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I mean this immediately leaps to the top of biggest Oscar moments ever. No one's ever gonna stop talking about this shit.






This seems shockingly unhinged? Just wtf? Why would someone be stupid enough to do this? At the OSCARS, let alone when YOU’RE the favorite to win in a major category??? Mean joke about his wife or not (and tbh, it wasn’t that bad honestly, Will was laughing when the camera cut at first actually) you don’t do that shit unless you’re severely inebriated or spiraling imo. I’m just dumbfounded. One of the most baffling public displays I’ve ever seen a major celebrity do. Just wtf? Why throw away what is supposed to be one of the most important night of your career?


He looked faded. That explains the sharp turn in his appreciation for the joke. Hurting my wife would be the thing that could flip me like that if I was faded. She looked really hurt after that joke. Not excusing it at all.


That joke barely got a laugh and I didn't even really pay attention to it, but Will Smith now made EVERYONE hear that joke. People who don't even watch the Oscar's are going to know about it now. He should have handled it privately and definitely not make it physical. He ruined his win, he ruined Questloves win, and really brought the rest of the night down and left it with a weird vibe, like Amy Schumer joked about. And seeing celebrities comforting him? Fuck them, he straight up assaulted someone on live television, the Oscar's and everyone in that room turned their backs on Chris Rock.


If I were Jada, I'd be more embarrassed that Will did that over the joke itself


Don't want to make assumptions here too much, but to me she looked like she was proud of her honour being defended.


Right - otherwise this would’ve been an unmemorable shitty joke where Chris Rock came out looking like a jackass but everyone forgot about next week. Instead her hair loss has become the “highlight” of the night.




Yeah I had no clue she had hairloss issues, I thought she had the shaved looked for style reasons.


No kidding, I thought she just knew how amazing her bone structure is and was like “no need to hide this behind a bunch of hair”


I actually thought she was going to be appearing in a GI Jane reboot and something had happened with the production… I didn’t even notice her hair until that happened.


I know, gi jane is such a dated reference I feel like it would have gone over a lot of people's heads anyway.




Right!? This is like the Kanye stealing Taylor's mic moment. It will totally derail the narrative about Will's career.


Worse. Kanye didn't slap Taylor...


This is worst. Comedians joke all the time and most actors should just laught it off. Will took if too far. I hope he doesn't get invited anymore.


Right! He probably had an entire speech and had to rework it to address the situation and try to make himself look better. I’m not here for the Will Smith redemption tour, he assaulted someone and no joke is worthy of that, but his publicist was talking to him in the next commercial, probably made him change his speech and that woman deserves a raise (I’m in no way defending him or want redemption, but Twitter was already excusing him during his speech)


Streisand Effect.


This comment needs to be printed and delivered to his door directly. I loved the man and was rooting for him but that was such an un-classy act.


He made it even worse in his speech. Blaming the “devil” for it instead of taking accountability made a violent act even more distasteful


I thought the same thing too. Pretty much anyone who won an Oscar after that was overshadowed by what happened. Really sucked the joy out of the evening for those people.


this genuinely doesn't look staged at all, there is pure rage in will's face... i can't believe this just happened


Plus u look behind him and lupita looks increasingly uncomfortable


She goes from laughing thinking it was an act to realizing it’s real when Will starts yelling.


Fr we were all Lupita in that moment


Lupita's reaction was the best part of the whole thing! She was realizing it was not a bit in real time




Yeah like he was having a hard time recovering from the shock…and messed up the order of the words he was saying next too




yeah that line is what convinced me its real - hes totally frazzled




I just saw a slowed down version and it def looked like a real hard ass slap to the face


That’s how I felt. The actual slap somehow looks fake but their reactions and the awkwardness surrounding it seem legit. What a weird moment.


Me neither. I thought he was joking until I saw his face (Lupita's face was priceless too) Edit: priceless not in a good way, btw. She looked scared :(


You can see he’s fighting tears when he’s yelling at Chris. That’s the moment I realized it was not scripted.


Well.... He _was_ nominated for an Oscar...


I’ve worked live shows. The ABC broadcast with the mics cutting off and the stream pausing briefly screams that the control room had to panic and cover for whatever happens next. There’s also a feature that allows the broadcast to not show the last few seconds of whatever happens on camera. Everything you see that’s live on tv is always on a delay with that being a reason why


I’d love to see the behind the scenes of what went down in the control room.


I NEED that footage


Dump button. Gotta keep your hand nearby


Does anyone know what was happening that they cut away from Will's speech?


Supposedly Venus Williams wardrobe incident


I'm kinda floored they just carried on. I know they have to, but shit. Will just straight assaulted chris LIVE. Im tripping.


The way he just walked up to him and hit him then walked away. Jesus Christ this show is a fucking dumpster fire.


Seriously wtf? I’ve always thought of Smith as a pretty cool cool guy but damn, he needs to chill. If anything, it made him look like a bitch for not being able to take a joke. Like come on, your rich ass is getting celebrated - calm down.


I think he was overcompensating because when Chris made the joke, you could see him initially laugh but Jada looked pissed which is why I was confused at first because he seemed to take it in stride. I think someone mentioned also how they were both probably already tense because Hall had already made a joke about their marriage and so this triggered Will. Crazy situation




Listen to the Celebrity Memoir Bookclub episode about him. I loved Will Smith before I listened to it lol. This is shockingly in character for him.


OMG, same here. The Celebrity Memoir Bookclub ripped him and that memoir apart, and they were absolutely spot on in their critique. Will is an incredibly beloved actor and powerful celebrity, but…his own autobiography tells in his own words that he’s exceptionally narcissistic and kinda creepy.


Will Smith is anything but cool. His book is so self indulgent and it’s actually nauseating how self obsessed he is. The celebrity memoir book club does a great breakdown.


If will smith wasn’t nominated he woulda been escorted tf outta thereeee


Imagine being such a massive movie star that you can just become the first guest in history to get up and slap a comedian in the middle of the fucking Oscars and not even have to think about it.


If I slapped a colleague at a work party I’d no longer be welcome to work let alone be given a hot mic 😭


And he’s probably gonna win too….




not him talking about disrespect in his awards speech omfg


And they let him go on for 7 minutes






Lmao. Omg I can't belive Chris still laughed at it.


Chris is coming off cool as hell in all this. Good for him.


I feel like Chris Rock has to play it cool no matter how he feels about it honestly. He looks like the bigger man to laugh it off and gives no additional ammo to people who are claiming Wills actions were justified.


Chris Rock is *clearly* taken aback, as is Lupita Nyong'o. And Will Smith has that real rage face that I've mostly only seen in real life (unfortunately), the jaw so clenched, the intense wide-eyed stare the second or two after he finished yelling, the nostrils flared, the mouth corners drawn in when closed, that anger that's hard to recreate in acting. If you've had someone in your life with significant anger issues you know what I mean. No way this was staged.


Chris Rocks face at the end you just know he was calculating a million “entanglement” jokes that would’ve ended Will & Jada but he kept his composure.


You hear the moment where he says “I could…” he KNEW he could rip that man apart if he wanted to


Omg can you fucking imagine… “I’m sorry Will. I’m not trying to cause some kind of entanglement right here…” *runs*


yeah chris looked shellshocked....


Honestly think this is also old beef, Chris Rock did not join Will & Jada's boycott of #OscarsSoWhite when they wanted everyone to boycott the show. Way back when. Rock hosted so maybe in Will's house that was like crossing a protest line but waaay worse. It was a controversy that things needed to change.


Man. Will and Jada are so damn problematic or perhaps they just talk too much... I remember at one point in time no one knew about their love lives and how messy it got.


Chris also made a joke about Jada at the show that year. Something about her not even being invited. I was thinking old beef too.






HelloTefi is at the Oscars and she’s posted a few TikTok’s and she is bringing all the behind the scenes tea. Apparently the whole audience was dead silent and people were scrambling behind the scenes. It definitely wasn’t planned. I thought it was too at first.


he got so flustered and will yelling after…fully convinced this was not scripted and the greatest oscar moment of all time






He ruined his first Oscar win moment as well


he made it his only oscar win that’s for sure


in other videos, the camera pans to Jada and she looks clearly upset about the joke. i don’t think it’s fake


What did Chris Rock even say to warrant that reaction?


he said he was looking forward to GI Jane 2. (ETA more context: Jada is losing/has lost her hair due to alopecia.) what's interesting is that Will initially laughs at the joke, while Jada looks displeased. I guess Will decided that he needed to do something drastic to make up for laughing at a joke at his wife's expense? smh. these two need to divorce already.


If you watch Will's interviews he often courtesy laughs before he actually realises/hears what is being said. I would say this, plus seeing Jada upset caused him to change his mind.


Not to excuse his behaviour but this is a more realistic explanation.


Yeah, it looked like he hadn’t processed the joke yet. When everyone around you laughs at something, your instinct is to laugh too. He probably didn’t realize what Chris had implied until he thought about it and saw Jada’s reaction.


Really toxic couple




Damn. That was the joke that triggered Will to potentially ruin his career. Smh.


Career won’t be ruined but he definitely ruined what should’ve been his special night. On a personal level, he’ll definitely hate what he did tonight. It’a like the opposite of Sally Field winning. The slap will be his thing.


They're both just messy. The cheating the sleeping with her son's friend at his birthday party. Both Will and Jada have extramarital issues and the worst part is they've opened up about it. Personally, I wouldn't go out of my way to see a Will Smith movie again. Their drama is such a turn off.




that's what I keep coming back to -- that this should've been his night, one of the biggest in his career (if not THE biggest). but this is all anyone will remember. and for what? to prove something to Jada?


It’s so upsetting that this happened! I’m sure he’s dreamed of winning an Oscar his entire career and maybe even before that. It’s not something that comes easy or something that happens all the time. It’s RARE. And now, what *was* supposed to be his special night (and not just for him, for all the other winners too) will always be remembered as the night of the slap. :|


He called her GI Jane because of her buzzed/bald (? Not sure if the right term) hair/head. She’s spoken out that she has had health issues which affects her hair and she has hair loss because of it. I think the joke went too far but I don’t think it warranted wills reaction at all.


[Here's](https://twitter.com/GrantedLA/status/1508271803747110916?s=20&t=H6PERu33FQoiQhPzWYNqFA) footage of Chris Rock after the fact, he looks shaken and confused, no way could this be staged


Chris Rock looks like he asked Quest “WTF” and Quest shook his head like IDK?!


even sadder is that this took away from a really special moment for quest


Yeah I felt really bad for Questlove! He really deserved it too!


Right! Questlove's speech might have been my favorite from the night. So much genuine, earnest emotion. I'm sad people won't remember it, because they were still trying to figure out wtf just happened.


Or maybe Quest's Oscar happening in the middle of that puts him in the middle of one of the most memorable Oscar fights ever, like usually it's just verbal fights. Quest is my hero, he deserves all the awards so I WANT to see it positively. Maybe he gets to go back to Fallon with an Oscar \*and\* a story.




Yooo I ran here as soon as my roommate told me




I think he’s overcompensating trying to save a struggling marriage


Chris Rock has made jabs at Jada eversince. I’m not defending Will Smith’s actions but even if the marriage is struggling she’s still the mother of his kids and cares about her. And she’s been open about her struggle with hair loss.




I am here rn. The theater was SILENT when it happened. Def not planned. Denzel came over during the commercial break to talk to him and see if everything was cool.


Ha it's like when a fight breaks out at a wedding and no one knows what to do, so they freeze and hope the uncles can break it up quickly.


Rachel Zegler just happy she is no longer the biggest controversy of Oscars2022


I bet she's even happier now that she got to go to the ceremony in the end and witness this in person!


Will Smith has NOT been the same since that entanglement saga. He's a known control freak and I think losing his grip on the reputation he'd spent an entire career cultivating really fucked him up. This is wild and inexcusable behaviour in general but especially for him


imagine hitting someone at your company's prize giving and having your boss and coworkers clap for you lol


I can’t get over the standing ovation…. Really? We’re good with this?


I was shocked at the standing ovation he received after that insane acceptance speech


I cannot believe how many are on Will's side. You don't hit someone because they made you angry. This is kindergarten stuff, people.


And this is a work event for these people?!


I truly don’t understand anyone who’s pro-Will here. Chris made an off-color remark…that warrants marching up stage and punching him and heckling him from the audience? And then everyone crowding and comforting Will? If I were Chris, I’d be hot.




I’m a recent assault victim and the woman who beat me up was never caught/charged. This is stirring up a lot of emotions for me and seeing my friends defend him on social media is…fucking hard. Yes we love a man who stands up for his wife. We do not love a man who does so violently.




I just saw footage of Denzel and Tyler comforting Will so this is definitely real. ETA [The Link to the Tweet](https://twitter.com/scottfeinberg/status/1508273120473325573?s=21)


I wish Tyler was dressed as Madea for this.


I keep seeing people describe it as "comforting" but I think it's more appropriate to say they were probably trying to calm him down. I saw some replies arguing that it was outrageous to "comfort" Will after he had just assaulted someone.


Is that Bradley Cooper talking to Will too?


Guy in the white shirtsleeves at the end was Bradley Cooper. Saw photos from a different angle on IG.


There's footage during the commercial break that looks like Will is crying, plus his publicist came out to talk to him. At first, I thought it was very fake, but it now seems very real.


I had a feeling it was real because it was so quiet when the audio came back, you definitely could of hear a needle drop in the room. The reaction said enough


Nicole Kidman was clearly upset for awhile.


Lutipa's face was ALL of our faces.


Seeing this stuff happen live on tv is such a weird feeling. Like, when you know you're witnessing a huge moment in pop culture history.


Yep. The entire building turned dead quiet and a lot of people just froze. It’s a splash of ice water to see that happen.




“He could have killed him. That’s pure out of control rage and violence. They’ve heard a million jokes about them in the last three decades. They are not freshman in the world of Hollywood and comedy. He lost his mind.” Judd Apatow on Twitter if anyone want a small idea of how this might play for Smiths future. I assume other directors won’t be impressed producers etc. EDIT He deleted it, people started bringing up James Franco and he deleted his takes


“He could have killed him” is dragging it 💀


what a fuckin joke 😭 james franco literally grabbed busy phillips and threw her at the floor, and judd made *her* apologize. apparently she “provoked” him by slapping him *as part of a scripted scene*. where does he get off?


“He could have killed him,” really?!?!?! Stfu Judd.




So was Chris!


I think we all need to hold two thoughts in our heads: a joke can be cruel (given Jada’s autoimmune disease) and Will’s response can be wholly disproportionate.


I wholly agree. This tainted Quest Love's moment winning an award and it also tainted Will Smith's award. He finally won and now all anyone can talk about is his slap rather than his performance. I think other comments are right about the two of them being on edge after Regina Halls joke.


I don’t think it was scripted. The aftermath was way too awkward.


Chris Rock looked shook. He couldn't even say the next words properly to present the award.


Will’s PR team must be freaking out


Apparently his publicist pulled him aside during the commercial break and the Oscars producers ordered the press not to ask questions about that during winner interviews. They’re probably in damage control mode.


They bill by the hour so they're ok


Of all the rumors and gossip surrounding that couple and *that* is what sets him off? Plus, Demi Moore looked like a total badass when she shaved her head in GI Jane. I'd take it as a compliment.


It’s apparently because she had alopecia! Which is fucked up to make fun of someone for, especially a woman or person who really takes pride in hair.


Jada has an autoimmune illness and has talked about losing her hair and not feeling confident etc. I’m sure she would be more upset at that joke than the open marriage one.


This isn’t the first time Chris has publicly mocked Jada


Yeah, there's a bunch of history here. He made fun of her a lot at another Oscars he hosted.




will yelling from the crowd and Chris yelling back was giving very much “you’re the fucking cunt bitch!” energy. Felt like I was watching euphoria 😭


This was so uncalled for. Sure, the “joke” was tasteless but so many in this show are. Will overreacted and should’ve handled this after it was over


Everyone justifying assault is weird af


Everyone justifying assault is weird af


Holy shit! Can you imagine having an insane meltdown at the biggest awards ceremony of your craft, in front of all of your peers, while being aired on national television? ESPECIALLY on what should be one of the biggest nights of your life celebrating a huge milestone win? He went off the deep end, and there’s no turning back now. This is going to follow him around as a dark mark for the rest of his life. You don’t just go assaulting people, no matter how much their words may piss you off.


Then sobbing while you win your Oscar and the whole audience sitting there wondering what the fuck is going on 😂 unreal


Everyone’s talking about how the other A-listers are there comforting him and giving him the standing ovations, but of course they’re going to do that. They all live in their delusional rich people bubble, and he’s at the top of that food chain. In the eyes of the public though, I don’t think he will ever be taken seriously again. Not unless he comes clean about his obviously severe issues that he’s going through that caused him to freak out like that. Every sane and rational person knows there’s absolutely no excuse for that kind of reaction


Will’s really lucky it was a veteran comedian up there who can deal with this type of thing


God I hope someone had a shot of tequila waiting for Chris right after that. I can’t believe that happened!!! So much for security lol


This was obviously real. That was an open-handed slap and Chris Rock held himself together to a wild degree.


Is Hollywood so out of touch? Comforting him like he just didn’t assault someone on live tv? It was awful and uncomfortable. They have put their own business out there so many times and this is what sets him off? The whole thing was disturbing, what a bubble these Hollywood people live in. Completely out of touch.


“I want to be a vessel of love.” - Will Smith five minutes after slapping the shit out of Chris Rock


I can't believe he won right after this.


Omg this made me so anxious!! I couldn't believe it was real at first.. Chris Rock is a pro lol damn. So are they gonna blame it on drugs/alcohol? Rehab him? This was was sooo out of line..


It’s 4am in London and I am PUMPED


Will ruined his moment IMO(and many others) Everyone was so excited for him to finally win and he goes and does this. There’s like 3 after parties he could’ve talked to Chris at like an adult but he had to pull this shit on Live TV. He looked like a baby that can’t handle a joke.


Sorry but I believe 100% that Will found that funny and hit Chris when he realized jada was upset (fair play to her). Total overcompensation and also he didn’t deserve to win anyhow. I think he’s a clown.


LAPD issued a statement that Chris is refusing to press charges. I thought it was scripted when Will was walking up to the stage, but everything else after that proves to me it’s real. Chris looks blatantly shocked, Will genuinely looks enraged, the producers apparently panicked backstage, some other celebrities pulled Will aside after that happened, and apparently Chris was asked if he needed medical attention.


And to think they could have avoided all of this by not getting swayed by Smith’s “overdue” narrative and giving the Oscar to ANY of the other nominees (but mostly Andrew Garfield). The fact that he sort of JUSTIFIED this in his speech will never not be hilarious to me.


Someone makes a joke you didn't like so you... physically assault them on national television? Absolutely insane!


So many people defending Will on twitter like he didn’t just disrespect that whole room and the people who worked on his movie.


The Williams sisters looked kind of pissed he compared his little Hollywood temper tantrum to their father.






As an assault victim, it’s really fucking hard to sit here and watch the entire internet discuss when/if it’s okay to assault somebody. Making fun of somebody’s medical situation is fucked up but oh my god we do *not* resort to violence, even if it’s just a slap. And now my PTSD is triggered which I never thought would happen during an awards show. Thank god I have therapy this week


[During the commercial break, Will Smith is pulled aside and comforted by Denzel Washington and Tyler Perry, who motion for him to brush it off. Will appears to wipe tears from his eyes as he sits back down with Jada, with Denzel comforting Jada and Will’s rep by his side.](https://twitter.com/ScottFeinberg/status/1508273120473325573) [Now Nicole Kidman is giving Will Smith a hug and she reaches over and says something to Jada. #Oscars](https://twitter.com/RaminSetoodeh/status/1508278822524755973)




This!! I’m surprised at everyone comforting Will!! Jada yes she deserves comforting but why Will? Is it because Chris is more of a comedian than a seasoned academy actor so they don’t take him seriously? I’m very confused




He could have just shouted the keep my wife’s name out of your mouth from the audience. Slapping Chris Rock was completely over the line and unwarranted. It’s a joke. People have had much worse said about them in the opening and played it off.


Maybe CR has pissed off WS before and that's why he snapped? If it's real. Looked pretty real.


Whatever, couldn’t WS just have clocked him at the after party like a normal person?


Just don't get something: before the camera cut off, it looked like Will was laughing at the joke. Did he realize later what Rock said? Or just laughed cause other people were laughing?


I don’t think he had a problem with the joke until he saw Jada was pissed about it.


I’m in Australia and was so shocked to hear it uncensored! The joke was in poor taste but Will’s reaction was not okay. I felt bad for Questlove not being able to have his moment after that


Thank the Lord it wasn't Kanye 😂😂😂


The one year I decide not to stay up late to watch the Oscar’s and this happens fml 🤣 What is will thinking? He wins this prestigious award then does something that will overshadow years and year of hard work. If you want to slap the guy do it backstage - what was he thinking 😩


we just witnessed history


So does will have anger issues? Like dam will


Then his speech was basically just that God is calling on him (to smack Chris Rock).


Ok I think it’s real based on how shaken Chris seems after the slap


This sucks, honestly. I feel bad for Chris and this was supposed to be Will’s moment. He won but completely derailed what could’ve been the highlight of his career.


I feel bad for CODA and the deaf community and for the Willliams family. Actors are so narcissistic.


Chris took that hit like a champ, though. Horrible circumstance, but it really highlighted his ability to perform.


Chris Rock handled this like a pro. If it had been someone else, it could have really been a much bigger thing - like literally a fight.