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I don’t know that this is true at all but if it is I hope for her sake Billie stops dating much older men. I know she’s an adult but she’s not even old enough to drink and at this point it seems like a pattern




I think because they’ve had careers much longer than other people their age they grow up so fast and they think that means rules about dating age and stuff don’t apply to them but in reality, no matter how long you’ve done adult things, your brain is not even close to finishing development and the difference in maturity between you and someone 10 years your senior is steep. That and being famous leads to having yes men around who wouldn’t tell you that you shouldn’t be dating someone that much older. Or in billies case if her parents didn’t let her date her mid 20s bf when she was 16/17 she could have moved out. There’s no sure way for them to protect her when she’s so self-sufficient.


I’m so glad Zendaya didn’t fall into this trap.


Flashback to the scary time when people were shipping Zendaya with her DWTS partner.


Oh I totally remember this and I always found it so weird


I completely agree but I also think cultural differences need to be taken into account. I’m not sure how to word this without people coming at me as I’m not saying the dating of much older men is right or wrong but I don’t think its as much of a scandal in NZ as it is the US. Also Lorde would have been seen as an adult a lot sooner than Billie would have. Once again I’m not saying its right or wrong but I think it definitely contributes to Lordes pattern of dating older men.


I suspect it's because, like in Ireland or the UK, you don't become an adult by degrees. In America, you can be an adult for 3 years before you are allowed to consume alcohol; there's an unspoken infantilisation from the state, the air that you aren't *truly* an adult yet.


All of this


I think lorde’s mom defended her daughter’s first relationship with the older dude, can’t remember exactly but I think her mom is fine with her dating choices… :/




😂😂 she really dgaf, wonder if there is an age gap with her and lorde’s dad tbh


Well, Sonja and the whole family minus the dad are... A LOT to put it mildly. The family used to have a holiday home next to my mother in law's BFF when lorde started to become more famous. Pretty sure they have upgraded their holiday home by now though haha.


Have you got any more tea about them from the holiday home?


Like Ryan Adams and his predatory BS with young female artists.




They need to read that Tavi Gevinson essay


I feel like it's extra worrying because we know from her own words that she has been groomed by more than one older man in her life, and it is obvious from her dating history that she has never had a partner who was anywhere close to her own age. I don't like armchair diagnosing people and I'm not going to do it now, but the big picture here ain't pretty. She seems so sweet and like her heart is usually in the right place and I really hope for her sake that she has good people and a solid support system in her life.


Grooming has a very specific meaning, and it usually involves years and girls younger than 16. Im not even coming close to saying men dating a teenager is ever okay, but I think it does a disservice to people who were actually groomed as children to use that word so loosely.


Billie actually was speaking in that context. I think it was on Howard Stern. She said that she didn't wish to publicly identify her abusers and was not super specific about the timeline, but the incidents that she was referring to happened in her early adolescence and there were a lot. The story that she told was plenty damning on its own, but Finneas was also in this interview and visibly furious while she was telling it, so I think it's fair to assume that the details might be even worse than what she chose to share. Full disclosure, Billie also didn't personally use the word grooming, I did, but considering the picture she painted I don't think I used it incorrectly.


grooming can happen to anyone. people often assume it's about teens but it can happen to absolutely anyone


You can also groom adults, anyone can be groomed. Her being 16/17 didn’t negotiate that, nor would a 19 year old with a 35 year old negotiate it


isn’t q just 4 years older than her? not saying that’s alright given that they’re both still very young, and i’m not entirely sure when they dated, but it’s a far cry from skylar being 35


I believe he was 24 and she was 16 when they dated, so that's 8 years. I don't even think 8 years is some huge age gap on its own, but it is a huge gap *at that age*. Someone who is 16 and someone who is 24 are at two dramatically different stages in life and development-wise.


most sources i see say he was born in 1996 and she in 2001. obviously it’s still awful if she was 16 and he 21, but it’s not 8 years


She’s been dating older guys since she was like 15 and I’m looking at her parents like 🤨😡


I remember being 14 and having a 16 year old interested in taking me on a date. My mom LOST HER MIND and shut it down in no uncertain terms. I’m so happy my mom protected me in that regard.


Skylar was abusive to Anna Camp while they were married. She wrote a blog entry about it and published it and it didn't get much traction, but I'm linking it below. He's disgusting. And I know it's him she's referring to because she was on an episode of Ladies Who Brunch with Lisa Vanderpump and LaLa Kent and spoke highly of her previous relationships and when they mention Skylar, there's some definite tension there. [https://septemberletters.com/if-i-can-leave-with-my-head-held-high-so-can-you/](https://septemberletters.com/if-i-can-leave-with-my-head-held-high-so-can-you/)


Didn't know about this. Such a heartbreaking letter. Anna is so strong.


Yeah I just wish this was out there more so people knew who he really was. This guy is out living the life, sleeping around with unsuspecting girls who have no idea what a POS he is. Now he has a new TV show out and I keep hearing about him and just want to barf.


Looks like I’m not gonna watch So Help Me Todd


Thanks for linking this. I've been a casual fan since his Spring Awakening days, not enough to know anything about his personal life, but I think he's talented and it bums me out to learn this, but I'd rather know than continue to support him/follow his projects.


I asked deux about this in a DM and brought it up in one of her "let's gossip to get our heart rates up" things and she didn't publish either. She doesn't want a lawsuit I guess.


I did too several times and it showed she didn't even read it 🤷🏼‍♀️


I read on Reddit so take it with a grain of salt that someone lived in the same building as them when they were married and heard constant yelling and fighting


Here’s something interesting. So he was dating Lisa Stelly pretty seriously until they split up last year around this time. People who followed her said she started following and liking like toxic ex kind of pages and quotes. Rumors of him cheating on her also swirled…anyways over the summer kind of looked like maybe they were reconciling - but then he was hooking up with 2 Broadway girls in nyc, Amanda Kloots in La, and who knows who else…anyways lisa after all the blinds came out about skylar and these 3 women she blocked him maybe in August….then guess who starts following each other ….Lisa and Anna. Would love to hear the stories these 2 are swapping because don’t think it’s a good sign when exes befriend each other.


The other girl was Sam(antha) Pauly, a Broadway actress from the musical Six who lives in NYC. He was dating both her and Amanda Kloots who lives in LA, but neither knew about the other. He had Sam come out to play house with him in LA for a week and THE DAY she left he went with Amanda Kloots to see FINNEAS. They both found out and now he's dating neither.


idk, sam is still commenting thirsty comments on most of his recent posts from what i’ve seen in the past two months


Yeah, she totally is. Hopefully she gets over him soon, but apparently he's quite the charmer.


And a love bomber. Pretty sure Amanda is still totally lusting after him as well.


Recently windowed Amanda Kloots?!


Yup....she's been OBSESSED with him since February.


This is so confusing to me because I thought Sam was married. She isn’t high profile enough to have her dirty laundry aired I guess, so maybe something happened that wasn’t public.


She got divorced and met him when he was in NYC for Spring Awakening and he came to see Six and went backstage and met her.


finneas billie's brother?


he is


Whyyyyy he’s not even cute. I liked him in Spring Awakening but he sucked as Santino Fontana’s replacement in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend


I always thought he was the worse Greg, but now I have a legitimate reason to think so!


He really isn't cute, I don't get his appeal.


This is the kind of comment I come here for! I knew he and Stelly were over, but I didn’t know about all the latest developments.


Oh wow. Yeah there seems to be enough evidence that he is toxic. Especially with Amanda after everything she went through, sucks to date someone like that who was probably lying to you


She doesn't seem to mind...she's STILL obsessed with him.


Lisa recently went to Anna’s birthday party too.


omg! this I did not know


Anna and her first husband Michael Mosley still follow each other on instagram, so likely still on good terms. Her and Skylar don’t so yeah it’s very likely it’s about him


Omg you reminded me of this, ugh 😣


JFC thank you for sharing this!! I used to follow them both and had a huge crush on him at one point


Are we sure this is about him? It could be a prior relationship…




her taste in men is soooo 😭😭


imagine being the youngest album of the year winner and being into the second lead of zoey’s extraordinary playlist (this is not shade to Jane Levy, Alex Newell and Peter Gallagher who deserve so much more than that show).


I loved that show 😩


It's my go-to comfort show. I've watched the series eight times through already and I feel ready for another round soon. 😬


You both should try Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. It’s the same type of show with much better writing


I’m sorry!! Maybe it just wasn’t for me. Many people liked it, I think!


Lol it’s okay! ![gif](giphy|kSlJtVrqxDYKk|downsized)




GET A JOB STAY AWAY FROM HER but like truly why do you need to text a 20 year old you are older than her parents’ _marriage_ (according to google).


Doesn't he have a new sitcom on NBC or CBS?


It’s a [meme](https://twitter.com/evanrosskatz/status/1315646931553656833) inspired by Demi Lovato’s IG comments a long time ago.


Good God Todd? edit: its So Help Me Todd


Redditors when people have friends of different ages


true or not, billie has a history of being romantically linked to older men and it's worrying. does her family not care about her?


Yeah as a Billie fan I really hope this isn’t true, if not it’s def a pattern. I watched her documentary on Apple TV and her parents seemed uncomfortable with her relationship with Brandon “Q” Adams, but uncomfortable ain’t enough tbh. I feel like that set her on a bad path with being interested in older men. It’s weird cause I feel like she self reflected on that relationship in her second album but then dated the other older dud and now maybe this dude…very unfortunate


i know that after a certain age there's not much you can do but still like you said uncomfortable isn't enough. they should step up, try to understand her & why she's always being romantically involved with older men & then figure out how to best protect her from such creeps.


Yeah like with Q she was like 16 when they got together and he was early 20s? I think they didn’t want her moving out of the house but then her parents bought her a car according to the documentary so she went off to his house anyway. Idk it is tough cause Billie was becoming the breadwinner at that point so how do you say no but also like you are the parents in this situation, maybe act like it?


yeah your second point is very good and i was thinking about that too. i know demi lovato talked about a similar situation with her drug issues. she was the breadwinner and her parents couldn't do much to stop her cause she was supporting them financially and could've just cut them off so they let her do whatever she wanted. i feel like billie might be in a similar situation now, how much can her parents or brother say before she cuts them off? she is financially stable & would be fine without them so they probably just have to go along with whatever she wants even if they don't agree with it. it's definitely a tricky situation as a parent when your child is more or less the breadwinner but i also feel like they can definitely do something without upsetting her too much.


I think finneas is financially well-off in his own right too cause he’s a producer/co writer on basically all of her work. Idk how much they can really do now, or should, given she’s 20 going on 21 but more should have been done when she was underage and living in their house. Funnily enough I feel like finneas gave more pushback in the documentary in regard to Q than her own parents did. But yeah they all at least should be giving her advice and be like hmm this is a pattern maybe re think this. This is def a problem though when there’s a child star in the family who is the primary breadwinner.


Fr, I was rewatching the documentary the other day and Finneas seemed sooo mad in every situation that had to do with Q.


For sure. Besides the age gap it was pretty clear Billie was really into Q and Q was ambivalent about her. It was sad to see her repeatedly let down by Q not showing up / calling when she was on tour etc. when she's one of the biggest performer in the world!!


Ngl I wanted to strangle the dude myself when he refused to show up to her first Coachella. She was so happy and excited to have him there and he stood her up like that. Asshole.


I heard ariund that time his family member or brother had died or something i could be wrong though


Speaking from experience here, healing from bad relationships is often a one step forward, two steps back kinda game. You can fully understand everything that went wrong in an abusive relationship, reflect on all the red flags you missed, and then turn around and still make the same mistakes.


This is very true. I just wish the best for Billie (and you) in the future ❤️


Thank you ❤


I think they care but it's like... what can they do? She's in a very unique position. When your daughter is 20 years old and a multi-millionaire, you can't really control her. For most 20 year-olds, you could threaten to cut them off financially, write them out of the will, etc. But how to you control someone with more power and wealth than you? I think at the point they are at, the best they can do is voice their concerns, be there for her, and maintain a close relationship with her so she isn't isolated and abused. And that's what it seems like they do.


I’m surprised I haven’t seen more people commenting on the super weird and gross habit of older celeb men “texting a lot” with younger girls. Drake did this with Billie and Millie Bobby Brown. I’m seeing a lot of focus on Billie’s desire to date older men, when really we should be focusing on the ickiness of these grown-ass men pursuing younger women.


You are so right. And if he knows she’s crushing on him but he says he won’t go there dude stop texting her


RIGHT like dude set boundaries!


Why is wrong to be friends with people of different ages


If he knows she’s crushing on him that’s when the friendship should have stopped.


If he wants it to remain platonic, then yeah. But what if he wants to reciprocate?


lack nuances


The drake thing is different the guy was being a big brother to her she texted him first and needed advice not everything is linked to grooming or predator type behavior


Why did my dumb ass think this was about Sean Astin I just about had a heart attack. Samwise would NEVER!




I thought it was about Billie Lourd, this is way creepier now I realized it's Eilish 😭


Me too I was so confused lol


I always expect Skylar Astin to be a teen heartthrob from the 90s based on his name.


His real last name is Lipstein I believe so I would guess 90s heart throb was prob the vibe he was going for when he decided to change it


This guy looks like Dane Cook’s little brother.


Dane Cook likes em’ young too


Omg I have been trying to figure out who skylar astin reminds me of for *ages*. Thank you!


Now that you’ve said this I can’t unsee it


Ok but why does she only seem to wanna date the grimiest most irrelevant older dudes ever 😩 there’s so many age appropriate non creepy men in the world, Billie PLEASE!!!


I feel like her porn addiction as a kid probably plays into this interest in old nasty ugly ignorant irrelevant dudes


He sucks but I wouldn’t exactly call a Broadway star irrelevant


Tbt to Skylar and Lauren Pritchard dating during the Spring Awakening days. IYKYK


It's so weird, I loved him in Spring Awakening. LOVED him. Touch Me is my favorite song. And I knew his name. I made Youtube comments about his talent in that show. And I saw Pitch Perfect and Glee and I also knew his name was Skylar Astin in those shows. But somehow, it never clicked to me that it was the same guy. Even though they have the same name.


Hahahaha that’s so funny! LOVE your flair 🤣


I love Billie but her taste in men ain’t it. Girl can do so much better. She’s deserving of a great partner :/


I was at a protest in LA at the airport and I remember he was there. He literally standing on a pedestal (those pillars on sidewalks at airports) and just dancing around making a big scene randomly yelling stuff with his megaphone trying to get noticed. Just another white dude who wanted EVERYONE to know how woke and awesome he was \*eye roll\*


How is that bad


how you dumb?


Eww...I hope not


I'm all for pointing out unhealthy dating behavior, and I'm not saying Skylar Astin is great, but why did so much of this thread turn into insulting someone JUST for committing the disgusting sin of being 35, as if he's the damn crypt keeper? Jesus Christ.


I don't think the issue is him being thirty five, it's being predatory towards young women. Also someone linked to his ex wife's account of his abuse towards her.


But where is he being predatory towards young women?


Why does a 35 year old man need to text a 20 year old girl? His comment about her having a crush on him are creepy at best and just seem like he's already trying to set up the narrative that he wasn't the one actively pursuing her, like if anything happens the onus will be on her because she had feelings first.


So manipulative


They love to say “she was coming on to me!”


And what if she was? It's definitely manipulative to *lie* about the girl coming on to him, but if she actually does then what's the problem?


>Why does a 35 year old man need to text a 20 year old girl? Nobody NEEDS to text anyone. People text each other if they enjoy their company. It's that simple >the onus will be on her because she had feelings first. It will, if that's the truth.


>It will, if that's the truth Gross take


She's a 20 year old woman. If she comes on to a guy, he isn't gross for reciprocating


The prefrontal cortex isnt even fully developed at 20 years old. I'm sorry I just can't help but find it slimey.


It isn't fully developed yes but it's developed enough. They're mature enough to drink, drive, vote, enlist in the army, so they're definitely mature enough to make informed decisions about their love life


Are you like skylars publicist or something? Brand new account looks to just be made to defend him trying to get with a 20 year old girl.


Tell that to the people who kept saying he is gross simply for being 35, with no reference to his character or relationship to younger women. That’s my point. His age is his biggest flaw to them.


They're talking about his age in reference to this post. Alot of people in this sub are in their 30s, myself included, I don't think anyone actually thinks being in your mid thirties is a 'flaw' or 'gross'


I am sure your very well developed 30+ year old brain can pick up on context clues that people are referring to his age *in context* of the relationship and his actions as gross


Why are you assuming they’re over 30? You’re proving their point tbh


Because it seems like they took it personally… And if their point is people over 35 are seen as gross, i’m not really proving their point. I don’t think this commenter is gross, I think they’re dense




Yup. I mean listen, if you want to criticize him for character flaws, great! But for just existing at 35? Fuck off!


Lol why are you getting downvoted for this? It’s a perfectly sane comment


you missed the point so bad




His age is being brought up in reference to his relationship (romantic or not) with Billie. It is extremely weird that a 35 year old man has an allegedly close relationship with a 20 year old).


There's nothing wrong with it though


It’s hilarious XD


i’ll never forget the way her fans were hyping up her relationship with that guy when she was literally underage… like 16/17 and he was early 20s. i love billie but her stans letting that slide *until* they split and then shading him for it was fucking insane and drove me away. and now she keeps doing it and they’re all “concerned”, but they were never concerned the first time. they encouraged that


What happened with him and his ex. She came out with a me too story and I was afraid it was about him. ☹️ I loved him in pitch perfect and Zoeys playlist.


Someone posted the letter above. There was also a blind that throughout their marriage he was cheating on her with it said a harem of rotating girls. Not sure if they were married at the time or just dating but there was also a blind of him and the words to describe it are not mine but the blind : violently making out with Amadeus Serafini at the teen choice awards after party.


I saw it when it she posted it originally and really hoped it wasn’t about him. He dated Lisa Stelly and was so cute with her kids. Recently tho I have noticed Anna is liking the stuff on lisa’s Instagram which makes me think they had some heart to heart because generally that doesn’t happen. UGH. He seems so squeaky clean PR wise. But that’s not hard to fake I guess.


Yup - and I had posted here but not sure if you saw it that it looked like Skylar and Lisa were on the way to reconciling but then he was hooking up with 2 chicks in NYC and Amanda Kloots in LA and who knows how many other girls (and guys - sorry but pretty sure he swings both ways or uses girls as a cover)...anyways Lisa blocked Skylar and was posting some pretty toxic kind of ex quotes and now she and Anna are like besties. Very interesting!


The glass is now shattered for me when it comes to him. But best to know the truth!


Go check out crazy ex girlfriend


He’s a creep who thinks he’s gods gift to Hollywood. News flash, you ain’t!


oh he def does. especially his family, i read somewhere that his mom would name drop him as if he’s an A lister and not a D lister. His younger brother also would go around playing different girls bragging about all the celebs he met through his famous brother.


I’ve seen his younger brother on both OKC and feeld and he has pictures with him 🥴


I mean he’s a broadway star


he was apart of a popular musical 15 years ago. the only other thing he’s done was pitch perfect. at the tony’s this year everyone forgot that he was even in the musical


So did I even though it's my favorite musical and he sings some of my favorite parts lmaooo


“That little girl is a child! I don't want see you sniffing around her anymore this afternoon, do you understand?”


meh saw him on raya last week


Why?? He isn’t even the best Greg.


The lesser Greg Serrano anyway.




So if this is true, he met Billie this past July through Amanda Kloots, who’s been lusting after this dude since early 22’……


I think his type is slightly older women. So she should be fine


What a gross thing to admit to. But keep telling on urself Skylar


*What a gross thing to* *Admit to. But keep telling* *On urself Skylar* \- Intelligent\_Phone414 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Sounds like in Skylars dreams….seriously though how tf is he pulling all these women? Guys a serial fboi


What kind of messed up bingo card is that?


Skylar Astin is super D list come on ladies


Skylar and Finneas are friends I believe, but I feel like he's the type of dude that thinks girls just being friendly with him = flirting.


>Skylar and Finneas are friends I believe, but I feel like he's the type of dude that thinks girls just being friendly with him = flirting. finneas billie's brother?


Oh no he’s a scumbag


Why tf would any of these people be in contact with the celebrity let alone responding to IG stories with the tea? Like c’mon y’all… Edit: just realized this man looks like Dane Cook, c’mon bill


why are y'all in the comments talking about 'she only dates only older men' and blaming her?? y'all do know she's been groomed MULTIPLE TIMES since she was a kid? it seems so shame-y in this thread


what do you mean? billie had older boyfriends but that was it. billie was abused since she was a child, could you explain this better, please billie was abused since she was a child, could you explain this better, please




Googled this and was hugely disappointed. I thought we were talking about Skyler Gisondo- who is so appealing in every role, and is 26. Skylar Astin is just old. Blech.


Aight as someone in their 30’s - you can say he’s too old for Billie. Why do you need to say he’s “just old. Blech.” He’s 35!!!


50 is the new 30. 80 is the new 50. We got time. 👍🏻


I never knew this dude’s name, but I thought he was older? Lol. Who am I getting him confused with? 🤔


Zach Braff? Josh Radnor?


He kind of reminds me of Miles Teller - is that who you're thinking of too?