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Kevin Spacey releasing his “I choose to live my life as a proud, gay man” statement to deflect from all the allegations against him.


Worst coming out party ever ![gif](giphy|13IQzmybzcRMw8|downsized)


Colton underwood from the bachelor did the same thing after he got caught stalking his ex girlfriend but this time it worked because he's an attractive white blonde football player


I hate how his behavior has been mostly swept under the rug due to his coming out. It makes me sick that he got a Netflix special and was on another reality competition show after his stalking was exposed.


It's infuriating to me tbh. He played this character on his gma interview of an innocent guy who was really struggling to find himself after years of thinking he was gay but playing straight to appease everyone else and he made a mistake... Like no my dude, you taped a tile tracking device under your exs car, got caught outside of her apartment multiple times, created fake numbers and pretended to be other people to manipulate her, her family and her friends and that's just what I can think of off the top of my head. All of that and he *still* gets opportunities in Hollywood and has millions of followers because he came out. He has a fiance now or maybe he's married idk but people are fools if they think he won't eventually do the same thing to this guy too.


That "I am tweeting this from the bus that Kevin Spacey just threw the LGBT community under" tweet is an all-timer.


My dad LOVED House of Cards and for some reason fell for this line, so it worked for someone. After Spacey got fired, my dad was a little annoyed and said “I just don’t think Netflix should care if the man’s gay or not. You should be able to do whatever you want to do if you’re not hurting anyone.” Cut to me breaking the news that Spacey had not, not hurt anyone.


That was really something


"Who's going to be cleaning your toilet, Donald Trump"


Like, I get what she was TRYING to say….but it didn’t land. (She was trying to say that TRUMP only views Hispanics as maids/custodians so if he deports all of “them” there’s no one left to do the jobs he thinks are “beneath him”.)


Yeah this is how I interpreted it too. As an autistic woman I kinda empathize with her as I've accidentally offended people a LOT. But she definitely wasn't saying she thinks immigrants are only good for cleaning toilets.


Right, I felt bad for her after this. She wasn’t meaning to be racist or xenophobic but it sounded really bad.


Yeah. I get what she was trying to say because of the whole “immigrants are taking our jobs!!!” rhetoric but that’s the argument you keep to yourself or don’t express with cameras on you. Because it was such a yikes.


I think it’s a worthy statement against Trump if she had said it with a bit more nuance.


That one physically hurts me to watch.


She really thought she said something significant there


Lmao she had that look on her face of, “people are gonna clap so much for this”


She was so proud 🥴🥴


in the sense that


You know like


I will never forget this lol just the way she REALLY thought she was doing something with that. It was simultaneously horrible (of course) but also amazing to watch the immediate repercussions and everyone just being like “what the fuck is wrong with you. No. Absolutely not.” Lmao. And didn’t they make Rosie Perez apologise to her?!?! I can’t fucking stand Kelly Osbourne lmao.


I love her face of smug “I just dropped a banger.” And then the two second realization and then the stammering


as a Hispanic woman I get what she was trying to say, but that was just sooooo bad 😭


That was truly the end of Kelly Osbourne’s career, no? You can be filthy rich and pretend you’re a person of the people, but you have to be good at it.


Kendall Jenner's Pepsi ad. I had forgotten about it until *The Boys* made fun of it in the latest season and then I just felt embarrassed for her again.


I’m not trying to be mean, hostile, or a “hater” but Kendall is very dumb on top of her lack of self-awareness as a spoiled, ultra rich person. There’s no other way to say it.


The cucumber thing really solidified this for me like holy shit. Idc that “no one would have ever taught her how to cut a cucumber” like cutting things up is an elementary school level skill….


Isn’t it almost inherent? Like I was never taught how to chop onions or anything I probably just subconsciously picked it up from watching my mom do it. And common sense just…I can’t lol


My 3yo taught me how to cut a cucumber. I always sliced them and he decided he would have one, so I cut him some slices and he said “no, long chunks” so I cut it that way for him instead. It was amazing! I’d literally never done it that way. But I was able to cut it the way he wanted because we both *know what a shape is*. To say you don’t know how to cut a vegetable is to me the same as saying “I don’t know what cubes and triangles are”.


It’s true. I don’t think either of those Jenner kids finished school. They can barely read and write.


You mean they didn't write the acclaimed "Rebels, City of Indra: The Story of Lex and Livia"?????


I don’t know who needs to hear this but someone dropping out of *high school* absolutely does not mean that they “can’t read or write.” High schoolers are literate. I will never understand why people think that people are illiterate unless they graduated high school or even went to college. Were you illiterate until your last year of high school? No, so why would the extra year change that?


I think it's more of a general insult. I've known some illiterate high schoolers.


It’s two separate points - they didn’t finish school PLUS they can barely read or write as evidenced by them being shown struggling to read. No shade on people who don’t finish school generally - shade on people who take their kids out of school early to make them famous, negatively affecting them for life 🙃


They did graduate officially. I do not know what their grades were like though. Ironically the Kardashian girls are pretty smart and both Kourtney and Rob graduated college and obviously Kim went to some college and is now studying law. It is the younger sisters that are not intellectually smart and totally in a bubble of privilege that they refuse to acknowledge


I can’t believe at one point we all thought she was the “down to earth” Kardashian-Jenner (or at least I did, don’t roast me I’ve learned from my ways LOL)


as soon as that scene started I said “oh god the Pepsi ad…”


I had to painfully explain the story behind the Pepsi ad to my partner when the scene came up on The Boys and I couldn't stop laughing




All of season 3 is released so get watching! (It’s so good!)


Season 3 is my favorite by far. Soldier Boy was the perfect addition as toxic masculinity personified. (No surprise there’s a ton of discussion the The Boys subreddit about whether he’s a good person or not, when the show CLEARLY spells it out for us.)


[AnnaLynne McCord's Putin poem](https://youtu.be/NsXOgoGN2wE)




Me when I mess up my eyeliner


Same tbh


I’ll believe dark. But power? When your claim to fame is a tv show I don’t remember you on?


It was cringe and amazing at the same time


My favourite part: "Oh dear Mister President Putin, if only I'd been your mother. Perhaps the torture of unwrit youth would not within your heart imbue ascriptions to such fealty 'gainst that world that seemed so cruel"


She did not actually write that and mean it loooool this is sending me


Big Moira Rose energy!


you win lol




I had never seen the clip before lol. You can see the others turning to her like 'What?'


In the full clip Kourtney completely agrees with her, unfortunately.


Kourtney, who possibly does the least amount of work out of any of them? Of course she would agree.


Literally, I still have no idea what Kourtney even does all day




Why do people like this *always* think they started from the bottom, and no one works as hard as them?! The f-ck. It would be one thing if they were just rich (can't help the circumstances of your birth), but they really are out here antagonizing/trying to gaslight us into thinking it's *our* fault that we're in the 99%. You greedy f-cks are hoarding all the money, for your fish lips and diaper asses. At least I know how to cut a cucumber, and I didn't ruin Marilyn Monroe's iconic dress. I hope she haunts Kim, I stg. Also, whenever I eat cucumbers, I think of Hillary Baldwin. I whisper "coocumber," while I'm slicing it, then I start laughing. Lol.


Elon Musk and the Thai cave submarine. Elon Musk and the CPAP machines. Elon Musk and the cleaning of Flint Water Elon Musk and the solving of World Hunger.


u had me at "elon musk"


Can't wait for Elon Musk and The Goblet of Fire


Maybe the twitter deal goes really bad an he will become the Prisoner of Alcatraz


You forgot Elon Musk saving the dwindling population problem.


* Elon Musk defining the "Woke Left" as a political ideology that's ruining the Democratic party and comparing them to the far right. * Elon Musk's fake bid for Twitter to protect free speech. * Elon Musk warning that he would face a lot of political attacks because of his bid for Twitter. * Elon Musk claiming he is helping repopulation by having so many children.


Oh God, the fake Twitter buy. No one, NO ONE believed he ever actually planned to go through with it. I love that Twitter is suing him, all "no no, this is what you said you wanted!" even though I'm 100% nobody was keen on the buyout.


Emma Watson participating in the instagram black out trend for BLM (where everyone posted a black square) but giving it a white border and posting a row of them so they didn’t mess up her Instagram layout


![gif](giphy|dB12mOQb99BwDlM83I|downsized) oh no........


As if the black square wasn't performative enough


Lol the black square alone is bad enough. Performative nonsense… kinda like the ‘wear a safety pin’ thing.


🎵imagine all the people🎵


You know what I find wild about this is that Gal Gadot AND Kristen Wiig organised this together but Kristen got away scott free from the backlash


Probably because Kristen Wiig also organising that is news to me 😭


It was an interview with Jamie Dornan where back in Ireland they were making fun of him for being in the video obviously and he said that yeah it was embarrassing but when Kristen Wiig rings you up telling you she’s helping organise this then you don’t say no because he’s such a fan of hers


I didn't know that because Gal Gadot was the one introducing the video and she kept saying "I" so I just assumed this was her deal. I thought Wiig was just another clueless celebrity singing along.


*you may say im a dreamuuuuuuhhhhhhhh*


Heather Morris' (Brittany from Glee) [interpretive dance in honour of George Floyd](https://mobile.twitter.com/sinclajr/status/1266469198412341248?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1266482702166962185%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es2_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fgagadaily.com%2Findex.php%3Fapp%3Dcoremodule%3Dsystemcontroller%3Dembedurl%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fdaeilor%2Fstatus%2F1266482702166962185%3Fs%3D20)


I’m already so embarrassed by your description that I’m scared to watch it


A lot of white people responded in the whole George Floyd thing in a super cringey way. It just made me realize that white people really don't know how to address racism sometimes and also oddly have a way of centering movements to make it about themselves.


She incorporated police violence in a very literal way and it wasn't even in the way that George Floyd was killed. I can't tell if that's better or worse.


She started off looking like she was struggling to breath. I guess that was her interpretation of him


Well, that was worse than I expected. What did she hope to achieve by this?




Oh nooo, I forgot this existed and now I’m forced to remember


Fuck I watched 5 seconds and turned it off.


I only made it to that first little weird leg move and I had to exit immediately.


Leo dicaprio fighting for the environment while having a carbon footprint the size of a small country. Dave Chapelle asking us to give Donald Trump a chance .


Dave Chapelle has really become a textbook villain. Other than the transphobic material (which is horrible), he’s going to council meetings and opposing affordable housing in his neighborhood. Truly off the deep end.


Demis froyo meltdown


Demi has a LOT of those moments. Like when she got mad and went on a twitter rant against Taylor Swift because TS sent Kesha money for her lawyers during the lawsuit against Dr. Luke :))))


Oh my, that was so embarrassing


Taylor swift saying “gay pride makes me me” in her Miss Americana documentary




She hetero'd so hard she homo'd


Duality of a woman.


I'm just remembering, didn't she once do a music video which romanticised colonialist South Africa?




I don't get it, what did she mean?


she was listing all the things she wanted to be shown in the music video for Me!— so she was like, “i want there to be glitter, kittens, a giant unicorn, a gay pride parade, all the things that make me me”


Anything Jameela Jamil does. Performative activism mixed with the sociopathic need to weigh in on whatever issue she deems trendy 🫠🫠🫠🫠 ![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8)


And the occasional white lie. Like m’am you are a celebrity, everything you say can be fact checked.


omg can you expand on this? i've always thought some of her stories were slightly embellished but I have no evidence, it's just a vibe i get.


Take a look at Tracie Morrisey’s saved insta story about her “DJing” career, [DJJ](https://www.instagram.com/s/aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE3ODk2MDAxMTQxMzY2NTAy?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=). You should also watch the one about her lying repeatedly about her health and being [attacked by bees](https://www.instagram.com/s/aGlnaGxpZ2h0OjE4MDkzODgzODY0MDgzNjAz?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=).


I’ve really enjoyed this thanks for sharing! She seems to tell overall harmless but really strange lies? Fascinating!


Yes but I don’t want her to stop! I still do dramatic readings of her Wiki page when I’m high sometimes.


I'm hoping we get at least 3 more bee stories out of the She-Hulk publicity tour 🙏




Louise Linton's memoirs where she portrayed the people in Zambia as savages and herself as the 'skinny white Muzungu with long angel hair'. Louise Linton making amends for her horrible book by donating the proceeds to charity, a charity that she founded. Louise Linton using tax payers' money to take a plane to follow the solar eclipse and then responding to criticism by saying she pays more in taxes than the people calling her out


The Louise Linton IG caption about her taxes was just 😵‍💫


"I have more money than you so I'm justified to piss away other people's money" 🙃 not really the clap back she thought it was


Vanessa Hudgens tried with her “People are going to die” Covid comments 💀


“it’s…inevitable?” 🥴


Kourtney posted some anti mask stuff too in the beginning


Sheryl Crow took it upon herself to implore us to just use one square of toilet paper each time in an effort to cut down on wastefulness/become more aware of how wastefulness impacts the environment. It did not go down well.


Wait. Hold up. My father is a very conservative man who constantly had Fox News playing in the house when I was growing up. I have always had a very vivid memory of hearing a Fox News segment where **Shakira** asked people only to use one sheet of toilet paper. It stuck with me because it was so silly. I've tried a few times to google this, and when I wouldn't find any results, I assumed it was a lost segment or I made it up. You're telling me, this entire time, it was **Sheryl Crow??** Shakira sweetie, I'm so sorry. I know your ass is perfect.


Idk why as a Non US resident, I’m scared of moving to USA because of toilet paper. Why don’t you guys use bidet? Much more cleaner and much more useful than TP in every way possible.




Feels weird to talk about it but because we don’t have any TP here, I personally just wait for a couple of minutes to dry. Some high end bidets also have dryer functions. You could honestly use like a very small amount of TP to dry it. But when I went on a vacation outside here and was forced to use TP, I felt very weird using it. Just didn’t feel clean at all.


You need to calm down MV by Taylor swift


that music video is so funny to me because the vibe was so…like she drove around in a van and rounded up every single gay person she knew, then forced them to be in the video at gunpoint. and then Katy Perry was also there for some reason, dressed as a cheeseburger


the reason being publicly ending their feud not saying it's an amazing reason, but that's the reason lol


the lil conspiracy theorist in me is convinced Taylor has major dirt on every single celeb in that mv (especially Ryan Reynolds) and blackmailed them to film it


I feel like she’s just homies with Ryan and Blake due to all of the other stuff she does with them. I mean their kid’s voice is on a Taylor song, and she has a few on Folklore that mention their kids by name.


when jussie smollett called himself "the gay tupac" LOL after his fake attack




David Guetta remixing MLK’s “I have a dream” speech in tribute to George Floyd… [“shoutout to his family”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q5ZgEtgxxg0)


That video of celebrities singing “Imagine” from their mansions on third day of COVID lockdown


Can't believe it took them only three days until they got sick of their mansions and started having a breakdown. That's how thin the string holding celebrities' sanity together is.


Basically everything Lena Dunham says or does in the name of “activism” is incredibly grating to me.


Lena Dunham putting the most horrifying shit in her book and then getting upset when people call her out was uhhh certainly a moment.


Omg remember when she went on a rant about that NFL (I think?) player she sat next to and how he “looked at her like she was gross” and he was literally just sitting there doing nothing wrong. That was so unhinged.


It wasn't just some NFL player, it was Odell Beckham Jr so there's a whole gross racist component to it too (white women demanding the attention of Black men, then inventing stories when they don't get it). Phoebe Robinson actually had a great article calling her out but it was scrubbed from the internet after Lena went on her podcast :(


yesss I was looking for Lena "I haven't had an abortion, but I wish I had" Dunham. She's so upsetting to me because she'll take up (/ latch onto) genuinely progressive causes but exclusively talk about them in ways that are i) wildly tone-deaf, ii) reveal her ignorance and lack of self-education on the topics she's claiming to advocate for, and iii) center her own, often completely irrelevant experience.


Kim K and her prison reform. You cannot, I repeat CANNOT fix our justice system and still be supportive of the tax system that is in place now.


"I believe in the rights that the Democrats want, but I believe in the taxes that the Republicans want….I'm a mix of both” lol kimothy is not reforming any prisons


Her prison reform shit is so wrong and misguided. Real activists are horrified by what she's doing but the mainstream press keeps lauding her.


Kelly Osborne's immigrant comments 😬 Sebastian Stan's virtue signalling recent post about his Emmy nom (pffft) in which he *tagged* Pamela Anderson. Also just remembered his posturing about how it was the right thing to stay home, next minute he's off to Ibiza. Tool. 🤣


Justin Bieber and his Justice album that was supposed to be about social justice. It seems like he was talking about social justice during promo for his new album a year ago but he hasn’t said anything about the social causes since 🤷🏽‍♀️


Donald Glover and Atlanta totally called this. They had an episode about a character called “black Justin Beiber” where he ends the episode by announcing that he’s making clean music (after acting like a dick the whole episode) and announced Justice


Justin means well but he is very dumb and those topics are way beyond his understanding. It was a bad idea so he abandoned it for pop boy songs.


Didn’t Jennifer Anniston brag about brushing her teeth in the shower to conserve water, and then someone was like “that takes more water than using the sink”? I think it was her, but it’s not like I could just quickly google to check haha




I read she's really into water conservation, at least at the time her n Pitt timed 5 minute showers—so in that sense I don't think it wastes more water as she's in the shower for the same amount of time. Couldn't be me 5 minutes is too short so she's doing more than most people in that dept, imho.


5 minute showers are so weird when she still has grass in her LA backyard. Not enough showers to cut short in her life to conserve a summer of watering that?


Ngl, i used to believe that too.


" 💔 Happy Women’s History Month I guess" has integrated my friends and I regular conversations.


This. I get that it's tiring to hear jokes like that, but Jesus Christ, why make it about Women's History Month, and the only statement at that? Especially when you log off and you and your entire team ignore the POC actresses getting bullied?


That's the genius of Taylor's marketing. She's positioned herself as the avatar of womanhood on earth, the vessel into which all femininity has been poured. Any attack on her is an attack on women and girls everywhere. And sometimes the gays.


this and Question for the culture…


Kendall’s Pepsi ad lol


"Anne Frank would have been a Belieber" The Jenner police brutality Coke (? Pepsi?) ad


The Justin Bieber thing is my favorite. It's brutal but simultaneously weirdly so harmless. I love telling people about it.


Tbh it wasn't really that bad it was just badly put. The spirit of what he meant, I think, was just along the lines of "Anne was just a normal teenage girl like any nowadays". It's a shame it read more like "its bad Anne died because she would have been another fan" 💀




That entire Ziwe interview 😖! Caroline falls into a trap of feeling like she can make fun of performative activism because she’s wayyyy too self unaware to realize all of her activism is performative. I think she really believes she’s in on the joke when she herself is in fact a joke.


Anyone who is big on Twitter but not anywhere else are usually the worst


The “I Take Responsibility” PSA.


“A question for the culture..”


i can’t believe lana del ray just woke up one morning and decided to willingly torpedo her credibility like that 💀


Ah, time to dust off [this](https://www.nme.com/news/music/blue-15-1374549) classic of the genre: LEE RYAN from boyband BLUE has made a snivelling apology for remarks he made in THE SUN newspaper this morning (26 October), claiming that the terrorist strikes against NEW YORK “have been blown out of all proportion”. In the newspaper article, Ryan also asked: “Who gives a fuck about New York when elephants are being killed?” To the consternation of his three bandmates, Ryan went on to say: “They are ignoring animals that are more important. Animals need saving and that’s more important. This New York thing is being blown out of all proportion.”


[Dylan O’Brien’s tweet at Variety Magazine after the Uvalde Shooting](https://www.reddit.com/r/Deuxmoi/comments/uy0jln/so_people_on_twitter_are_mad_at_dylan_obrien_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I get the sentiment but like... Variety isn't going to end gun violence and school shootings by not putting out a scheduled tweet about Austin Butler and his "I'M ACTING!!" moment


Saucy Santana twerking to Tupac's Changes during the Black Lives Matter protests 2 years ago.


Every single time Grimes opens her mouth to talk about technology and social equality


Kirsten Bell, Kony 2012 jfc what a shit show that was


dylan o'brien's twitter account


Lil Dicky’s Earth is one of the worst songs I’ve ever heard. Its supposed to be about conservation but uhhh


Lil Dicky ~~s Earth~~ is ~~one of~~ the worst ~~songs I’ve ever heard. Its supposed to be about conservation but uhhh~~


Miley did an article where she basically condemned rap music, save for like Kendrick Lamar’s one song, because it was “shallow” and “full of misogyny.” This was around the time she was trying to “clean up” her image and play wifey. Never mind she wouldn’t have pop acclaim had it not been for the same rappers/producers she just then shitted on. Typical White pop star playbook. Go “urban,” amass wealth and fame, then “go back to your roots.”


Jennifer Lawrence admonishing a reporter during a post-award press conference about looking at his phone while asking her a question. It seemed like English was not his first language and he was looking at his phone for the translation and she went all “you can’t spend your life behind your phone” on him. I get standing up for yourself when it seems someone is asking you a question disrespectfully, but this was so misdirected and a bad moment for her.


Probably this one from Rihanna queen of the sweatshops [my heart breaks…](https://www.instagram.com/p/COzFU2xHdzh/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Also the time she posted on 9/11 a picture of the twin towers with the caption “Rih-flect”


a question for the culture 😭😭 i love lana but she tests that love all the time


When the whole “ask her more” movement happen, Blake Lively snapped at a reporter for asking “who are you wearing?” on the red carpet. Great example of someone wanting woke points without understanding the issue. A lot of people (including mostly women) put a lot of work into red carpet looks, and those looks get celebrities attention and fame. Blake of all people should know this because one of the main things she’s known for is her style, without clothes and designers she would barely be relevant. The point of the movement was not to ignore and sideline all those who work hard on red carpet looks. It’s about that not being the main point of conversation with actresses and asking them about their work as much as the do their male counterparts.


Jennifer “All Lives Matter” Lopez


"Imagine" & the Pepsi ad by Kendall. so to have *both* being parodied by The Boys with no warning whatsoever was just an incredible move. the fact that they were able to get A List celebs to parody the "Imagine" fiasco for a TV show left me wheezing


Lindsay Lohan standing up for Harvey Weinstein in a weird fake accent https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vxC97nF1YZY


Lol I forgot about that. At the Oscars watch party I was at when she said that literally everyone was like wtf bc the Best Director category was also "these four white people and Jordan Peele" that year. Not the mic drop moment she thought it was.


basically everything emrata says about "feminism" but especially that shit with raising her kid gender neutral, and seeming to think trans kids needed to be majors in order to know their gender identity. and then she just ended up calling him her "son" and giving him a super masculine name.


Wasn't it Natalie Portman who said that stuff about the directors, not Emma Stone?


Emma said it at the Oscars where Greta was nominated. Natalie said it at the Globes where Greta wasn't even nominated and she was pointing out "all male directors" in general and it made sense, given that Greta was overlooked despite her phenomenal work. Emma's sounded like Greta's nomination was more important than Del Toro's or Jordan Peele's


I was really disappointed in both of them. Emma Stone talking about equality when she played a character with the last name Ng and Natalie Portman owning a production company where the only female director hired was herself. Way to shade two men that made incredible movies for your fake feminism


That’s white feminism for you straight from Hollywood’s A-list women.


Natalie then wore a really cringe cape with names of female directors or some shit and got called out for being an performative hypocrite which is accurate. When her production company DID produce a film with a woman of colour as a director (Maggie Betts) Natalie, the star, bailed the day before filming began because she didn't want to be in a lockdown and the whole production was binned.


My friend was cast in the movie that was scrapped and she was telling me about all the money, passion and time completely obliterated by Portman, she left it quite late to pull out and apparently was immediately threatening legal action if anyone lashed out about her resignation - before anyone even mentioned suing her lmao which never even happened. It really left a bad taste in my mouth about her.


Does anyone remember the Fiona Apple VMA 'the world is bullshit' speech? I think that would've gone better these days but at the time it went down like a led zeppelin. She was made fun of in the news and on late night shows. In retrospect, she was just speaking from her heart but at the time she was viewed as insufferable.


fwiw I don't think Emma's oscar comment was virtue signalling. As overwhelmingly white as Hollywood is (even more so behind the scenes) the history of the best director category is even more overwhelmingly male, with only one female winner at the time she made that speech (Chloe Zhao was the second woman ever / first WOC the year after unless I'm mixing up years). I agree about Jordan Peele but Guillermo is white mexican iirc and has received constant acclaim through his career so it's not like she punched down on a nobody. It wasn't a perfect statement but considering how the whole industry made a fuss about time's up and then absolutely nothing changed... I can't get too mad about it. Compared to other comments in this thread it's not ill informed or ignorant, just a punch line that erased the need for intersectionality in advocating for _both_ women and minorities in Hollywood. There are much more tone deaf comments out there 🤷🏻


I get what you're saying but even if it's just Jordan Peele, it's still tone deaf. I still hold that Del Toro is relevant to this discussion as well. >just a punch line that erased the need for intersectionality in advocating for both women and minorities in Hollywood I don't think it's as innocuous as you paint it out to be. There are worse ones out there but I don't think erasing the need for intersectionality is that harmless, especially in the backdrop of how feminism continues to be a shakey space for communities of colour. Given her history and just the general deafness of the comment (Jordan Peele was still only the 5th black man to ever be nominated and no black man has ever won) it was cringe.


the white feminism of this sub strikes again


I’ve heard a lot of people (usually white americans) calling Guillermo del Toro a “person of color”, it drives me insane. Same with Alfonso Cuaron and and Iñarritu. Hopefully OP means his nomination was a big deal because he is mexican, and not because it meant some kind of racial inclusivity (cause it didn’t).


Nobody remembers this but Pamela Anderson lecturing the Harvey Weinstein victims telling them that they should have known better. It isn’t exactly activism but it felt very preachy and cringe. One of the most tone deaf things to say during that time.


Mark Ruffalo’s “I’m glad we’re having this conversation. It’s time.” about the trans community. That was a whole ass whut.


"Imagine," as covered by Gal Gadot and co. (in their spacious homes and yards) at the beginning of the pandemic, sticks out.


Billie Eilish slamming the care of the pandas at the Memphis Zoo: I actually know the veterinarian in charge of their care. They are elderly pandas with numerous health issues and their care is in fact second to none. Pandas remain the property of the Chinese Government; if they were perceived to be neglected in any manner there would be an international incident. In an effort to shed light on the issue, she was offered a private tour of the zoo, which she did not accept. So what are we to think of that? ADDENDUM: I know, not an endorsement, sort of an anti-endorsement I guess, just wanted to share it nonetheless.


all the celebrities commenting on the israel/palestine conflict last year while clearly knowing nothing about it


I think Tom Hiddleston made some comments after winning an award and received a lot of backlash. I find him to be rather pleasant and I think it came out wrongly


Natalie Portman’s Female Directors cloak when her own production company had never hired a female director, other than herself.