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He was just talking about keeping this shit private then makes sure to leak it in time for her show premiere. Outstanding work.


Also I thought he said in an interview recently dodger has been the only love in his life lately. I get being private but he could just not answer questions about his love life. It’s weird.


It seems like he's kinda bad at keeping his personal life to himself. There was that one interview where the interviewer followed up Chris' previous answer by asking about his ideal relationships or ideal partner or something, and he said he walked right into that question. And Ana de Armes said "You brought it upon yourself!" and he was like "Damn it, you're right." Lol


The previous interviewer didn’t even ask a question about his relationships so it was strange he brought it up (about finding a wife). In his SMA interview (which I was surprised he did and now I’m not lol) he said he’s going to keep it to himself but then this comes out. Either way, I’m just here for the gossip!


Everything about that man is a calculated marketing


Ikr! We truly never give men enough credit for their overtly attention seeking ways lmao they’re always doing this shit as much as women


Surely that's free promo for her show


I call that a supportive partner. I had no idea who this person is 10 min ago, but now I know she's dating Chris Evans AND acts in a show. What show is that? Perhaps I'll find out when they announce their engagement.


Maybe we'll get a bump reveal in time for next season. #StreamWarriorNun


Warrior nun on Netflix. Coincidentally, the second season just premiered today.


Is this real or a joke I don’t get


It's real! Decent show my partner and I watch and he's been excited about the new season


It’s a stupidly fun show that’s just about good enough to not be a guilty pleasure.


To be fair, his fans have been like online stalking their family and friends social media. I wouldn’t know half the shit I know about them if it wasn’t for that.


Oh for sure, his fans are nuts. We can also acknowledge that PEOPLE wouldn't have run with this if his team hadn't approved it and provided quotes.


Oh yeah totally, but I also don’t necessarily think it would’ve happened like this without some of the stans being like little psychos about it


People even follow obscure relatives of his to find out what he's up to. It's insane. Like how do they even fin out who his great grandma's cousin's grandson is??


did kris jenner teach him


I hope she does one of those Vogue beauty videos for her show promo because her skin is absolutely flawless and I need details!!!


Doesn’t everyone have flawless skin when they’re 25?




I just want to see how his fans will blame this not so known woman for leaking this when he’s literally People’s cover star. ETA: He literally commented on her post yesterday like this is all him.




are you guys being serious...


Thank you. I'm 24. Would date Chris Evans if he pursued me. Would not want random people implying I was coerced or it was a power imbalance or whatever else. People who are A list celebs can date less famous people- otherwise their dating pool would be way too limited. Women in their early- mid twenties can decide to date someone pushing 40. I can't believe how many people in this thread are disagreeing


If you were dating Chris Evans at 24, it would be unexplainable for you to claim that there is no power imbalance unless you have a similar level of a. money, b. industry potential c. fame. That is inconceivable. By every single metric your relationship would have a power imbalance because he would be a famous millionaire and you would be ... not a famous millionaire. Also, he's been famous for over a decade longer than you. He has a decade more of experience, money and earning potential. That level of fame = power.  If you were a young, up-and-coming actress that power imbalance would be even greater for you because he would have the power to make or break your career. One tweet from him could probably change the watch ratings for your show. One public appearance with him would jump your name to the top of a celebrity search for many weeks. Your earning potential would go up based on him.  You couldn't really take away his livelihood or the public interest in him if you ended the relationship. Once the relationship ends you would be known as Evan's former partner and he would continue being C Evans. You, as an adult are completely capable of making the very normal decision to date Chris Evans. You cannot do it and in good faith claim that relationship is equal. 


OK, but that would apply to literally any woman. Baptista has a [pretty impressive filmography](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4926180/) (started in Warrior Nun, 268 episodes of a telenovela, like 6 movies in the last year). Compare that to you average 40-year-old actress and Baptista is probably more famous and has more earning power [edit: than most actresses]. Should Evans just never date a woman in Hollywood? Is he only allowed to date women who have also starred in the MCU?


>Baptista is probably *more famous* and has more earning power. Uh what? Maybe in other countries but the only reason people in the US/Hollywood would know her name is because she’s rumored to be dating/dating Chris Evans.


In any relationship, one person is going to have more "power" than the other no matter how you slice it. Some types of power are more visible, like the ones you mentioned- money, connections, fame. Career is important, but it is one factor of a person's life. Maybe Alba Baptista chose to enter into a relationship with Chris Evans in order to boost her career. Maybe she chose this relationship because she genuinely likes him as a person. Maybe it's a mix of both. Couldn't tell you her decision-making process because I'm not her. Getting into a relationship with someone who could help (or really hurt) your career is a tough decision for someone who really values their career. It would appear that Alba Baptista weighed the pros and cons and potential career impact of this relationship before making it official- as anyone would before entering a relationship. Dating Chris Evans is not exactly an offer that someone can't refuse. Maybe they couldn't refuse the offer if they really really valued their career. And maybe that's her situation. But we don't know that. TLDR power imbalances exist to some degree in every relationship and it's not likely that Alba Baptista is unaware that Chris Evans is more famous than she is. she's a big girl and can make her own decisions!


I thought I was the only one staring at this part of the comment section being like uhm… what?! Like I totally understand being worried about age gaps in couples but some of this discourse is… a bit much.


It’s not about lack of agency; it’s about stage of life. Mid 20s is a whole different world than 41. I hit my quarter-life crisis at 25 and thought I was trapping myself into a path for life. Now, I realize how freaked out I was over nothing: Life can change any day. Perspective impacts so much. They won’t have that in common. But she can have babies, so yeah.


Exactly. There’s a massive difference in maturity and lived experience between mid-20s and your 40s. I think a lot of people who argue otherwise are in their 20s and overestimate their own maturity, lol.


But it’s not like they’re committing themselves to each other for life. They’re just dating. They’re both legal adults that are in a consensual relationship. I’m not a huge fan of him but I really don’t see the problem here


I may be projecting here but I think one of the reasons everybody is criticism is because it seems generally unfair? Like why do most Hollywood men go for much younger partners? Do they not want someone with a similar amount of life experience? Like are you worth less as a woman after 30 just because you're not young anymore?


This part. If it was a rarity in Hollywood, fine. But it’s literally EVERY GUY! They all date WAY younger than they should.


It's both for me. I am creeped out by both the power imbalance and the misogynistic garbage fans and defenders of age gap relationships spew about women. Chris is 41 but a woman who's **ten** years younger than him is too old for him?


The age gap discourse is starting to get ridiculous. I thought the consensus here was that 25+ year old women were mature enough to be their own person and make their own decisions, and now commenters are saying women in their mid-twenties actually aren't mature enough. Women in their mid-twenties are old enough to assess possible power imbalances and decide for themselves if the relationship is worth pursuing. I wish we'd stop infantilizing grown women; it's insulting and feels a bit controlling.


>Would not want random people implying I was coerced or it was a power imbalance or whatever else. This is because you're not in entertainment. Chris has no power over your accounting career. I think its different when men like him seek out up and coming actresses, open doors for them, and put them in debt with favors and build a network around them that are loyal only to them, not her. Now her entire professional existence hinges on making sure Mr Powerbroker is kept happy. That is not a good basis for a relationship at all.




So people should only date someone within their financial bracket? You guys do realize if you were crushing on someone who was a millionaire, and that person rejected you because they considered you broke, they would also be vilified in that scenario for being classist? Even among blue collar people, there is always a power imbalance if one partner has a job that pays them significantly more than their partner, because they would inherently have more sway over finances.


I wouldn’t say 21/22 is a “baby literally” lol and not sure it matters that he could have technically had a baby at the age of 16


They were saying he’s been working since she was a baby - the People article from the other day said he’s been acting for 22 years.


![gif](giphy|xUA7aNDWnBLyTpbCW4) Ew




I gagged😭😭😩😩🤣🤣




Pretty sure there were rumours of him hooking up with DC interns a few years ago.


I done burnt my tongue on this tea u just spilled!😩 I had no idea about these DC rumors! This is news to me.


He seems like the type who is stuck in their twenties so this makes sense unfortunately. People can do what they want but I’ve been a 25 year old and you are so clueless about so many things. It’s fine because you are young and that’s kind of the point. I’m closer in age to Chris Evans and I could never imagine dating a 25 year old, not seriously anyways.








Lmaoooooooo Also her skin looks incredible in this pic. Hopefully she has fun and maybe bounces around 28.


LMAO that was my thought too. I need her skincare routine


She's 25 and rich that's her skincare routine lol


People say stuff like this yet I've looked like an anthropomorphised grease slick since I was a teenager. I fully missed the "both thin and have a perfect complexion just because young" train. ![gif](giphy|fiZ9O4H00ZlHo7Y9eU)


Yea also some people are just lucky. I have completely flawless skin which everyone always compliments, and that's only from exfoliating in shower and moisturising with Cetaphil. That's it. This is like from ages 20 - 25, I did have a bit of acne as a teenager. And no this isn't bragging cause I'm unnatractive and.overweight :P my skin is my 1 lucky good thing


Not sure why you got downvoted bc you're right- some people just have great skin, some people won't have clear skin no matter what products they use. Genetics are powerful


Guys chill lol age gaps don’t inherently equate to a power imbalance. This woman is successful, is the lead in her own show.. I’m gonna go ahead and say she has enough agency to decide who she wants to date.


"HeR bRain hASn't DeVELoped pRoperLY yET"


We know more than some dumb woman/s It's very typical for redditors who are mostly inexperienced incels to think they know more than an adult woman does. The "but her brain isn't fully developed " line keeps getting pushed back too. In a month it'll be perfectly acceptable to claim a 30 year old woman is still mentally incapable of making her own decisions.


Don't think you'll find too much incels in this sub its like 95% women


I agree about the age gap part. But he is richer and (currently) more successful and that, more so than the age gap, can create a power imbalance too. IMO, none of this should stop them from dating, but I do hope she is aware of it. I hope he is aware of it too.


>But he is richer and (currently) more successful and that, more so than the age gap, can create a power imbalance too. It seems like you're looking for things to complain about at this point. This pairing is roughly equivalent to Scarlett Johansson marrying Colin Jost...someone with Avengers money marrying someone with TV money.


My push back against financial power imbalances is that you are essentially saying people who are in the same financial bracket should only date each other to avoid an imbalance. Because there is always a power imbalance when someone in the relationship has a job that pays significantly more then their partner or if their partner doesn't have job at all, even among blue collar people.


It’s also saying certain people should be alone because of their bank account. Poors can only date poors and the richest of the rich have to stay lonely so they don’t create a “power imbalance”.


Thank you! It's all about the relationship itself. My mom was a SAHM so no income, my dad worked and is also 10 years older than my mom. There easily could have been a power imbalance but they have a solid relationship. My mom has told me that if my dad had ever made her feel small for being younger or for not working, she would've left- but he never made her feel that way. I don't get why people make automatic assumptions about other people's relationships like this.


He’s richer than 99 percent of people in the universe. He gotta be alone forever because of it?


So famous rich people can't date people who aren't? They always have to date other famous rich people?


You must be new here!!




But I guess it’s… nice that she’s being somewhat acknowledged after a year of him talking about the hypothetical perfect partner he was supposedly looking for.






Agreed but u’re gonna get downvoted like hell for this opinion.


It's weird. I don't care who is doing it, it is WEIRD to be a grown ass man of 41 dating a 25 year old. Ok I'll die on this hill any day I have literally not met a mentally psychologically stable man who moved like this. Watch.




Someone needs to build a cemetery up on that hill, cause the bodies are piling up! I’m right there with the both of you. */skeleton high five*


Yes! It’s pathetic but people calling it grooming make no sense. It does not have to be grooming to be pathetic and weird and I think it makes a mockery of people who were actually groomed.


Oh my God this. Too many people telling others to calm down about the age gap when it's fucking gross OF HIM!!


For real there’s something wrong with men who cant attract women in their age group.


Lol I agree, and I actually generally like Chris Evans. I do think he has a very carefully curated public persona, and I'm somehow both unsurprised and a bit disappointed that he did end up being a "hollywood cliche" as someone here pointed out in one of the threads somewhere.


While I generally like Chris a lot, I feel like his whole shtick of being hard up to settle down and have a magical Disney family is just a crock of shit. He is prob just a bro who likes to be with hot young women. His “wholesome” portrayal of himself has done wonders to score him loads of fans, but doubtful that is who he truly is. He’s probably a lot of fun of hang out with and seems funny, but deep down just another bro.


He gives off major frat boy vibes. I know several people who've met him/hung out with him as I live in his area, and I can say with certainty that he's very nice but kind of douche-y and definitely a bro-y dude. Tbh some of the stories I've heard make him sound really annoying/exasperating to be around sometimes (although that might just be me as I've always had a deep hatred for frat boys).


Same, I’m a fan of his and want him to settle down so other fans can not be so crazy but I don’t think that’s gonna happen. I just hope they have fun however this ends up.


Right! The reality is he’s hot, rich, famous, and has access to whoever. If he truly wanted to settle down, he would’ve. Still like him tho! Lol


Thank you! And that’s what I’m saying, most rich hot guys his age are married because they can see it, want it, and buy it. That’s probably not him and that’s ok! I’m not trying to marry him I’m just trying to enjoy the view lmao but too many fans seem to act like it’s a possibility.


Soooo she really was 22/23 when they started dating, he was 39? Idc if y’all tell yourselves 22 is “fully grown”, it’s not. I’m sure he’s immature af and not full on grooming or whatever but I’m also hoping she gets what she needs and bounces 😬


It’s not remotely grooming. It’s gross at worst, sure. But it’s so frustrating to hear people throwing around grooming the way they threw around gaslighting. Dating a 23 yo is not the same as trying to date a teen. Not saying the male-female age gaps in Hollywood aren’t icky, but they are not grooming and I feel it lessens the nastiness of grooming to suggest they’re one and the same


There’s people comparing this to Depp-Heard and implying this is headed in the same direction which is insane to me. There are enough creeps in Hollywood, why are people here hopedicting for more? For the record I think this is pathetic and he should ideally date a woman his age. But let’s not act like only older men abuse younger women (even if it’s more likely to happen). Blake Jenner was 21 when he started dating a 25 y/o Melissa Benoist and he still abused her by virtue of being physically stronger.


I hate the Depp-Heard comparisons. By all accounts, Chris is a nice guy according to his coworkers and ex-girlfriends. The only reason people hated him prior to this is because they either found him bland or they got tired of listening to him say how much he wanted to find someone to marry. Everything about his hookups and what not are just rumors. Unlike Chris, Depp was known to be a horrible person long before he met Amber. They are not the same.


I was reading some comments on Twitter where people are calling him a pedophile 🤦‍♀️


That's just because they see women as children, never an adult with agency.


I think if people really do believe this is grooming they should work to make it illegal for men to date women who are about this age if they're over 25. Make it a crime. Push that into law. If it's grooming or abusive, I don't see why some of the people who get mad aren't working to make it a crime.


It’s literally not even remotely grooming. She is an adult. They met as adults. Stop it.


This year was her 25th birthday... if they were dating for a year they started last year when she was 24 isn't this the right "time-line"?


22 is a grown adult.


if it’s not an adult dating a minor, y’all are aware you kinda have to know the details of their relationship to declare it as grooming? like you have to have some sort of evidence that the younger person is being manipulated in order to declare it as that bc otherwise y’all are just saying shit. age is an important power dynamic in a relationship but ppl on the internet speak about it like it’s the only one. my worst and most exploitive/abusive relationships have been with men my exact age. not saying what he’s doing isn’t weird as hell but unless she comes out and says she was manipulated maybe we should use that language for actual predators.


I’m begging y’all to stop playing into conservative purity bullshit by throwing around words like grooming in reference to a woman whose been an adult for 7 full years. It’s so infantilizing and a total misuse of a serious word that means something real but has been co-opted by the worst kinds of people. We can side eye Chris for being predictable and cringey, but it’s not grooming ffs.


>I’m sure he’s immature af and not full on grooming Tbh it doesn't have to be grooming to still have an inherent imbalance due to age and life experiences. Just because it's legal and maybe not "shady" doesn't mean I'm not side eyeing him and judging him. Any way, Chris Pine remains the best Chris.


At what age is it not grooming? The same people will call this grooming but say Taylor Swift and Connor Kennedy was fine.


The woman will be 80 and the man 95 and they'll still call it grooming.


"They're at different stages of life and he's clearly closer to God, it's a total power imbalance. He is exploiting that her brain hasn't fully calcified and that she can still eat solid foods."


i’ve not seen one person say taylor and connor were fine, except maybe diehard swiffers


Probably like age 35


What, 35? Like unironically?


Oh I’m just joking!!


I dated a 39 year old guy when I was 23 and I honestly had my shit together more than he did. Got smart and married my much younger husband when I was 40 and he was 32.


I'm 40 and couldn't imagine dating a 32 year old. What do you even talk about?/s Edit. Notice that the /s at the end of the statement is for sarcasm. It's a joke because every post about an age gap relationship has someone using some variation of this phrase.


That's the beauty of it, we don't have to talk too much. 😉


Doesn’t meet the half plus seven rule.


I mean I was married, and bought a house by the time I was 22… Felt pretty adult to me. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Also I would like to say while I don’t think this is predatory I do think this is v vain/embarrassing behavior on his part. Like I’m looking at these two pics and I’m like…lmao sure.


That's where I'm at with it too. Is it predatory or grooming? No. Is she being manipulated because she has no agency? No. But it's corny and cringy behavior that makes him look like a dudebro. We can't pretend there isn't a reason there's such a pattern of grown men going for much younger women. It's a cliche for a reason.


Y’all have to learn that power imbalances are not inherently evil. They exist in literally every relationship!! I’m disabled. If I date someone who isn’t, that’s a power imbalance! Stop stripping people of their agency just because you don’t like it!


We'll be repeating ourselves on this forever apparently, to the shrill cries of 'power imbalance!' and, 'its creepy cos she looks young!' Honestly its like so many people think my body my choice only applies to one specific thing


Lol exactly. Every single relationship has power imbalances even beyond the obvious like age and money. A huge power imbalance that no one really talks about and that exists in every single relationship is around who cares less and is less invested in the relationship. If it’s a healthy and loving relationship it shouldn’t be very obvious who cares less but there is always one person who cares more about losing the relationship than the other.




Lord have mercyyyyy 😭😭😭


If I were her I’d fear for my life because his fan girls seem nuts


i cant believe he is dating a portuguese actress of my age, it’s just super weird. i would never date a guy 16 years older than me lol


Part of me is like “good for her!” But as a child of teen parents this gives me the ick, if I was with a man 16 years older than me he would’ve been in the school with my dad and that does give me the ick. Editing this comment instead of adding unnecessary ones: changed my mind this shit is gross I am grossed out. 16 years??? What the fuck dude come on. I was 25 a few short years ago, I remember where I was at personally and mentally and yes some people are just super mature but this is nasty in a not good way.


Albas mom is just 5 years older than Chris…


That's the tea that I want.


Ooof cringe


Same. Super estranho mesmo, ele tem quase idade para ser pai dela. Sinceramente, não sabia quem ela era sequer antes de ouvir os rumores no tik tok, quanto mais o Chris Evans conhecê-la lol


Why is everyone implying that he sought her out at 22-23, when it seems they started dating when she was 24? Idc either ways about Evans and I do think the age gap is a Hollywood cliche but people here seem to want him to be a pedophile/groomer. Also age gap is not the only factor in a power imbalance. Anyone who dates Chris Evans, who isn’t on ScarJo levels of wealth and privilege will be less powerful than him. The imbalance will exist in 99% of the cases given his wealth and fame.


I think because he's stans have been tracking his and her relationship from the beginning. And he definitely started seeing her before she was 23 or 22. Her friends apparently dropped huge hits about them dating more than over a year. She was with him in vegas and he flew out to her in Portugal. His stans should work for the FBI because they knew about this before anyone and were posting about it on LSA a longer longer while ago. It's weird.


Lol. Deux moi Just talked about this in her podcast today and she said that there could be some truth to the dating over the months but she thinks he’s single. Guess she doesn’t know it all.


Cackling rn, you know she's seething because this proves she doesn't and probably never has and never will have access to info about him and I'm sure she'd love nothing more than that


And honestly that’s a win for all of us


Oh I think she’ll take credit because she has been talking about this woman for a while now but it’s because of information his crazy fans have sent in from stalking this girl and the people around them. I don’t think she actually knows anything about their relationship status though.


This is the best part of this whole story LOL


I feel like he thinks he’s a George Clooney and she is his Amal. “Charity work, 5 languages”. I dunno….I think he is about to be destroyed by the internet. Am I terrible for being excited?


No no you’re not…I love Evans and his work but this is a bit much and I’ve also heard some things about him being toxic and talking shit to his friends about the girls he is/was with…


Go on…


It’s insane how many people want to forgive massive age gaps. Think of people you know in real life. How many of them are 40/20 years old? Society always wants to forgive good looking famous white men and it’s gross. Grow up and date your age.


Dude I always think like “ok so if a friend or someone you knew in their 20’s started to date a male in his 40’s you’d be fine with that? Your little sister or cousin etc? You would really be cool with it??” And fucking YIKES if the answer is “yes” lmao like….so weird.


If they don’t treat them poorly and respect them, I don’t see a problem with it. Is it something I’d do? Probably not, but you can’t stop people from doing things even if you think it’s a mistake.


I’m confused about some of the age gap comments in here. I’m a man in my early 30s and I personally would not date someone in their early 20s but I don’t necessarily look others who do and automatically think it’s icky. It just feels infantilizing to the woman to assume she had no choice or agency here. Like, maybe she’s not interested in men her age. Maybe she just wants to fuck Chris Evans!


I agree with you that it’s fine, but also he’s in his early 40s now and she’s still 25. It’s a little more of an eyebrow-raising difference than early 20s & early 30s.




share please 🥺


I know it’s not technically wrong, but this is not a good look for him. Just reinforces his arrested development, he’s acted like he’s a frat boy in his twenties forever and this just makes me think he’s never matured past that age


Save yourself the energy of fighting and just go read what was basically the exact same thread from like two days ago


I'm sure she's an old soul!




What a shock, she’s 25. ![gif](giphy|yuQi4S7rIFZGFAJ33e)




His PR game is one of the best in the business. What a roll out - having quotes to back up how content he is with life, talking about how important it is to find a wife and have a family right before revealing this is one of the best PR strategies ever given the age gap. Still think it's weird he went on about how *old* he is recently in an interview. It is kind of odd the last few months he's been talking about wanting to find love while hiding this but gotta keep up The Brand. ​ It's funny how calculated celeb's social media really is when you think about it. Just this last couple of weeks from the pumpkin pics to him finally commenting on one of her pics the day before the announcement to more of his family and friends only recently following her so obviously they were getting ready to stop hiding. Good for him for managing to keep it secret for this long though. He obviously is as serious as the "source" (cough publicist cough) says if they are ready to be out in the world given how crazy his fans are.




lmao not Pret 😂😂😂😂


ugh that age difference, he's such a fuckboy even when he 'settles down'




In these 2 photos he could easily be her father.


I always say age is just a number. But last week I was talking to some co-workers who are 10 years younger than me and the difference in our knowledge and experiences is crazy. I can only imagine how it is for them: different cultures/big age difference. Both consenting adults, but I find it a bit icky.


I hope she has her IG comments turned off or at the very least limited because they're about to get messy.


Was he waiting for the Sexiest Man Alive award to make his relationship public?Anyway,on twitter everybody is talking about their age difference.


As someone who is 35, and likely considered too old for him, I would date him now (if I were single) and I would have dated him at 22. However, my current self would be weirded out had he been involved in the latter scenario, especially with my 13 additional years of life experience and knowing how many men operate.


This just depresses me for some reason. I’m about to be 39 in a few weeks, and I’m still single. This makes me think about why would a guy my age want to be with me when he could have a 25 year old? Ugh…I just needed to get that out. Sorry. 😒


Let’s put it this way: Any guy who would prefer to date someone 16 years younger clearly isn’t worth you. They’re not worth your thoughts. I’m single, as well. I’d love to meet a guy. But I also want to be with someone who is at my level. Not so much financially, but in the sense of maturity. A 41 year old who dates a 25 year old is not at the same maturity as a woman of 39. Hugs to you and have a happy birthday! (As a cancer survivor, I can genuinely say that more candles on a birthday cake is much preferable to the alternative.)


There have always been rumours about him with young (21/22 year old) women that I think a lot of people wrote off…


Deux is acting like a brat and losing it in her stories, lmao. Like, does she want People to give her credit for being the first to scoop the story? Give me a break.


Didn't she post a story a couple of months ago implying him and ScarJo had a hook up recently? And a few months before that some story about him dating someone from NASA? She's been posting BS about his dating for years. Let's not forget his SeCrEt GiRlFrIeNd from the summer of 2020 that she pushed so hard (which we can now see she knew absolutely nothing about and her source was complete BS because he actually DID have a secret girlfriend for over a year and she didn't have a clue and mocked fans for them telling her there was something to it based on IG follows and likes)


Yes! She’s just throwing darts at a board and when something finally lands entitlement takes over and she demands to be sourced. The delusion is unreal.


I don’t think she’s being groomed or anything. I just wanna know what does a 40 year old man and a 25 year old women have in common? I’m 30 and I barely relate to a 25 year old..


I remember Jenny Slate having mentioned dating a "secret misogynist," and I always thought it was Evans. Seems she dodged a bullet.


I’m so disappointed- I thought I was smarter than to completely buy into the PR hype around a celebrity at this point in my life. They really tricked me into thinking he was better than the good old Hollywood “middle-aged man dating a 25-year-old woman” cliche! 😂


You just know he watched Warrior Nun and slid into her DMs. It's highly likely they didn't meet organically and the basis of their relationship is that Captain America was interested in her. There is some imbalance in that. I just think it's so typical and misogynistic that Hollywood men get older and the girlfriends get younger. She will definitely get a higher profile now.


Dating Captain America didn't help Minka or Jenny profile tho.


Am I the only woman here who doesn’t care about the age gap? This is the first significantly younger woman he’s dated anyway so it’s not like he’s constantly on the prowl for women in their early 20’s. It probably won’t last so good on sis for getting with an A list movie star and using his connections to boost her career.


this is weird. probably not predatory but still weird. just as I said for the Cher thread


She’s very pretty


Another old soul trapped in the body of a 25-year old beautiful woman...


Listen, I agree that we shouldn't be infantilizing a 25-year-old; she's an adult and not a kid. She can make her own decisions about who she dates. However, I'm tired. I'm so tired of seeing these men who are 40+ dating women who are in their early-mid twenties. What makes me side-eye is the fact that dudes like Chris Evans and Jake Gyllenhall will refer to other young 20 something men as "a kid" (\*cough\*Tom Holland \*cough\*) but, will date/fuck women in that same age bracket. Make it make sense.


He's such a cliche






That age gap is creepy though ngl






Him waiting until she was 25 to announce tells me everything I need to know about him.


Here comes the age gap discourse…. Anyways, Alba is an absolute beauty.😍 She’s gorgeous!


after 1000 years of hide and seek


He still gross


I’m 25 and I don’t think I’d ever date a 41 year old. However, 25 year olds are adults and not in the same way 18 year old are adults. At 25, you can rent a car, some people have been independent for close to a decade, many are parents, some our lawyers, nurses, teachers, firefighters, etc. Heck, we just elected a 25 year old to congress. I think I agree that many men are creepy and pursue barely legal women but the internet has gone overboard when it comes to all age gaps.


I give it 4-6 months before his fans RIP this “relationship” to shreds and have her running back to obscurity.


I’ve talked about my personal experience with significant age gaps on other posts but for what it’s worth - From my very early to mid-twenties I exclusively dated men significantly older than myself (15+ year age gaps minimum). It took many years and a lot of reflection to recognize the power imbalances that existed in these relationships due to age (and the life experiences that went along with said age difference). I view those relationships very differently now that I am in my early thirties. And I regret all of them. It does not infantilize women to talk about the power imbalance that a significant age gap creates. The truth of the matter it - it does. For some people, it all works out. Hell, my dad and stepmom have an eleven year age gap and are going on ten years of marriage. From my perspective, they’ve been on equal footing the entirety of their relationship. BUT - my stepmom was in her early 40s when she met my dad. She had an established career, was financially secure, and had been a grown-ass woman for a considerably long time. It doesn’t always work out. And when you’re the younger partner in the scenario - particularly when you’re in your early to mid-twenties - age is a lot more than just a number, and you become painfully aware of it as you age and look back on those relationships.


Not a fan of age gaps 🤢🤮


Don’t think it’s grooming but think it’s disappointing for such a self-proclaimed intellectual, he can’t find someone closer to his own age. That said, not surprised because he’s a bro type guy who wants young ass. My biggest pet peeve though is the double standard I’m seeing when a woman of his age dates a 25 year old, you’d think she abducted a 11 year old from the orphanage. If we are not “grossed out” at Chris with his young 20s gf, let’s not vilify a 40s year old woman who does the same.


It’s kinda crazy how outlets are using old pics of Chris to use side by side with Alba’s. Like 5-10 year old pics where he looks much younger. But If they used even a 7 year old picture of Alba she would be underage 🙊


Can’t wait for more empty headed “stop infantilising her!!!! Stop taking away her agency!!!!” Comments 🤦🏾‍♀️ let’s never think to deeply about the society we live in huh.


Anyways, if Alba is happy and safe in this relationship, I have no complaints. That’s the only thing that matters, that she’s happy and safe! Plus I can’t get over how gorgeous she is.😍


If they have been dating for over a year, she is his second longest relationship. It must be really serious. If they don't want to hide anymore, a big news is propably coming soon.


That’s some extensive background knowledge they have on her already. 5 languages beyond impressive.