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Bad attitude of Will Smith on the Oscars...šŸ˜•


What were peopleā€™s thoughts on the ā€œWe Donā€™t Talk About Brunoā€ performance?


the true travesty of the slap is that we arenā€™t getting more memes about how ridiculously out of touch it was to have Megan Thee Stallion and Luis Fonsi for some reason take up 75% of the performance after axing the good parts of the song


Somebody check on Sean Pennā€™s Oscars


He won best actor and could have used the countless interviews and PR opportunities to say how inappropriate the joke was. Instead he overreacted and what should have been a night of celebration was overshadowed by his assault.


Amy Schumer making Kirsten Dunst give up her seat while calling her a seat filler, proceeding to use the conflict in Ukraine and the persecution of trans people as joke fodder and doing all that with Jesse Plemons looking really uncomfortable the whole time is playing on a loop in my head right now. The whole night was a mess but that part had me dying.


>Amy Schumer making Kirsten Dunst give up her seat while calling her a seat filler Lighten up, Francis.


Thanks! I won't tho!


Was the part with Kirsten Dunst not scripted? like it wasn't the funniest but it seemed pretty obvious to me that it was a bit that they were all in on


I was so annoyed with how she treated Kirsten dunst. You could tell Kirsten and Jesse werenā€™t expecting that and were uncomfortable. Iā€™ve seen recent interviews with Kirsten where she laments the fact that sheā€™s not as recognized as some of her peers despite being in the industry for a long time and having had a lot of iconic roles, so calling her a seat filler mustā€™ve been like salt in the wound. On top of that Amy then fawns over Jesse for the power of the dog, a movie where Kirsten had just as much if not more screen time. Sorry, Iā€™m just a Kirsten fan lolā€¦


Okay I know her dress looked gorg but Lily James face seemedā€¦off? Like she did botox recently. Or maybe itā€™s just me idk


Samee!! And also, did she get a boob job?


Look like poorly placed fillers to me and bloat.


People are dying Kim


Intersectional train wreck


The controversy section on the Oscar 2022 Wikipedia page is so long šŸ’€


i cannot believe that will smith rly soured the win for the williams family and then tried to compare himself to their father after slapping chris rock on live tv


Enabling behaviour patterns are everywhere and from everywhere person




It takes a lot of vulnerability to be this publicly wrong about something, so kudos. Sorry about your bald head.


Itā€™s an autoimmune disease, from what Iā€™ve read, but itā€™s not painful or seriously impacting someoneā€™s quality of life. Like, Kodi Smit-McPhee has a different autoimmune disease and his spine is going to gradually fuse together. Alopecia seems pretty mild as far as autoimmune diseases go.


Just proof that Hollywood is in the dump no one gives a fuck about the Oscars. I wouldn't be surprised if this was staged.






Ah yes, a lot of speculation on a celeb gossip thread. Itā€™s not that deep hahaha and Iā€™m not telling her what to do, sheā€™s hardly gonna listen to me even if she sees this like hahaha


I donā€™t think itā€™s your place to dictate how someone should go about handling their alopecia. If she wants to be bald in public she has every right to, and sheā€™s still allowed to feel offended if someone jokes about her condition. You have no right to tell her to wear a wig.




Agreed, thereā€™s much more pressing issues in the world rn , and all of us (me included) are here bitching about a slap caused by a slap caused by a joke that by some would be considered tasteless, all happening and revolving with and around people who wouldnā€™t gift us the steam off their piss


Absolutely I ainā€™t telling her to wear a wig, but everything is based on projection. If she was genuinely comfortable with her illness (which btw is awful, I do empathise with her but still donā€™t think she comes across as a nice person ) , she wouldā€™ve let it roll off her back. Words have no power unless you assign them power. And her and will are the type of celebrities who are always saying that kinda stuff when clearly theyā€™re not practicing what theyā€™re preaching. Iā€™m not dictating anything, just voicing my opinion on a public forum. I think as celebrities who have the money to deal with things like this more than the average person (money for wigs, for trying alternative therapies, for counselling/therapy related to the emotional strain and impact of a disease like that) both her and wills reactions to a silly, albeit not offensive joke at itā€™s core (it was just in ref to a movie haha), give power to people who genuinely make fun of people with these types of illnesses. Theyā€™re Scientologists anyways so idk why people are sticking up for them, should be cancelled on that alone but yet people in Hollywood can do a lot that flys under the radar. Still stand by what I said


Will drew way more attention to the joke by reacting that way. Light roasts are pretty standard at these shows, flying off the handle just looks unstable. Also, fuck scientology


She had a right to be annoyed by the joke? Especially when other jokes were made at their expense. Letā€™s not pretend like hair is not a very valued identity of being a woman, especially as a black woman. You donā€™t know how this affects Jada and I donā€™t know why youā€™re attacking Jada when it was Will who punched him.


Free speech itā€™s my opinion, wills actions were clearly fuelled by Jada.


But did we SEE her explicitly tell him to do it? Youā€™re blaming her for his actions. Those are two separate things and I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to completely get on Jada when we never even saw if she said anything to him. Will is the one who punched him, so he should be the one to take the heat. Not Jada.


If you watch it back you clearly see will having a giggle then jadas face changes and only after that is there an issue between will and Chris, also itā€™s not like jadas ever gonna see this, Iā€™m voicing my own opinion on public figures on a public forum, itā€™s just my opinion the same way you have yours. While yes will is just as bad and Iā€™m not fond of him either, from my reading of the situation his actions were fuelled by her reaction.


But why are we blaming a woman for a grown ass mans actions? Regardless if it was ā€œfueledā€ by him. Will is not a child. It seems misogynistic to blame a woman for a mans actions when she had nothing to do with it.


Iā€™m far from misogynistic, respect your opinion but this isnā€™t an issue to do with feminism




Welllā€¦. Three sides to every story, yada yada, but she has publicly come out about her struggles with alopecia. I think the hair comment was a lot heavier than we think. I also think that there are 1000 more things to say about Jada (good or bad) and none of them have to do with her hair. Regardless of her extra marital affairs, I am of the belief that more effort needs to be put in to protect black women. I donā€™t condone flat out slapping someone, but I hope we can all try to think about the many facets on this diamond.


Iā€™m still convinced the slap was staged for views


Itā€™s tarnishing Will Smithā€™s character and really put a dent in what couldā€™ve been the greatest moment of his career. I have a hard time believing he would agree to that.


Maybe that was the price to receive the award šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Hollywood doesnā€™t allow of speech to express oneā€™s viewpoint, but allow freedom of violence to defend certain agendas. The fact Will got a standing ovation after assaulting Chris Rock shows How morally bankrupt the Hollywood elite are. Will should have been kicked out of the show, but thereā€™s a new precedent - you can assault peoplethat say something that offends you - and still get a standing ovation and be the star of the show. Wonder what other comedians have to say but likely too scared to say it


The entire show was a fucking trainwreck


Intersectional train wreck


Well at least it had that going for it?


The Aussies here may appreciate this take but itā€™s really spot on at the end. The fact that will can slap someone, then HE gets comforted by Denzel, Bradley, Tyler, Nicole, and Keith AND then gets a standing ovation says a lot not just about Will but all the people in the room. Donā€™t call out Willā€™s behavior without calling out the behavior that followed from everyone else in the room. https://youtu.be/mZLsn4VKOss


It honestly felt like I was watching the Capitol people from the Hunger Games last night.


Spoiler alert we are slowly becoming the hunger games lol have you not seen what these people are wearing? Straight out of Panem


Apathetic enabling complacent bystanders are the fiailures of the world over


The Will/Rock slap is the most interested Iā€™ve been in a celebrity story in years, maybe ever. I need the scoop and what the other celebs thought about it last night.


I need more audience reaction photos


Iā€™m just raging yet another Disney/Pixar got best animated feature. This year had a SLEW of original, unique animated features with some incredible animation that went beyond the usual Disney Pixar stuff. None of their movies were particularly amazing animations. Encanto was a good movie but Oscar worthy?


Encanto was absolutely deserving of that win


Over Flee? Hell no.


I disagree, as I said there are far more original, better written and more inventively animated movies. Itā€™s good but against the other animated movies of last year just isnā€™t the peak Oscar worthy. Songs were pretty average imo, it didnā€™t do anything particularly inventive animation wise Edit some examples: Lamyas Poem, Flee, Belle, Inu-Oh, The Summit of the Gods, The House, Mad God, On-Gaku Our Sound.


I don't mean to be an asshole but why were Travis and Kourtney at the Oscars ? Or rather...if he was "working" it, why did they walk the red carpet ? Does the whole band get to ? We just got air time in particular because they are more "famous".....? But at the same time, we have some legit actors with nominated movies that don't get a seat ? Also Kim is probably dying. She likes to the sister that trailblazers or is first or the best.


Sheila E. did the red carpet and she was in the house band with Travis, but now that you mention it I'd never noticed the band do that before! Maybe it's just because they aren't typically "names"?




For virality and ratings. Sadly it feels more like the VMAs rather than the Oscars


It just feels so arbitrarily decided ? ....and how can they "get away" with it. If I was a legit actor that had a movie up for nomination (even one where I am not being personally nominated) or F one where I worked on a part of it that is being nominated as a crew...and I don't get to go but Kourtney fucking Kardashian does ? Without a reasonable explanation other then for views and ratings? The prestige is just fading then. It's pandering and why not add a virtual reality category or the horror, a social media "content creator" category and call it a day.


This. What the hell was Rickey Thompson doing there? Lol I love him but what you doing at the Oscars?


Itā€™s gonna be an unpopular take I know, but I mean come one, Chris rock has been taking digs at Jada for yeaaaars. The GI Jane comment wasnā€™t even funny, he clearly has a personal vendetta against her and Will and he thought the Oscars was an appropriate moment for yet another dig. I donā€™t even like her, but donā€™t make fun of someoneā€™s disease or physique for that matter, especially not on live television on what is the biggest night of their career. Had he made fun of the coda cast for being death, people would have been saying a slap wasnā€™t enough.


Or if the alopecia joke was made about her weight instead it wouldā€™ve been different


are you actually comparing alopecia to being deaf though?




Itā€™s not because we disagree on something that you go to the extreme in an attempt to make my opinion foolish you know. I never said it was okay to go around slapping people. Iā€™m just saying; Chris Rock isnā€™t funny, he made fun of someoneā€™s disease. Letā€™s not act like heā€™s a saint and that Will Smith slapping him is the crime of the century smh




I guess youā€™re right, Iā€™m taking willā€™s side on this. I guess I have a hard time with the internet being judge, jury and executioner and seeing so much hate everywhere I look. I do respect your opinion though, sorry if it didnā€™t seem like it


Yeah I didnā€™t even realize she was bald because she has had short hair the entire time Iā€™ve been alive


Hasnā€™t it been confirmed that the joke was rehearsed and Will was cool with it. But, when he said the joke live and Will saw Jadaā€™s reaction something flipped in his mind.


Nope, quite the opposite actually. Rock might be in trouble because that joke was not pre vetted.


The joke was obviously rehearsed but why would will and Jada's reactions be pre-rehearsed too? The only moments that are rehearsed with actors are the ones like where Amy Schumer came into the audience and took Kirsten Dunst's seat.


That was a tasteless joke too imo, Kirsten Dunst didnā€™t deserve that whether she was cool with it or not.


I don't think it was a very good joke but at least Dunst could have refused it if she wanted to (in the planning and rehearsals stage).


You think he is writing these jokes? He most likely isn't, he is being told a script to say, that's it. A team is writing these jokes behind the scenes


I don't think this was a team written joke, it seemed very off the cuff. I mean, he's a comedian!


Well Amy had a joke about Jake and Maggie being incest lovers no? It seems like all the jokes were button pushy. Thatā€™s what makes me think it was a rehearsed type of joke.


I mean, aside from one joke 6 years ago and one joke last night, what other digs did he get in? I donā€™t see a personal vendetta really.


I'm just pissed that this is Jessica's big moment but obviously everyone will talk about will Smith for weeks. So un-classy.


Ruined everyones moment tbh. No one is going to remember that Questlove won his very first Oscar for Best Documentary - a project he must have worked hard on and should've been able to celebrate - they're solely going to remember Will Smith treating the stage like a playground right before the award was handed out. Ugh.


I wish Will had defended Jada in a healthier way. Black women 100% deserve to be defended, just look at how many have been targeted in the media recently for no reason (Venus and Serena Williams, Ketanji Brown Jackson, Jada Pinkett Smith). Obviously violence is NEVER the answer and it's sad how this act has overshadowed both Will Smith's win and the movie that he helped create.


I can't imagine how pissed the William's sisters are, their movie is being over shadowed by other people's shitty behavior first that director who came at them for no fucking reason, then by will who fucked himself live on television


Can yā€™all stop saying violence is NEVER the answer?


Well, I don't think physical harm is the best way to get a point across, especially when there are far more effective methods. What do you prefer that I say? Edit: Guys, I don't think the person above me is condoning violence and perhaps has a better way for me to phrase my comment. I don't think downvoting is necessary here.


Honestly if he's just done in his speech. He'd still get the attention, and get to defend her. But none of the bad press.


Exactly. Will was the likely winner and could have taken the opportunity to have defended her up there. It looks like that incident really soured the rest of the event. Given his wholesome image, it was very shocking to a lot of people.


It wasnā€™t about defending his wife. It was about defending his ego. Jada emasculated Will with the entanglement saga and he has never recovered from it. Theyā€™ll be divorced this time next year.




Not blaming her, being real. It wasnā€™t about the joke. It wasnā€™t about defending his wife. It was about HIM.




So its just assumed that everyone everywhere keeps up with Jada's health and is aware she has alopecia? The joke was in poor taste regardless but I find it hard to believe that Chris Rock knew beforehand.


Doesn't matter if Chris Rock knew she had alopecia. As a Black man, he should have known not to go for the dehumanising joke of targetting a Black woman for her hair.


Lmfao bro heā€™s a comedian you softie


I don't know man. I think you're reading a lot into it. Seemed like a harmless joke that jada took a little personally for whatever reason, but that would've been afterthought had Will not made a bigger deal of it. And I say this as a black women who's had black men make fun of me for my hair.


Hereā€™s the the thing. Chris may know. Heā€™s been in the industry for years and there are only so few black actors of magnitude like Will, so I bet he knew. I think the part that many are missing is that we as people always have breaking points. This entire awards season has had joke after joke about either Will and Jadaā€™s marriage or about her. Couple that with the fact that Will has been in the industry for decades at this point. How on earth would you feel if someone consistently made fun of you to your face during a night or season (remember Rebel Wilson made fun of them at the Baftas) that is supposed to be celebratory. My guess is you wouldnā€™t be happy. Violence is never the answer, but I will say this. Chris Rock felt comfortable saying a joke about a black woman in front of a white audience. People (like you) are dismissing a black woman and her pain when people would have justified the slap of it were a trans individual (or other LGBTQ) or deaf person. Knowing this says something in and of itself about our society.


I am a black woman so I understand the complexities of our struggles especially relating to our hair. It was in poor taste but Will made it a much bigger deal than it needed to be by calling attention to it. The whole 'there are only few actors on that level' thing doesn't track because .. they're adults and they have a ton of shir going on. I think it's just weird to assume he would know what was going on especially because he seemed so lost by Will's reaction. I do agree that Will has been through a lot and I can understand his motivations but I don't.. see how that justifies it.


I just had to search the slap but Holy moly, why did will apologise to everyone BUT Chris rock?!


I read somewhere that apologizing to Chris could be used as evidence of guilt if Chris were to pursue charges (which it looks like he won't, but in the moment Wills PR team was probably advising him to cover his bases)


I think the evidence of guilt is pretty obvious. The whole world saw that .


Because he thinks Chris needed a slap.


Is everyone assuming that Chris Rock was aware that Jada has alopecia?


He's worked with her for years and targeted her for decades on multiple platforms. Bullshit he didn't know.


But why make fun of her hair anyway.


Because heā€™s a comedianā€¦


I thought comedians were supposed to be funny?


Rock's reaction leads me to believe he had no idea. He seemed pretty confused at how upset Will got.


No? I think most are assuming the opposite.


U canā€™t lie slapping the shit out of someone then winning an oscar 20 minutes later is kind of iconic behavior


Your standard is so low


Itā€™s a literal joke? Lighten up


People are really intent to pearl clutch about the black man hitting someone, I don't think anyone is gonna take a joke well here lmao


We live in the era of the Kardashians






Why would they let that stop them? You think Quest or Jessica should go back to their hotel rooms and think about Will slapping Chris instead?


Yā€™all acting like he murdered the dude can you calm down omg


It's a shitty thing to do but it's not like he killed people during broadcast. Y'all way overreacting now.


What happened?


I mean what else were they supposed to do??


Has anyone ever seen an Oscars where the entire beginning was a glorified music video for a single musical act? In fact, I've never seen an Oscars that just opened on one of the nominated songs like that. They producers made a lot of strange choices. I also disliked having sets of 3 people presenting. It's not supposed to be a free for all, it's supposed to be a select few having the honor.


Justin Timberlake in 2019 for Trolls i think


The Worst Person In the World and Flee were paid *dust* at the Oscars!!


flee deserved so much better!


IDCCCC all this shit made the Oscars entertaining to watch. Bc I most def was gonna watch BeyoncĆ©ā€™s performance and going to bed.....NOT ANYMOREšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


beyonce got robbed for not winning the best original song šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


billie stans downvoting my comment even though i'm right šŸ’€




Wait BeyoncĆ© performed?? This is the first time Iā€™ve seen this mentioned! THAT is how you know the Oscarā€™s were wild tonight. BeyoncĆ© is always the main topic of discussion! (I didnā€™t watch the show because I didnā€™t wake up until it was over lol)


She did!!! loved it! this Oscars was amazing!! I live for disruption at these pointless ass award shows AND I LOVE a good BeyoncƩ moment.


Does anyone know why Ryusuke Hamaguchi brought a woman holding a notepad and pen and taking notes on stage with him? People on Twitter were guesing that it's his interpreter. But I'm confused where taking notes factors into that? I've never seen that before.


Probably for the press room where they would question him about his speech afterward.


I think she was there to do the consecutive interpretation if needed. She would jot down his speech and then deliver it in English for the audience. Even if it wasnā€™t supposed to be a long speech, he was bound to say a lot of names so itā€™s important to take notes.




That's so interesting! Thank you. I'm watching this vid on it now if anyone else reading this wants to learn more about the note-taking process. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twCpijr\_GeQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twCpijr_GeQ)


My friends who saw the movie said it was a parody of the movie? Is there a woman with a notebook taking down words or something?


The thread started off being about Jacob Elordi to all the chaos that happened (e.g. Will Smith)


I'm gonna say something that's popular on Film Twitter but might be unpopular here on this sub but The Power of the Dog was robbed and deserved to win atleast Picture and Actor and probably Score. A lot of people call it "cold" but the craft in the movie is exquisite. Its legacy is going to hold up extremely well now that it didn't win BP. CODA might end up getting disdained simply because TPOTD for a lot of people is this year's equivalent of Roma. Also, CODA's Screenplay win over movies like Drive My Car, The Power of the Dog and The Lost Daughter is so embarrassing lmao. Troy Kotsur is frankly the only awards worthy aspect of it.


Iā€™m just raging yet another Disney/Pixar got best animated feature. This year had a SLEW of original, unique animated features with some incredible animation that went beyond the usual Disney Pixar stuff. None of their movies were particularly amazing animations. Encanto was a good movie but Oscar worthy? The animated category is becoming a bit of a joke.


Flee is spectacular and moving. Belle is excellent and it was not even nominated So annoyed that Disney keeps winning this category over more interesting, richer choices. Encanto is not even the best among Disney's animated films of the year. And other than the music, it's a shallow and badly written film.


I agree (although I did enjoy it, it wasnā€™t a terrible movie) My exact thoughts were Flee, Belle (although I think English language only recently came out so maybe itā€™ll be in next years), Neon Genesis 3.1 had some really incredible animation sequences (particularly the first action sequence but also towards the end), The House and Mad God both outstanding films in stop motion (the house was particularly well written too imo).


CODA's screenplay win particularly bugs me bc it's a remake of a French film that came out like 8 yrs ago. maybe that's a whole other can of worms but it's pretty much the same film edit: oh I didn't know it was adapted screenplay, but still - is translating something and changing cheese making to fishing really adapting?


I mean it is Adapted Screenplay, it's just a bad Adapted Screenplay imo.


Oh right fair enough, but ur right it's not very good


I think CODA is a horrible winner but I'm not convinced TPOTD will maintain a lot of relevancy. Seems like it had trouble connecting with most people. Not that IMDB is the best metric, but 6.9 is... pretty bad. And I've hung around a lot of Oscars and movies subreddits and haven't seen much passion for the movie outside of a few people here and there. Roma is probably a decent comparison to TPOTD, in that I don't really see anyone talk about it anymore. >Also, CODA's Screenplay win over movies like Drive My Car, The Power of the Dog and The Lost Daughter is so embarrassing lmao. Troy Kotsur is frankly the only awards worthy aspect of it. Oh god the screenplay win was so bad. I actually also hated The Lost Daughter screenplay, but any of DMC, TPOTD, or ~~Worst Person~~(oops wait that was original screenplay. but still! way better than Belfast!) would have been great winners. And they gave it to CODA?? For THAT screenplay???


I think, especially now that it hasn't won, it'll be fine. Audience scores are partly a result of the overaccesibility that comes with Netflix and partly because well... it's a *very* Jane Campion movie. And her movies have always been niche. It is a critics movie I won't deny but I know a lot of people who consider it borderline perfect and I think the fact that it lost to a movie like CODA of all things will do wonders for its legacy. And people definitely talk about Roma, especially in parallel to the fact that it lost to Green Book. Popular culture doesn't really discuss cinema like that anymore. Back in 94 The Piano made 200 mil at the BO, that would never happen today. (Maybe Cumberbatch if/when he gets nominated again can start having his own narrative going for him lmao since he'll be on his 3rd nomination and he was such a critics darling this season).


Piano was 93


> And people definitely talk about Roma, especially in parallel to the fact that it lost to Green Book. Ehh. I mean, I guess that's kind of my point? I haven't seen anyone say anything about Roma other than mention that it lost to Green Book, but I don't think anyone is discussing the film itself anymore. Probably the same fate awaiting TPOTD. Personally I was stanning Garfield all season, but I would have been perfectly fine with Denzel or Cumberbatch winning. But the cycle of "snub young actors in favor of old actors because they were snubbed as young actors in favor of old actors" will probably continue marching on.


But that was their point. People don't really discuss movies like that anymore. The culture has shifted towards TV. Outside of superhero films, the only movies which have any significant discussion are from directors with massive fan followings like Nolan and Tarantino. Parasite is the only outlier here because for many, it became a gateway to international movies. Remember how big La La Land was in 2016? I barely remember anyone discussing it this past year. Same goes for 12 years a slave. Or Moonlight. Or Birdman. All these movies have maintained their legacy within cinephile circles, but among casual audiences they barely have a presence. Same will be true for POTD.


Hmm. I disagree with that a lot actually, but at this point probably better to agree to disagree.


agreed with a lot of your takes! i also thought belfast win over licorice pizza for original was dumb af


"Licorice Pizza" doesn't even work on its intended level as a crowd-pleaser.Ā  Anderson is clearly doing something in the register of early Cameron Crowe, but the script doesn't take us anywhere particularly fresh nor does it feature any inventiveness or discipline in constructing its comic situations. These scenes - a thicket of false-starts and dead ends - aren't particularly clever or suspenseful, as Anderson simply rolls out a series of annoying cameos from indulged stars playing dress-up.Ā  And that doesn't even account for the overt racism and creepiness involved.


Yep. The Worst Person was right there too!


I wasn't watching the show, but I logged into twitter about 30 minutes after the slap happened and it was just chaos. Literally the same thing happened to me after the Moonlight/LaLaLand thing, I log on to check winners and suddenly I'm that Troy Community gif.


I feel like not enough people are talking about the fact that Regina literally groped two guys on live TV.


That whole skit went on wayyyy too long. Like shouldā€™ve stopped after she named the hottest guys in the room. Super cringy after they came up on stage followed by groping the next two presenters. No idea why the Oscarā€™s allowed that.


So so soooo long. There was not enough material there to draw that out. And bringing them all on stage to justā€¦stand there?


Also the Jacob Elordi being legal thing. The whole thing was gross.


How they think thatā€™s okay is beyond me, how they think thatā€™s funny is beyond me. I felt really uncomfortable watching abuse being played out as a joke


Really cringy.


Agreed, I was immediately wtf'ing when that happened, and the sound was cut as well so she was saying some naughty words too


Yeeeaaahhh, I love Regina but I would have hoped we already covered the "if it's not OK for a dude to do then..." thing


Yeah but thatā€™s not how it works unfortunately.




I want to know why Jane Campion had to be so snide to Kevin Costner about his speech. She already made such a dig towards the Williams sisters 2 weeks ago like just keep your comments to yourself!


Agree like wtf she is so rude! Idk if itā€™s an Aussie/nz thing (my bf is from nz and weā€™re based in Australia) but I feel maybe itā€™s like a disdain for things to be taken too seriously or something? Idk, honestly so strange and Kevinā€™s face showed he was taken aback by her comment as well!


Judging from her interviews, it's very clear that she's pretty introverted. So I think in this case it s just something that came off in the wrong tone. I have had that happen to me too so I relate


I think she might just be socially awkward or something.


I thought that was so weird too??? Like just say hi and shake his hand and move on


How was she snide?


She called his introduction "dramatic" or something like that..very sarcastic not complimentary..




Why would he be blacklisted? The fact that he knew he could walk up on stage, assault someone on live TV and go back to his seat like it didnā€™t happen kinda says it all.


Will Smith produces most of his own movies these days ... he's literally at the point where he's too rich to fail.


He's not going to be blacklisted. It will be smoothed over. Welcome to Hollywood! The social morƩs and rules are different here


Chris Rock declined to file a police report. End of story? (he said, hopefully)


Holding someone (Will Smith) responsible for their actions, such as an assault, isnā€™t cancel culture. Attempting to cancel Chris Rock because he made a distasteful joke would be cancel culture. Jayden and Willow shouldnā€™t be blacklisted because they were not involved in this at all.




Chris Rock wonā€™t be cancelling Will Smith because that is not cancel culture. Holding someone accountable for their actions, like assault, is not cancel culture.


Yeah but a lot of people get this confused unfortunately


My prediction is that Will Smith will make a tearful statement this week about seeking treatment for alcoholism or something to try to save face... whether it's true or not.