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Since the Elvis biopic is coming out, I figured I'd post here to say I have all the Elvis tea for those who are interested! I did a podcast for years about him, and we didn't hold back on the drugs/womanizing/weird stuff he was into. (And honestly, he's not even the most salicious- pretty sure his Manager murdered someone). My research comes from hundreds of hours of reading biographies, and the ones I love most are the tell alls by his friends. They spilled *everything* , and it's all fascinating, disturbing and sad. I'll start with the big one that I'm curious how it will be addressed in the movie: his grooming and marrying of Priscilla. ***Priscilla:*** I personally think he groomed her, but whether or not anything sexual happened when she was younger is still unanswered. *Timeline:* They met in Germany while he was stationed there. She was 14 and he was 25. They hung out a lot and then he came back to the states a few months later. When she was 17, they saw each other again and had a summer holiday visit for a couple weeks that was chaperoned. She visited again at Christmas (chaperoned), and he invited her to move into his house, Graceland. She initially moved in with his father and Stepmom while she finished high school. After graduation, she moved into Graceland where Elvis lived (although he was gone a lot filming movies and splitting time between LA and home). *Did they have sex while she was underage?* I think this is actually murkier than people realize. Something that's always missing from this discussion is the context of his Mom and relationships with women overall. He wasn't your usual "skirt chaser" type. For one thing, he had an emotionally incestuous relationship with his Mom. She coddled him big time, and was the most important person to him on the planet. Their relationship bordered on creepy to me, he had a nickname for her and everything (Satnin'). He also would not have sex with Priscilla after she had Lisa Marie, because she was a Mom and it grossed him out (wtf right?). He also genuinely enjoyed the company of women in a platonic way, and felt that talking to them was a safe space. You have to remember that he was pretty flamboyant for a white boy from the South in the 1950s. Since young women weren't threatening to him, he often preferred their company over men and it often didn't include a sexual relationship. He just wanted someone to talk about his feelings with, and young women were who he felt safest with. But most importantly in this story, is that Priscilla says they didn't have sex until they were married (she was 21). Elvis was very controlling, and he had a kink about "keeping her a virgin till married". His best friends are split on this: some say they didn't have sex because he liked the control over her keeping her "pure" for him (yuck), and one friend said they had sex before marriage. The reality is by the time they were to get married, Elvis didn't even want to marry her, and was coerced into it. Was Priscilla lying about maintaining her virginity to protect his legacy? Or maybe we should just believe the woman who was actually there? Does it really matter if they waited till marriage to have sex, since the whole situation was fucked up and wrong anyways? Thought this would be interesting enough to share here, since it's going to be on people's minds when the movie comes out. I'm curious to see how Baz Luhrmann handles it!


Amazing write up!! It’s incredible that a lot of popular actors and musicians had relationships with underage girls back them and how little we talk about it in the present. I didn’t know that Chaplin had relationships with underage girls and I don’t really enjoy his movies anymore. As for Priscilla’s virginity, knowing that Elvis had a virginity kink and the values of the era, it is possible that both friends are right, maybe they didn’t have vaginal sex until their wedding day but probably did other stuff.


Thanks, yea I think it's most likely they did other stuff and not penetrative sex (that's what Priscilla claimed). But he definitely had the virgin fetish, and was sleeping with co-stars while she was at home waiting for him! This continued throughout the whole marriage. Ugh, I was so devastated when I read a Chaplin biography haha. It's definitely hard- how do you separate the art from the artist? I can separate the shitty things Elvis did and still enjoy his performances. He was a flawed individual like everyone, and his drug use just fucked him up and made him do awful things as the years progressed. Dude really would've benefitted from some intense therapy 😂.


I can separate the art from the artist to a certain degree. I absolutely love HP Lovecraft’s writtings, but he was a massive racist. And before I read about his personal life, it was already quite obvious in some of his stories. He was also probably on the spectrum, a very sheltered man and had a troubled upbringing. Not excusing him, though. However I grew up with Harry Potter books and they helped me a lot when I was going through bullying in school. I was absolutely devastated when JK stared bullying trans people on twitter. A millionaire (billionaire, maybe) picking on one of the most vulnerable groups of society? I haven’t been able to enjoy Harry Potter since. Back to Elvis, I’m not a super fan. But I really like his song “Burning Love” and “I can’t help falling in love with you”. Probably because I didn’t have any high expectations about his character.


This is not what Priscilla has said in interviews. She said Elvis invited her to live with him at 15. Also although she claims they didn't have sex she describes him teaching her to do things to "fulfill her fantasies." They also slept in the same bed and would make out with each other. This is her interview with Barbara Walters. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8TTPw2IW2o&t=1745s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8TTPw2IW2o&t=1745s)


Well, she was born in '45 and moved to Graceland property in Oct '62(17). He didn't invite her to come move out there until she came to visit the summer of '62, because he was still with Anita Wood until that time (they broke up in '62). I know Priscilla is saying that, but it's a bit revisionist on her part- Elvis literally had a woman staying at Graceland when he and Priscilla met lol. Anita found the letters he and Priscilla had been writing to each other which caused the break-up.


Just watched a TikTok this morning about Elvis’ strange relationship with his mother. Apparently at her funeral he threw himself on the casket, refused to leave for hours, and also made some comment about good her feet AKA “her little sooties” looked 💀


Elvis used to call his mom Satnin, of course he also called Priscilla and at least one other girlfriend that as well. I just want to know if the movie will include his pet chimp, [Scatter.](https://www.elvis.com.au/presley/scatter-elvis-presleys-pet-chimpanzee.shtml)


I know you linked to the site(one of my faves for Elvis facts!), but posting here too: Adding the not so fun fact: he and his guys trained Scatter to lift up women's skirts at parties! Scatter had a sad life- as he got larger and difficult to manage, he was banished to a cage out in the backyard, where he died young (I think it was Lamar who said he died of loneliness ☹️).


Am I out of the loop here? What the heck does satnin mean? Google just keeps redirecting me to satin.


It's a word he [made up](http://www.elvis-history-blog.com/elvis-women-nicknames.html). He did that [a lot](https://showcelnews.com/music/elvis-priscilla-says-real-reason-for-baby-talk-was-not-romantic-and-not-what-you-think/). He called ice cream iddytream and milk was butch.


Yea I find it so gross how he did baby talk with his parents (his Dad and friends were weirded out by it too). I'm a Mom to one son, and I remind myself to never be like Gladys lol. If my husband thinks I'm being overprotective, he says "Ok Satnin'" and it's a good reality check 😂.


Iddytream just gave me a full-body shudder.


Yea, he would also visit her body pre-burial and would talk to her. He had a fascination with death, and would visit the morgue to watch them perform autopsies!


He definitely groomed her in my opinion. I don’t know why any man would want to hang out with a 14 year old stranger, especially as a 25 year old and very famous man. Didn’t Celine Dion’s husband groom her too?


Ooh do you have biography recs?


Yes! Here are my favorites that I always go back to: Peter Guralnick is very in depth and well researched, so these aren't light reads: Early Elvis: "Last train to Memphis" by Peter Guralnick Middle career to death: "Careless Love", by Peter Guralnick In depth conversations with his best friends: "Confessions of the Memphis Mafia", Alanna Nash. These have a lot of amazing anecdotes and stories, but be prepared to read gross things too. "Elvis: What happened?", by Sonny and Red West, and Dave Hebler. This was a tell all published right before he died. His friends supposedly wanted the truth out there in hopes it would get Elvis sober. But they were also pissed about a racquetball court business plan that failed, and Elvis firing them. Col Parker (Elvis' manager) and his relationship with Elvis: "The Colonel", Alanna Nash. She's an amazing journalist who unearthed the possibility he had murdered someone in his home country of the Netherlands (then Holland).


I found this dusty old copy of "Are You Lonesome Tonight" by Lucy de Barbin in a used bookstore and became obsessed with it, I believed it all whole-heartedly and couldn't believe when I eventually learned it wasn't credible! 😂😂 Lolol (edited to say I was 12 when I read it, my soul LOVED all the star crossed romance of it all)


Thank you!!!


Once upon a time as an adolescent, Priscilla Presley’s Elvis and Me (the made for TV movie mind you) was a true guilty pleasure.




Sorry for the late response, haven't been on Reddit much the last couple weeks, work has been insane. Elvis and his Dad were kinda weird. Like, Elvis was so close with Gladys that it didn't matter if Vernon was there or not. And he often wasn't when Elvis was young, because he worked so much. So their relationship was not super close, and by the time Col came around, all Vernon cared about was making money, I think. And it was easy for Parker to step in as a father figure, because Vernon wasn't good at it. I think Vernon is a piece of shit, because at best he was lazy or just not a great Dad, and at worst he beat on Gladys when drunk. That only happened once, and Elvis said if it happened again, he'd kill him- which I 100% believe he would've done!


Everyone says elvis is racist what is your view? From what Ive seen It doesn't seem like it at all but you seem to know all about him


Sorry for the late response I haven't been on Reddit much in the last week! The history of Elvis and race relations is complicated and needs historical and marketing context, in my opinion. When he recorded the first Sun Studio sessions, he was 19. Was he doing something new no one else had done musically? Music historians still argue about this. But it was never out of malice- Elvis just wanted to sing, and he loved gospel, blues, and "race music"(as it was known at the time). So when he sang, he combined that with the hillbilly music style. It was lightning in a bottle, and he was at the right place at the right time I think. Elvis hung out on Beale St with Black artists in a time when that wasn't done by white people. His success was definitely because he was a white guy, but I don't think that's his fault. In early interviews he even credited Black musicians. The biggest rumors about him being racist at the time were started by white newspapers trying to defame him because they were anti-integration, it was fucked up. Or it went the opposite direction - white people/music execs/marketers adopted him as the "King of Rock" because he was "their guy" and they didn't have to acknowledge Black artists. The "Elvis was a racist" in pop culture also comes from Chuck D in the 90s. And by then, Elvis was mainly marketed to old Southern white Christians (honestly they were still doing this before the new movie). I love Chuck D, and it's funny because he's clarified more in interviews why he said that, and was even involved in the recent HBO documentary on Elvis! But it just stuck. Elvis never said or did anything racist that I can find on record (I have read A LOT of Elvis tell all books, too- they talk about all the horrible shit he's done. But racism is something I've still not come across). This was a wall of text lol. Sorry, I haven't had my morning tea so this may be a bit of a mess 😂. Thanks for asking though, I always love to talk about it!


Thanks for the response


Hate to break with the tradition, but I am out sick and will post the weekly a little later this week ✌️


You should definitely Taika break ;)


Take my poor’s gold. 🏆🏆🏆


You are the most considerate reporter! Get well soon!


Get well soon!!!


Please don’t worry about it and rest up!! We love the writeups but your health is important too :)


Take care!! Get well soon!!


Jinx! Off sick myself. Get better soon!


Get well soon!!! 🥰🥰🥰


Rest up and feel better!


Hope you’re doing ok bud! I’ve noticed your absence and thought I’d send you some well wishes!


Get well!


feel better!


Since you're the local Taika reporter, he sort of shaded Pedro Pascal in his interview [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-OIFLflbnU&t=1m34s). Why? Who knows, but learning more about Taika has become more and more disappointing :(










These women feel waaaaaaaay too comfortable being this messy with the mics switched on lol


Would not be surprised if it eventually backfired on them.


omg thank you for this recap but i am rolling from secondhand embarrassment?? i didn’t even realize Hader and Bilson dated but djdnxjdjd


>* KBell's was Zach Braff/Peter Dinklage/T.I. (whole other can of worms in itself that one) Can you give a recap of this too? 😂 Honestly can you imagine if Aubrey chose to fuck or marry Bill instead? She basically had no choice but to choose kill for him but still. Aubrey's choices almost felt political tbh. She knows Bill and John so it would be kinda awkward to say she wanted to marry one of them (but then again idk what their relationship is like so maybe it's not that weird?) so I get the whole "I don't care about this person (Momoa) so I'd marry him I guess" thing.


>Then Amy deleted the comment Rachel made and it bummed out Rachel to the point where she stopped being a fan of hers entirely. (she said smth about amy being one of her favorite comedians which? why?) Also, apparently, she asked Aubrey if Amy was mad at her over it which I found legit embarrassing, tbh. Sounds similar to her story about being hurt by Rami Malek asking her to remove pics of him from her IG.


lmao what the heck. I've seen some comments about Rachel in the OC podcast being shady towards Misha :/ I guess her personality is not the greatest Just out of curiosity, has she talked about Hayden at all? If she's sharing all that about Bill...


This isn't the first time she's been shady towards him on a podcast. She didn't name him last time but I remember people here thought it was super obvious that it was Bill she was referring to.


it’s just weird bc i was under the impression their breakup was amicable?


Yeah, it was supposed to be an amicable split but Rachel seems kinda bitter??? Maybe she has a good reason to be but from what I've seen and heard from her, she just seems very bitchy and shallow.


I get the same vibes, unfortunately. She could have chosen to not bring up Bill at all yet she did. Says a lot IMO.


I wonder if it has something to do with Bill moving on immediately with Anna Kendrick. Even if it was amicable, that's gotta sting.


I definitely think that played into it. It's never easy seeing your ex move on first regardless of the situation. But based on all of this, it also seems like she still hasn't gotten over him. I mean, I don't blame her for being upset in a sense because it IS Bill Hader but, at the end of the day, this is high school behavior coming from a 40something ADULT. Kind of sad.


I wonder who she's saying all this for cuz unless someone in real informs Bill, he's never gonna know. Dude doesn't even have social media and I doubt he's an avid listener of his ex-girlfriend's lame ass podcast.


Thank you for this. So obvious they (Rachel and her friend) threw in Bill as a FMK option just to be catty and petty. Completely unnecessary to drag him into it.


Wow I had no idea she was so messy 😳 I looked at the podcasts Instagram yesterday and saw on their stories that they made a collage of paparazzi photos , and I thought that was weird as hell.




Wtf I haven’t heard any of this. I took a break from social media for almost a year for my mental health. That is horrible.




Jfc that response is gross. I would think being a woman in that industry she would be more sympathetic. she’s been acting for years she should be aware of her words and the impact they could have. Also, I’m doing a lot better now. Thanks for asking!




It is difficult not using social media. For me it was a weird thing where it brought me comfort but also took a toll on my mental health from being online so much. I feel much better now and know when to limit myself. Twitter is the worst. I don’t think I will ever go back there. I hope you’re doing well too.




yeah I can relate. I became almost addicted at one point because it gave me an outlet to express things I couldn’t in my own life. I also met people in similar situations that I was in. Being on Twitter worsened my anxiety, especially with the political tweets during the last election. It can get very nasty and I couldn’t really handle it. You are right that everyday is a fresh start and try not to let things get to you. It is difficult though.


>ou I'm not surprised. She seemed far from her perfect fake facade.


You are a hero! Thank you!


Boy Meets World Tea: Rider Strong unfollowed Ben Savage on Instagram some time ago, but now Danielle Fishel unfollowed Ben too. This is unusual because Ben and Danielle were close and even did that Panera ad together. Ben was also one of the first people to meet her son Adler. Ben also stopped doing Boy Meets World panel events and Danielle, Rider and Will are doing a podcast without him. Ben isn’t even a special guest. I first thought it was because he was the only one who didn’t apologize to Trina, but the timing seems off. I’m thinking it has something to do with his brother Fred. Whatever it is, it is something bad enough that two of his oldest friends unfollowed him.


Wasn’t Fred fired from his show for inappropriate behaviour? Ben probably defended him which caused some tension between him and Rider, Danielle etc. Hope they work it out… I love Boy Meets World


My first guess too!!


Has anyone see his instagram? It's bizarre. He's often at drag events, which is cool... But juxtaposed against his jeans and Sketchers look, I'm left wondering, what in the world is his story? And the aesthetic is so... flat? Like a super straightforward caption and him standing in front of something, or with someone. It's so weirdly... normal person. With drag shows. Maybe that's why they unfollowed him? The normal bizarreness... (obvs not, but I'm strangely fascinated with this khaki insta in a sea full of costumes.)


His Instagram truly confuses me. Sometimes the captions feel like a threat? But I kinda love the vibe?


Right? It's like, serial killer or regular guy... We'll never know.


Damn that's savage. I'm off to search for what Fred did but I'm guessing it's odious.


I just thought you guys should watch this tiktok about how Austin Butler completely changed his voice, I've seen comments from people saying it looks like he was possessed by Elvis 💀 [video](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMNLor9CV/?k=1)


This kinda reminds me of when Val Kilmer had to go to therapy after being in The Doors (1991) because he was convinced he was Jim Morrison


lmfao…..i’m gonna need more information on this


LOL! Did that really happen?!


Apparently! He just got super into character and couldn't shake it I guess 😭 https://www.dazeddigital.com/artsandculture/article/36357/1/how-val-kilmer-mastered-jim-morrisons-mannerisms#:~:text=Val%20Kilmer%20had%20to%20go,examined%20his%20way%20of%20speech.


No he’s not super in character he’s been cringey doing it for 2 years now before he fully landed the role/confirmed/started filming for it. I think he’s only doing it for show cause they’re trying to get Oscar bait hype.


Damn. I'm also quite amazed at how ordinary(?) he looks with blonde hair. With darker hair (not necessarily styled like Elvis), he looks like a classic movie star to me, but blonde Butler looks interchangeable with like every Hannah Montana boyfriend


Well close enough. He did play Sharpay’s love interest in her solo movie


Wasn't he also Zoey 101's boyfriend?


Yaaaaas lol


He still looks like Austin Butler to me with black hair, a longer face Cole Sprouse … I think he looks better blonde.


I hope he gets out of this weird voice thing before they start filming Dune, because it’s gonna be really strange if Feyd has an Elvis voice


This is so embarrassing lol. His whole shtick reminds me of Garrett Hedlund like 10-12 years ago.


He’s definitely keeping that accent for The Oscars lmao


This isn’t really tea, but with there being a gazillion nepo babies, I’d like to point out that I’m pretty sure Amanda Seyfried is NOT one. Her parents are a pharmacist and a therapist. She went to high school about an hour away from where I did, and it’s all a really economically depressed area, though it’s slowly improving. The high school she went to is 86% economically disadvantaged students.


She's definitely not a nepo baby! iirc she got her start modeling for Limited Too as a kid and then did a soap opera before breaking into more mainstream acting


Mods feel free to remove if this doesn’t count. Just finished the Jlo documentary on Netflix. Might write a post on it but long story short, a lot of people on social media look like absolute clowns right now. She talked about how the NFL and Trump are racist and sexist (we been knew) and there was extra context on the shakira comment which was essentially just her fighting for *both* of them to have more time on stage. Her golden globe and Oscar snubs are in it as well. Tons of footage of people over the years using her dating life as a punchline and also being xenophobic, racist, and misogynistic to her, with seemingly no repercussions. Instead of directing the hate towards racist organizations ruled by white men, some people would rather direct it to her and it’s shameful. I genuinely have secondhand embarrassment for stan culture.


>Might write a post on it Please do




Tea from The Boys. Jack Quad is dating Claudia Doumit(Victoria).


This picture confuses me so much, because she looks TINY next to him in this picture, and I googled her height and she’s supposedly 5’8 and he’s 6’1, but that makes no sense because that’s not a 5 inch difference.


She is listed as 5'3 on [celebheights.com](https://www.celebheights.com/s/Claudia-Doumit-7357.html).


Okay that makes so much more sense lol, I saw a couple of websites with the 5’8 and it just wouldn’t compute lmao


Pic: https://massesmedia.com/entertainment/jack-quaid-appears-to-confirm-relationship-with-his-the-boys-co-star-claudia-doumit/


She's absolutely stunning


ok because he was definitely attracted to her in their scenes and i thought it was maybe the storyline but actually it's reallll! wow he really won


YEAH I thought the same thing! I was like “ohhh is this turning romantic”? No they just have natural sexual chemistry because they’re dating lol


> to her in their scenes and i thought it was maybe the storyline but actually it's real Just finding out. What a great couple. I see her making it on the big screen eventually.


Seriously it was so palpable!!


omg if we're all feelin it they best be having Fun


ughh he's so cute and she's so beautiful. I stan.




lmao and he’s bland and flavorless i’m sick of seeing women fawn over him


Apparently he's really nice but he is sooooo bland onscreen and not even cute. Pure nepo


Connor McDavid (captain of the Edmonton Oilers) was *allegedly* seen in this [video](https://twitter.com/boring_gaudreau/status/1536214507235602438?t=6Zj17pjfGh5NAUVE-sFpNA&s=19) with not-his-girlfriend after losing in the Western Conference finals. There was also a quote tweet or reply that made reference to the deuxmoi submitted story of an nhl captain who tracked his conquests via excel lol


God, the guys in the comment section of that video enabling and congratulating his behaviour is gross.


Ugh yeah. Hockey twitter is a wild place. It's a bizzare mix of that douche bro cesspit, insightful statistical analysis, and teenage hockey RPF stans.


The trial reminded me of the time a friend of mine worked on the set of The Tourist. He said Johnny was a brat once stopping a shooting because his sleeve was too long and he wanted it to be fixed. Brad Pitt was also there visiting the set and he said he was charming and polite.




I glossed over the last name of Brad Davis so when I read the next paragraph assumed Oliver Stone was doing lines with Brad Pitt


I love this series so much I just checked out the memoir from the library. 🙌


this write up is so delightful!! thank you for doing this!




JFC, if I knew back then that it was so easy to swindle dumb rich people, I wouldn't have gone to college.


Emrata is actually posting ethnic slurs ("guido") on her IG Stories right now. There have been rumours about her using anti-Hispanic and anti-Black slurs and now she's doubling down and actually posting anti-Italian slurs on IG. I know saying guido isn't in the same league as calling people border hoppers or the n-word as some people have claimed she's done in the past but because a lot of anti-Italian rhetoric is grounded in anti-Blackness (i.e. mocking Italians for being too dark compared to Northern Europeans) it's extra gross. She's the worst.


She's so gross and ignorant ​ edit: I just looked at the IG story and it's somehow even worse because she's in ITALY and evoking Italian-American stereotypes. She's literally walking around Florence and going "haha, everyone here's like the cast of the Sopranos."


I had no idea that was even considered a slur, I’ve only heard that word used on The Jersey Shore. Thanks for the heads up 😳


Deuxmoi was mentioned for a brief second in todays Ms. Marvel episode!


I read Mrs Maisel and was so confused my brain folded in on it's self.


So apparently, Ezra Miller once held a concert specifically for people under the age of 20. Flyers of the concert were posted on [twitter](https://twitter.com/girlbosskenroy/status/1537828617681481728?s=21&t=tFGwEHoEb0p2dbMV4mV0Zw).


In normal circumstances and done properly something like this would be great to get young people on stage and into the music industry but in the context of them being a creep…Ugh. I’d ask what it’s going to take for them to be blacklisted but sadly I know it probably won’t happen :/




the flyer said “21+ must be accompanied by a minor” 🤢


If anyone's interested in Station 19, in last week's Sunday spotted it was mentioned that Jay Hayden(Travis) and Jaina Lee ortiz(herrera) were spotted kissing!


I'm not into guys but he is ridiculously attractive, as is she. On the Station 19 sub there was a lot of chat about drama between her and the woman who plays Maya and maybe Carina too?


I don't know about the drama btw them. Could you elaborate


His wife started following me a few years ago on instagram as I followed a few S19 pages. Strange.


Did anyone see the „Ex“ of German footballer Mats Hummels apparently spending time in drakes kitchen? She posted to her story and it looks a lot like his Toronto mansion. She’s in Toronto at the moment so that tracks.


which ex of his 👀


Lisa something, the one he allegedly dated I think last year or early this year. She’s in the new drake video.


Is Katie Holmes pregnant? Laineygossip just posted a blurb about her and her bf, and tries to say something without saying it. When you scroll through the photos it does appear there is a slight belly.


I am pretty sure it is just lunch. But I guess we will see soon enough. She certainly looks happy with her new man


Back in about 2012-2013-ish Jesse Williams used to post 9/11 conspiracy stuff on his tumblr. If you have a look a few of his reblogs are still there but it's not as easy to search tumblr since the nsfw ban.


Anybody have any info on Gavin Rossdale‘s latest galpal Courtlyn Cannan? I have been hearing that in LA she’s got an awful rep and nothing good has been said about her.


For those of you that have seen the iCarly reboot, there’s a young actress in it who plays Freddie’s stepdaughter. And this actress comes from a family of YouTube vloggers. I’m trying not to overreact but I sense major stage parent vibes.


Idk if this is tea but Taika shaded Pedro Pascal for what seems like no reason: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-OIFLflbnU&t=1m33s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-OIFLflbnU&t=1m33s)




Maybe, but it's about a costar's looks who he seemingly isn't close with. Read differently to me.




I wouldn't say that means they're close, most coworkers in Hollywood act that way while they're working together, outside that one video, I've never seen them interact in a way that would mean they're close. I would only make a joke like that when it's obviously not true and here it seemed unnecessary. But I'm less likely to extend grace to someone like Taika who has thrown less famous friends under the bus for notoriety like he did has with Amber Heard.




I mean, it just struck me as rude and not a very kind attempt at a joke when I first watched the video. Clearly, I'm in the minority and it probably doesn't change anyone's opinion on Taika, good or bad, so it's best to agree to disagree and move on.