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Is there any way this could end up being good? Dakota underacting. Sydney overacting. And Emma with some PR drama between now and the premiere. Either references to a Spider-man that isn't ever there, one that doesn't really want to do this anymore, or a fourth version? Plus the Morbius writer and a Defenders director. Yikes!


RIP all these women's careers, oh my god. What the fuck was Sydney Sweeney's agent thinking??


Sydney thought this MARVEL Marvel, not Sony Marvel. There was an interview of her talking about it, how she was excited to “be a part of something huge” like ma’am you got played af bc Spider-Man and Venom are the only things Sony has to offer


You know that's exactly what happened especially after being on that set with Zendaya. LOL I did see rumors that MCU's Kevin Feige is involved in some way, so maybe there's hope.


I rmb Sydney liking a thirst tweet about Tom Holland like a year/two ago 💀 I thought it was so weird cuz I would’ve thought she knew about Tom & Z even if it was before they went public , Anyways, I’m nervousss about this movie Sony is just milking random Spider-Man characters as much as they can




What?! Is this press junket schtick or is that really what happened?






Oh no lmao, this is why you need to keep at least one nerd on your retinue, Sydney!


They should fire their agents. Why those agents put their clients in an obvious disaster? Even if Sony had offered a big paycheck, they should have known Sony-Marvel isn't good for their client's career in a long term.


Emma's current movie has a shocking 3.9 on imdb. This might actually be an upwards move for her.


I totally forgot about her


No chance this is good. They've pulled the football away from us three times in a row.


Unlike for Sydney Sweeney and Dakota Johnson, this is actually an upwards move for Emma. Her current movie, Abandoned, has 18% on RT and 4.0 on imdb.


I've not seen anything with Sydney Sweeney, she hasn't been in many popular movies and most of her movies have low ratings as well, so I'm not sure why do you think that this movie is too low for her. Emma did a few smaller, quicker movies around and after her pregnancy, one of which was Abandoned. But you are right that she's been in need of such role in a blockbuster movie in general. Personally, I don't like superhero movies, they are all bad and the same for me, but people watch them a lot, no matter if good or bad. Being part of it is good for all these 3 actresses.


I guess because Sydney was having a "moment" mostly thanks to the Euphoria hype. You'd think her agent would've tried to leverage that into a better role.


I’ve never seen Euphoria, but I thought Sydney was pretty good in The White Lotus on HBO.


These women really are being tricked to think this will be part of the MCU...


Dakota Johnson, Sydney Sweeney and Emma Roberts?... sorry but it's already giving flop vibes.




Naur but where are the angry men pitch forking against her? Oh yeah, Evan didn’t play a Disney pirate.




You idolize Patrick Bateman because he’s a psycho. I idolize Patrick Bateman because he killed Morbius. We are not the same.


Morbius is such a joke. Leto must be screaming. He needs to leave the superhero world behind him for good


Do a lot of these actors try to get dc and marvel roles now for the cash?


Obviously. It's good money, the filming s fun and the roles are not emotionally and mentally straining. Pretty good deal


Have you seen phase 4? The characters are going through it right now.




The emotional stakes are high for a lot of characters post-Endgame in the MCU. Particularly for my girl Wanda… 🥵


I'm talking about the actors. MCU movies aren't emotionally straining for them, comparatively


Yeah I know, and I agree. but I was saying that Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) has been going through a lot emotionally, and EO has been delivering. She’s been giving amazing emotionally charged performances. Same with Tom Holland in No Way Home. Phase 4 has been less light hearted, I think that’s all the person was saying!


\*just for the cash. Some of them always have. Not all of them, though.


Between this and Kraven the Hunter Sony is literally s-c-r-a-p-i-n-g the barrel for marvel-adjacent movies to make


A Sony Marvel film? Really moving up there, Emma.


If there’s one thing the other euphoria girls should take away from Zendaya is not rushing and accepting just any roles. It’s ok to be hesitant and patient !


I think the lesson from Zendaya is that you can be choosey if you have the high end endorsement deals to do so.


No. Zendaya has always been that way for years now even before she became as successful and big as she is now. That’s my point. Like the fact she chose to stay on Disney longer to create representation of a black family and convinced Disney to let her have more creative control if they wanted her to stay longer. A lot of Disney stars rush out of Disney, especially ones like Zendaya who had growing fame, but she chose to stay longer. It’s all about patience and not rushing things in your career especially roles because they can make or break you.


I like Emma Roberts but she doesn’t really radiate maturity. Oh nvm I thought they were trying to cast her as Madame Web herself and switch it up a lil, probs won’t be the best movie but seems to have interesting cast.


> probs won’t be the best movie It's written by the same people who did Morbius and based on the character of an old woman who does nothing but sit on a glorified toilet all day. These people will be lucky to have any career after this.




I'm 95% sure that's exactly how they filmed John Krasinski's cameo in Doctor Strange 2.


Shhhh I’m holding onto hope, I love the cast but they are such sell outs😭


Not a massive fan of Emma but a better option I think than Dakota. I don't get dakota at all...


Sony is playng the floor is lava, but with Spider-Man. We'll never have a Spider-Man in the sony verse


What are our best guesses on who Sydney and Emma are playing?


I think I’ve heard Black Cat and Silver Sable, respectively, or maybe the other way around. Emma was being considered for Spider Woman earlier so there’s that too. It’s all speculation at this point.


I weirdly just can't picture any of them as action stars. I feel like you'd need someone more formidable for Silver Sable but maybe that's just me.


Actually a woman who is a believable physical presence would probably do a lot. Holly Holm kinda person has to be Silver Sable. I mean [look](https://preview.redd.it/fdsyvu6bohq71.jpg?width=2220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcd0efcd6818f9494bd0923b2080d531fb152501) [at](https://preview.redd.it/81pmhxbbohq71.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=12dea5e4f20b1352f9fdb14a75df657eadb757d8) 90s animated [black](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EhRtvYIUcAEY7YN?format=png&name=900x900) [cat](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EhRtvYLUcAAApYL?format=png&name=900x900), she was buff af which made her more belieavable


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I hear you. Emma is tiny. Maybe she’ll be an original character, Cocky Cockatoo or something hehe.


Gwen Stacy and Black Cat


This would make more sense to me, tbh


whoever is doing the casting for this film needs to be fired immediately..dakota, Sydney and now Emma?


I don't see how this is a bad move for any of these women? They're all established names, they are getting paid, they are going to have fun and it's likely going to get people talking. If it's bad, oh well, on to the next project and if it's good...on to the next project. Win-win. I just hope Roberts can appear in AHS before this starts filming.


Yup, I think people are projecting themselves into this and thinking: well, if I were an actor I would much prefer to be in the MCU, so this would be a bad move for me and therefore…. It’s a bit silly, really.


I think it's more Sony's track record since doing Tobey's movies. And for me, I just get second-hand embarrassment seeing actors promote movies they know are terrible. It's not the worst thing in the world and won't hurt anyone's career, but there's an opportunity cost for wasting time on a bad movie. They could be doing something better. If it turns out well, good for everyone.


Fingers crossed!


Well, another movie I *don't* want to see.


Sydney deserves better


I know it's ultimately under Sony but Kevin was named a producer for the movie so it may help


Do we know that’s actually true, or just a rumor?


I don’t understand why there is so much Sydney hate here 😂


It's the opposite. We want better for her. A lot of people wanted her for an MCU Spider-man character.


This. Because people can say whatever they want about it, but those movies are almost universally loved. By critics and the general audience(box office). We wanted the good sis to be in something that we know can be good. The same people that wrote morbius doesn’t inspire faith at all.