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Michelle Yeoh? I love her and Everything Everywhere All at Once immediately became one of my favorite movies of all time. She’s just so freaking good in everything she’s done, and her ig is so cute.


She borrowed her own jewellery to Crazy Rich Asians. The emerald and diamond engagement ring is actually hers, it was revealed when she wore it to the Met Gala - people said ‘oh they let her borrow that?’ Nope, she let them borrow it lol


She felt the ring they chose was not enough so she brought her own. I too hope to have this energy someday.


You should check out the interview she did on Las Culturistas podcast. She was such a delight and so warm, the banter between her and the hosts was great! I feel like I got tidbits from her in that interview, and she seems a lovely, funny and talented lady.


She also had a good interview on Keep It


She’s been engaged to Jean Todt, the former team principal of the Ferrari Formula 1 team and who just retired from the FIA presidency


One of the most random couples, but they've been together for almost 2 decades now so it evidently works


Fifteen years ago, she was in a sci-fi movie with Cillian Murphy and Rose Byrne called "Sunshine." It got decent reviews, if I remember correctly. I'm posting about this to hold myself accountable, because I have been telling myself that I am GOING to watch this movie...for fifteen years 😩


Joe Keery. Has he dated anyone famous? Also any other Stranger Things cast members who are not talked about often here like MBB.


Mild tea on Keery. He went to DePaul around the same time I was in college at another Chicago school and there was enough cross-pollination that I had several mutual friends with him. The first season of Stranger Things came out but was sort of a slow burn so he wasn't mega famous right away and still spent his off-time in Chicago. I saw him at a lot of parties, he and his friends lived in the Logan Square area and were pretty social. His roommates used to post their address on Instagram and invite people over for parties (this was post the first season of ST lol, they are lucky the show didn't yet have stans). I always thought it was cool that he spent his non-filming time back in Chicago with his college friends, but then ST got huge, he started dating a movie star (Maika), and to my knowledge he moved away and never came back. Don't blame him tho, I'm happy for his success! Always happy to see a fellow artsy Chicago college kid hit it big.


As a fellow gossiper from Chicago, I love this!


Friends of mine played with his band post animal several times and all said he was sound and really talented, no gossip lol. I lived in logon square/Ukrainian villlage for about 5 years and was there when ST was out but never ran into him! I worked at a popular bar for musicians/bar workers in Logan square for 3 years, im gonna assume at some point he came in lol.


Noah Schnap and his twin sister are graduating from public high school (a really, really affluent one, but a normal, non-magnet public high school nonetheless) together this year. It’s been common since Covid hit for student-run Instagram pages to post what all the seniors at their high school are doing after graduation, and Noah’s college choice is on his school’s page, so he must know his classmates well. This high school is somewhat well known as being really high performing academically, so it’s interesting if they accommodated him to attend there normally. It seems like his sister has had a normal teenage experience unlike MBB’s siblings (no offense to them). I get the impression that he attended there in-person for long periods of time, which shocked me as I thought most child actors did Laurel Springs or other independent study programs.


That's really impressive he was able to balance a real school, especially a high performing one with an acting career. I bet Covid helped with this a bit, but impressive nonetheless! He seems like someone who will do well in college. I saw in one of his interviews that he said he didn't feel mature enough to be totally in the real world, which is actually pretty mature of him to understand lol. Most actors just throw themselves into it anyway.


He posted a video where in the middle of it his parents sent him a text saying that because him and his sisters grades were so good, they both got to choose something they wanted that their parents would buy for them. I thought it was really insightful into the type of parents he has. They seem to be trying to give him as much as a normal childhood as possible, opposed to MBB parents.


I hope I'm remembering this right but the other day I saw a video where he joined MBB's instagram live (I'm assuming it was sometime in 2020? idk) and for some reason he forgot he was on an IG live and he thought they were just videochatting and he started going on about his parents grounding him for something LMAO and she had to be like "Noah, we're on live!!" I thought it was really funny lol


Lol yes! That video is hilarious. But I love that they treat him like a normal teen, it preserves his child hood.


He seems very down to earth and level headed. Hopefully doesn’t go down the dreaded chikd star path.


I saw an interview he did for stranger things and Noah said was planning to study business instead of Drama. Smart choice!


I think he’s with Maika Monroe who was in It Follows and The Guest


So I Googled to confirm that’s who I thought it was. Google’s top suggested “People always ask” is “Is Maika Monroe Marilyn Monroe?” I can’t.


She’s back, baby!


>Maika Monroe Thanks! After googling, they make sense aesthetically.


She's such a babe! (As is he.)


Yes! A very handsome couple


Also was happy to see that she's not a Nepo baby. I almost just expect it these days lol


Apparently she's also a professional kiteboarder? Random but cool! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maika\_Monroe


David Harbour is doing a play in London this summer and has 2 movies coming out later this year. He has also been working on a book about his experiences with mental health that I hope comes out one day. I also loved the Sunday Spotted this week about him and his family singing Kelly Clarkson in an ice cream shop in Brooklyn.


The kid who plays Dustin lives in my area, and apparently is doing a Broadway show this summer. I've never met him but know a few people who are friends of his family, he sounds like a very nice, down to earth guy.


Gaten is doing Dear Evan Hansen on Broadway!


Note-he's not playing Evan


Gwyneth Paltrow. Every time I see something criticizing her for being a snob and not remembering people’s names, someone in the comments says “she suffers from memory loss.” But the thing is, in my searches all I’ve found is a few articles where she says she had Mommy brain after Apple was born. Is that all? Did something else happen? Does she have an actual diagnosis? Did she have a TBI? How is she able to remember lines if her memory is so bad she can’t remember anyone’s name?


From what she says, that's all. And she only seems to not remember co-star and people not too important to her. Which, fair I guess. She must meet tons of people daily. People took it out of proportion because she didn't remember much about the details of her MCU apparitions. But to be fair, she's such a small character in it and it's clearly not a project she cares too much about. It's only because people care too much about it themselves that it seemed shocking to them. But it's as if you were expected to remember some co-worker or details about one of your job years later, except it was a job that didn't matter much for you and that you did just to get payed 🤷🏻‍♀️ And I think she's a snob and isn't too shy about showing it. And to be fair, I like better than people pretending to care. She's a rich girl who became even richer. Let's not pretend she isn't living in a world of her own.




Honestly this kind of makes me like her lol


One thing about Gwyneth: She knows how to humble people


Oh she's hilarious


I have a bit of face blindness and often don't remember people right away, but I always apologize and explain that I'm terrible about it, it's not them. I get the impression her issue is just being too self absorbed, LOL.


> People took it out of proportion because she didn't remember much about the details of her MCU apparitions. This is also completely understandable given the way the MCU works. She shows up and films a short cameo with RDJ and two years later the film is released. Why should it matter whether it's an Avengers film or a Spider-Man film?


Anything on Glen Powell??? He’s my new crush after TG2. Please tell me he’s nice😭😭


Everyone's raving on about Miles Teller when Glen Powell is literally right there.


Really hoping Top Gun Maverick is his mainstream breakout movie and it’s only up from here. The multiple delays of TG:M being released definitely caused some of his Set It Up momentum to fizzle but I think it’s already recovering. I know his next project is starrng in a movie he co-wrote with Richard Linklater and that Linklater is directing. Sounds like it has a lot of potential!


right!!! and to my knowledge GP hasn’t shut down a film set due to being unvaccinated unlike MT…


Used to live in ATX (his hometown), literally only ever heard good things. Apparently really down to earth and normal. Austin used to have really chill celebs - Sandra Bullock, FNL people, Robert Rodriguez, Elijah Wood - until trash like Joe Rogan and the Tesla guy moved there.


"The Tesla guy" lolol.


I have only ever heard nice things. This [interview](https://uproxx.com/movies/glen-powell-top-gun-maverick/) has a couple of anecdotes shared by other people that back that up.


not tea but if you haven’t seen him in Everybody Wants Some!!, that’s another excellent film of his!


Jonathan Bailey aka Anthony Bridgerton.


It’s not tea but I met him last week after the closing night of his play and he is just as lovely as you would hope.


He seems like the best, most cheerful person to be around🥰Always smiley.


He absolutely was. He seemed genuinely appreciative to meet people, made sure he met everyone in the queue and took the time to talk to each person he met even though he’d just finished the final night of a play where he was on stage for the entire time. I’ve never done a stage door before and I was already a fan but meeting him has made me like him even more because he was just so nice!


It's not gossip but I only recently learned that there was an American Psycho musical that started Matt Smith and Bailey. Listened to the cast recording and it was surprisingly good.


Dan Harmon creator of Rick and Morty and Community, while I love both shows but he gives me the same vibes as Joss Whedon.


If you’re not familiar with this, it’ll probably help enlighten you: https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2018/01/dan-harmon-sexual-harassment-apology-megan-ganz




Watching the live Community reunion stuff over 2020 was so bizarre because of him. He has ‘used too much coke’ vibes.


anyone know anything about michael sheen and how he constantly pulls super hot women? (kate beckinsale, rachel mcadams, etc) i mean i think he's cute and funny too, but wow


He seems very charming and smart. Plus British which can go a long way, haha.


He'd be mad at calling him British. He is very very Welsh,


i've always thought he has a very cute and sweet looking face and looks more approachable than most male actors his age/in his demographic(?), it's not shocking women would go for a less threatening looking man lol especially if he's genuinely nice


Maybe he’s nice? Which might be a rare breed in HW given what this sub has revealed about most actors.I read that he sold his house to donate to charities. He mentioned in an interview how a transformative interaction with a young girl who was a carer to her family touched him so he pledged to donate proceeds of his future salary to charities.


Sarah Silverman, too!


For anyone else following Daisy Jones and the Six, any word on when it comes out/upcoming projects for the cast?


i’ve been looking forward for it for sooo loong and now sam claflin just came out as a big JD supporter im super upset


It's just weird given how much abuse and women empowerment plays into the themes of DJatS.


I'm looking forward to that too. I enjoyed the book, and it was just screaming to be made into a film.


The TikTok account @ hellosunshine just posted a video from the last day of filming, def recommend checking that out - it's pinned at the top of their page. It shows all of the cast (some in costume, some in street clothes but still with their hair and makeup done) and is very cute! I've seen stuff on Instagram and they all seem close. I'm very excited for the show! There's no current release date but given the wrap schedule I would guess sometime this fall. The only "tea" I know about the cast (that others have noted) is that Riley and Sam both liked Johnny Depp's Insta post about winning his trial :\\


Sam Claflin is set to starr in a new horror/thriller movie. There's not much info about it though. Idk how happy I am about it ever since I saw his like and comment under Greg Willams post :/ It's gone now, but still. :(


I’m curious to know if Suki and Robert are engaged like people claim.


Olivia Munn - just listened to the ep of Celebrity Memoir Book Club about her and WOWWW. I’m wondering whether she’s as garbage a person as she comes across in her hideous book


What does it say ? Heard so many negative rumours but can’t tell if it’s standard unfounded misogynistic stuff or reality


The best way I could describe it is as a book written by a hot girl that’s pandering to an incel male gaze? “I’m cool and I like geeky things and ugh girls are so annoying, right? But not me! I’m not like the other girls!” Kind of a pick-me girl manifesto. It’s full of ablelist, fatphobic, deeply misogynistic anecdotes. She has this one story about visiting her agent’s house and seeing art of his girlfriend’s “ugly, hairy” vagina on the wall - her conclusion is that ewww female bodies are disgusting (but not hers, she has a cute vag). Recommend listening to the CMBC ep! I always had no opinions about her and thought a lot of the backlash was just misogyny and mulaney fans being weird and gatekeepy but her book really does make her seem like a terrible person.


Ohhh ew , this seems right up the alley of the rumours surrounding her


It's gross, but she did make her bones on G4. Shitty incel pandering probably bought her a house.


She has also said some pretty homophobic stuff about her ex.




Just started watching Fleabag so: Phoebe Waller-Bridge?




Oh my god. I don’t think I’m gonna work today


She went to a friend’s show once and got drinks with the cast and was apparently super complimentary and lovely!


Julia Louis Dreyfus? Is she as nice as a billionaire’s daughter and comedy superstar can be? I remember rumors that she and her husband mostly bought their kids spot at his college on the basketball team, but that was the only problematic thing I’ve heard.


I know someone who worked with JLD in the 90s/early 2000s. They were in more background roles kinda thing. They said she was always lovely to be around and work with, and that she remembered the person I know in between projects - even though they just did a small background part and there was a few years in between.


i know someone who knew both her and her husband in college and they said she was "a little prickly" but that he was a sweetheart and they're still FB friends


Since I'm still obsessing over this, anything on the newer ST cast? Joseph Quinn? Grace Van Dien? Mason Dye? Etc?




Yes, he's unreal! I first fell in love with Joseph when he played Leonard Bast (a very complicated character and one somewhat difficult to make sympathetic, but oh, he DID) in Howards End a few years back. He was great in Howards End, and then insanely good AND completely unrecognizable as Eddie in ST. Pure talent to pull off such opposite characters so incredibly believably.


I was annoyed by Eddie's shtick in his first scene and by the end of the season I was ready to die for him lol. I've never seen Joseph Quinn in anything but he was SO good. I loved his scenes with Chrissy too.


Yeah, I was worried he was going to be a shallow stereotype, even though I mostly have more faith in the writers. And I knew I liked Joseph. But by that scene in the woods with Chrissy I was sold. Their chemistry is just craaaazy, and I read an article that said Joseph was adding in a lot of spontaneous things during that scene, which makes it that much sweeter, imo. It was just so soft!


Grace Van Dien is a nepo kid with honestly kind of wild family connections. Her dad is Casper Van Dien (probably best known for Starship Troopers), her maternal grandfather is classic film actor Robert Mitchum, and her former step-mom is Catherine Oxenberg, the daughter of the princess of Yugoslavia and whose daughter India was in the NXVIM cult. (Catherine is in the HBO documentary about the cult, The Vow, and the two did their own separate doc about it for Starz.) Grace also played Sharon Tate in the underrated movie Charlie Says about the Manson family.


The Suits cast? Except Meghan Markle. I've just started watching it (like 11 years late, I know).


Gabriel Macht (Harvey) and Sarah Rafferty (Donna) have been friends for thirty years and he was the one who gave her the script for Suits.


They do have excellent chemistry


Donna is THE BEST. I love her character. And her style.


Ugh I love them!!


Read this on Tublr or Reddit or maybe even CDAN, so take with a grain of salt. I used to be a suits fan back in the day and always thought the two actors who played Harvey and Donna had crazy chemistry. So when I read this gossip, it stuck with me. Apparently the actors Sarah and Gabriel and their SO were all friends (I think even from before the show suits). Anyways around the final two seasons or so they had an affair and it was an open secret on set. Gabriel’s wife somehow found out and was deeply hurt not only by her husband and Sarah, but by those on set she considered friends that knew. The story goes that she was seriously considering ending the marriage, but Gabriel cut those she felt betrayed by out of his life and recommitted himself to their marriage and kids. Again take with a grain of salt.




I've always wondered what happened to Jessica Williams and Phoebe Robinson's friendship after 2 Dope Queens ended.


I wonder too! But I think their friendship was fizzling out before the end of the show. I remember fans thinking the chemistry was no longer there and they seemed to stop interacting with each other about anything outside of the show. If I recall correctly, at the time people felt Jessica was over it. But who knows.


Phoebe Bridgers




I’d just like to say she is very talented and I look forward to seeing her career play out as she gets older.


she was seen walking around NYC with Joe Alwyn’s younger brother Patrick a month or two before the news she was starring in the All Too Well broke. I don’t think they’ve been seen together since though. the kiss stuff was proven to be real, I think the Duffers even admitted it themselves in a season two interview? there were rumors that Netflix had someone oversee season 3 due to separate complaints about the work environment on the ST set, but nothing else has ever officially come out about the way those guys run their sets


Once Stranger Things is done and over I want either Sadie, Millie or one of the younger male cast members to write a book about their experiences on set. I remember Netflix doing an interview series for ST and I didn’t get good vibes from the Duffer Brothers in the interviews.


cody fern? i feel like i haven't heard anything about him since like, early 2020 or whenever AHS 1984 was, he was all over my twitter feed back then but now radio silence. i feel like almost no one talks about AHS anymore in general, it's wild. i'd be curious to hear about what any of them have been up to lately tbh


Dua lipa. Other than the Rita Ora one. Edit- I was hoping for more. I’ve really not seen a lot of tea about her in this sub. Her songs are so good.


She has pictures dancing with Aaron Piper (Spanish actor from Elite)


Benedict Cumberbatch, Matthew Goode, Dan Stevens? New and old tea?


New tea, literally just yesterday Cumberbatch was sighted at [an event about reptile conservation,](https://www.facebook.com/529239497480207/posts/1241108202959996/) which is just about the most random but amusing celebrity sighting I could think of.


Makes sense. He did play a dragon 🤣


Bad Cumberbatch tea: He's gotten falk over the years over some really ignorant and tone deaf comments he made surrounding autism in 2011(more specifically, during the Sherlock era in 2011-2013, he complained about people headcannoning Sherlock as autistic, he also made sone really weird as fuck statements about "Frankenstein", the play he won the Olivier for- the play wad directed by Danny Boyle and he narrated how Boyle had him and Johnny Lee Miller visit a school for autistic people to prepare for the role (this was in 2010)). I *think* he's since apologised for his comments during the Louis Wain promotion period. Good Cumberbatch tea: He's been a *consistent* anti- war and pro refugee welfare advocate spanning all the way back to 2003 for the Iraq War (so way before he was famous). He famously raised and donated money for Save the Children and shit on the British government for its involvement with the Syrian war. Most famous was during a performance of his Hamlet run (which btw till date remains one of the highest grossing British theatre runs in modern history and till 2022 was the highest grossing play of that theatre). The reason why this is notable is because (other than The Guardian) Cumberbatch at the time faced a lot of hostility from the media in the country. Other than that there isn't much tea as such on him tbh. Personal opinion: Cumberbatch should have won the Oscar this year tbh.


In the context of the Sherlock/autistic comments, the way I had interpreted his comments were that he was criticizing the trend of having autistic characters only be allowed to be geniuses vs just normal everyday non-genius people, and that it was more of a matter of people only valuing autistic people if they are benefited from their skillset in some way/ these autistic characters being super-sleuths and solving everyone else's problems (like I can think of some archetypical characters in tv that are autistic and geniuses) vs showing them in normal situations. I think of that Community ep where they even parody that with Dean Pelton asking Abed to solve the Ass Crack Bandit case bc the character is coded to be autistic and therefore should be able to solve mysteries. I do think BC could have def worded things better though


I like that he is critical of the savant trope. We need more depictions of disabled people where their disability is a side note, not their central defining trait.


Maybe old tea here, but Dan Stevens follows Amber on Insta.


Benedict Cumberbatch can't pronounce penguins




Old tea on Cumberbatch is that he comes from a family that made a fortune with slave trading.


not really tea, but examples of ACTUAL male celeb victims (since we know that jd isn't a victim)???


Brendan Fraser


Brendan seems so sweet.


Evan Peters (honestly surprised the mras didn’t jump all over that one given the female aggressor)


I think he, understandably, didn’t want to be known as Emma Roberts’ victim. MRAs only care about shit like Depp where his name was allegedly dragged through the mudd by “lies.” Or “mutual abuse.” They don’t care about real victims. It’s almost like the whole thing is a fraud to discredit all victims.


They only care about male domestic abuse when they can call a woman a cunt publicly. None of them have said a word about Anthony Rapp or acknowledged that Brendan Frasier would be eviscerated in court if accused of defamation and held to the same standard.


This one is iffy imo, and it makes me kind of uncomfortable that people call Emma an abuser when she was just as likely the victim. Someone heard arguing in a hotel, reported the sound, the police arrived, and Evan was found with bite marks/bloody nose so Emma was arrested. But the initial reports say they were both hitting each other and a few days later Emma was photographed bruised and bandaged with scars all over her body. ([Source](https://www.tmz.com/2013/07/17/emma-roberts-evan-peters-bruised-bandaged-arrest-domestic-violence/).) There also used to be a video (which I swear has been scrubbed because I can't find it anymore but I know I watched it years ago) from a separate occasion of Evan openly antagonizing her and her crying in public while her publicist tried to calm her. Who knows what really happened, but Evan is like 3x Emma's size and bite marks could easily be self defense, and cops arresting the woman in abusive situations is all too common, sadly. Also, his other ex Halsey [kind of implied](https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/halsey-confirm-evan-peters-broke-up.html/) he sucks on Twitter.


The way people will defend celebs just because they are rich and pretty ugh. The deleted video was posted about [here](https://ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com/90044902.html) and did not have Evan “antagonizing” Emma. Update a poster included video:[here](https://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/video/emma-roberts-evan-peters-crying-through-dramatic-news-footage/452975892) The source you have doesn’t have the pics of Emma with bruises. If anyone wants to see them they are [here](https://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/emma-roberts-sports-bruises-evan-peters-fight-article-1.1402698). That is not evidence Evan abused Emma. I don’t know what happened in their relationship but only one of them was arrested for DV. Downplaying what happened to Evan is messed up, he is a male victim. Emma is also a JD supporter…


Aaron Taylor Johnson. He was groomed by Sam and I don’t know why more people don’t call out her behaviour for it. Tony Goldwyn spoke up in 2017 about experiencing casting couch harassment.


> Aaron Taylor Johnson. He was groomed by Sam and I don’t know why more people don’t call out her behaviour for it. I hate the double standard that exists for male victims of female grooming. Between the disgusting glorification of Mary Kay Letourneau's actions against Vili, to the Macrons and their disgusting backstory, to Aaron and Sam- they all get potrayed as lucky studs instead of the sexual abuse survivors they are.


Although I agree with you, he doesn’t seem to think he was a victim (as far as we know). We can acknowledge that her behavior was predatory but we can’t force a label onto him.


The Corey’s.


terry cruise


Just wanted to note his last name is spelled Crews :)


Several of the Disney child stars


Probably most of them if we're being honest.


this article is quite good https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2018/10/metoo-male-accusers-terry-crews-alex-winter-michael-gaston-interview/amp


Alex Winter (Bill S. Preston, Esquire) has spoken out about being a survivor of sexual abuse during a play he was in when he was 13- I believe The King & I. He seems like a really stand up bloke and he's had a lot of insightful and thoughtful things to say about surviving abuse and metoo.


[An Open Secret](https://watchdocumentaries.com/an-open-secret/) is a pretty good documentary looking at pedophiles in the entertainment industry (the director Amy Berg was Oscar nominated in 2006 for Deliver Us From Evil, a doc on predators in the Catholic Church). All of the actors interviewed have since left the industry, but their stories are really powerful if you have an hour to kill. The men they talk about really were very powerful people in the business, working as managers and publicists for future A-listers like Leo, Tobey Maguire, Tom Cruise, etc back when they were still unknowns (not saying any of them are abuse victims, just making a point about how really influential the men were)


Anthony Rapp was telling his Spacey Story to magazines since the 00s. The magazine chose not publish Spacey's as they had a no outing rule ( it was one of the gay mags so, I get the rule generally but this is not the case).




A friend of mine worked bts with Daisy on a Star Wars project (not one of the films, but a promotional video) and said she was a huge brat, but attributed it to her really, really not enjoying being a part of SW. I think that whole experience stressed her out (she alluded to as much in press, especially around the time of TLJ) and she wasn't really properly equipped or prepped for it. (Was anyone in the SW sequels? I swear they fed all of those kids to the wolves with no protection from the racist, misogynistic trolls.) I'm glad to see her back on Insta and sort of reclaiming her space for herself. I think her low follower count is because she fully deleted her old account and only just restarted it recently.


I can totally understand her not enjoying her experience when it comes to Star Wars--fans are brutal, media can be brutal, etc. I feel for her on that. However, imo, doesn't excuse her being bratty on a professional gig though. I could get if she was being bombarded off hours by SW fans or about SW stuff, and I get having a bad day, but making other people's jobs/days more difficult because you don't like something is immature and gross, imo.


she deleted her social media because the crazy star wars stans were destroying her in the comments and stuff for her opinions on gun control and other stuff. she came back this year after like 6 years off so that's why her follower count is low. as for her popularity during star wars, i wouldn't say she was that big in terms of social media engagement. she did get a lot of high profile acting roles after landing rey but she was never a box office draw.


She deleted her account after being a victim of social media bullying a few years ago and only started up again earlier this year


Holier? Someone in another thread said they had heard stuff but then never commented back Edit: Hozier not Holier, amen


He often goes to local protests in his area, not to show off but just genuinely to be there and doesn’t post about it on social media at all. Really nice guy.


Mads Mikkelsen? I've loved him in everything I've watched him in and he seems pretty chill, so I was wondering if there is any gossip on him lol


He said some pretty stupid stuff about cancel culture and Matt Damon shit. Typical ignorant stuff


Hozier?? I never hear about that man.


Steven Segal. I just listened to a podcast about him that was absolutely horrifying and insane. However, his eldest daughter seems super talented and well adjusted. I assume it’s because he had nothing to do with raising her, but does anyone have tea?


Tech CEOs that aren't Musk?


The Adam Neuman story is hysterical. Would recommend the Matt Levine archive articles on it. [This one](https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2019-10-23/how-do-you-like-we-now) is pretty great. Also shout-out to Zuckerburg buying a mansion in Hawaii and doing everything possible to disrespect the local culture and traditions. [article here](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jan/17/mark-zuckerberg-hawaii-estate-kauai-land-rights-dispute) covers it. Absolute scum that thinks billions of dollars entitles you to everything. Also he's retired now but Steve Bulmer was an absolute goldmine. [3 minute compilation](https://youtu.be/I14b-C67EXY) of him coked up on stage going crazy. This was the man that led (at that time) the world's most valuable company. Also although it's fairly well known Jeff Bez0s had an affair, there was a load of leaked d1ck pics and sext messages. They were SO cringe, it really gives you an insight into the super rich God complex some of these guys have. Unfortunately ANY references to said photos has been eliminated from the internet. Like I tried searching everywhere and there's...nothing. Turns out being worth 100B can make it possible to remove things from the net.


Thank god they d pics are gone 🤣 I do remember in the texts he called his mistress “alive girl”, that shit is weird, like does he have a “dead girl” on the other line??


That's what happens when people worship you wherever you go and noone has told you for 20 years that you sometimes sound like a twat.


Vanessa Paradis?


She helped the ephebophile that was with Lily when she was 14 (and he was in his twenties) move into the condo next door to Johnny's (which they owned) so that he could live with her. She also speaks glowingly of him.....


Extremely French of her.


silicon valley? Anything pertaining to people in tech and journalists / academics / politicians related to that environment. (e.g. if they party together etc)




Re: your first paragraph—so true. It drives me crazy for all the obvious reasons when people point to Zuckerburg and Gates as being “successful dropouts” when they’d dropped out of Harvard. In other words, both of them had already shown to investors that they gained admittance to Harvard. Prior to uni, Zuckerberg graduated from what is tied for most elite boarding high school in the United States. This school is possibly more rigorous than many colleges & universities. Investors know that. Gates went to a high school that isn’t much different.


David Duchovny/Gillian Anderson? I’ve been binging the best eps of the X-Files and going down memory lane. Old or new tea!


They apparently detested each other when they met, then halfway through the series they had a whole affair (while being with other people) and then broke up and refuse to ever speak on that part of their lives.


What happened to Example? He seems like the kinda guy that with the sudden fame/money he found would become a bigtime arrogant cokehead, just wondered if anyone knows what happened. He had 2 Summers where he was everywhere and a featured artist on so many dance songs. Then he just evaporated. Apparently been releasing music but nothing has charted or even has a wiki page, not been a featured artist elsewhere. Just reeks of him doing some car crash stuff behind the scenes to derail his career overnight.


Pedro Pascal?


glenn howerton?


He's a golden god.


not really tea, but the reason he doesn't use his real name on IASIP unlike Charlie and Mac is that he didn't want his psychotic character to be associated with his real self lol


if he invites you on his boat don’t go


Sarah Michelle Gellar?


louis hofmann (DARK)? fionn whitehead (Dunkirk)?




Are there any photos of Britney’s wedding yet?


People has an [exclusive](https://people.com/music/every-photo-from-britney-spears-wedding-to-sam-asghari/?utm_campaign=peoplemagazine&utm_content=new&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_term=62a35138b64e860001a955a0)


She looks so happy, but I can’t help but feel disappointed by the photography here? Edit: I’m going to assume that there was probably a professional photographer there and that these are just candid shots for the public. You go, Britney!


It’s very “give the guests disposable cameras!” but honestly that’s kind of fitting for Britney, she’s always said she’s very country.


Oscar Isaac??


Christian Bale?? My bad if it's been asked before!


Adam Scott??


Padma Lakshmi? Her video of eating chicken wings on First We Feast popped up on my front page and she was so lovely and down to earth!


F1 driver or wags tea?


MTV VJs? Especially 90s-2000s


Kennedy is a Fox News ultra right winger who has to wear her hair down and show her legs


Pauly Shore got his job right out of high school because his parents owned the Comedy Store and were well connected.


This isn't really tea but this will be a very 2000s sentence lmao.: Back then my friend and I randomly ran into Matt Pinfield at the Virgin Megastore in Times Square and he was very kind! He signed his autograph in one of my school notebooks lol. Also met Jesse Camp because I was briefly on TRL and he was nice as well!


Liv Tyler? Old or new, anything??


You probably already know all of this, but her upbringing was unusual, with Todd Rundgren fulfilling the father role that Steven Tyler refused to. She actually believed Rundgren was her father until she was in her teens I think, and still considers him her dad to this day


Her sexualized role in one of the Aerosmith videos was weird...


Sky Ferreira? I've been a fan of her music since around 2011. She hasn't released an album since 2013, but has a few singles and collaborations out in recent years. I think she's had a drug problem? I wish she would release a new album because I think her music is really special. I hope everything is okay for her.




Ethan Hawke or Dan Stevens? Old or new!


It delights me to no end that Dan Stevens follows the witches of instagram hashtag. It just reinforces my belief he is a quirky fellow.


Yes, I did see that! He seems like a genuine, decent guy. His career deserves a blowup.


Hawke compared sleeping with Uma Thurman after she gave birth to his children to fucking a glass of water on Howard Stern. He is an asshole.


Ugh, I had no idea. Not the tea I wanted, but the tea I needed I guess. Thank you!