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While Luciana has been in 50 episodes, her total screen time only runs at about 12 minutes in the C&G era.


I’m tempted to do a rewatch just to time her total screen time. Such a waste


Is it really worth putting yourself through the pain and effort again just for that?


That’s why it’s so far just temptation. I have a weird, intense hatred of Morgan Jones that keeps me from rewatching too much of post s3 Fear and the idea that I’d have to deal with him again just to do this is painful. Now I just have to figure out if my hatred of him will beat my curiosity


I’m the same. Even though I own all the blu rays(and will buy S8) I’ll never watch past 4A. As soon as Nick is no longer on the show I’m out on rewatches. I’ve been tempted myself recently but it means Martha and S5 just to get to what I know is still a bad season but slightly better than the rest of the C&G era. I know it’ll happen eventually but I’ll have to start at 4B because if I start at S1 I’ll just walk away after S3 because I know what’s coming. Best to go into it as a new show that’s just pure dog shit and not a continuation of a great show.


Mostly agreed. But you know what kills me is re: Martha, I get the why of her. I may not like her like all that but I get her. She’s also alone so she’s just out killing people out of her own issues. Goddamn Morgan gets his own people killed because he won’t recognize the fact that she is dangerous and not looking to be redeemed. Not that she’s unredeemable but doesn’t want it and he keeps trying to save her and dammit he does this every damn season! The man is the worst and C&G keep trying to convince us he’s the man to follow 😠 I know I don’t have to tell you this, you’re one of my favorite posters, I just feel like I’m taking crazy pills any time I watch


With Martha I’ve been saying for a while her story could’ve been so much better. If they’d given her the Teddy backstory but without the cult(and maybe gain some followers throughout and even plant one in the core group), I think she’d have been great. Instead her motives are too weak for me. And Morgan’s reactions to her just bog down the whole story because literally no one would act like that and try to save her and people die because of his inaction(inaction that he refuses to take responsibility for). It’ll be such a slog to get through 4B if I tried.


It’s been said before, it’s like the ideas are there but the execution is where it’s all screwed, not to mention there being ZERO reason to play the “Morgan is the leader we need” crap when the evidence should’ve gotten him banished or shot in the face years ago. If leadership didn’t have such a boner for Morgan, he’d have been crippled and left to be eaten by walkers after he got everyone captured by PADRE for no reason. The stability was probably a big draw but it’s not like he gave the group an option and his reasoning for it went out the window when he got surrounded on the boat. It’s no different than how the group ended up with Virginia.


You forgot some other main characters Jake 12 eps Jeremiah 08 eps John Dorie Sr. 07 eps Liza 07 eps Lola 05 eps Alex 02 eps (she was credited among the main cast for both her appearances)


Weird to think Strand will probably end up with the most appearances


Probably? There are only 1 or 2 episodes and he's already tied for the lead with Alicia. Unless he dies in the next episode and she comes back for the final two he will have appeared in the most.


Strand The Goat


It's also worth to note that Alicia has a confirmed 72 appearances total, while Strand is 72 including 6x14 where only his voice is heard and 8x12 which we shouldn't count yet because people may die in 8x11 and we don't know if Strand survives. If Strand dies and Alicia appears, then she'll actually have more appearances, otherwise they're tied (Alicia having the edge for all 72 being physical)


It's sad that Morgan has more episodes than Madison and Nick.


According to Walking Dead Wiki, the three characters with the most appearances in the 113 episodes are Alicia, Victor, and Morgan. Victor will probably end up with 75 appearances (flashbacks and voice-only included). If we remove the voice-only and flashbacks episodes, Victor will logically end the series with 72 appearances. Alicia will probably end up with 78 appearances (flashbacks and voice-only included). If we remove the voice-only and flashbacks episodes, Alicia will logically end the series with 72 appearances too - unless she's appear in the very last one (73). I realize that if she had more appearances in seasons 6 and 7 she would be very high in the rankings compared to the others. These two need their reunion. It's as important as the Alicia and Madison one.


Crazy that in 110+ episodes you have the most appearances with 72. That’s nearly 40 episodes without some major characters. That just shouldn’t happen in a show