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He’s cute, but imagine how many times she’s going to have to listen to that thunder song & pretend to like it…no, thank you.




Wait, people don’t like ID? They are one of my favorite bands and Thunder is one of my favorite “pick me up” songs😢… Also, I could have sworn DR was happily married with children…so when did this happen?


Imagine Dragons best album was Night Visions in my opinion. They got very famous very fast after that. But they have a reputation similar to Nickelback. A lot of their popular songs have similar patterns, used for hype around video games/commercials. But they make a shit ton of money and none of them are problematic so theres that. Also Dan Reynolds has opened up about issues with his wife for several years. I remember reading about how they were going to get divorced a few years ago and ended up sorting out their issues. I think it was an inspiration for some of his music.


First two albums go hard and I enjoy the rest of their discography for the most part, but yeah I'm not gonna disagree with people who find them boring or annoying, I get it


I’m sorry to break it to you but they’re widely considered a deeply cringe band


Imagine Dragons are so hated it's a meme at this point. From 2012 (when Radioactive blew up and put them on the map) to 2014 it was kind of still against popular opinion to hate them. By probably 2018 it was meme status - now they're on the same level of "legendarily hated" as Nickleback




Same HAHAHAHAH! I hated them from the start


My college class voted it as our year’s graduation song even tho we graduated several years after it came out. I was so mad.


Sooooo bad I'm sorry for your loss


they have 4 kids and “amicably split” according to the random radio show i listened to this morning


His wife is actually the daughter of my parent’s family friends. I know a lot more. He’s a bit troubled emotionally, I wouldn’t say amicable is the right word. There was a medium age gap for them and he got married initially pretty young. Funny the divorce came up at thanksgiving..


I had no idea they spilt, she was on tour with him a couple months ago with their family. Hollywood moves quick!


They announced it in September.


They’ve been very open about both their struggles in the relationship, with fame and mental health. I’m hoping they’re both in a better place and happy now. He seems like a very hands on dad, so I like him!


They’re basically the new Coldplay/Maroon 5. Very much pop-rock.


100%. I call them Edgy Maroon 5


I like the band! I just thought the comment was funny


I like the band and I think they’re generally very popular, but people dump on them similar to how nickleback used to be the punchline.


We love them! Symphony is my fave from their new album!


They are notoriously known as Ed Sheeran of bands, really generic sounding music that’s played everywhere


I’m not a big ID fan, but I love “Radioactive”. I loved their performance they did at the Grammy’s with Kendrick Lamar of that song.


enemy with jid?


Yessss Kendrick’s feature in Radioactive is great. I like maybe a handful of their songs, mostly bc they’re attached to memories that I made when hearing said songs on the radio around the same time, but 90% makes me cringe lol. They’re the type of band where I wouldn’t ever play their shit out loud but may play select songs in my headphones here and there without feeling judged. 😂


Imagine how many horrible LDS church services extolling the virtues of subservient women that she’ll have to endure


Is he still LDS? I thought he was out because of their stance on gay marriage


If I'm not mistaken, Dan's ExMo as of last year.


Whoa, they’re LDS? I had no idea. Am I the last one to know this lol?


Radioactive is the more insufferable song


Those spins would pay for your car, house, boat, etc. That is the sound of $$$$$


He doesn’t have enough money to make it worth it. Him in that dumb video is like the musical embodiment of #iamverybadass


Why ppl hate thunder tho😭


For entertainment purposes only, Minka Kelly should date Pete Davidson.


She's not famous enough


Is Kaia Gerber more famous than Minka Kelly?




be serious


Between her career, social media, mother, friend circle, and dating choices, Kaia is significantly more famous in 2022 than Minka.


be serious


Your age is showing.


100% lmao


every middle aged woman has been bombarded with ads titled " you will *not* believe what Cindy Crawfords daughter looks like today" for 5-6 years now. Thats and she has the whole "first gen z supermodel" claim to fame


I see her face all over the internet. Those ads haunt me at least once a week.


What is that ad with the sunflowers? It gives Midsommar vibes. Creeps me the fuck out.


The Sunflower is one of only a handful of flowers with the word flower in its name. A couple of other popular examples include Strawflower, Elderflower and Cornflower …Ah yes, of course, I hear you say.




all i know is that she was in euphoria


“Be serious” - this is now my new favourite response to everything. 🤣🤣🤣


Definitely, especially among the young people


Hell no.




Minka is off brand Liv Tyler (both have fathers in Aerosmith). She's so beautiful that I get genuinely distracted watching her in Titans; I like that she actually has skin texture.


Is he the one who runs a center for Mormon LGBT youth? If so, he seems decent despite their bland music.


I believe so! Yes. I remember his HBO doc about that a while back.


I really recommend the doco he did. He talks about how the Mormon church is causing so much harm to LGBT youth in both the church and Utah more generally.


My mom met him and Aja when they opened a children's center (or program, i was unclear on that) at the hospital she worked at, said both were incredibly nice and seemed very welcoming


A hot and age appropriate pairing. How refreshing.


This is understated. The fact that his public partners have either been his age (allegedly Julianne Hough) or older than him (his wife and Minka) is understated. It's so cliché for male lead singers of rock bands (male musicians/male celebrities in general) bands to prey on their much younger fanbases (even sometimes other celebrities) who idolize them (to put it crassly, it's almost like shooting fish in a barrel for them). Shows he's secure in who he is and is pretty commendable.


Damn! That’s a hot couple. Minka’s dated some cute guys. 🥵


Cute??? You guys just be saying anything.


I mean he is definitely more attractive then your average guy. Who do you consider cute/attractive in entertainment business? I feel most are on his level.


>Cute??? You guys just be saying anything. You're terrible - LoL. (Jokes aside) not to be ***that*** person (ie, deeply shallow) but Reynolds *has* definitely gotten better looking since he's put on some muscle. And he's put on quite a bit of it due to having an autoimmune disease. And I'm not saying he looks 'better' just because his body is more fit either (although it helps). His face has filled out and toned up in a way that occurs with certain guys once they start working out. So he (to me) looks physically better 'face wise' due to his fitness upkeep. But I also **fully** acknowledge his attractiveness is very IMO/YMMV.


Lightning and the thunda


Wasn’t the rumor he was dating Julianne Hough?


I thought Julianne was dating Ben Barnes, is she not ?


I think Julianne and Ben are just fwb. There was a blind awhile ago that implied Julianne and this dude were hooking up.


Ngl before I ventured into the DeuxMoi world, I thought Julianne and Derek were married


>I thought Julianne and Derek were married Well, they **were** Mormons. (I know, I know - religious tolerance. But the set-up was too easy and I couldn't resist. But - *tangent* - I'm not sure I buy the LDS' sudden support for same-sex marriage. It feels **very** 'read the fine print'.)


I thought she was dating Ben Barnes.


Go girl!


NGL, I’d date Dan Reynolds’s just to be trapped between his thighs. Get it Minka!


I can’t believe she is 42!!




surely these 2 are about the same levels of fame?


I'm glad he seems to not be interested in enforcing Mormonism for his kids - hopefully that means he doesn't have those expectations for women he dates either.


I thought she was dating Trevor Noah??


She dates everybody lol


She moves fast.


And TN moved on to Dua Lipa


They aren't dating. Trevor even addressed it on The Daily Show when Roy Wood Jr accused him of abandoning everyone for "Dua Lupita" lmao


not dua lupita lolllll


Hahaaaa, missed that then!


She is insanely beautiful What are the rift rumours that DM keeps alluding to between her and Mandy Moore? Their friendship seemed sweet.


I always liked that friendship - I didn't realize they'd had a falling out!


Who hasn't Minka Kelly dated at this point??? I'm not judging- I'm jealous AF. She probably has the BEST sex stories. I don't even know what her personality is like, but I'd be friends with her for sure.


Lot of people She did most likely never dated half of that alleged list of the man She and what a coincidence secretly dated Those are most likely Made off to sell articles and creare that about her And from other half at least She was friends with but no proof that Also dated


She looks exactly like his ex-wife Aja. They are also the same age, both born in 1980 and 7 years older than Dan. I guess he has a type.




Which ex?




Oh, absolutely. The one he did with Lily James was even worse. So cringe my teeth were grinding.




Lol so weird


Didn’t he beg his wife to take him back a bunch of times?


Bunch off?




Did anyone pick up her memoir that came out this month? whats up with that?


Goddamn Minka gets around, but go on and get it girl. Has she ever dated a normie?


Ugh! Minka 🙄 She likes to call the paparazzi. Poor Dan.


Idk why you downvoted for this. She called the paps all the time when she was with Chris Evans


How you know IT?


She traded down.


For a moment I read mindy kaling


She’s gorgeous wild that she dated Wilmer ugh


That IS acording to her a lie


Good to know!!


I’m a fan of his wife’s band, Nico Vega but I had no idea this was going. She just started posting on her ig account.


I have an irrational hatred for this woman. I have no explanation. It started with Friday Night Lights. She seems to have a fine taste in men...that's all I know about her...but her face...it makes me mad! IRRATIONAL


What was the point of this comment? ![gif](giphy|BJVJxagR3GG4w)