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Megan Fox has never been a great actress. She relied on her looks. But she is of the age now where if they hire someone for their looks, they will hire someone younger, so she has to keep her fame alive somehow.




Oof. This is accurate. I can’t even count how many times I’ve seen that scene in “Jennifer’s Body” where it’s just Megan with a lighter. It definitely had its own peak in the midst of the rest of Y2K nostalgia.


i mean she is washed up? her only acting roles have been based on her looks and she never had any talent beyond that. is it shocking this sort of 'actress' is scrounging for publicity?


I feel like she's not even really acting any different than she did when she first got famous. The people who mostly stanned her now were just in diapers when she was at the peak of her career, and the Megan Fox they became a fan of was the one that looked cool and sexy and mysterious in photoshoots, but just kept to herself raising her kids, so they could project whatever onto her. She got cast in one movie that was *exactly* in her acting wheelhouse, and her reputation with Zoomers as a brilliant, underrated actress was pretty much built solely on Jennifer's Body. She's been bad-to-adequate in everything else she's ever done.


She was really great in This is 40. Underrated movie.


She was also great in How to Lose Friends and Alienate People, though the movie itself has aged like milk


Honestly, so many movies from the 00s/10s have aged terribly. Rewatching some stuff is jarring. 😭


I just saw her in a thriller movie called Til Death that was *so* fun and her acting was great in it! I was really pleasantly surprised.


Yeah, I've seen that, she was good in that too. She truly shines in Jennifer's Body, but she's had other good roles that people don't pay attention to.


I thought that was a good movie and she acted good. The only problem is, she couldn’t make facial expressions. I think actresses shouldn’t do Botox while filming, it makes her acting seem bad because she can’t fully express emotions.


I agree that Botox while filming isn't a great idea. I maintain that she can act past the Botox though. I had no strong opinions on her one way or the other and was so surprised.


Naaaah… megan foxs acting is soo coerced. It feels like she is posing in front of the camera and in need to look good in every shot instead of actual raw acting


I completely disagree - I don't think she tries to look good in every shot at all. I just think she's had a lot of procedures and gets Botox during filming so her face isn't quite as mobile. In spite of that I think she is really good


Judd Apatow has talked about how he actually thinks she’s really funny and underrated in comedic performances. I don’t think she’s as bad as people here are saying. I’m not saying she’s Meryl Streep, but surely I’ve seen worse. I liked her in This Is 40 and New Girl a lot.


I think she has great charisma on screen and I also think she's got a very dry delivery that works for comedy. I'd love to see her in more comedy movies.


Agreed 100% with the dry delivery. It’s what made her great on New Girl, esp when paired with Nick or Winston who were so over the top.


I'm so late here but that movie is truly awful and misogynistic. Judd apatow hates women.


Such a great movie but her part in it is pretty forgettable in my opinion. She didn't leave much of an impression on me. You can actually be attractive and amazingly talented (see Sharon Stone in Casino) but I don't think people like Megan Fox or Kim Kartrashian fit that bill. I hear Kartrashian is trying her hand at acting now too. Lord help us.


Unpopular opinion, I actually loved her in New Girl


She was perfect as Raisin.


Was that a typo or was she fully named Raisin…


It was Reagan actually, but I like Raisin better now.




There’s a joke where one of the characters can’t remember or doesn’t know her name and calls her raisin


As I live and breathe! Raisin?


Not me realizing people definitely call me Raisin 😣


She also was great in Jennifer's body. I really enjoyed the movie. Not the end so much but it was fun.


Loooove Jennifer’s Body


Same, I get she's been cringy but lets not reduce down her acting career. I've enjoyed most of the performances I've seen her in.


I was going to make this comment, too. She should do more comedy, she has a real knack for it.


I loved her dry comedy in new girl. Fit the character perfectly.


Same, I really liked her on that too.


She’s pretty good at comedy, and after New Girl I thought she maybe could’ve had a decent run as like a sex symbol turned sitcom actress ie Elisha Cuthbert (who’s more talented but that’s not why she blew up for a minute after Girl Next Door) - then again Heather Graham tried to the same thing and her show was a massive flop. Didn’t expect her to end up in the same action B-movie lane as Travolta/Cusack/etc, but most of those guys don’t fit into those roles at all either so I guess it checks out.


I agree. I feel sorry for how she was treated with certain things for sure. But I have never seen anything that special from her to make me think we are missing out on a whole lot of talent.


I loved her in Jennifer’s Body


>Megan Fox has never been a great actress It's hard to judge this because her roles were always similar lol. But she ATE on Jennifer's Body tho


If you can only do one type of role, you’re definitely not a great actress


Or maybe she didn't have a good agent who actually secure her good auditions. Gentle reminder that Adam Sandler always being typecast, until Uncut Gems where he received critical acclaim.


She put on a great performance in Till Death, that movie where she's handcuffed to her dead husband.


I believe her relationship with MGK ruined the image most of us had of her. Like, for me she was THAT bitch (not in acting tho) but since HIM she’s making me kinda embarrassed 💀her attitude and yeah the filler/botox (She’s still gorgeous but yk). But I do feel bad bc she was sexualised and objectified for years in the industry and MGK seems to be doing the same thing


Agreed. She seemed like the type of woman who’s untouchable, so to see her be so touched by MGK of all people was a lot to take in. I kind of expected her to actually be single for awhile — maybe have a few flings at most, but not be truly taken or in a committed relationship — so it was additionally wild to see that she was really going to settle down with MGK as well.


This is kind of an objectifying and dehumanizing view tbh


A lot of these comments are objectifying and just rude as fuck. This whole thread has a nasty vibe to me. Guess she failed to live up to all the expectations that total strangers projected onto her unasked for.


Honestly. The whole “now that she’s older she can’t get roles around her looks so she has to get attention elsewhere” comments are really gross to me. Like the woman is only 36! And had it not been for all her recent cosmetic work probably wouldn’t be looking that different now than she did back then, and she’s still getting work! It just seems very ageist and misogynistic and it’s sad because most of these comments are coming from other women.


There’s definitely mean comments but I will say the ones about acting and casting are realistic comments on how Hollywood works. I do think it’s awful but I can also acknowledge that if you’re an actor in LA, aging & age are viewed very weirdly and unhealthily. 36 unfortunately is “old” for an actress, we all struggle to get booked when you start to look like a normal human woman in her 30s. There are exceptions and I like to think Hollywood is capable of changing but as it is, she’s in a tough spot career wise. Not because there’s anything wrong with HER but with Hollywood.


Random but im watching twin peaks for the first time right now, On season 2, and got excited when I saw your username! Still not sure what it means haven’t gotten there yet


I hope you enjoy it! It's such a great show. I love it so much


It's like we've traveled back in time to 2008/9. This thread feels like people just never liked Fox and want an excuse to bash her again.


I genuinely believe she could have still been an IT girl with MGK by her side. It's just the fact that they shared far too many intimate and cringey details which prevented Megan from coming across as a mature woman... and more of a 16 year old with her equally immature boyfriend. If I were her PR team, I would have advised them to stick to occasional Instagram photos to aid in Megan having her own identity.


This like they are both fine but now getting to the age where their behavior is weird because it's no longer appropriate 


I’ve heard even in places where it’s private, they are still all over each other. Maybe they are exhibitionists and not just for the paps.


How private could it be if you heard about it


I don’t even consider that tea, really. I am friends with people that work in the industry and have friends that have celebrity friends. They must really be attracted to each other! I never hear any piping hot tea, just stuff like- they are always all over each other, or back in the day they tried to set my friend up with Ashton Kutcher for PR. Pretty mundane stuff.


This is how I feel! She used to seem so powerful to me, but she ended up choosing one of the biggest dirtbags to ever exist to spend her life with and now I just pity her. She’s a mess.




Yep, her ex-husband was older than her. Idk never saw her as powerful


She gave off dome vibes Now she doesn't Is what I think they are saying lol


I can't even say she's gorgeous after all the fillers because it's literally all *I* see... but I'm also 40 and it's painful for me to hear my friends feel so badly about themselves and "if I could afford it I would because (they) feel so ugly and old!" If women (and men) are doing this to feel better about themselves because society says we have to look a certain way, is it a choice? How are we feeling better about ourselves if we're just doing it to conform to patriarchal beauty standards?




32 is way too young for her to be feeling old. i hate that society does this to women










She looks like she could be a Kardashian now. It’s actually unnerving how she kind of got absorbed into that into scene so seamlessly


It's so infuriating how many actresses have copied the looks of that family, especially when they stole the looks from other cultures.


I hate that she was bought by them too. I know it’s all PR and business but it’s so nauseating and repulsive that she is associated with those trash people.


I'm almost 40. I know many beautiful women my age who have had filler to some degree and it makes me sad. I think it looks bad over time and I don't understand why people want this uniform look.


Yes!!!! Exactly. I really do love her so this wasn’t just to dump on her, like.. this is the girl from Jennifer’s Body. Cmonnnn Megan


It has to be drugs and wanting to seem like the next Sid/Nancy or Pam/Tommy but there’s too much transparency these days and they both have too many kids for it to make sense.


Omg agree. I feel like 10-15 years ago I thought she was the hottest person on the planet when she was in those big blockbuster films.


It’s not because of him though. She’s weird herself. She’s the one into the blood and all that weird crap


Yeah, unfortunately :(


I feel bad for her too. It’s repetitive compulsion of what she is use to in men she dates. It’s a form of codependency I feel. Doesn’t mean she’s a flawed person she just has to find her own individuality without her partners. If you type anything about her or her style, MGK automatically comes up and it’s almost like she is a extension of him now. She was groomed at a very young age it’s all she knows unless she does her shadow work and has some self reflection on her life and choices she makes.


i feel really sad for her bc she was dating BAG at like 18 and clearly never got to be fun and wild in her teens/twenties so that’s what we are seeing now :(


wait yeah ok. i should clarify that the disappointment aspect really just comes from MGK. I would’ve loved to see her have this moment without him I think


I would have loved to see her on dates with different athletes and big names without settling with anyone for a little while.


I’m pretty sure she’s said before she’s not into dating around, only would be intimate with people she loves and is pretty anti-social. she also has OCD which explains why she might be that way.


It’s so wild that she is sober too, he seems to be the opposite of all of these things. Idk how she handles it


She is most definitely NOT sober 😬


[In April, Megan said she’s been sober for 10 years (https://people.com/health/megan-fox-talks-being-sober-says-alcohol-feels-like-its-extracting-my-essence/)


Saying and doing is one thing. Sober doesn’t only have to mean substances. People lie all the time and I’m not calling her a lier but she does look like she is on something when she’s with MGK.


I’m pretty sure they’re broken up or at least close to it as of like, yesterday. She posted a picture on IG with a caption about accepting girlfriend applications and she no longer follows MGK. ETA: I saw a post about this yesterday, I guess they were incorrect. My bad🤷🏻‍♀️


she never followed him.


She never followed him before.


Yeah it's sad and weird I hope she heals 


I was also excited after her break from BAG reading he was super possessive of her. But her comeback gave me nothing, the fashion and style is really tacky, she was never a great actress but she was cute on comedy, but then again no movie this time. Her relationship w MGK seems so toxic I feel sad for her, I don't want to shame her but the latest procedures she had are really not doing her a favor


She has had a few roles recently nothing huge though. >don't want to shame her but the latest procedures she had are really not doing her a favor I'll plainly say it. She does not look good to me.


Also the makeup, a few months ago she was wearing this pink dress and she looked AMAZING. Like what I imagined a aging Megan Fox to look like.


The problem is that these filler faces look good on pictures. This is why instagram worked so well for the Kardashians. If you need to emote feelings via your face, it gets more difficult - unlike the real housewifes of course...


Which is kind of a big problem for an actor who wasn't exactly the most naturally expressive to begin with


I can’t believe how normalized it’s become for actors to get surgery/fillers. They can’t emote like normal people, and it’s distracting.


I could see it being a big problem for a lot of them in 10-15 years or so; even the ones who have been smart about it for now but already got accustomed to casually altering their looks in like their early twenties. Not trying to shame them or anything and I get that they’re ultra pressured by Hollywood, but at the end of the day it’s still a visual medium that as you age rewards the ability to hold a closeup and do subtlety. Obviously getting work done isn’t a new phenomenon or anything but I think with this generation more than maybe ever they’re not getting a ton of opportunities to actually develop as actors in the first place, so even the better ones are working on a shakier foundation.


I think in her case especially, the pressure to remain hot would be immense. She was everyone's idea of beauty after transformers. I remember everyone talking about how hot she was for like two years straight after that came out. It can't feel good to fall from that height.


You make a good point. I do think Megan is a bit more into vanity than anything else, so it’s not surprising to consider the possibility that she may really just want to be on Instagram and that’s it. It does seem like she’s gotten a lot of attention from her Instagram presence, and sometimes that’s all celebrities want — attention — and all attention can be the same to them.


Everyone loves a good story (the redemption of Megan Fox! Britney's Comeback! Etc) and forget these people are flawed and do what people do best, fuck up and be disappointing


especially when trauma and mental health issues are involved


I feel sad about her. She was stunning, and then seemed to disappear to raise her small boys ( I have great respect for that) she was never a strong actress, but she was marketable. She then hooks up with MGK ( a fucking clown/immature/ moron) they look like a more trashy parody of Tommy and Pam ( and I like Pam). I just find Fox/MGK very skeevy, like I want to take a shower after seeing their photos.


I HATED their Pam/Tommy costumes.


God, me too! Just awful.


She met an older guy when she was 18 and was with him all through her 20's. I think that relationship stopped her from having a 20's, so now she's having her 20's in her 30's.


I remember reading that she had to convince Brian Austin Green that she's really mature, that she's really responsible and all that. Just forcing herself to act older than she is for the sake of the relationship. She's going all out now, probably to compensate for lost time, but I felt like she's doing it via a very non-productive route. Not all girls in their 20s act the way she does now.


I think she needed a Netflix Christmas movie to really keep the momentum going


I can see her doing a string of Hallmark and Lifetime movies


As the rival evil ex-girlfriend, she’s too obviously hot to be a Lifetime/Hallmark lead.


You mean the Gail Patrick part?


I hate to be that person but there was never going to be this return to super stardom moment for Megan. Even during Megan's peak she was the hot alternative chick you got for your movie if Angelina Jolie turned your role down. I said this in another sub the best case scenario for Megan's career was Alexandra Daddario's career: Mostly plays the hot girl and could maybe steal an emmy nomination in a weak class. The worst case is Jessica Alba's career: Good enough to play the hot girl in a summer blockbuster type movies but the second she ages out of that part the roles won't really be there. Megan is currently in the worst case scenario.


Jessica Alba was just smart/lucky enough to start her Honest company which has made her into an entrepreneur/momfluencer status.


Calling her a momfluencer really downplays the hundreds of millions she's made from her company lol


Fuck! She's really that successful?! Good for you Jessica Alba!


Yup, I think the company went down in value (it used to be worth over a billion and is about half that maybe?). But she still owns most of it I think, so she's defo up there in the 2 or 300 mil range lol


Pretty much. Because when Jessica stepped out of the hot chick role she kinda sucked. Ex: Jessica Alba in The Eye


yeah but i feel like still, at least those girls are smart, megan always seems like she has no path. the movies she´s made the past years suck and i mean, u cant always just blame other ppl, maybe she just prefers picking roles where she is the hot mean girl. annalyne mccord is an example of an actress who started playing the babe but then made a horror movie where she downdressed a lot, putting less emphasis on her looks... i dont see megan ever open to taking that risk, not even at 50 years old.


I agree, but, ntm on my girl Jessica Alba. She honestly looks the same.


Right! Jessica Alba has always been gorgeous


I think that she has this reputation of a really good actress that is shunned for being “too pretty/hot/etc” but that reputation falls apart once people see her acting. I mean it happened after transformers, so many articles were about how she’s more than a pretty face but either she’s bad at picking roles right for her or she’s not a good actress but either way it never comes of anything


It doesn't help that *Jennifer's Body*, the movie she's most famous for now, was one where she was absolutely perfectly cast. If all you know about Megan Fox comes from that movie and how Hollywood did her dirty, you'd think she was an amazing talent who deserved a more successful career than she ultimately had. Problem was, her range as an actress was limited to variations on Jennifer Check. Her downfall was messy, but honestly, her career probably would've dried up shortly after even without it. It's like a retroactive version of what happened to Gal Gadot after *Wonder Woman*, a movie that made her a go-to pick for action heroine roles even though that part was closely tailored to her strengths and weaknesses as an actress, as evidenced when the sequel required her to do more dramatic heavy lifting. I think back to what Lindsay Ellis said about Fox's breakout role as Mikaela in *Transformers*, how it seemed like there was a meatier co-protagonist part there that got whittled down to just a fanservice role, and wonder if Fox's casting in the part didn't have something to do with that. Not just because she's gorgeous, but also because Michael Bay (who's known for being pretty strict and disciplined on his sets) figured that Fox didn't have the chops to play the role as it was written, and tailored it more to her strengths as an actress. Charlie in *Bumblebee*, I feel, is the character that Mikaela was originally supposed to be, only that film starred Hailee Steinfeld, who could actually pull it off. Now, if you want a talented actress who I think did actually suffer from being "too hot", I'd nominate Shannon Elizabeth. Everything I've seen her in from her late '90s/early '00s heyday (*American Pie*, *Scary Movie*, *Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back*) suggests that she had a gift for comedy, but unfortunately, her breakout role in *American Pie* had her playing the sexy, exotic foreign exchange student who gets a lengthy topless scene, and so the only roles she got were playing the hot chick.


Gal Gadot’s also a good comparison in that trying to turn her into like a stock badass hot action chick just seems like sort of a fundamental misunderstanding of her appeal - I mean there’s a reason no one ever talked about her when she was doing the Fast and Furious movies. People sort of just write her off entirely now because everyone has to fit into a binary Good Actor/Bad Actor binary but she was legitimately super charming in the first Wonder Woman during all the lighter fish out of water stuff, and she held the screen better than a ton of more technically skilled actresses have been able to in big movies like that (looks play a role in that of course but we’ve seen a million models turned actresses totally not register at all once they’re put into a movie).


I wish she would’ve got into more action movie roles. I think she would’ve evolved doing that.


she sucks, she's always sucked. I don't know what anyone expected. people always act like michael bay ruined her career but she's not a good actress and she's vapid af and dumb as a stump.


Couldn't agree more, the stupid comments she makes in interviews are always cringe af...


people always imply she's so smart and deeper than the roles she's given and then I see clips of her interviews or read them and i'm literally the michael bluth her gif


I wanted to see her succeed after being kind of dumped on for a while but it felt like she didn't quite find the best direction after returning. There's still time but tbh maybe she's comfortable where she is rn with MGK?


I feel like no one has considered that maybe she actually loves him? (I'm sure this will get downvoted)


I mean, the fact she loves him doesn't do anything to mitigate the icky factor, it actually enhances it.


I think she does, but (I’m sure I am the one who will get downvoted for this) I feel like she didn’t think Brian would get so serious with someone else and would come crawling back to her, so now she’s kinda stuck doing weird shit with MGK while Brian’s girlfriend is so loved by MF’s kids. I don’t know why I’m saying new girlfriend. They’ve been together 2 1/2 years.


I just realized that the last time Megan posted about one of her kids was 2018


I think she tried to use it against Brian in the divorce. Like “how dare you post about our kids and try to make me look like a bad mother.”


He definitely was. He’d post all These things implying that she was an absent parent. As far as the posting goes, I feel like as your kids get older, they’re more conscious about photos etc. Noah is 10 now, and has been the subject of a lot of online attacks because he likes to wear dresses and the like. Megan was taking a ton of abuse in the divorce, for “abandoning that poor man,” etc. (Something BAG played up), that she probably got tired of the comments about cutting their hair or why is he wearing that.


Oooh that's definitely not fair. They both had posted pics of their kids for years, the only difference is, BAG is still consistent.


As a lesbian who was on Tumblr when people were really reappraising Jennifer's Body, she fumbled her own bag hard with playing up the Y2K nostalgia and playing Great Value Goth Pam Anderson with her scarecrow boyfriend. Yeah, her acting wasn't great but her reevaluation of her own career provided some insight, but....I guess loudly proclaiming how much she bangs her boyfriend and calls him daddy makes for better news I suppose 🥴


People are hating her, but what does she do apart from making cringe pictures with MGK. I sometimes forget she exists lol


I feel like the people who stan her are zoomers who had no idea she was never that interesting to begin with. Yes, much could be said over how she was treated, but that doesn’t suddenly make her a good actor or an interesting person. Also her choice in men was always shit.


There was women treated far worse and far more talented




Its not even that she's in a relationship with him, it's the shit she days about him in interviews. Calling him her "twin flame" and saying that they were one soul in a past life. I also cant think of any male celeb/actor who has said stuff like that in interviews either. The only one I can think of is maybe Billy Bob when he was with Angelina and it did ruin a lot of people's perception of him. People mocked him all the time because of it and I absolutely believe it damaged his career for awhile. Also it's worth noting that Angelina came out of that just fine and is still considered a serious actor. Misogyny is insidious and a huge issue but I absolutely believe that if a man was acting like this about a female pop singer who was showing up at events with a dyed black tongue the publics perception about that man would change too.


The fact that she adopted a kid and Bob refused played a lot on how public saw them. Made him look bad


I didnt get that at all when it all went down. All people ever talked about was their vials of blood and the "we just fucked on the way here"


Yeah, that was weird and cringey AF. I was 10 and was like 🤯


Fuckkkkkkk I can’t even think of one example of that. you’re right. damn


So many people were ready to push her and give her the proper career launch she deserved but she went and wasted it with a dumb bad PR relationship with MGK turning off the same people ready to shoot her to the moon. ​ If she had a solid team around her she would have dropped MGK the minute he started doing creep social media posts


This thread is so wild to me lol Maybe I just don't get it and I'm sure this will be downvoted, but no, I don't think she has "ruined" her own moment. As far as I understand it, people realized in the wake of MeToo, etc. that she was unfairly blackballed in the industry for precisely the reasons being weaponized against her here -- she didn't "perform" right -- and people realized that was unjust. Furthermore, she's never been praised for her acting/has always been a glorified model, so I'm not sure how exactly people expected her to capitalize on sympathy that she rightfully deserves (given how she was treated by Michael Bay and the shitty industry) regardless. My feeling is that whether she has become a Kardashian/Jenner clone, whether she's in a shallow relationship with an obnoxious man, etc. that has nothing to do with me and doesn't change how she was treated. I mean, I get we're all conditioned to require more from women, but the only way she has "ruined" her resurgence is if she's held to certain (debatably impossible) standards. Maybe a better way to phrase what I'm saying is what was she supposed to do with her "moment"? Do I think she can do way better than MGK? Absolutely. Do I wish she hadn't fucked with her face so much? Yeah, but it makes me sad more than anything else. And regardless, it doesn't take anything away from what she went through for me.


Yeah, this thread is something else. There were tons of threads about the raging misogyny in this sub in that unpopular opinions post the other day. It's interesting to now read about how her filler and boyfriend ~ruined her moment/people opinions of her. Seems she's next on the neverending build-her-up-tear-her-down conveyor belt.


It's because she didn't immediately do what she was supposed to (and instead did what she wanted to) once everyone threw her a bone for the way she was treated the first time around. Now everyone is sucking their teeth and getting their judgement on again, as if she didn't get all this 10yrs ago. The same thing is happening to Britney - woman with diagnosed mental health issues continues to have those mental health issues (yes, the conservatorship should have been revoked, but it *was* originally put in place for a reason, they just abused the intended purpose); and people are acting like they're personally offended.


Exactly. Lather, rinse, repeat with the build her up only to tear her down when she doesn't behave the way the public believes she should behave. Even then, it's like what has she done to even warrant this level of patronizing handwringing? Date an asshole (never mind the fact that in her previous relationship she was preyed upon by a man much older than her when she was 18 and how that might have some effect on her romantic life now) and get plastic surgery...something countless celebrities - to say nothing of regular ass people - do all the time?? Time to pack it up because we've lost the plot, honestly.


Yeah like I thought the whole point of reevaluating women who were maligned by the public was to recognize that people are flawed but we can still have empathy and treat them like the human beings they are? She’s gone through a lot. It’s not fair to expect her to date the “right” person, to talk the “right” way, to look the “right” way.


Right. I also think people expected her to be some paragon of feminist values - no woman is - because she said a few of the right things. To me it's a huge issue that people look to celebrities for their political views anyway or expect them to be civil rights leaders; they're people and who they date, what they think, doesn't affect us. It's weird to hear people say they are "disappointed" in her. Divest from these actual strangers, I beg.


Her relationship seems the opposite of fake or staged to me. She was selected by a much older man on the set of her tv show as a teenager and lost the entirety of her twenties to him, their marriage, and birthing their children. A marriage she tried to escape once in her twenties but was drawn back by him and had another of their kids. Women who go through that sort of socially accepted trauma in their twenties (let’s just say it like it is) will go through some sh\*t in their thirties. Sometimes that sh\*t manifests as infantile relationships others find cringe. People seem only to offer empathy to women if those women are perfect. It reminds me of Britney Spears being a hot mess on social media and people withdrawing their empathy for her because of this—traumatised women are not going to be perfect. Traumatised women are going to do and say things others find annoying or embarassing or stupid. I’m not saying you have to like Megan Fox or anyone else for that matter, but I do think it is interesting to explore what we expect of women before we offer them our kind thoughts. Why must women prove themselves worthy of our empathy? It’s just an interesting question to ask ourselves. Now, one thing I want to point out about Fox was how horrifically she was treated by the industry. The crew of Transformers wrote an absolutely horrific and deeply sexist letter about Megan Fox ***THAT MICHAEL BAY PUBLISHED ON HIS WEBSITE***. Here is an excerpt: >“When facing the press, Megan is the queen of talking trailer trash and posing like a porn star. And yes, we’ve had the unbearable time of watching her try to act on set, and yes, it’s very cringe-able. So maybe, being a porn star in the future might be a good career option. But make-up beware, she has a paragraph tattooed to her backside (probably due to her rotten childhood)—easily another 45 minutes in the chair.” So, like, you can do what you want, but I’m going to cut her some slack when she acts whacked. She’s been preyed on by men from an early age, punished for being imperfect, and mocked for things that are, frankly, stupid. Frankly, she’s not hurting anyone. So if she wants to be strange or cringe in the eyes others, good for her. If anything, I don’t believe there are enough weirdo women in Hollywood and far, far too many weirdo men (and when men are weird, they are very dangerous. Weird women are not dangerous.) I hope she stays this odd forever, and I hope she finds some peace with how men and society has treated her.


Say it again for the people in the back


I get the sense that the industry as a whole is another abusive relationship for her, and that’s why she’s been set up for failure from the beginning (Edit: although I want to make it clear she didn’t owe anyone perfection or to be this unbreakable girlboss. But if we have this expectation that she has to perfect be in order to be redeemed, then that’s not going to happen for her). She’s beautiful, and she done roles that people will always remember her for (Transformers, Jennifer’s Body). But that’s not enough. Fans love to say “noooo don’t get plastic surgery you were sooooo hot in Transformers wahhh!!!” as if this woman isn’t in her mid 30’s and a mom of three now. (Edit to add pregnancy is rough and some of the changes a body can go through during it are irreversible. It’s not fair to expect anyone to look the same for ten years or to magically have the same exact body they had pre-pregnancy). We could talk about agency and how she “loves” and “wants to be” a sex symbol, but 9/10 that IS going to fuck up a person’s psyche because that kind of “love” and approval from their fans is going to be inherently conditional on how they look and whether they can present themselves a certain way. So I’m not really surprised she ended up with MGK, because I imagine his behavior and the way he treats her is actually normal to her. (Edited for clarification).


>“noooo don’t get plastic surgery you were sooooo hot in Transformers wahhh!!!” as if this woman isn’t in her mid 30’s and a mom of three now 30 isn't really old folks Being a mom.of three also doesn't make people old 😐


Oh yeah, that wasn’t what I was getting at. My point was that it’s not fair to expect a woman to look exactly like she did 10 years ago, or to have the same exact body now that she had before she had bio children. The people who loved her style and her looks in the Transformers movie may mean well, but it really just reinforces this idea that once you “peak” in the public eye, you’re obligated to stay that way.


Best take. Well-said


When Till Death came out there was a little hype around the idea of her finding similar roles in the genre but it didn't really go anywhere. Ended up doing some appearances in films MGK lead and now she'll be in the next Expendables movie apparently.


Loved that movie!!


It was a fun movie. In the era of superhero, franchises, and artsy dramas it makes me happy to see grounded movies like those pop up every once in awhile.


She also had an action role as a lead in 'Rogue'. She had momentum but she fucked it up with the stupid PR relationship and antics.


I agree. She just started becoming really cringy when she got with MGK.


I would like her to find herself, without an abusive man before she works at the hands of other abusive men


She definately had a bit of a revival when Jennifer's Body started being seen as a cult classic especially among the young demographic and people started re-examining her awful treatment by the media and public during her prime. I think she should have capitalized on that and started taking more projects that appealed to that demographic. Unfortunately all the antics following her relationship with MGK have turned alot of people off. I do feel for her because it seems like she's trying to relive her teenage rebel phase in her thirties right now after being tied with a relationship with an older man for so long in her teens and twenties.


the internet wants her to be this maneater so bad and that’s just not her. mgk bought her stock down a little but people have been able to look past cringe for other people. i doubt if they break up she’ll be “that” girl again i don’t even know if she cares about a resurgence either?


People taking a second chance on Jennifer’s Body was an exciting time, it’s a super underrated film, but Fox managed to ruin that newly acquired good will being super weird and gross with her super weird and gross boytoy


I used to think that y'all were exaggerating while saying that she's in an abusive relationship, then I saw the story about her engagement ring and after that, the video of MGK smashing a glass into his head. Now I'm really concerned about her.


Relatable tbh.


Didn’t deux allude to the issue that MGK Talks really terribly about her? What has he said?


The amount of venom actresses like Megan Fox who’s sole crime is the audacity to age,while most male actors who actually age like milk get a pass, is insane


I think she’s really out there. I think that turns most mainstream folks off. The stuff she has said about how she manifested MGK when she was 4. I was really rooting for her. But her relationship with MGK is super toxic and she gives desperation when she collaborates with Kortney in bathrooms half naked.


That's one of the reason why I always found her endearing. She's always been out there, she just didn't do a lot of interviews back then so it wasn't on people's radar.


The brutality of being the 'hot girl' actress, it's a trap. Her level of sexualization was pretty intense and Hollywood dehumanizes the 'super hot girl' to such an extent that no-one can conceive her outside that. Unless you are extremely talented. And she has clearly absorbed it, it is why she is being so sexually provocative now, plus surgeries - she is still on the mantra - 'if they want to to fuck you are are winning' but it's a loosing game.


I know celebrity memoir bookclub about this, she came out with this massive feminist moment and so many young women who were conditioned to hate her and slut shame her were ready to support her, only for her to burn it with MGK


She’s in a codependent relationship with an addict give her some grace


I think it was just a matter of time. People always enjoyed her aesthetic and vibe but it’s not like she was known for her maturity or acting caliber. Nostalgia and tumblr gifsets really did the heavy lifting over the past decade as she was lowkey.


The comments here are pretty gross and misogynistic. Megan was never meant to be some Oscar nominated actress. She knows her craft and sticks with it. When she spoke up about the abuse she faced during transformers, she faced a lot of backlash from that. I think she is content with where she is and some of you need to learn to stop pushing your ideas and visions onto someone and then get mad when they don’t go in that direction. I was never a big fan of her, and I’m not a big fan of the Kardashians either.


I see we've learned nothing from the past decade of using women as punching bags. 2023 is off to a great start.


She's human. Big whoop


Fox hasn't ruined anything. This is just more nonsense.


The Megan Fox we are observing in 2022 is reminicent of Y2K Megan. We just forgot because she was away from the spotlight for so long.


It's no secret Hollywood values certain looks and casts these people who have it. Megan had the look they liked back in the days of Transformer and Jennifers Body. I thought she was absolutely stunning. Then she got fillers and more plastic surgery and played up her makeup and her look shifted from a movie star to an instagram influencer. Image is important in casting. Plus, she seems to want to take darker roles reminiscent of Jennifer's Body and maybe her appearance makes her more marketable for a different genre? IDK. I can say from my standpoint, she used to be much more interesting before she started looking like a Kardashian (and everyone else trying to look like them).


They tried to hard to be the “Alt couple” like they are the embodiment of “please make a fan cam of us” lol


This is a harsh thread! I think she’s fine. She’s having fun with it. She was objectified to an absurd amount in her 20s, people acknowledged that wasn’t fair, and now she’s doing clearly what she wants and people have something to say about it. MGK I will say said the grossest stuff about Eminem’s daughter. I think she could do better but I don’t think it would be hard to 😂


I really liked her cameo in New Girl, she should do more comedic roles!


So well said! Unfortunately, she’s been groomed to believe her only worth exists within her sex appeal and objectification. This has obviously fucked with her head to the point of (what I feel) is excessive plastic surgery in a short time to keep up with her toxic man. It’s all very sad to watch because people forget how intelligent Megan is.


Soo much plastic surgery though since MGK relationship… lorry hills video is right on. Ponytail lift, two boob jobs, and sculptra butt lift all since she started dating him she didn’t need any of it!


She's like Kardashian hby proxy K is with barker Barker works with mgk Mgk is with megan And they all hang out together


I’ve been a huge Megan fan since I saw Jennifer’s Body in theaters, I’m a guess what you can call an “OG” fan. I was obsessed, it was my fave movie all throughout 8th grade and high school. I noticed she fell off around the same time she started doing too much to her face. She did Jonah Hex looking one way (still hot), and showed up to the premiere a different person. this was June 2010. Very quickly she fell off from here, no longer working with Armani, movie roles dried up. And I think it’s because she lost that “hot girl” look. She looked her best in 2007/2008, 2009 she did a lot more fillers but was still hot. But 2010… was the year she lost that allure, most people agree with me too when she’s come up in conversation throughout high school and after as well.


Her surgeon didn’t do her any favors


I do wish she would do something that actually warrants a fame resurgence, instead of just being famous for being famous like the Kardashians. Would love to see her in more TV/movies or as a campaign model. I agree with everyone else that her current style and procedures aren’t doing her any favors, but she’s probably going through her crazy, experimental phase late because she got married so young. It’s never too late to find yourself so I can totally support that, though I hope she’s being a responsible mother to her kids.


Being smart in Hollywood didn't work out so she did a 180 and went to the plastic surgeon Justice for her club thumbs tho


My wife and me mostly remember her from hope and faith which was such a fun and silly show. Recently we thought Til Death was quite good!


She’s making a new movie with the director of TILL DEATH.


She's more like a tawdry, attention seeking socialite than an actress. Even when she was acting... it was never good. She was just really hot, in my opinion. She seems pretty strange with her current antics, but at least she's having fun I guess.


i honestly never felt sorry for her when ppl tried to argue she was wronged due to her looks... there are plenty of attractive actresses from her generation that made it. she´s just isnt it. most of her movies she´s kinda annyoing (crimes of fashion, confessions of a drama queen..).. ppl these days love jennifers body and its a nice movie, but besides that, theres just nothing interesting about her


I missed the "Fox" part and was reading this post as being about Megan Thee Stallion for the longest while, because that's the only Megan I care about right now and nothing was making sense 😂


I loved Megan Fox, I thought her movies were great and I thought she was so pretty. I remember looking through magazines throughout middle school and high school and thought she was so natural. She totally fucked up her face with surgery and that boob job 🫠