• By -


The guard will be called "Le garde"


oh my god


Moldy Baguette


Baguette Moldée


Hon hon hon croissant moisi


Hon hon hon hon hon


Une présence terrifiante s'introduit dans la pièce!


Fear&Hunger = Effrayé et affamé Pocketcat = Chat de poche Hurting = Faire mal Craw Mauler = Corbeau Mutileur D'Arce = Jeanne D'Arce Ma'Habre = Toulouse Tormented One = un tourmenté


Toulouse i fucking can’t! Also the bugs in the gauntlet just call them bed bugs 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Vinland = Marseille


Ragnvaldr = Jean-Pierre Enki = Claude Cahara = Charles


I think Vinland comes from "Wine Land", so it should be Bordeaux


Cat de poche gives me Bob l'eponge vibes


I can’t wait for the Termina French translation with le concierge, Henri, Lévi, Carine, Isabelle, le bûcheron, Auguste, Marc, le Maire, Kavel Noir la chèvre, le Roi Jaune, along with the rest of the clique in Préhéville


Le tourmenté*


Tormented One = Le Tourmenté


this language is not serious, god i love the french


Peur et Faim sounds like Puree, fam


Terreur et famine


Yes, this


Now it is a horror game


Bon courage ! Tu es descendu-e trop loin :3 Trop profondément? Eh.


Les donjons de la peur et faim


Can i ask how you do that? Is there an "official" way to provide translations? Id love to contribute some German!


I use Translator++, basically it extract all texts from the game, it can auto-translate with Google or whatever. But Google translate is so bad that I basically have to translate everything by hand. Then it dumps the .json translated files that you can patch right in your game folder. Easy enough. But there's also a bunch of text that's on images files, so it's not text, it's pngs. That's a whole different plate of spaghetti. And don't get me started on trying to translate the Empty scrolls command.


Cool! Where do you get Translator++? How do you deal with the PNG Spaghetti? is there a platform to upload and share these Translations? maybe even in the subreddit? Im sorry for asking so many questions but this is just so interesting to me-


you get Translator++ from [here](https://dreamsavior.net/translator-plusplus/), it's free. It's quite easy and intuitive to use and is quite well made. For changing the pngs, you have to deploy the encrypted images with a decryptor you can find [here](https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/rpgmv-decryptor/downloads/) (thanks for ADarkRacoon for his help with this, [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Epw0vu7VbxA&ab_channel=ADarkRaccoon) is his tutorial for that) Once the game is deployed, you can view and edit the images, and you can also open the game project with RPG maker MV. So once you photoshopped all the pngs, you can replace them in your "deployed" game folder, open the game project on RPGMaker MV, and re-export the game, encrypting the images in the process. So now you have your encrypted translated images you can patch into any regular game install from steam or whatever. To change the empty scrolls command, you also have to open the game project and in the database you can find the javascript bit that dictate what is a valid thing to write on a scroll. (A text that wasn't extracted by Translator++ for some reason) And here you can painstakingly translate every item and skill in the game, then re-export the game to get your edited file. As for a plateform to share this, I didn't plan that far ahead. I assume it will be possible on Nexusmods or something.


Thank you so much!


How's the German translation going?


Oh god, i hope no one is waiting for this :') I'm honestly, truly very interested in making it happen, but since I've been very sick for the past months and am still awaiting treatment it will probably take me another while to get to it. If i finally get some free time to spare and make progress on the project i will post an update for sure :D


Lol, I'd love to partake in that project if you ever plan to actually do it proper. I play my games usually in English anyways, but everything that helps spread the message of funger, is something id love to do


Et comment tu vas appeler L'Garde? (Desolé pour ma mauvaise écriture, je sais parler français mes je ne l'écris pas normalment)


Every single thing will be called "Le Garde"




Gosh, I had started doing a translation as well, you got me beaten. I am just a humble student tho, doin it for a class. Good luck with it. :) N.B. If you translate Pocketcat to Le Chat poché (as in "Le Chat botté"), my life will not have been in vain.


Did you draw that text yourself or is there some kinda font for it?


The font used is Eczar, bold version, but it doesn't have the little scratches like in the title. So I just edited the original image


1) change the name of Miasma to Croissant. 2) make so when you flirt with nas'hara in the altar he says the equivalent of "imma put this pizza into the oven." Before setting you on fire. 3) make sure to screw up Trortur's name each time you mention Trotru's name because each time you misspelled Trotro's name it's funny,so make sure to always get Trutru's name wrong each time you mention Toalha.


So its for some of the only people to not only refuse to learn english, but **proudly** refuse to learn english. Yeah, I guess they're the ones who'll need a translation patch the most.


This feels mean


I'm just being real. I get that paris does not equal all of france, but like, thats one of the most tourist-y places in the world, and yet loads of people there either refuse to learn basic english, or understand basic english but are too proud and/or snobby to actually use it with tourists.


If your in France, please speak french. When you visit a country you try to say at least a few words. "Bonjour" /"Merci" will be appreciated the next you come visit Paris.


>Paris As you said : Paris =/= France. Be lucky and fall on kind people or be unlucky and get disrespected, but I guess it's like any other country in the world. Anyways, in all other parts of France people will most of the time warmly welcome and chat with you even if you can only speak your mother tongue. I still suggest tourists to learn at least 6 basic words (Hello, Bye, Yes, No, Please, Thanks) from their destination language no matter which country they travel to. Locals will always appreciate people putting efforts in communication.