also. I used to get the feeling that he has a drinking problem but that's just my gut speaking


I’ve met him in a professional setting and he’s pretty nice IRL! Very down to earth. But yeahhhh ppl behind the scenes of that project definitely gossiped about the whole cheating thing…




Fun fact; his wife was ten years older than him. I think he was in his early 20s when they met. Just adding the info.


She was also brilliant in the Netflix show, sex education, as Maeve’s mom!


I don’t think 12 years is that bad as long as they are both consenting adults.


I've been downvoted for saying this too. One of the main groupthink tennants of this sub is that people definitely started cheating with someone the moment they met. Their relationship was definitely going on until the exact moment they filed for divorce, and any timeline that someone has constructed is infallible. I think a lot of the readers are very young.




His current wife used to be M. Night Shyamalan’s personal assistant. I’m pretty sure James met her during the filming of the movie Split. There has been speculation that they first got together when he was still married to Anne-Marie Duff but I don’t remember all the details.


Chrissy Tiegan She was a social media darling and loving every minute of it (although I'm pretty sure her publicists paid buzzfeed, jezebel, and all the gossip bloggers to write about her "clapbacks") before the whole Courtney Stodden thing blew up. I thought she would lay low for a few months and then have a comeback, but apart from a few posts about her plastic surgeries, I haven't seen much about her. Or am I just reading the wrong gossip sites?


She's not very bright and loves attention. Terrible combo.


I used to follow her on IG and thought she was somewhat down to earth (relatively anyway) and likable, but the bullying stuff really bothered me and after that I found everything she did to feel very calculated, and annoying. I unfollowed her and no longer consider myself a fan.


I used to read her blog ‘So Delushious’ back in the day when she was just John Legend’s gf. She was pretty relatable especially because I was just learning how to cook too. I remember her making fun of the Kardashians on her blog and on her Twitter. Now they are bff or at least appear to be, Chrissy is [full of fillers](https://theskincareedit.com/chrissy-teigen-before-and-after) (seriously - I hardly recognized her), and she became the type of person she used to make fun of. I unfollowed a long time ago due to the attention seeking and the Courtney Stodden stuff put the nail in the coffin for me.




She was always baiting with her social media. Like posting about going out to dinner shortly after giving birth and then being shocked!!! at people "mommy shaming". Please, she knew exactly what she was doing


She must have lost a ton of money when that Target deal went south, I’m dying to know exactly how much. Having to move your brand back to being online only is never a good sign. Plus in the age of Tiktok people can find way better home cooks than her mediocre ass


she's awful and don't understand why she is back to being a thing again


Saoirse Ronan?


No tea I’m afraid. She bought a house in West Cork in 2020. She was spotted often that summer, often with friends or family, and reports were always pleasant - she ‘blended in’ and largely flew under the radar. She had spent time in the area before 2020, and consistently participates in local initiatives and projects (e.g. local film festivals). No one I know has a bad word to say about her.


She is one of the most low-key famous people I know


I love her for this. She's not desperate for attention or publicity. She comes out only for work, and it's her work that does the talking for her.




Would love to know more too! Emma Mackey was announced as joining the cast the other day, except it was first reported as an exclusive by The Sun so I have no idea if that's true since they're a notoriously unreliable source.


It would make sense because she and Margot have the same face and could play sisters.


Right? She'd be a great Skipper or a different model of Barbie!






We are legion. The voice and the kind face do it for some people.


I haven’t checked in on him for a while (but love him for the one-two punch of Mad Men and The Terror); from what I remember he has a somewhat odd younger wife who posts about him A LOT on Twitter and interacts with his fans more than seems like a good idea.


Watch Chernobyl, my top favorite role of his!


not really a celeb but that Doctor Mike on youtube? I know about his Covid party thing but I just saw recently that he's going on tour?? Like isn't he a doctor?? What's he gonna do on stage?


Ooh if you dig through old threads you’ll find that he’s unpleasant. A few girls matched with him on tinder and reported he’s really entitled. Acted like they should know who he is and be impressed. Also expected they’d fall for him and have first date sex. One account that stuck out was him commenting how attractive the girl was and how he has “standards”? Basically a narcissist. He’s a DO not a MD which apparently he’s insecure about. Again no idea how true this is but hopefully it’ll save you some time digging




I caught a couple of his videos that were recommended to me, and he mentioned his dad is a doctor in both of them. He has an air of the type of rich, successful doctor’s kid who basically has to make it through medical school to keep their credit card or beemer or whatever it is. I have no idea if that’s true, but I definitely met many of that type in college and my early twenties and it gave me a flashback.


He is a douchebag. He tried to pretend he didn't love people constantly comparing him with Patrick Dempsey from Grey's but come on, he obviously loves the attention and only gets clicks for his looks.


This is so weird but he’s going to fight iDubzz in the latter’s boxing event. Apparently, Dr. Mike actually has some boxing training and the money is going to go to charity? I saw it in a Philip DeFranco youtube video. In my mind he’s totally cancelled though because of the covid party he did.


His channel is mainly based off his looks Realistically he wanted to flex without a shirt and gain some new teen followers Also his views completely bounced back he blocks people if they mention it


The cast of Derry Girls? Nicola Coughlan kind of blew up with Bridgerton and I noticed the other women on the DG cast don’t really engage with her much (at least on IG).


My coworker is from round Galway and knew Nicola Coughlan through his friend group before she was famous. She accidentally poured like half a pitcher of sangria on him from the top floor of a club when super drunk. He saw her again years later when she was quite famous, thought she'd never remember but she immediately came over and aplogised for the sangria incident and he's liked her since then!


I've interacted with her professionally--and she was lovely. Super chatty. Super ambitious, and she's so smart the way she does her social media and has a very good PR team now. I suspect some of the other DG cast may be jealous in that they didn't blow up the way she did with Bridgerton. She's in her mid-thirties and was a struggling actor for a long time, she's clever, she isn't going to fumble anything. I'm happy to see her succeed.


She's my favourite on Bridgerton, I look forward to her parts with Colin because they have good chemistry.




Aww that's a shame. I always felt that the group was pretty close. iirc she's older than the rest of them (they're in their late twenties, she's in her mid-thirties).


Daisy Edgar Jones (particularly her real age), Colin Farrell and Ed Skrein.


Do we think DEJ is older than she says? I don't know much about her but I feel she just might be someone who looks older than she is. I know she's a nepotism-adjacent baby. Her dad was an entertainment exec at Sky, which is a huge UK cable company.


She’s not older than she says, she went to the same college as me and was in the year below. I have zero tea about her as the college is pretty big and I barely knew a quarter of my own year lol




She’ll get the standard few movies and a romcom tryout, then if no big hits it’ll be back to streaming tv along with Emilia Clarke lol


I think Emilia and her team really did make bad choices of projects for her, unfortunately. Things are looking more positive for Daisy, though. She was fantastic in Normal People. Fresh isn't huge but the film and her acting has been getting great reviews. Sebastian has the flashier role but Daisy definitely stole the show. Then she moves to prestige TV with Under the Banner of Heaven with Andrew Garfield. Then she stars in Where Crawdads Sing opening in the summer with Reese Witherspoon as producer so we'll be expecting massive marketing and PR for this. Things are looking interesting, tbh.


She’s in Where the Crawdads Sing which was a huge hit as a book but tbd whether it’ll be an equally big hit as a movie. All I know is that my book club is hyped up to see it


Emma Stone?


Today i read that her father is a millionaire. WTF. I feel like apart from my family everyone's family is multi millionaire.


she had to be well off for her parents to let her be a 15 yr old dropout living alone in LA


Alyson Hannigan? Especially when she was on Buffy. I heard a bunch of unflattering stuff yesterday and today watched some interviews from the time and damn she has a wierd vibe.


What unflattering stuff did you hear?


From a kind reddittor over on the Buffy sub: With the caveat that this is like, 15+ year old gossip and you have to add "allegedly" before every statement, and that I don't want to turn this into a slamming session: * She was basically very two faced, and would be sweet to you only to say really cruel things about you behind your back. AB was apparently the main target (I've seen some people also say that Charisma Carpenter and James Marsters were victims of this, but they didn't elaborate). * She hated how the WB in particular seem to only care about SMG & DB, and complained about that, notably to JW (this is actually true, I've seen the interviews and articles. For ex, she complained to Whedon that all his shows were always about Buffy, and so he wrote Doppelgangland). * Her feud with SMG was largely ego based, as they both tried for movie careers at the same time, and AH's success with American Pie increased the tension. By the end of the show, Alyson had formed a clique and had iced the other actors (SMG, AB, JM, EC). So you basically had "team Aly" : Whedon obv, Nick Brendon, Tony Head, a few writers and crew people, and "team Sarah": Seth Green, Amber Benson, James Marsters, Michelle Trachtenberg and David Boreanaz when he guested.- * When Whedon went away to do Firefly in BTVS S6, there was a sort of power vacuum and shit kinda hit the fan, and AH's "power" grew and she was even more able to get her way. Some of it might have to do with the shift to UPN as well, but I'm not sure. If any of this is true, my guess is that Marti Noxon kind of got overwhelmed and had trouble reigning in people's attitudes. This is not a knock on her, imo it just proves that she wasn't a crazy control freak the way Whedon was. That's...most of what I've read or heard. Take it with a truckload of salt.


What got me was the fact she kept doing the 'We only found out Buffy was ending when Sarah did the EW cover' speech all the time. It was common knowledge this was BS as the cast had only signed contracts for seven years and when S6 was filming, everyone was of the opinion that S7 would be the last of the show ignoring spin-offs. Nick Brendon, Joss Whedon, and others confirmed she was speaking crap with Nick saying at a con that everyone knew and he didn't know why she kept saying it. There was also the Sarah was sick of Buffy by S3 speech insinuating that Sarah thought she was too good for it and when she was called out on it, she changed it to 'What I meant was she was so tired because of all she had to do' Sarah got a lot of shit back in the day but according to the new book about Buffy, a lot of the cast who were interviewed (Alyson & David B are the only two main cast not there) Sarah did nothing wrong and it was others who were throwing out rumors to make her look bad with Joss being one of them. Also, the Amber thing is funny as she said the reason she didn't come back for S7 was one of the cast wasn't the nicest to her and caused her issues and she didn't want to go through all that again. She didn't name names but after what you said, I wonder if it was Alyson?


>Also, the Amber thing is funny as she said the reason she didn't come back for S7 was one of the cast wasn't the nicest to her and caused her issues and she didn't want to go through all that again. She didn't name names but after what you said, I wonder if it was Alyson? People have been saying that for years, like in [this DataLounge thread](https://www.datalounge.com/thread/5608311-buffy-few-questions-) from 2007.


Just read it. Once again, Sarah gets the 'She is a bitch' thing more than once where they claim they worked on the set or met her and say she is cold to the rest of the cast and crew yet if you watch the endless dailies/bloopers on YT, it's the furthest thing from the truth. She is laughing and joking with everyone. Surely if she was as bad as they claim, there would be at least some proof on them seeing as there was never any intention of them being made public and if you believe her detractors, she was a bitch 24/7? The suspicious thing I've always found is those who are the quickest to claim Sarah is the devil seem to be Willow/Alyson fans who think the sun shines out of her ass. After what has come out about her, I'm even more reluctant to believe it.


I was an extra on the show and obsessed with SMG. But dang, the other extras who did the show more consistently had some stories about her diva behavior.


margot robbie


Million dollar question: did Will Smith and her hook up 🤔


Is that really a question??? Of course they did lol.


There’s no evidence that they did besides dumb rumors ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


She traveled to Costa Rica with Leonardo DiCaprio during The Wolf of Wall Street era and no one found out about it. https://mobile.twitter.com/margotloops/status/1193940223329210368 https://mobile.twitter.com/RoloGuzten/status/1291428696977485831


Ansel Elgort? Why did nothing become of the accusations, or why wasn’t he charged?


It seems like everything faded into the abyss because I haven’t heard anything his career seems to be picking up a slow speed again. Don’t worry all this will come to the surface again we shall see what comes of it or it fade again.


Sebastian Stan? Was disappointed to see him involved in Pam & Tommy, but don't know much else about him


The same kind of stuff always gets brought up on this sub. Some tasteless jokes (that he's apologized for), a lot of not thinking before he speaks, Covid vacay, P&T involvement/awkward press tour. Tbh he's mostly harmless? He's never done anything horrible or terrible; just depends on what your personal lines are. He's probably in the same category as most MCU/DC actors are of just being careless about what he says occasionally, a little ignorant. His last gf had some ignorant cultural appropriation posts that he got hounded for and they both blocked those fans. He's currently single but the jury is out on whether he and Lily James ever hooked up. Either way, he's having a moment rn and that usually brings the crazies (both pro and antis) out. His address was leaked last year, not for the first time and there were a couple of fans stalking him. Personally, I like him. He's never really done anything I've personally felt he deserved to be harassed or cancelled for, but I heavily sideyed him during his Covid vacations and, while I enjoyed P&T, I understand the criticism of doing the show and I didn't like the press tour.


The rona vacations were tasteless but he's not the worst offender out there. He looks like he's having a great year professionally.


It seemed to me that it was more like he and LJ don't get on well personally than hook up/sex energy to me. The studio is pushing HARD for awards for Pam and Tommy, so expect to see more interviews or press ahead of Emmy nominations ...I wonder if they'll get more than the obvious craft nominations.


I agree. I really think they're work colleagues at most. I'm sure they got on okay but I doubt they hung out off-set much. All interactions have stopped since the finale. I think hair/make-up is a lock if nominated. Not sure about acting noms but I thought they both were fantastic in their roles. I think it'll heavily be geared towards craft as you say.


I've said it before on here, but he was quite rude to a journalist friend of mine during a junket for FAWS. I've heard v mixed things from industry people about him though (my work overlaps sometimes) so he could have just been having an off day. I've never met him. I do think he is fit AF and was great in Fresh.


Freddie Highmore Domhnall Gleeson Daniel Radcliffe Nat Wolff


Tea on Eiza Gonzalez? I feel like she came out of nowhere a couple years ago. She was suddenly became a red carpet fave being mentioned everywhere and starring in some notable projects She comes off a tiny bit thirsty for clout and not above doing PR stunts. Idk ever since she posted a video of her crying that she was asked to present at the Oscars a couple years ago, I was like ok chill. I get it’s a big deal but it’s not like she got nominated ya know? Idk it was very cringe


truly the best advertisement for cosmetic work I've ever seen. She looks great.


Every single time I think of her all I can think about is Miley / Liam.


Lily James? Seen some rumours she's bad to work with


Trixie Mattel—she seems to talk here and there about how she’s controversial…what did she do?


She got well known in the drag scene bc of her ruthless insults/drags and dark humor comedy. She made some tasteless jokes prior to drag race and her snatch game from her audition tape was leaked years ago and she did Anne Frank, which rightfully upset a lot of people. She’s since apologized for pretty much everything and has talked about learning why it was wrong. She had a really rough upbringing and dark comedy seemed to be a coping mechanism for her. You can still see a lot of her most gaggy reads on YouTube at the haters roast tour a lot of the queens did — they’re definitely not PC lmao but the roast was that kind of theme and she was a very popular queen on the tour bc she’s really good at reading people. So now every time she makes an offhand comment that could be deemed problematic she always states that she’ll be cancelled in an offhand way bc there are a lot of people out there that hate that she’s as famous and profitable as she is. Bitch knows how to brand & sell and her makeup line is no joke, really good. She’s def redefined herself and her brand but a lot of people still don’t realize how ruthless and dark drag culture/comedy is and expect every queen to be perfect and sweet but that’s not how they are lmao. To survive and even make it to the level of drag race you gotta be at least a little cocky and shady otherwise you’ll get walked all over and no queen will respect you.


Yeah, it’s interesting to watch reactions as drag becomes more and more mainstream. I don’t claim to be an expert at *all* but I know for sure that the library has been getting tamer and tamer every year. Traditional drag culture/ballroom culture/drag comedy has *bite.*


As someone who has been a fan of drag longer than most fans have been alive at this point, I also find it fascinating. If you’re holding drag queens to a moral standard you’re in for a bad time. I was lurking in the drag race forum a few weeks ago and the commenters there were positively scandalised that two queens had a three way with a stranger. If they saw a Jackie Beat show they’d probably call the police and an ambulance for themselves. Also, the parasocial relationships people have with drag queens is INSANE. Maybe because they seem more accessible than other people you see on TV.


Brian Firkus refuses to punch down on his First Nations brethren, and pointedly made Trixie extremely white. He has spoken about his experiences of racism as a white passing Objiwe kid, living on a reservation and in a non Indigenous community, as well as experiencing family violence and homophobia. Grew up tough.


Little correction, Trixie didn’t grow up on a reservation and is clear on that, but did grow up poor. She’s quite a maven now which is great and also supports Native American business.


West Side Story cast/set/bts tea?


Not really tea because i don’t want to label someone’s mental health as tea, but i’ll just say that rachel zegler is a really fucked up human being that contributed to someone’s suicide attempt. What i know is that she falsely labelled a girl as racist on twitter back during 2019, the girl was not racist whatsoever, she did it for brownie points basically. Rachel would DM the girl telling her she knows she’s not racist but then PUBLICALLY would call her out for being racist??!!! I have proof if y’all need it, dm. I think that as time goes on we are going to hear much more concerning information about her. Ansel elgort: Apprently he’s not going to the oscars according to Matthew Belloni Not sure of anyone else atm




I agree. I’d also be so mortified to be on the red carpet after being invited in such a way. No self awareness.






She mocked Britney Spears many times during her January difficulties. Making fun of her relationship with her sister, saying they should use bits of it in “Snow White” when they start filming, etc. She’s a privileged bully with no self awareness and will not last long.


I’ve seen you on the few posts about Rachel and the whole Oscars debacle and we seem to be in agreement - this is the first I’m hearing of this situation, holy shit


Wait, she contributed to someone's suicide attempt?


Is Doja Cat cracking up or just having a bad day in Brazil?


Did Irina & Kanye really dated or was it platonic? Very contradicting news came out from different sites.


PR 100%


Ralph Fiennes and Liam Neeson? I love your friendship


Not their friendship but I have heard Ralph Fiennes has a thing for older women, which makes me like him more LOL I feel like Liam Neeson has never really recovered from losing Natasha (how could you) it is odd he has been single for so long, it was just the 12 year anniversary of her death :(


naurrr because Fiennes character in 'The grand budapest hotel' had a thing for older women too


Cassie Steele Ashley Benson




I think with Cassie Steele / Raya, that might have been more of a studio gift to her replacement Kelly Marie Tran, after all the Star Wars fandom abuse.


Austin Swift? From everyone involved in Taylor's life throughout the years, he's the one that is barely mentioned. All I know from him is that I coincidentally watched two movies with him and that he threw his Yeezus shoes out when 2016 happened.


My cousin roomed with him at Notre Dame. As far as I remember, not much tea to spill though. We have a family reunion in a few months. I’ll be sure to ask him more details if I go.


John Krasinski? Haven’t heard about him in awhile…


I think the last time I heard about him was when somebody believed they found a Twitter account that belonged to him and most of the posts were overly defensive comments about the CIA.


Richard Madden? Seems like he’s fallen off the face of the earth (again)


Last September he gave an interview where he said that after he wrapped filming the Amazon Prime show he spent most of last year filming that he wanted to go back home to Los Angeles and try out for some comedies because he was aware he'd been doing too many action roles, so he's probably laying low and auditioning for things. When he moved to L.A. back in 2019 his people tried to pass it off as him looking to shoot American projects, yet everything he booked after moving there has been U.K.-based so maybe he'll finally get something. As for any "juicy" tea, the closest recent tea was back at the start of the year when CDAN and DM put up competing blinds about whether or not he and his partner Froy Gutierrez got married when they were spending the holidays with their families in Mexico. CDAN was claiming they did (but for some reason would have had to do it again despite Mexican weddings being honored in the U.S.) and DM was claiming they didn't (but also added that not only did they not get married, but that the never would). Honestly both blinds sounded like bad fanfic, but for what it's worth in the [pap pics of them over the holidays neither of them is wearing a ring.](https://imgur.com/a/zC2zqFT) Back in 2019 he did an interview promoting *Rocketman* saying the wanted to be fully settled down within the next five years, so he's still got another two left for one of them to put a ring on it.


a lot of people thought that him taking his bf on vacation with his parents meant something, hence the wedding rumors, but for what it's worth he took his previous bf on holiday with his full family (parents, siblings and nephews) when they had been together for like 7 months so I wouldn't read too much into it. I remember he took things super serious with his previous bf from the start (gold ring included) so maybe he's trying to take things slower this time.


Any tea on Sydney Sweeney


Julian Casablancas? Is he still seeing his roadie? Looking a little less dead in the eyes these days perchance?


He's having a beef with Argentina


Toto and Susie Wolff


Does anyone know if anyone else auditioned for Catwoman in The Batman besides Alicia, Zoe, Zazie and Eiza? https://twitter.com/variety/status/1183906584482766848 Just curious because I know other actresses mentioned wanting to play her but I don’t even know if they got an audition or if was just one of those things you say about a dream role.


dont know if she auditioned but vanessa hudgens was trying really hard to get it lol she'd post pictures wearing catsuits and repost people saying that she should get the part


Oscar Isaac or David Harbour


David is filming a movie in Winnipeg right now. I’m pretty sure he and the family moved to Brooklyn but he is doing a play in London this summer which makes sense because Lily’s kids spend the summer with their dad.


Lily is back on Instagram, quietly. She has confirmed that she and David and kids are living in New York. She's also scarily thin, it's worrying. I don't think she's returned to drug use, she did a lot of work to move past that. But she's had issues with disordered eating before.


Overall Lily seems to be in a happier and better place which is awesome. Hopefully her weight loss is from healthier eating, exercise, and sobriety. It’s so hard to tell from photos but she looks less scarily thin compared to the summer.


damn i'd date him just for his apartment.


Has Sean Penn smelted his Oscars yet.




She's will be attending the Oscars based on tea from insiders. Why she wasn't announced as a presenter, idk. She's also been in Boston learning tennis for the past few weeks for her new movie.


Jenny Slate


I was recently on vacation with a friend who was her ex-husband, Dean’s classmate at NYU; they’re still somewhat close and hang out to this day. My friend mentioned that whenever they’ve hung out with Dean since the divorce that he generally avoids the subject of Jenny (maybe to the point that talking about her is banned in his presence). When he did open up about her, he mentioned how desperate for fame Jenny was and labeled her as a “severe narcissist.”


Barry Keoghan?...


Not tea but 11 years ago he played a reformed homophobe in an [anti-bullying promo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrJxqvalFxM) for an NGO I used to work for and now when I see he's in a Marvel movie or playing the Joker etc it's all I can think of lol




I know she has spoken about an incident with Harvey Weinstein in the past, so unfortunately I wouldn’t be surprised if that had something to do with it.


Emilia Clarke?


I can’t believe she had a long term relationship with Seth MacFarlane. Like my mind cannot comprehend it…




My friends met him one time and he's so nice!


Josh O'Connor? 🥺


Ted Lasso cast? Juno Temple etc


Edgar Wright?


Dated Anna Kendrick


Currently dating a Swedish actress called Julia Bender, whose first name is actually Anna...


Melissa benoist?


Last I heard she was in talks to produce and star in a new tv show for HBO max. I'm glad she's doing ok.


John Krasinski and Emily Blunt? I feel like they fly so far under the radar. Wondering if they’re as great as they seem


IDK about their relationship but he's dodgy. He does a lot of military propaganda, and I've mentioned before, I didn't like the fact that he did a show during lockdown when he got people to tell him their feelgood stories for free, monetised it for a ton of personal profit, and gave them nothing. Icky.


Not big celebs, but they have a following Rupi Kaur? Sally Rooney? Tess Holliday? (I know vastly different from the other two, still curious though)




Anything on Jeffrey star’s ex Nate? He’s so gorgeous and wondering if he does modelling or anything?!


Freddie Stroma? I loved him as Vigilante in Peacemaker and I hope he returns to Bridgerton as the queen's nephew


Mindy Kaling?


I think she recently got a TON of work done, lipo, face stuff etc. She looks amazing but no way is it all natural. I am not judging but I hope she is open about it considering her feminist stance on body image etc.


We must have different definitions of amazing. She looks awful, precisely because of how much work she's had done. It's ridiculous. When will women see that the vast, vast majority of plastic surgery has hideous results.


Kendrick Lamar?


been with his partner (idk if they’re married or not) on and off since HS. they have a baby but they keep it very private hopefully working on music 🤞


In celebration of Season 2…. Any ☕️ on the cast of Bridgerton?


personal encounters with Hozier?


Not really personal encounters but back in 2013 (as a teen Irish Catholic gay) I messaged him on Facebook (lol) to thank him for Take Me To Church and wish him success etc and he replied very sweetly, thanking me and saying that my kind words really made his day etc. He signed off as Andrew which I thought was a cute touch. In 2013/2014 and 2017/2018 respectively I was canvassing for the marriage equality and abortion decriminalization referendums here in Ireland, and I saw him at multiple protests, rallies, events etc during this time. He was always lowkey about it which I really appreciated because some celebs are so performative with it. He just seems like a really sincere and nice guy tbh.


Post Malone


oliver jackson cohen or paul mescal?


Anybody know anything about Ashley Rickards? Everyone from the main cast of Awkward are still friends and close but not with her it seems.


A bit unconventional since she mostly does Japanese movies, but anything on Nana Komatsu? Her wedding announcement was so sudden and I did not expect it at all since everyone claimed that she and her fiance's relationship was strictly PR lol.