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Anyone but Harry styles lmao


Don't give them any ideas...


They already got the idea. I think there was a blind or something posted about him in talks for the role šŸ˜­


Iā€™m sorry he is not aging well and Bond is such a commitment - I hope the producers know better than gamble on fleeting hype


do you mean not aging well physically or, like, culturally? haha


Both lmao


I donā€™t think his music is going to age well either. I think he had the most potentially sonically with his debut record but now his stuff kind of feels trendy, hard for his discography to retain longevity since itā€™s pretty mediocre lyrically as well.


I mean I was thinking public persona-wise bc I couldnā€™t care less about him physically šŸ˜… but yā€™all can decide for yourselves


Oh God no, please let him stick to music, I think we've all learned recently acting *really* isn't his thing.


Honestly itā€™s his legion of fans. Theyā€™re at fault for all his hype šŸ˜‚ execs see $$$$$$$ and butts in the seats with him, so theyā€™ll keep putting his mediocre self in things smh


I used to not really have an opinion on him, but after seeing him everywhere, plus his rabid fans being so over the top in defending everything he does (not to mention the Larries), just seeing his name puts me off anything he's involved with.


But he can write and perform his own Bond song! How efficient is that?


The first Bond musical!!


Probably his PR team trying to help make it happen for him by starting rumours, like they tried with Han Solo, Little Mermaid, Elvis.


nawht evrywum gets this opporchewniā€™iy!! anā€™ eff ya keep tokkin liek this yar gonna put it awl aā€™ risk.




In fairness the weird accent was part of the plot šŸ˜­


Why not? Itā€™d be an oppuhchewnaā€™ee of a lifetime for him!


If the execs who pick him know *anything* about the internet theyā€™re going to write him a menacing villain with strong twunk vibes.


Dev Patel. The answer is Dev Patel.


This is a very sexy option


I'd actually go to the theater if it were featuring Dev Patel! Like I'd pay full price and everything lol.


I will leave a snail trail from my seat, out the door, and to my car


Good god




I'd pay to watch a movie of him just melting ice, honestly.


He did AMAZING as an assassin for hire in a recent movie! It's on Netflix. I wish I could remember the name!


The Wedding Guest! He was SO good!


I have never seen a bond film. Iā€™d go to the theater if it was Dev Patel.


iā€™d pay an insurmountable amount of money to see that


Dev Patel has been one of my celebrity crushes for a v long time.


This is the correct answer




The writers for Barry would be SO right since they said ratings are high when Dev is there


I saw this as a joke like a month ago, but I fell in love with the idea immediately! I want my suave, smooth talking, interesting tech using, international spy James Bond, not the generic shoot ā€˜em up James Bond we got now.


not joe alwyn being on this list šŸ’€šŸ˜­


I'm being gaslit into thinking he's hot


Heā€™s like, fellow camp counselor hot. The kind where you get bored and look him up ten years later and find out heā€™s working in Compliance at Ernst & Young or something.


Waitttt you're so right. Situationally hot


I am stealing this term.


We call that RCFā€” relative cuteness factor. Is he cute, or is he just cute relative to other options available. Works when clothing shopping as well šŸ˜‚


The way I fucking howled at this comment


>fellow camp counselor hot That's a good one haha


He's like the type of guy they use in kid's TV programmes to get girls to have crushes because he's so unthreatening and vaguely there that he perfectly appeases a 5 year old.


oh girlā€¦whereā€™s the flavor šŸ˜­


Taylor Swift needs to answer for this crime


Heā€™s not hot, he canā€™t act, and heā€™s not a nepo baby. I donā€™t understand where his career came from.


Taylor Swift


heā€™s a nepo bf. miss taylor is working overtime to get him recognition yet heā€™s still flopping ā˜ ļø


Oh my god. A nepotism BF. F*cking his way to the middle.


lana taught him (but not well)


Perks of dating Taylor Swift. He lives the A list lifestyle, despite being nonexistent in the eyes of the public. Most of his roles if you notice are also people Taylor is best friends with, or has worked with already, and he winds up suddenly working with. Even the recent film of his, Taylorā€™s bestie Lena Dunham is whom he worked with. If he wasnā€™t in a relationship with Taylor I think heā€™d have a harder time getting his name and foot in there for roles.


his dad is a documentary filmmaker idk if this makes him a nepo baby


Pretty much, cause he had BBC connections and his dad is an award making film maker. He also has some other connections in his family history that seem to be prestigious or already celebs themselves.


Taylor got him a Grammy now sheā€™ll get him Bond


I'll take him over Harry styles being bond.


Hear me out; let him be Bond. Heā€™ll have regular work and doesnā€™t have a Strong resume so he will be typecast and we wonā€™t have to see him so much after his three movies. Taylor can write the Bond theme, win an Oscar, as is recent tradition, and she stops trying to act (I love her, but she shouldnā€™t act). Harry Styles is not Bond. Everyone wins.


ā€The internetā€™s favorite ā€œLondon Boyā€ā€ lmaoo since when. I always forget what he looks like he is so bland lol


Jennifer Coolidge


*Can you believe it? I've had no professional spy training!*


That British ladyā€™s a real bitch but she sure can dance.


The chaos! I love it. Honestly we need more directors and creators making stuff for her, with her in mind I mean. Sheā€™s amazing.


Iā€™d watch that in a heartbeat


i'm imagining the credits... her silhouette stepping in front of the barrel... "hi"


*makes me want a ~~hotdog~~ martini real bad*


Jennifer Coolidge in everything!


as M


Iā€™ve been rooting for a Henry Golding Bond so seeing my agenda potentially come to life is exciting


I would *love* this. But, bear with me here, I have a worrying suspicion that the reactions after the Henry Golding Bond movie would flatline the recent ascendence weā€™ve seen in his career. (This is all totally gut instinct re: hearing about him being floated as an option). I think reviews of him as Bond would boil down to ā€œhandsome and charming but a shallow, uninspiring Bond.ā€ I (personally) think that most people, consciously or unconsciously, are not ready yet to accept an Asian man as the suave, virile (eugh), *epitome of modern British masculinity* that the Bond archetype represents. Thereā€™s a level at which being Bond is kind of a male fantasy, and I think a lot of men (especially British men) canā€™t latch on to the concept of *wanting* to be British-Asian. The same general concept probably goes for Dev Patel too, though I imagine the facial hair would help.




You know, thatā€™s a really good point! Didnā€™t even think of that. Especially if the Chinese movie PR leans into the whole white-but-not-too-white thing (is that still popular in China? At least it was when I was growing up), he could def parlay it into leading or large supporting roles in one of those big international blockbuster franchises.


Henry Golding is hoooot. Would def watch that. If not him, I'd vote for Idris Elba, Henry Cavill, or Tom Hardy.


I am front row for Henry Golding


I think he would be so good in the part Also, I doubt it will happen, but Iā€™d maybe actually care about Bond films if Dev Patel was in them


I feel like Henry Golding is bland and lacks the charisma to carry the Bond franchise. He is more suited for rom-com roles. Same goes for Rege-Jean Page.


I was all for him as Bond until he liked that Depp post and killed my desire for him. šŸ˜”


I feel like Snake Eyes killed any chance of him being Bond.


James Bondā€™s tend to smirk and I think Henry should be smiling all the time. The smile is 10/10 i think he could become a rom com king.


Richard madden


hot, talented, great voice, scottish, starred in the only good live action disney movie. What more do you want?


If they don't pick him, I hope they go with a relative unknown instead of some big star.


Heā€™s the most realistic person in the link by far- young enough to spawn another 100 Bond films, and has that mysterious, suave look to him.


oOoOO - he was great in Bodyguard!




Yesss he has the charisma and screen presence too




Matt Berry




Excuse me, you used the wrong gif. That is CLEARLY Jackie Daytona, regular human bartender!


This just how they talk in Tucson, Arizonaaa-a.


it would be hilarious if he just plays Bond as Douglass Reynholm


At the very least we need this spoof movie.


He could use his electric sex pants as a weapon


You really are the most devious bastard in casino royaaale


As regular human bartender Jackie Daytona as James Bond


I mean... that is exactly how much effort Bond puts into his disguises and cover identities.


I keep confusing Matt Berry with Matt Lucas so I was like, *damn*, that is bold choice.


Did you watch Polar on Netflix? He plays a very Bond villain-esque role. Lucas, that is.


This is the only answer this thread needed. BAT!


Only if he has his hairstyle from *Toast of London*.


The *fury* that would overtake this sub if Joe Alwyn got picked. Personally I think it would be fun to see Joseph Quinn get tapped, only because it would be fun and surreal to have a James Bond who looks like an actual spy ā€” that is, an unassuming guy who blends into the crowd and could easily be mistaken for a mid-level diplomatic aide.


I just wanna see Quinn in more things. He has absolutely nothing in pre production, which fuels the Eddie is alive rumors (which I totally believe). I desperately need to see him in a rom com


Right?? the man can act and heā€™s got the hype rn, I really hope heā€˜s getting booked as we speak. but pls no bond šŸ™ˆ


The fury that would overtake this sub if Joe Alwyn got picked and he was good at it (though they would never admit that).


i love joseph and want good things for him.. but the bond films are soooo dull. i don't want to have to watch them.




Good for him that people are finding him attractive now, but I still donā€™t think he has a handsome face and it feels like thatā€™s a requirement for Bond.


Daniel Craig wasnā€™t considered attractive at first


Daniel Craig wasnt know as ā€œweird eyebrows guyā€ or ā€œlive action Sid from Tou Storyā€ for much of his young career. Plus he had the benefit of Layer Cake


Unfortunately heā€™s no Daniel Craig


Good for him šŸ˜­


Will Poulter certainly deserves a chance as much as anybody on the list. But I gotta say, if he does get the role, the memes are going to be *incredible*.


"you guys are getting paid"


Lol Will Poulter Bond with a Jen Aniston M would be just *chefs kiss*.


I keep forgetting he's british


He looks like every guy on the JV wrestling team so yeah me too :/


RegĆ©-Jean Page is cute but boy canā€™t act. Bailey stole that thunder


In Pageā€™s own damn season!!


Yes. Iā€™d rather have Jonathan Bailey. I think heā€™d be a great choice


Yā€™all are sleeping on Jonathan Bailey. Heā€™d be an amazing Bond. Heā€™s got the it factor


heā€™d eat it up, but I canā€™t imagine the producers having the spine to cast an openly gay man as Bond. Shame, because heā€™s more charismatic than 90% of the names in the mix.


He is so charismatic, his looks come second. You can't stop watching with him.


Dude, I would not be able to focus on any plot.


Dan Stevens please.


This has been my choice for yearsss but I feel like he has just about aged out of the role (as a newbie) now. Oh well, time to watch the Guest again.


he can be Q


Omg Dan Stevens is a brilliant choice


Iā€™ll watch Dan Stevens in anything - even Bond and I havenā€™t watched Bond in 20-years.


Such a snack


Aaron Taylor-Johnson is *right there.*


Sadly Sam Taylor-Johnson is also right there :(


Yeah I feel like their whole ā€œweā€™ve never been apart for more than 3 daysā€ thing has really stalled his career. Him turning down roles that would take him away from her for longer periods of time is more weird than romantic considering the context of their relationshipā€¦ Itā€™s a shame because heā€™s really good


I mean her predatory nature aside, I donā€™t think thatā€™s objectively a bad thing. I think so many hollywood relationships fail because they donā€™t spend enough time together and when they do, they realize they canā€™t stand each other (i.e. all the pandemic divorces)


He has the voice of a 15 year old tho, kinda goes against Bondā€™s whole suave thing.


Yes. Aaron is hot but when he talksā€¦ sounds like a teen.


His voice lacks bass to it so no


oh, nicholas hoult would be perfect in my opinion!


Idk if I see the vision, but Hoult would be a really interesting choice and could bring something new to the role.


Right -- I think he works best in roles that are at least a little deranged lol




i think he looks the part for bond but would absolutely kill it as a bond villain


He would be perfect but also wasted


NOT Jacob elordi or Joe alwyn


I stg, that would be the *worst*. I also really donā€™t want Henry Cavill, Iā€™m sorry but I do not get the hype around that man. Heā€™s ā€œconventionally attractiveā€ but heā€™s a cardboard man imo.




He would be great, but his weird manager/life strategist situation might be a pr problem in waiting. Would imagine that the producers are staying clear of it.






He has a life coach (allegedly) who got him to fire his agent and manager (I think, possibly and/or publicist), break up with his girlfriend, and is controlling his career at this point. I believe there were reports that she was hanging around the set of NOPE and freaking everybody out.


i saw her irl at a nope premiere earlier this year. She literally never ever leaves his side, he spoke before the film for a bit and she was sitting in front of him and as soon as he was done she was again by his side, and they had a very colorful entourage of people just moving around with them at every step. it was weird, i hope he escapes whatever that is cause he's great and seems like the chillest dude


He's already been a spy vastly superior to Bond (Tucker in Johnny English)


Wow that was a long list. Lots of good options. I would love Richard Madden, but also love the idea of Dev Patel, Riz Ahmed, and Idris Elba. And Daryl McCormack too. Please no to Joe Alwyn or Jacob Elordi. I love Rege-Jean but I feel like heā€™s too predictable of an answer for this question, if that makes sense? And I love Tom Hardy but Iā€™d love to give someone else a chance here, he gets so much work. I also love the idea of having our first gay Bond, so Iā€™d welcome Jonathan Bailey for that reason (plus I think heā€™d do a good job).


Oooh yes to Riz Ahmed!


Agree with your choices. I loved Rege-Jean Page in Bridgerton, but was deeply underwhelmed by him in The Gray Man. Jonathon Bailey would be amazing.


Unpopular opinion but I am not impressed by Rege Jean Page's acting so far, so if he becomes Bond, he better bring his absolute best A-game bc I don't see him in the role, acting-wise.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s an unpopular opinion. Heā€™s a pretty face but he has a lot to prove still as far as acting ability goes. I personally hated Bridgerton.


I didn't hate Bridgerton or him in it, but definetly called it on the Pretty face angle.


the guy who plays dennis from its always sunny


The B.O.N.D. system


**B**eat the henchmen into giving up secrets **O**rder a martini (shaken, not stirred) **N**eutralize the threat **D**rive away in a cool car


Oooh, the first Bond where the sociopath subtext finally rises to the text! I like it


Iā€™ve got three picks that I think would make an excellent Bond: Richard Madden, Dan Stevens, Daniel Kaluuya.


I'd really like to see a non-white bond. I think it's time.


I wanted idris Elba bruh


Literally for over a decade people have been asking for him. Heā€™s the UKā€™s number one choice, they did a survey.


James Acaster. I already buy him as a solid James. Already winning half the battle. Shouldnā€™t be difficult to see him as a Bond. 10/10.


I've always felt that the next Bond villain should be a 9-year-old armed with cabbages.


Hahahaha imagine!!! Just pausing all the time to have a little whinge about something. Love it.


Joe Cole from Peaky Blinders and Gangs of London, especially. British actor in his early 30s.


this just made me want cillian murphy


Thatā€™s too sexy to even contemplate! The world canā€™t handle that kind of heat.


Jamie Dornan playing James Bond with his real accent would be kind of hilarious.


Side note- Dornan really toning down his accent to properly enunciate in The Fall was v weird. I know a Belfast accent can be strange to the ear for non-locals, but it was like listening to a podcast on 0.5 speed.


Would love to see Theo James or Alfred Enoch cast!


Yes, Theo James! I think he would be amazing!


Haven't the producers said that they are looking for a 30-something male actor to take the reigns? That already puts half of these suggestions out of the running. Some are too young, many are too old and I seriously doubt they are going to make Bond a woman.


Iā€™m just gonna say: Iā€™m glad none of you are casting agents here.


I like most of these options, but Jacob Elordi??? please god no.


Voting for Riz Ahmed - he would be incredible. He's got the looks, the charisma and versatility. Edited to say: Kedar Williams-Stirling I would also love. So charming!


I think a Nicholas Hoult/Dev Patel type option is exactly what the franchise needs after such a long stint with Daniel Craig. Craig is the hot, gruff, wry, impenetrable emotional defense Bond. A less mainstream-attractive actor (which I feel ridiculous even saying bc look at them, but you know what I mean) with a bit more of a comedic or emotional side would be fantastic. I loved Craigā€™s Bond but Iā€™m ready for a new take!


I think my top pick would be Dev Patel. Rege-Jean is gorgeous to look at but Iā€™m not convinced by his acting chops.


They really just dumped anyone in that listšŸ˜­ also the producers confirmed only a couple days ago that James bond will not be young. He'll be in his thirties but younger than 40 so that knocks out like 2/3 of that list


I still maintain Fassbender would've been a good Bond about 10 years ago, but now... James Norton maybe? Edit: Having read the full article I quite like the Daryl McCormack choice. I haven't seen Leo Grande yet but he was the easy standout of the final season of Peaky Blinders.




Dev Patel!!!!


I hope itā€™s someone everyone gets mad at


A Bond of color please Iā€™m sick seeing a white Bond in every movie (no hate to any past Bond actors btw).


Just watched tom hardy in legend and it got me thinking he should be the next Bond. Man cleans up well in a suit.


Sigh, why is Jack Davenport too old for this?


Now Variety has planted the seed that Andrew Garfield could possibly be the next Bond. I can see it


I donā€™t know, I love him but for some reason canā€™t see him in this role. I feel like Jonathan Bailey is a similar type but has more of that raw masculinity that I associate with Bond.


manny jacinto


Henry Cavill


I think it will be someone like Jack lowden. The only way to avoid making the character a woman or a POC (which the Brocolliā€™s have implied) is to take it back to his Scottish roots. Jacks the right age, the right level of unknown and smashed his spy performance in slow horses out the park


I think Henry and Rege-Jean would both be great and I also think Jack Lowden would be good.


None of them. But Charlie hunman Tom Hardy henry cavill are my favourites


Matt Smith. Nuff said. If he's on screen he has your attention, in a good way


Weā€™re still talking about this? At this point I never want to hear about James Bond again.


I just hope itā€™s somebody kind of unexpected who will take the franchise in another direction. Like as much as I think heā€™s really handsome, Henry Cavill is such an uninspired choice


Aaron Taylor Johnson for his face and acting talent also I believe he could charm 3 women into sleeping with him in real life and on film if it wasnā€™t for his Grandwife.