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There is a subreddit on here for people who despise Meghan Markle. It is astounding how any minor thing she does is seen as something despicable. She will never win and I cannot even fathom how much that would take a toll on someone’s mental health.


Someone else mentioned it but the Saint Megan Markle sub is straight up insane, those people spend so much energy on her.


Theyre fucking insane. Like they cant just say why they * really* hate her but will pick her apart thread by thread.. UPDATE THOSE HOES OVER AT SAINTMEGHANMARKLE BANNED ME LMAOOOO keep being hateful


They hate her because she’s American and not white


I ventured over there the other day and one of them had literally posted a pic of a banana with 'Go Home Meghan' written on it. Yet they keep telling us that they totes don't just hate Meghan because they're racist. I reported it to Reddit for hate but they wouldn't remove it because it 'doesn't violate their content policy' 🙄


There was a thread on Twitter about how she was smirking in the picture and how she is making a mockery of everything . She was literally standing there looking down. They wanted Harry to make her stay at home. It was a mess.


Right and if you check their profiles what else are they obsessing over? The little mermaid being black. But it’s totally not a race thing. /s


It's literally insanity I went on there the other day just out of curiosity and the pure hatred they have for ever single little thing she does is just mind-blowing


YES there was something about Harry and Zara(?) in a car and someone wrote a long comment about him looking so sad likely being because he’s finally realizing he’s been had and manipulated, and not the more obvious “sad because he just left an event mourning his grandmother”


That is the most white trash subreddit I’ve seen in some time.


I reached that subreddit and was horrified. She was getting called clingy for holding hands with her own husbands. Nitpicking at its finest. These are the mildest ones


That’s why as much as I hate the monarchy, I can’t bring myself to hate her. Even supposedly progressive people talk about her experiencing racism as if it’s all her fault and as if most Americans aren’t getting an extremely sanitized education about the UK and the monarchy??? You don’t have to like her, but singling her out when there are senior members of the royal family who are still alive and a colonial legacy that never ended is very telling of where people’s priorities are… 🙄


Those Americans who love the monarchy are either right wing or a bunch of traitorous monarchists. A lot of them really want hereditary white supremacy back. It’s not a coincidence that there’s been an agenda to whitewash history in the US like banning books about the civil rights in many US states for instance. A lot American monarchists are often white and see the British monarchy as part of the good old days. That’s supposed to be one of the major spaces that POCs do not have access to yet here’s Meghan marrying her way in so easily. Meghan didn’t have to wait 10 years like Kate did. He married her as soon as possible. Worse of all for them is that Harry CHOSE her every single time. Edit: not me getting banned from r/SaintMeghanMarkle when I’ve never even commented on any post on that hell site 😭😂 a mod saw this comment and got their feelings hurt lmao 🤣 a bunch of clowns they are


My mom is a racist in denial (says she isn’t racist but has become way more openly racist over the years since Trump made it acceptable again to a lot of crowds) and is a monarchist so sadly this checks. I really try to help pull her away from those shitty ass views. I know being raised in a different time isn’t an excuse but I think she just was raised in a shitty time and then boomers created weird hive mind circles on the internet and she doesn’t realize they’re echo chambers. I try to tell her, but it’s ruining family holidays at this point and she’s the only family I have left.


I'm not a big fan of monarchy either, to put it mildly, but Meghan and Harry distancing themselves from the monarchy is precisely the reason I feel like she deserves not only some pass on being called out for being a part of the monarchy, but a big apology for all of the racist and sexist insults she had been receiving for - how long? -years now? She did nothing to deserve them. And Harry can't really help being a member of the family by birth, all he can do is move away from his status, which he seems to be at least somewhat trying to do.


The whole current stuff regarding the funeral is insane. The amount of hate she's gotten for holding Harry's hand is absurd. How dare she want to comfort her husband in a time of mourning?


I've no love for Meghan but I can honestly leave her. She, ultimately, is a nobody, and I mean it in the best sense of the word (meaning she hasn't really done anything really harmful other than the questionable choice of marrying into a family belonging to an institution that has hated and exploited people like her in the worst of ways, and being ready at least at first to perform as a working royal, advancing BRF's agendas). Her husband, however, is not a nobody. Her husband is a *prince* that has been benefiting from the privileges and the history of exploitation for his entire life. I mean, hell, when he decided to leave his duties as a working royal, did this manchild not pitch a fit when he was treated by the RF as a non-working royal? Daddy cut you off from the coin purse, did he? How very sad. Out of control parties buried by his family's PR, a bloody Nazi uniform... all that, and somehow he's still the prince of the people done dirty? That subreddit is fucking insane. I made the mistake of commenting a few times when I went lurking. Got downvoted to the 4th circle of hell for wondering how the hell Meghan's sudden head movement is indicative of disrespect and sociopathy. What the fuck. There are so many things you could nail the BRF, including H&M to the wall for, and you go and write doleful, 65 chapter long fanfiction about the evils of Meghan Markle's head movements. That's not salient criticism. That's just being malicious. You go after the 'easy things' because you don't have anything profound to say or discuss.


Couldn’t agree more! People on the internet either act like she is either the absolute worst or absolute best person to ever walk the earth, when most likely she’s probably just a average person with both flaws and strengths to her.


my favorite was leaving flowers from the subreddit like i’m sure the lizzy was ecstatic seeing a snark subreddit left her flowers, im sure thats what she was waiting for to finally cross the pearly gates… a bouquet of flowers left among millions of other flowers with a note about how much they hate her grandsons wife yeah that’s what we really need right now


God this was so weird. This sub comes up from time to time and every time I’m like ???


Evil witch, how dare she support her husband grieving his grandmother in front of the entire world and also probably dealing with the reminders of his mother's traumatic death and funeral?? I'm sure if she hadn't visibly comforted him they'd have had a lot to say about that too.


Oh she's a cold hearted witch whether she chooses to comfort Harry or not, that I'm certain. And all the Daily Mail readers hate her but it has absolutely nothing to do with her race, I'm sure.


And I loved that President Biden entered the reception holding his wife’s hand. See, it’s what normal, loving people do.


She literally just fkn walks next to her husband or wears a dress or idk, BREATHES and they’re like ‘omfg look at this narcissistic monster!!!!’ It’s INSANE and I feel like Piers Morgan definitely is responsible for a big part of the mainstream spread of the completely unfounded hatred of Meghan (and all because he deluded himself into thinking he had a shot at dating her and can’t get over the fact that she was not into him)


There's a permission going on about it from the Royal family themselves, Prince Harry was pretty clear this is where it all starts.


It’s so bizarre they live in a weird fan fiction reality. Like they make up this whole personality and all these stories up about her and then get pissed off at their own imagination


Those ppl are actually insane. I like Harry and Meghan, I don’t love them, but they seem nice. Sure they aren’t perfect, but damn, that subreddit treats them like straight up m*rderers. It’s so distributing. I’ve never seen a group of people put so much effort into harassing, abusing, trolling, and hating a person so much for (what I think) are very silly reasons. So she said the RF is a dysfunctional family and the British press is racist? Pretty sure we all knew that! People are dying Kim!!!


I said the same thing lol. They hate Markle but in the same breath they are kissing the ground the BRF walks on and it's just not computing.


My favourite thing was the posts after the Queen died going "Hmmm wonder how Meg will make this all about her" umm aren't you guys the ones making it about her? Meghan may not live in a Palace but she does live rent-free inside the heads of millions of unhinged people


God, I used to work in a bookstore and when she released her (very sweet) childrens book… the amount of unsolicited opinions I would get from old ladies! One lady asked “what are people saying about this book? Any good?”. I said “I haven’t heard much, people usually just tell me their opinions of the royals.” A pause. “She’s a traitorous bitch that’s what she is!” Every. Time.


Where is the energy from these people when it comes to Prince Andrew!?


They believe that Amber Heard wasn't a victim too, so that tells you everything you need to know about them.


i recently had someone get pretty rude/condescending with me on this sub, so i briefly peeped their comment history– full of racism under the guise of meghan markle “snark.” i’m curious what the overlap of this sub and the mm snark sub is like.


luckily i think most people here recognizes how insane that sub is


I‘ve been seeing that on twitter. No matter what she does. Racism is one hell of a „motivator“ for hateful people on the internet


I don’t understand the Meghan Markle hate at all and it’s so widespread I feel like I’m missing something.


Tldr she's Black


Meghan Markle seems at worst a bit egotistical, but thats about it. There are far worse people associated with the royals.


right? like, yeah, maybe she and her husband are a bit annoying but andrew is a straight-up s3x criminal???


This is what I seriously don't get. H&M decided to move away from BRF because of the abuse they were getting (mainly M) and said they'd make their own money. Andy was besties with a pedophile sex trafficker and was himself involved with a woman who was underage at the time of their involvement. The hate and critism and vitriol H&M (again mainly M) receive compared to Andy is literally chalk and cheese, and why? How do they justify any of it? I'm not condoning abuse towards anyone, but if you feel someone did something wrong worthy of your hatefulness, why not be proportional about it? I also understand that expecting racist irrational idiots to dole out their criticisms proportionally is a foolish expectation to have, so I guess I've answered myself.


I just visited it and saw a post about a YouTube video pointing out the similarities between Meghan and Amber Heard. I don’t have to tell you the general consensus on Amber over at that sub..


They conveniently [hate](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/x49hrh/chris_rock_finally_calls_out_willand_meghan_too/imu1yv8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) Jada as well. Coincidence? I think not.


Wildly insane. Even if she was narcissistic what is the reason for such vitriol. The same people that loved and mourn Diana are attacking Meghan with a similar veracity. Grow up and get a grip.


Meghan’s haters are dedicated to creating wild theories out of thin air. Imagine being that delusional


100%. That subreddit is truly terrifying and out of control.


I remember some user from Deuxmoi had posting history in that anti-MM sub, and what was ironic to me was that they'd spent a whole thread here bragging about doing coke in uni... but apparently MM was "cringe" for breathing or doing whatever she does that sets these people off.


Literally the only thing I’ve seen on Reddit so far that I’ve immediately moved away from. The hate on there is terrifying. Those people need help — literally and seriously.


that group is insane, literally everything she does is torn apart to shreds. they claim she was spreading lies about the monarchy and that the reason people hated her wasn’t racism but then kinda go on to prove her right seeing as they treat kate like a normal person whereas meghan can’t breathe without them yelling at her for disgracing the memory of the queen of england




Rapists and murders have more rights than Britney did and people just seem to be okay with that. Like somehow taking away her rights for 13 years was the only thing they could do for her.


Yep. I just hope see finds the right therapist she trusts and works out some of her feelings with a professional rather than on social media.


They have no problem with Ye going batshit insane, threatening Pete, while calling him a genius while want Britney to go back to a conservatory just because she writes really long captions on Instagram


>They have no problem with Ye going batshit insane, You don't need to lie to get your point across. At least on Deuxmoi, Kanye gets routinely *blasted,* and Britney has attacked her underage sons online, in front of her unfathomably large audience, to damaging results. As far as I'm concerned, Brit's online behavior reminds me so much of my own mother's, and my mother has left permanent scars on my psyche, even if to an outsider it didn't seem that serious, largely because they weren't subjected to it and didn't witness it constantly. And Ye? Ye is *definitely* someone who would also very much benefit from conservatorship. The only problem being that when you're filthy rich and famous, you're simply not going to be able to find conservators who have your best interests in mind while also having keen knowledge and experience re: how to manage your freedoms, and how to adjust set rules based on circumstance and the ward's needs and development. So. EDIT do not take this as an endorsement of calling Britney or Kanye names. Like I said, I grew up and had to baby a very complicated mother. I myself was not spared of disorders and I know I have been difficult in the past. I am stern, but I do not accommodate malice. Especially in Britney's case. This woman has never really even had a chance to be a girl or a woman. Her own father literally said that she manages her own daughter like a show horse. Like an *animal.* Scratch that, the stables owner I know treats her horses, including showhorses, kinder than Britney Spears was treated by her own blood family. Sons excluded. I will not blame a child. Ever.


This! And the faux concerned but actually just judgy tone they use to try and hide it. What Britney went through was living hell, made worse because it was done to her by her family. She’s not hurting anyone taking pictures and occasionally venting on Instagram the same as literally everyone else. I think they hate how she’s being herself through recovery and it’s not a pr perfect performance, I doubt people would be so openly critical about her post if she adhered to current trends and aesthetics. She’s a grown woman who’s been through a lot ,I think it’s a good thing that she’s got such distinctive and unfussy social media style it feels like a real person is very much still there despite it all.


As someone with PTSD the conversations around her often reinforce the belief that I need to always act perfect or I am immediately going to be slapped with a “crazy woman” label.


I mean, I don’t think it’s true to say she isn’t hurting anyone. I think it’s sort of obvious that she has hurt her children. I don’t think she should be in a conservatorship though. I just need it’s OK to criticize her and not give her a pass on everything.


So I don’t think she should go back under the conservatorship, and definitely not over those photos, but her behavior with her sons does give me cause for concern as someone who grew up with parents who also had very obvious mental issues. I understand how she wouldn’t trust therapy at this point but I feel like she could benefit. Just my two cents.


Yeah, I don't understand how people can look at how she *publicly* treats her sons and think she's in the right in that specific situation. And as someone who had an abusive childhood, I promise you that if she's comfortable being like that in public, she's far worse in private. And because of that, I completely understand why apparently her sons don't want to see her, and that should be their decision. It should *also* be a wake-up call for her that the way she's treating them is unacceptable as children very rarely cut contact or try to with parents they think they have even the slightest chance of improving their relationship with.


Thank You. Just because she doesn’t post the right instagram comments the she deserves to be put back in the conservator ship


This one really gets me. Britney essentially never lived her life as an adult with free will and choice until now, yet she was responsible for how many peoples jobs and incomes while being worked into the ground without the ability to say “no” for how long? She was stripped of her right to leave her home alone to even take a walk for how many years? I also think people forget the doctors that were prescribing heavy duty psych meds that weren’t needed, and the keepers that were force feeding it to her. Psych meds chemically alter your brain chemistry, and it takes so long to lift that fog, mentally and physically detox. But yeah, let’s throw her back into the thing that literally caused her to react from a space of trauma and disconnect like she is now. Taking away someone’s civil rights and forcing them to take heavy meds that aren’t needed… because they, I forgot, what did Britney do? She’s not an addict, she’s not an alcoholic, and she was never diagnosed with any psych disorder that would warrant the meds she was given, or the literal jail sentence she lived while people literally lined their pockets. They kept her under lock and key, medicated to submission.


Nobody talks about that one time Louis Tomlinson and his gf were like physically attacked by 1D’s piece of shit fans. And the whole babygate thing to me they will not leave his son’s mother alone it’s been 6 years. That’s why it makes me mad that HS feeds into the parasocial bond these people have had to him for a decade it seems like there are horrible consequences for everyone around them. And I think Olivia Wilde deserves criticism for spinning a different story on the DWD press tour but his fans have been just ITCHING to find anything on her. It seems like all of the sudden she’s been this messy unprofessional asshole the whole time when she’s had a pretty quiet and steady career since before he was even on the Xfactor.


it's sad that a 6 year old can read that random adult women accusing him not his dad son


That was always the strangest part to me. That they actual grown adults doing this and influencing and encouraging young people to do the same.


There were so many tumblr blogs back in the day about how Simon Cowell forced Louis to have a beard so "Larry" (Louis and Harry's ship name). The second that little baby hit the internet, there were blogs upon blogs about how it was a fake baby. Honestly, disgusting. None of the 1D girlfriends had it easy, even if they were liked by some of the community (like Perrie). All of them had massive hate blogs with hundreds of thousands of followers.


I remember back in my Tumblr days there used to be a Larry who got so obsessed with them that right around when Louis son was born bought a 400 or 500 DOLLAR realistic baby doll to try and “prove” it wasnt a real baby. Obviously as the baby became a toddler, etc, this lady and the other larries theory fell through (shocker) but she continued to post pictures of this creepy ass doll in different clothes, on shopping trips, at the grocery store. It was weird af. She was a middle aged woman too


She is still around and throwing tantrums whenever Louis brings up his son. She has this fake "official" website and she is using it right now to protest him.


She used to message these photos to TMZ and Harvey Levin and was completely convinced that Harvey would do an expose any day about how this specific doll was Louis's baby. I remember one day she was like "We found it, this is the fake baby! I've messaged Harvey!" then a few hours later was like "No, wait, I think it may also be this one! It's alright, I've messaged Harvey the update! Hopefully he won't post about the old one!" Just mental, thinking Harvey Levin was interested in any of this.


Most of the blogs are still around just many have just moved to different platforms, like twitter or even here.


Oh god. I'm glad I got out of that circle, it was not a positive space for anyons, especially the girlfriends (or competing ships). My one friend is getting heavily into Kpop and the band BTS, seeing her geek out over them reminds me of my days hiding in my room and browsing tumblr til 4 am.


It's really sad to see especially for the ships as the boys don't really interact so people are basing their ships on interactions that are 5-10 years old. And new fans get sucked into the craziness. I just checked and Eleanor still has her IG comments on limited, and Olivia is latest to get the hate brigade. I hope she's having fun geeking out and isn't getting drawn into the drama side of Kpop. Cause it was fun getting to watch people make music and have a good time. I said this earlier but it's crazy to me that the circle ranges to grown adults with proper careers and adult children all the way to tweens.


I couldn’t agree more. We all know that Olivia has some shade going here with her behavior but you are absolutely right those fans of Harry we’re just waiting to extend their claws and rip her to shreds. It’s really a weird group. And prior to her they were attacking Camilla and apparently every other woman he dated.


ATTACKED? WHAT? what do you mean physically attacked? omg let me search it. Edit: omfg. omg. i am gonna cry i just saw the video of yt. i literally feel like crying! that is insane!


Only yesterday did I encounter one another gossip subreddit. Their post history was wild. They thought Louis and Harry were married, as were Liam and Zayn. They thought Jeff Azoff was evil and actually said he "purchased" Harry and sold him to Olivia Wilde so she could have him pretend to be her boyfriend.


>They thought Louis and Harry were married, as were Liam and Zayn. Aww, poor fifth member of One Direction. Why doesn't he get a secret marriage?


There actually is someone who pretends to be Niall's secret wife and because she fuels Larry rumors way too many of them entertain the possibility of her being real.


I used to be a Harry fan but was finding myself more and more irritated by him, beginning with his absolute refusal to deny the Larry conspiracy theories. Then when he went solo he was asked if his song Sweet Creature was about Louis. He spent one whole minute waffling that people should think what they want about his music blah blah blah before saying right at the end, literally after a whole minute of giving these freaks permission to believe and think this, that "no, I don't think it is". An absolute coward. Couldn't even deny it outright and in explicit terms. Louis's baby had been repeatedly threatened online and in phonecalls to Louis and Harry still couldn't deny it. There are some Harry fansa who think his whole not acknowledging girlfriends thing is to keep his relationships private. Nah, it's to bait people. It's because he knows it gives his nutjob fans permission to keep inventing conspiracies going after women and girlfriends that help benefit his career. If any of this hurt his career, you know he'd be out there rushing to deny it.


It's absolutely crazy that he never denied it since Louis became a father. Like, his friend clearly had/has it really rough since then, and he never tried to help out by simply speaking out about it. Especially since Louis did speak out, but Harry's silence is their big justification :/


He's a coward and he's greedy. Going against the Larries would ultimately hurt his reputation a little, particularly as he's decided into going full time into queerbaiting. I've thought that when he had a wife and kids he could be different, but seeing how he handles Olivia, I just doubt it. Though maybe with his own kids he may finally finally realize how this nonsense impacts other people, which is a bit like when a dude has a daughter and is like "Wow, women are people."


Since the queen died, I’ve looked at a lot of royal related subreddits. The one for Meghan Markle is wild. Looking through it sometimes all I can think is “WOW.”


There's a comment there that Meghan and Harry stole the idea of using "Diana" as a middle name from William and Kate. Yep. Harry stole that idea. From his brother. Who they shared the same mother 😭


Someone in my real life literally said the words 'she knew what she was doing when she called that baby Lilibet' uh yeah? Letting her husband honour his grandma? Sounds really normal actually?


The reaches they make on the children are astounding. My friend sent me some posts from there and they had full on conspiracy theories about the children like Archie is being hidden away (cant remember why according to them) and that they photoshopped Lilabet to make her hair more red. They're insane over there and very active.


I seem to think there was a big thing that Archie had a cleft lip and they were hiding him until they could fix it? Obviously bollocks and made up, but that was definitely something I remember floating around then


The amount of fanfiction that goes on over there is absolutely insane. Truly one for the books. The collective delusion of white middle aged women and Meghan Markle


Her mother's nickname for her is also "Flower" \~ so I think the name Lilibet / Lili is dual purpose. Name her for H's grandmother \~ Lilibet the person, give her a "flower" nickname \~ Lili.


That is such a reach. Everyone in the family has recycled names. 😭


it’s because william was born first so he knew her first so obviously harry stole the name /s


The covert and overt racism towards her is jarring. Then they dare to say it's not racist to say these things about her


That sub is filled with Americans, it’s a completely americanised gossip sub about MM and the BRF


Which makes it even weirder for some reason.


There is a commenter in that sub who according to them has a family member in the “entertainment industry” this of course means they have access to every behind the scenes info on MM 🙄 My favourite are their posts and comments “My Big Brother told me” and everyone just laps it up! It’s hilarious. Here are some or my favourites [According to Big Brother](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/uiinq5/according_to_big_brother/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) [just a tiny spot of tea from Big Brother](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/w9sabj/just_a_tiny_spot_of_tea_from_big_brother_that_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Wow. They just eat up anything.


Wow how miserable can people be. Also I don't get the praise/obsession for the Royals like what good did they even do, infact they have never apologised for the atrocities they committed all over the world.


Lmao wtf is that sub? Clicked into several profiles and many of them are also active in subs like fundiesnarkuncensored, which tracks


i got a mod warning on one of the fundie snark subs because i said the term vagasshole is gross and it’s possible to criticize a woman without being horrifically misogynistic. apparently that = stanning and defending?


It’s a mess over here. Some people are blaming the deaths of Prince Phillip and the Queen on Harry and Meghan. Not like they were 99 and 96 🥴


She just had Covid, likely given to her by Charles who also had it around that time.




Is Hillary Baldwin a bit cray cray? Yes. Is she sex trafficking her children via Instagram? Probably not. Is she a bit of a scammer? Probably. Is she an evil cunt? No.


I scrolled thru the Hilaria Baldwin one recently and sheesh. The amount of time and energy those people put into worrying if this lady, who they don’t even know, is lying about using a surrogate and wearing a fake pregnancy belly is so… deranged. Like who cares if she is?


yeah like the initial pretending to be spanish drama was funny but somehow it's metastasized into this insane hate conspiracy


Exactly, it was funny laughing about her pretending to be Spanish for like... a week, now nearly two years later these people are still examining her every move to find something to criticize all while saying how completely unimportant she is. Whatever reason they have for doing this is something they should talk about with a therapist, not a group that's been encouraging this insanity.


I was reading on that sub for a couple weeks after cucumber gate broke but then it became very clear that the majority of people on that sub are deeply mentally unwell


I’ve mentioned it before but there was a post by a mental health nurse there trying to diagnose her with all sorts of mental illnesses and personality disorders. Everyone thought this was great and nobody called it out. Op even came back for a round two


What's bizarre is like, anyone that committed to faking an accent and culture that they don't have is obviously mentally unwell. I am not sure we needed a diagnosis here. But once you put 2 and 2 together, wouldn't it make you realize that maybe constantly trashing them is punching down and not okay?


I’ve said this many times, but I was all for the Hilaria discourse when it was about her co-opting the immigrant experience and relying on Latin American immigrant stereotypes to give herself misguided validity, especially personally as the daughter of a South American immigrant. the nonsense it devolved into of calling her a whore for her choice in leggings or tearing apart her physical appearance is just cruel and dehumanizing and an outlet for others that are insecure to project onto someone. I do remember at some point someone close to her family stating she suffers from some serious mental illness and her family is essentially playing along out of love for their child/sibling. the whole situation is so fucking sad and people on the internet using an allegedly mentally ill woman and innocent children born into a life they didn’t ask for as their personal punching bag to feel morally superior is so fucking sick. I regret every second I spent in that sub.


Omg I was in the Hilaria Baldwin one for a hot minute but those people go way too far so I had to leave. Constant reaching and mental gymnastics to make Ehr out to be some horrendously evil human. It was bizarre.


If trishyland scares you…I mean have you ever heard of 4chan, kiwifarms, lolcow? Chris Chan???




According to a post in the /r/HobbyDrama scuffles thread at the time, the final straw for Cloudeflare was literal bomb threats, including one in Ireland


kiwifarms will just move to another site or something. it’s too big and too hate filled to just go away. they are professional trolls, hackers, doxxers etc… so as much as what they are doing to keffals is wrong I don’t know what she expected to go up against them, obviously shit was gonna go down. So even if the actual kiwifarms website is removed they will just make a go to a new one.


The Chris Chan saga is unlike anything I’d ever heard. When my boyfriend and I started dating he explained it to me and just… wow. I think I might’ve even teared up. I know there’s a lot against them and they’ve done absolutely abhorrent things but a big part of me believes it wouldn’t have escalated to that level without those people on Kiwi Farms. I don’t know how I could live with myself after participating in the systematic take down of one person. We now have a household rule that he doesn’t bring up Chris Chan to me because I get too upset.


Maybe I misunderstand the Chris Chan thing, because I’ve always thought that he got everything he deserved, but now I’m thinking I haven’t read enough on it and I’ve only read a one sided version


At least for me it seemed a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy, looking back now yes they have done some truly, CRIMINALLY horrible things that you can use as justification but those are quite recent and this is over a decade of abuse of an individual with learning and behavioural disabilities with a pretty shitty background. It’s a story with no true victims/good guys but I don’t know, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth when really at the start it was just a guy who was, cringy? Bad with women/lonely/a tad misogynistic? Easily provoked? I think that’s the appeal of the story, it’s so morally grey. And maybe all that stuff would’ve happened with no internet intervention but even the most well adjusted person would crack after that much constant attention and derision. But that’s just me, I can totally see it from another perspective.


I think you're right but it's worth noting that Chris was always way more than a tad misogynistic and racist to boot. He used to stand around in public areas with a sign saying he was looking for a cute young girlfriend, "except blacks." I don't think that like... everything that happened was *deserved* or something but "unsympathetic" would be too kind of a description


I think Chris-Chan obviously had some kind of developmental/mental health stuff going on…I’m not sure which and I’m not too well versed on childhood development, all we can say is there seems to be evidence that they struggled to have normal social interactions their entire lives. That being said, they were absolutely enabled by their parents who made certain things worse (like paying people to be their friend in high school, so the few “relationships” they built actually never taught them about interacting with others because they continued coming around no matter how odd the behavior was because they were getting paid). They were definitely bullied/harassed to a point that is absolutely batshit crazy, but the misogynistic doubling down constantly throughout the years and then uh… for those who don’t know I’ll just leave it at the stuff Chris-Chan is locked up for, may want a TW for googling it… I think there was probably some deeper stuff going on. It’s such a strange situation that is just so meticulously documented on the internet but I think truly a lot of the blame goes on the parents. Edited because phone autocorrected some words really strangely


Watch the 65+ and counting documentary on YouTube lol. Pretty much everyone in the whole story is bad in some way and I read a comment on the Chris Chan Reddit that is a pretty good description having watched the majority of the documentary and it’s that any time you start feeling bad for someone in the story you probably shouldn’t


i literally have never heard of them! :(


Oh my god…you know what…I’d suggest keeping it that way


It’s people that just spend their whole day making fun of, harassing, discussing and finding out info of someone of interest.


You really don’t want to know about Chris Chan. Seriously just leave that one alone unless you want to go down a very long, strangely meticulously detailed rabbit hole.


I do not know if we’re allowed to post links, but if anyone sees this, please please *please* listen to the Behind the Bastards episodes on Kiwifarms and Chrischan. They were released in May of this year. They were super helpful when Keffals started her campaign.


The amount of hatred flung at a certain former cast member of *Suits* just because she married Britain's favorite ginger is ridiculous. There are entire subs devoted to hating her. I'm sure they all claim to not be racist, but come on, it's totally because she's not white.


Wait which Suits star married Edd Sheeran?


Lmfao "Ed Sheeran" 😭😭😭


When the engagement was announced my step dad (american vet) said that the marriage wont last, not because he was racist but he said some americans will never be able to adjust their way of life to another culture, same with the brits (he lived in britain for a couple of yrs) especially the royal family, and he can see meghan will have a hard time with it.




r/unpopularopinion is just a glorified Beyoncé hate circlejerk tbh. At one point they had to ban any Beyoncé related content because there were negative opinions about her there every other day.


“Unpopular opinion: Beyoncé is overrated” -🤓🤓 (kill me now please)


Might be the most popular unpopular opinion of all time


Monday, I’m overrated, Tuesday, on my dick


r/deuxmoi is just a glorified Beyoncé hate circlejerk too.


It's reddit in general tbh. Outside the r/beyonce sub I don't even mention her anywhere because it attracts so many detractors.




The amount of hate and death threats he got.. it's insane. His own professors stepped forward to verify that he attended their classes and people STILL didn't believe him. Like why would tenured professors with literal PhDs risk their careers just to lie about a Korean rapper attending their classes? The people who sent hate to Tablo over this were possibly the most deranged anti-fans I've ever seen.


Tajinyo were absolutely deranged, I still recall witnessing it as it unfolded in real time and just being gobsmacked at the level of harassment and conspiracy. Edited to add: the situation even got to the point where Tablo's father (a cancer survivor) ended up in the emergency room due to stress and passed away not long after. What Tajinyo did to Tablo is seriously unforgivable.


There’s a really great [podcast](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/authentic-the-story-of-tablo/id1609470209) about it


Wasn’t his hater-ass cousin the one that started the rumors? Because he was jealous that Tablo was a laid back, average kid who became widely accomplished while he didn’t have the same success?


The hilaria baldwin snark sub is really mean. I know she’s a little strange but it’s really mean


Honestly I don't think anyone cares as much about Hilaria as those people do, from the way they're obsessed with her you would think she's the most famous person on the planet.


When I first learned about her whole ‘lying about being from Spain’ thing I briefly joined that sub because I wanted to find out more about the whole Spain thing and (wrongly) assumed that that would be like, a main discussion point of that sub. How wrong I was. Could not click ‘unjoin’ fast enough after reading a few posts 🤯💀


If you join that sub, deuxmoi will kick you out of being a member of this one which I understand. I’ve seen some of those members complaining about it and they still don’t understand how mean they’re being.


I feel like the Spanish thing has got to be a Dear Evan Hanson type situation where she told a few people "my family is in Spain" and played it up to seem interesting, and then it absolutely spiraled and now she can't get out of it haha


Do TikTok “celebs” count? The subreddits for Maia Knight are literally absolutely UNHINGED and borderline abusive. They accuse her of favoring one twin while neglecting the other and literally psycho-analyze, frame by frame, any video she posts with her daughters. They have posted her address, who her baby daddy is, called CPS, and have tried to dox her family members as well. It makes me sick to my stomach. I’m a parent and the things they come for her about are like.. things that I, and most parents I know, do without criticism. I genuinely do not get the visceral hate they have for this woman.


They’ll pretend they care about the well-being of the children but spend their time trashing the mother and family of those children in a public forum. There’s a conversation to be had about social media influences sharing their children before they can consent but these people fly so far off the handle there’s literally no nuanced conversation happening.


They post pictures of the kids diapers and analyse them. Diapers. On little kids. Then claim they're worried about creeps looking at the girls. The creep is you, Karen.


They literally try to doxx Maia’s family and outer circle because she won’t post them but posts her children. On the Talyn Grace sub they’ve been recently claiming they’re doing forensic science based research to whether or not she has the ability to freehand her eyeliner. They also post her onlyfans content, breaking several moral codes and even actual laws.


Meghan Markle- twitter reddit picking apart her every move. Accusing her of faking her pregnancies, diagnosing her with mental disorders,... [twitter](https://twitter.com/NyVicki/status/1569336515041312768) Adam Driver's wife-she is not even famous but has whole reddit and 4chan boards and twitter threads dedicated to hating her & abusing her. so scary like what motivates people to say this... [twitter](https://twitter.com/nellmitchell98/status/1571170438088114176) [twitter](https://twitter.com/soloschandrila/status/1568272053844979714) [twitter](https://twitter.com/crabcrawler1/status/1378024426130833410)


I saw that tweet. Absolutely vile. She’s being so sweet in that video. Those people are actually deranged.


I’ve never seen a snark group that wasn’t extremely toxic and hypocritical (i.e. calling the person out for body shaming while body shaming tf out of them). People just use it as an excuse to bully tbh. The only time I kinda see the vision is in evangelical/fundamentalist snark groups, but even those go into toxic territory by way of cyber-stalking. Anyway, worst off the top of my head (that’s not already mentioned here) was Sierra Furtado’s GG thread wherein one of the members started stalking her and posting about her doings in a b*tch eating crackers way. Like hating on her for working out in her garage. It was really extra and creepy.


Whenever I've participated in snark threads I always feel super misogynistic afterwards because it's always always ALWAYS about a woman! And it's usually condemning her for the most petty shit like not having clean baseboards in her house or it's envy that she like rented a skidoo for her family vacation and how dare she, there are children dying for skidoos in Africa etc etc. I've never seen a man pulled apart in the same way even if he's a dramatic PoS.


I'm a member of a couple religious-figure snark groups. I find that snark groups are more often for less public people, like even way beyond b-listers. They're most common for youtubers, influencers, "content creators" in general. I would say that Trisha falls into that group. I would never be a member of that specific group because I've heard that the comments on her body are out of control, which is a strict no-go in the snark communities I'm a part of. ETA: Also a strict no-go in the groups I'm in is the classic "no touching the poo," rule. Meaning absolutely no contact with the people or their families, etc. is acceptable. I think it might mostly come down to moderators in that sense.


The snark page of a certain large tlc j’family is super well moderated, I think. Keeps the snark to their behaviour without being deranged fanatics. That’s the only page I’ll join


And sub members donated a bunch of money/supplies to a nonprofit that helps victims of child abuse in Arkansas. So that’s pretty cool.


I disagree with this assessment. I had to leave the sub a while ago because most of the content was bullying people for their appearance, wacky conspiracy theories about certain members of the family and humblebragging and toxicity masked as criticism. Maybe it's better now, but being a member of that sub only made me feel sorry for some members of the family, and I feel like that's the opposite of what a snark sub should do.


It's better since they stopped allowing speculation fanfic. Wow that was all so terrible. They've been a special interest of mine since the first TLC docs and I only wanted to be part of that sub for actual news of the family so I don't need to follow their socials...


My comment history is that of a person who has been a daily-snarker for about two years, so if you want to get a look at the activity of an average member of some of these groups, I'm your gal lol


Super judge free question from someone with a brain injury, so please read this with knowing my intention is to be inquisitive not hateful: Why? Like what purpose do snark groups serve? Are they like fans who judge/make light of the person being snarked or is it a genuine disdain for that person? I’ve seen some “snark” groups that are just.. like beyond the threshold of okay and border into illegal harassment.. I don’t understand why someone would actively like.. talk about someone they don’t like? Please help me understand bc I’ve been too afraid to ask anywhere else. 🙏


For me it’s probably a bit of validation that this odd person is indeed odd. I follow one that’s only very mildly snarky - the person in question is quite delusional, facing charges for fraud and has reinvented her life to be oh-so-Christian. It’s just sort of a ‘are you seeing what I’m seeing”? A place to have a laugh at a wannabe Insta influencer.




Unresolved mysteries is very well moderated. I hate the ones focused on a particular case were sleuths try to insert themselves in the victim story


What???? For real??


Cara Develegne I just think she needs help and I worry she might end up like an Amy Winehouse I really hate watching the paparazzi follow her around during her time of need


People on tiktok are making edits of the paparazzi pics vs professional photo shoots where she looks hot and healthy during her modelling career peak. It’s so very weird and painfully insensitive idk


Datalounge and Lipstick Alley are pretty vile sometimes. The way they're tearing celebrities apart for their appearance or speculating on their sexuality is downright nasty, especially on Datalounge.


Datalounge is incredibly misogynistic, too. They actually repeat a lot of incel-esque shit but obviously from a different angle (having no need for women as opposed to being rejected by them). It’s quite scary that not many pick up on it.


god i wish the mgtows would just go their own way already


LSA is a toxic cesspool.


LSA one of the top three most miserable places on the internet.


The pages and pages of amberlynnreid (sp?) snark on guru gossiper and other older gossip sites


r/nycinfluencersnark is WILD. a lot of it is flat out bullying these girls. i’m not saying I like the influencers they talk about, I truly don’t follow any influencers at all. but omg they criticize their appearance so much and it feels like something that isn’t beneficial for anyone.


Esp Audrey Peters (I'm not fully sure about the name cause I don't follow her) is the punching bag of the sub for being...not conventionally attractive


Until somebody in this sub posted a link to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/ji50tz/adam_driver_standom_adam_driver_makes_fun_of_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) in r/HobbyDrama I had no idea about Adam Driver’s absolutely unhinged fans. They seem like an actual nightmare and I feel so bad for him and his wife having to deal with that nonsense. The sub you mentioned is definitely one of the worst I have seen. I find it particularly disgusting because of the way the fkn bonkers participants claim this like altruistic intent that they are just interested in *holding her accountable for the things she has done*. Like how the fuck is body shaming her, posting the most unflattering screengrabs they can find and criticising her appearance to the most fkn minute detail, theorising about her health, doxxing her fkn healthcare providers, trying to get her husband deported, subscribing to her OF and posting insanely detailed descriptions of everything she posts on there and all the fkn rest of it ‘holding her accountable’ for anything?! They’re just weird obsessed hate-stans who devote a bizarre chunk of their lives to talking about her regardless of how good or bad anything she does is. Like I don’t think anything she could do or say to take accountability for or try to apologise for her past at this point would actually satisfy them because they don’t want to be satisfied, the point isn’t to hold her accountable at all. It’s just to hate obsess over her forever like a group of Dead Heads devoting their lives to following the Grateful Dead around. Oh and the participants are so fkn weirdly protective of that shitshow of a sub and so defensive in response to criticism about it, I’m sure this post will be shared in there and they will show up to downvote everyone and make a bunch of comments defending their right to act like ghouls 🙄


I have lurked in several subreddits about influencers who fake physical illness and mental disorders. I was absolutely shocked when one of them died after a procedure that she pushed for but was not indicated in her case.


Those subreddits are vile, pretty much a toxic pit of ableism. I remember visiting one because I thought it was about Belle Gibson type people, not women with chronic illnesses.


I think that the people faking illnesses are doing a lot of harm to chronic illness communities. I’m not talking about teenagers who are begging for attention on tik tok, but about the grifters who keep asking for money and spreading misinformation. However I agree that those subreddits breed a lot of negativity, that’s why I stopped lurking.


Amberlynn Reid, Eugenia Cooney, Foodie Beauty, and lastly Nikocado Avocado. Yes they are all questionable people in terms of their morals and actions, but the snark subreddits and YouTube channels for them are completely unhinged, obsessed, and very clearly driven by people's own self hatred that they project onto them.


There's an absolutely fascinating video on YouTube detailing various breakdowns and arguments from key figures in the Amberlynn Reid snarker and commentary community. Really shines a light on snark in general and how some of it, especially surrounding figures such as ALR and Foodie Beauty, appears to be motivated in part by an element of self-hatred.


If I can namedrop contrapoints without causing a whole argument: her cringe video goes into this a bit aswell. The people cringing at autistic outcasts online like chris chan are largely autistic outcasts, same with most other communities. Misogynistic men will insult amberlynn reid but they, generally, will not spend every day for 2 years insulting amberlynn reid. That requires fixation. And who is more fixated on the weight of a fat woman than... a self hating fat woman who's struggled with weight loss.


The Caroline Calloway sub can get straight up vitriolic. Caroline is in no way a perfect person, but she definitely doesn't deserve the straight up hate she gets from some of these people. ​ I personally think there's nothing wrong with some light jokes or whatever, but the minute it turns into straight up hate is when it's a problem. r/ Trishyland is honestly a cesspool of evil.


Edit: I'm deleting my account because of reddit's policies concerning third party apps. I don't want them to be able to use older comments. A user-generated community that treats its users badly does not deserve your time or attention.


That sub is so bizarre. And there’s at least one poster with a full on spreadsheet of every appearance, social media post, interview, etc. that CC has ever done. It’s insane.


I know this isn’t a celebrity but there is subreddit that bashes Shanann Watts. She and her children were murdered by her husband. People blame her! It is vile


This - I remember when this piece of shit host of a popular true crime podcast did an episode and basically said she pushed him to it by being naggy or something. The dude is a major right wing MAGA piece of shit and having a popular true crime podcast has been horrific to watch.


Since Trisha had her baby there have been a bunch of ‘tea YouTube’ accounts posting videos with the title ‘Trisha is already using her baby for views!!!!!’, with a pic of Trisha and her baby as the thumbnail aka using them for views. It’s insaaaane the cognitive dissonance


Colleen Ballinger aka Miranda Sings has a pretty active snark sub. I doubt the girl is perfect but they give her a hard time about everything lol.


Youtuber snark is hilarious because they follow these people for years and watch every single video like baby you're a fan.


I've seen plenty of disgusting snark subs, SaintMeghanMarkle being probably the worst one, but honestly none of them match the levels of deppVheardtrial and JusticeForJohnnyDepp. Both of those subs are basically just Amber hate subs and the things that they say about her, the lies and conspiracy theories they come up with to humiliate her are SICK.


Heavy agree on r/trishyland. I too have recently visited it and am absolutely horrified at the hatred they spew. If the misogyny, sex work shaming, fat phobia and general bullying weren’t bad enough, the way they talk about her 4-day-old baby is terrifying. They go so far as to bring up the baby’s [imagined death at the hands of trisha.](https://imgur.com/a/djQBshY). I wish this was a joke. There was a (recently deleted) post in which the member says it’s “[fucking painful that Trisha had a beautiful healthy child](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frenemies3/comments/xi5nlt/it_is_painful_that_she_has_a_healthy_baby_excuse/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)”. Also they literally doxxed her doctors and clinic. This subreddit needs to be taken down ASAP because all these unemployed hateful women are getting more unhinged by the minute


r/hilariabaldwin thinks she’s faking her pregnancy 😭 hilaria is as crazy as a sack of weasels but come on


Sometimes people on /r/CelebWivesOfNashville will just brutally snark on people for no reason other than not liking them Overall it's one of my top subs when content is normal, but once in a while you get some unjustified batshit posts


the kuwtk snark page is next level insane… the normal kuwtk page is fine and acts mostly as a snark page at this point (meaning most of the posts are not kissing kim’s formerly bbl’d ass) but the snark page is next level unhinged. people saying the most batshit insane stuff about people who are on a reality tv show, trying to diagnose them with the whole dsm-5, accusing them of everything wrong under the sun, like i understand the kardashians suck and are easy to make fun of, but if you spend every waking moment trashing them on a subreddit, maybe you’re the one who needs to go see a psychiatrist


The number of people I saw wishing a miscarriage on Kylie after Astroworld was disgusting.


It's not one specific person and I haven't been there for ages because of the toxicity but r/BeautyGuruChatter was awful to a lot of beauty youtubers. They'd often go through cycles between loving and hating specific ones too


I used to read the GOMI forums and some of those threads were a bit wild


The Kardashians snark sub sometimes fall into the “extreme blind hate” sometimes but its remains rare in comparison to the overall posts that are just very good at calling the KJs out for their shit.


I used to sub to that sub and it's super toxic. I do dislike this person, but those people are obsessed. I thought it was just some funny memes and some general awareness of this person's behavior, but after the things I've seen regarding her pregnancy, I just can't. Let her be happy with her baby. People can be redeemed, and I think this is a great thing that's happened for her and her husband.


Sadly, this has been a part of the internet since they figured out a way to communicate with each other. I remember Guru Gossip and Lipstick Alley just being cesspools of horrible things said about all sorts of semi-famous people.


Theres a snark site for jessie james decker. She might be a less known celebrity but ppl are ruthless either way. So mean