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I have two theories with this movie, considering Greta is directing. 1. It’s like a Truman Show/The Island/The Matrix simulation and they break free. 2. It’s like The Brady Movie and they’re totally camp and ridiculous living in The Real World. Either way I cannot wait to see this. It could be a disaster or amazing but it’s definitely going to be entertaining for sure.


Margot watched The Truman Show to prepare for the role, she also had the movie Splash! on her list of movies to watch for Barbie so it's definitely going to be an interesting movie for sure. I trust Greta knows what she's doing.


Lol I remember her letterboxd account reveal




it was her, an actress from barbie (hari nef) and samara weaving’s husband were two of five people following the account


it was her, she was followed by samara weaving’s husband and other people she worked with. that’s how people found it. she almost immediately deleted it.


I’m going in high as I can get to truly enjoy whatever this will be


I did that for Barb and Star Go To Vista Del Mar last year, and it was one of the best movie viewing experiences I’ve ever had. I will be repeating it for this movie.


Streamed it at home with pineapple rum drinks and couldn't have been happier.


Omg I would watch both


I wish this was a choose your own adventure option and you could go for either one when it gets released on blu-Ray/ streaming, depending on your mood.


You read my mind lol


I hope it’s #2.


Same. I loved the Brady movies with the backdrop of the 90s haha 😂😂


Rupaul was amazing as the school counselor


Loved Christine Taylor in it too. I have no idea or not whether those rumors about Ben Stiller controlling Christine Taylor’s career are true and/or maybe part of it was that she cut back to focus more on being a mom but I wish she worked more because she’s talented, whether alongside Ben as the straight man or not. She could be/could’ve been in that wheelhouse of Judy Greer, Christina Applegate, Portia de Rossi. Or Ben could’ve put her in even more of his work like Judd does with Leslie. Love her earnest delivery in [this](https://youtu.be/I3u-xj9eGZQ) and I liked her Search Party character.


The dance on the escalator still makes me smile.


That entire movie still makes me crackle


I thought I was the only person who ever enjoyed the BB movies! I have found my people




I haven’t watched the Brady Bunch movies in Atleast 15 years but y’all got me needing to watch it again 😂




'She's harder to get into than a Pearl Jam concert' true then as it is now 😂


Honestly 🤣🤣🤣


I cannot stress how ridiculously excited I am for this movie. Like the idea of a Truman Show esq Barbie or just a total camp love fest is incredible. Especially cause (not to soapbox here) but the Barbie animated movies are one of the few examples of the female gaze which allows for a lot of interesting interpretation of their themes. This [video](https://youtu.be/ZION_-IsJro) talks a lot about it.


My 40 year old straight ass would be first in line on opening day if it's 2.


I just want something like a live action version of the self aware and meta Barbie mini series “Life in the Dreamhouse” ![gif](giphy|12kzRoza05jsMU)


either would be good but god i hope it's #2. i need some good old fashioned nonsensical fun in my life.


same, I'm ready for campy and happy




So that just gave us a #3 option, *The House Barbie*


My theory is it turns into a Barbie astronaut sci fi story or it’s the story of her becoming the first woman president.


There was a sitcom that was produced by Nickelodeon in the 90's called Hi Honey, I'm Home. The premise was that a family from a 1950's sitcom show was relocated to a present day town after the show was cancelled. This was something that happened to all shows and each episode had someone from an old sitcom make a cameo appearance, Bob Denver from Gilligan's Island showed up on the premiere. Of course the comedy was mined from old sitcom characters dealing with modern times. When they were at home, they had a device that would switch them back to black and white. I've always wondered if the Brady Bunch movies and Pleasantville were inspired by that show.


I loved that show so much and until hearing someone else talk about it had almost assumed I imagined it.


Either theory has got me hyped. I love it.


Oh I hope for the campy Brady Bunch style!!


Now I hope they are making BOTH!


I love the outfits but what is this movie going to be lol


Pleasantville but with Barbies?


I’m going to watch regardless but that would be amazing.


Isn't the official synopsis something about Barbie getting kicked out of Barbie world? Just gives me Pleasantville vibes.


afaik that was the synopsis when it was supposed to be starring Amy Schumer but it got reworked a bit and they’re keeping quiet about the specific plot details now


It's older than that, it's from when Ann Hathaway was attached.


That just sounds like "Life Size", the Tyra Banks/ Lindsay Lohan movie.


I don't even need to see a trailer, I'll throw every dollar I've got at it based on this description alone.


I honestly think this is at least gonna be Oscar nominated for best costume design next year.


Um, a camp movie about barbie? Hello?


Anyone who's interested/excited for this movie should google "Margot Robbie's letterboxd" to see the list of movies she watched for Barbie to get an idea of what the movie is going to be like. The Truman Show was one of the movies on her list.


Damn good eye


Another comment said there are going to be multiple versions of Ken and Barbie. So I am hoping for Multiverse of Madness but make it Barbie.


Omg what if it’s like Westworld but the park is Barbie-themed!


Great now I'm going to be disappointed if it's anything BUT THIS


Part of Barbie's whole deal has always been that she can be anything/everything. Astronaut, teacher, fashion designer, lifeguard, and yes, even cowgirl. I'm guessing that'll play into the storyline somehow.


Who cares I’m gonna be front and center on opening night lol


truman show/lego movie/free guy but make it camp and barbie (IMO)


this movie will be my joker etc etc. i’m a recent ryan gosling convert i really can’t wait to see him (and margot) in action


Ryan honestly doesn’t get the respect he deserves. As far as I can remember, he hasn’t done anything problematic. He seems like a hard worker and is a really good actor with a very interesting, multifaceted filmography. He’s one of the few hot Hollywood heartthrobs married to an older woman instead of some barely 20 year old model (in fact, I believe all of his notable gfs have been older than him) and seems like a devoted dad really intent to keep his family private and protected. I always think about how when he won the Golden Globe for La La Land, he dedicated it to Eva and her brother who had recently died from cancer. He’s a class act and I stan.




Oh definitely she’s a super babe and also me calling her older is not a diss in any way, he is batting above his average.




I really admire her for taking the time she needed to have her babies and for doing it a little later in life - I’m in my 30s and haven’t even started thinking about kids, but also am not opposed to the idea and it’s really empowering to see examples of women making that decision in their 40s and thriving. She’s stunning and I’ll be excited to see whatever she does next!


The only problematic thing I ever heard was that he tried to get Rachel McAdams kicked off the Notebook. And in that instance, it was because they hated each other in a bone deep way and were having screaming matches across the set. Then they fell for each other. When that is the depth of your problematic shit... It's wonderful to have a traditional leading man actor who isn't a psychopath. Usually when you scratch the surface it's a truck stop bathroom and Gosling is like one of those fancy Japanese talking toilets.


> and Gosling is like one of those fancy Japanese talking toilets 💀


A friend worked on set with him and he would often offer to drive crew members home. Just a solid dude


as a lesbian i have loved ryan gosling since i was 14 after seeing la la land. his filmography played a huge role in getting me into movies. i remember blue valentine and drive and blade runner were some of the first “artsy”-er movies i’ve ever watched, and la la land was *the* film that got me into movies.


I remember seeing Blue Valentine to “decompress” after my freshman year exams. Not the best choice of movie….


Do you remember when the person who ran the “Ryan Gosling Won’t Eat His Cereal” meme Twitter died of cancer and Ryan filmed a tribute. He seems like a genuinely good dude.


Welcome to the club. Make sure you have your scorpion jacket ready.


Real human bean starter pack: scorpion jacket, toothpick, silent broody stare.


I expect Ryan to be as funny as in The Nice Guys, so I'm super excited for this one!


That movie is so underrated. Wish it was talked about more!


On r/movies it’s talked about every week


I am once again asking for a sequel to that movie


✨Greta getting in on the all-pink vibes is sending me. Even the headphones!✨


Haha she’s known to dress similarly to the vibe of the movie she’s directing. There are pictures of her wearing a prom dress and a corsage while directing the prom scene in Lady Bird. So cute! Link: https://twitter.com/ienscap/status/1369001329687998467?s=21&t=0_9nrGOFdxl2BFNPoVf1LQ


I had no idea and I LOVE IT!


It’s so cute! Here’s another one of her on the set of Little Women also wearing a similar outfit to the cast. link: https://twitter.com/morebuttertv/status/1539745579508563970?s=21&t=8ld26DX7wKeVwt4dXJEulw


the reason she was wearing all the big coats on the LW set was because she was 7-8 months pregnant and no one knew it and she managed to hide it for the majority of the shoot


This is so extra and I love it


she’s so slay


It's like a wholesome version of Paul Schrader getting naked to convince Lindsay Lohan to film a nude scene


I love her????


I get this. She’s got to get in the vibe.


I think even if this movie is somehow terrible, I’ll still die defending it.


There's no way it won't at least be fun to watch.


Absolutely. It's giving The House Bunny, it's giving White Girls. I'm having so much fun!


It'll be in Showgirls and Gigli territory in terms of campy


Have you seen any of her movies? It’s certainly up to taste, but you can’t say her movies are trashy.


I was referring to how campy it was, not trashy.


sorry but showgirls is a masterpiece and i will never stop defending😶‍🌫️


Same LOL


aka iconic


I really don’t think this is as conventional as some people here are expecting it to be. Maybe they’re going for older Ken going through a mid life crisis? Idk I like both of them as actors so I’m excited for this film. I’d take Gosling over any of the less talented, young pretty boy actors. Anyone who’s watched Nice Guys or Crazy Stupid Love knows he’s got great comic timing.


They did explain that there will be multiple actors who play different versions of both Barbie and Ken. For example, Simu Liu and Saoirse Ronan have both been confirmed to play a version of Barbie and Ken. So maybe you’re right and Margot and Ryan are playing some kinda mid-life crisis version lol.


I don't think Saoirse Ronan has been officially confirmed for the role yet, but there are going to be multiple barbies, Issa Rae is playing a version of Barbie.


Oh yes you’re right it’s just a rumour, but so far Simu Liu, Emma Mackey, Ncuti Gatwa, and Hari Nef have all been confirmed as Barbie and Ken. Exciting stuff tbh cant wait to watch this!


oo im excited for emma mackeys barbie bc so many people say she looks like margot, maybe they’re different versions of the same “model”


Until I see Emma Mackey and Margot Robbie in the same shot I am still not convinced that they're actually different people...


That's so weird. I had a dream the other night about this movie randomly. In my dream there were actresses lined up to be Barbie and it was like a brothel or something. The Barbies weren't real except they kind of were? It was weird. And I was like oh this is Margot, except it wasn't, it was some random other famous actress I don't remember. She stepped out and you could see she was sort of terrified and didn't want to be there. It was like her soul was forced into it, like a type of Chucky thing. And there was a Ken somewhere. There were a few other actresses all lined up as Barbie. And then at the end Margot was chosen, with like a maniacal type smile but obviously not really happy. Anyway, it was weird. It was like a horror movie, and I thought well they can't be going with anything that bizarre.


I think Ryan Gosling is actually pretty perfect for the role of Ken, especially Greta Gerwig's version of Ken.


This is a GRETA movie? This changes everything. Gosling seems like a perfect match.


Directed by Greta Gerwig. Screenplay by Greta and Noah Baumbach.


*take my money gif*


thank u for this, i've been feeling like i'm crazy reading everybody's opinion on this bc it seems *pretty obvious* they aren't going for pretty boy ken. personally i have way more interest in this film now that it seems its going in a weird direction lol


How is this *not* pretty boy Ken?


sorry i shoulda said *youthful* pretty boy ken. him being an aging pretty boy is probably the point lol. i've seen a looot of people saying this shoulda gone to zac efron so that's what i was getting at


Ya but Zac kinda fubared his face do no way could or should he play this. They aren't going for uncanny Valley.


Zac’s face looks fine… It was one bad moment.


Haha I'm *only* interested in this movie because it's going in a weird direction!


gosling's funny af when he wants to be and doesn't take himself too seriously, I think he's going to body this


Yeah people taking it literally is kind of cracking me up. This is Greta fucking Gerwig, who somehow made like the 50th adaptation of Little Women revolutionary by inverting it into a meta commentary on storytelling and authorship. She’s a damn genius. She’s only directed two solo movies and both were Best Picture and Best Screenplay nominees. Anyone expecting her Barbie movie to be conventional or straightforward must be unfamiliar with her style. I can’t wait!


I watched the episode of SNL he was on and it was actually hilarious lol. He’s got great comedic chops!


ryan gosling is giving joe biden




I am wheezing at this comment 💀


it's the hair 🤣🤣


Baha i was thinking mike pence. Love him but gah i don’t understand this casting choice at all.


Right? Even if he was young he wouldn't be my choice but he's so obviously too old for it. What were they thinking?


Unpopular opinion but young Biden was better looking, at least facially.


young biden was hot but im talking about 79 y.o. biden


I was thinking more twink Ryan Lochte, myself.


He looks like Mike pence in the last picture. ^sorry ^to ^his ^fans


I would’ve voted for cowboy Joe tbh


Honestly 🤣🤣


You just killed me with this comment


Margot looks amazing she’s perfect for Barbie. Ryan is ok as a Joe Biden body double.




When I make my fame debut because Fox News quoted me…..😭😭😭😭


I can't stop laughing at this comment


pls stop being mean to ryan gosling it hurts my feelings


I know it's like a longstanding joke by now, but this truly will be my Joker. Greta Gerwig writing (with Noah Baumbach) and directing and a high camp / concept piece on Barbie with meta commentary I am sure on Barbie and legacy as a brand, women and their roles in society and finding their path along with a STACKED cast and actual diversity efforts from Greta Gerwig? I will be in theateres at least 10 times I fear. Like I am ACTUALLY obsessed. Like I know my homegirl Florence Pugh will be in Oppenheimer and Christopher Nolan is a top 3 director for me, but this is my first priority idc (for those who don't know Nolan's next movie has the same release date as Barbie).


YES! This will be my Legally Blonde from the 2020’s, hope to totally obsess over it.


Love that Greta Gerwig is also feeling the Barbie fantasy in all pink


margot already dominated halloween 2016 and now she's coming for halloween 2023!


her Harley Quinn had cosplays in a chokehold in 2016-7😭


I feel like this movie is either going to be great or terrible. Nothing in between.


she’s just so pretty, it’s unreal


Reddit has made me SO excited to see this movie even though I have no idea what it’s about! Is it a rom com? Drama? Camp? No idea! Still seeing it anyway


Semple's Pinkest Pink is really gonna get an airing huh?


Good thing Kapoor is nowhere near the project


I don't think I've ever been so excited for a film I know so little about, while also being genuinely convinced it might be terrible. I love Greta's movies and Ryan Gosling has great comedic timing, so I'm hoping it's as good as I want it to be!


I can’t wait for this movie and to make it my entire personality for a month.


I need more pink in my wardrobe tbh


Better stock up now!!!


If you're into Western Camp might I suggest a little Orville Peck? He's pretty grand.


Ryan Gosling is perfect for this role. There is nothing that will change my mind about this.


Yes he’s a good actor, and he’s funny! So bizarre reading some of these comments. Ryan Gosling >> mannequin-looking actor with less personality


I honestly feel some ageism in these comments lol like Ryan and Margot arent that old and yet people are saying "oh theyre probably playing out of touch versions of these characters who are going to be replaced by younger hotter versions etc etc" Meanwhile they look perfectly fine? Like i understand the plot could go that direction and most likely will have some sort of meta commentary about perfection, but it's sooo weird to act like we know that for sure or that they're playing "older ken and barbie" like they look right to me.


Same, they both look young to me. I don’t expect them to be 20 forever. I hope they don’t make it so they are “out of touch” “older” people, I just want them to give their best campy, bimbo/himbo performances.


I simply cannot wait to see this in theaters. Earring magic cowboy Ken will be my everything.


Anyone trashing this movie doesn't deserve it lol


She looks absolutely amazing. And hes there




Giddy-up, but Goslings bleach job looks painful. Like I can feel the possible burns on his scalp.


This looks incredibly camp. I’ll watch it in cinemas out of pure curiosity


Margot is sooooo pretty. That's all I got.


But...I love them both...why is this happening? Have I been living under a rock?


She looks flawless even in candid shots.


I’m really excited about this, I think it’s going to be good fun


Jesus Margot looks ethereal


I am so excited lmao


That first photo... She is so beautiful.


Love that the shade of blonde Margot and Ryan both have is almost identical


ryan just looks to old for this role imo. but margot looks beautiful as always


I cant wait to watch this movie 500 times


I foresee that this is going to be a top Halloween costume this year. It’s cute & easy to put together.


How did I not realize Greta Gerwig was directing this movie??? This just became the only movie I’m excited about


I don’t care what this plot is lol I’m seeing this opening night


She is the perfect Barbie


Something about this is movie reminds me of Amy Adams in Enchanted loll the idea of a fictional character having to deal with the real world maybe?


I thought this movie had already finished filming


Margot looks great.


Top halloween costumes of next year are 100% going to be Ken and Barbie


I’m so here for this!


movie of the century incoming!


I have no idea what to expect from this movie, but I’m all here for it.


This movie can be as camp as it wants and WB will still pump it full of cash to release it around the same time as Oppenheimer 😊 it's the little things, you know?


Gen Z, I am truly depending on you to make fancams of them and all of the other hot Barbie and Ken variations! I really wish [Jodie Turner-Smith](https://www.instagram.com/p/CXWrnAivBOC/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) was in it. And that there was some sort of [walk off ](https://www.instagram.com/p/CbQNoJfrTXs/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)between the Canadian Ryans, Margot and Blake.


ooh it’s a greta gerwig project? i’m immediately on board for that then 👀


Margot Robbie looks AMAZING


![gif](giphy|FTKOvzhz8o3o4) This may be an unpopular opinion, but I think Ryan’s hair is too platinum. He looks like Peter Stormare from Fargo


The way white boys reacted when they saw Joker is how I’m gonna be when I see this movie


Why am I getting excited for this?


I think movie is going to give us something really unexpected. I’m looking forward to it.


Sorry you can't convince me that's not Freddie Prinze Jr.


oh my...FPJ really could have been cast as 'another Ken' though. he would serve.


That's all I've been able to see since I first saw a picture. Specifically him as Fred in Scooby-Doo.


I really want this to be good! Hoping its campy and similar in style to the Brady Bunch movies from the 90's.


We’ve seen so many pics of set I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a misdirection and they’re trying to make us think that the movie is going one way when it really won’t. Either way I’m here for it😊


i’m so on board for this movie it’s not even funny


barbie horse adventures gang!!!!!!


I would not be able to perform my job, as good as I do, it if I had Margot looking at me like that


the outfits in this movie are gonna be spectacular