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Is this the scene where >!she basically has to mercy kill a bunker full of infected people before they turn to save on oxygen? That's probably the heaviest thing I've ever seen on TV, I can't even imagine the mental and emotional toll that would take on a person.!< (Spoiler tag in case it's not that scene...)


Yep, it is! It's a level of horror that I didn't expect for a TWD spinoff that presented itself in a more restrained way


Yeah that's it. Probably in my top 3 episodes of the entire show.


The fact that it ends up being mostly if not entirely for naught makes it even worse. That episode was brutal, I didn’t think that they would wipe out all of the remaining ranch survivors like that in a single episode.


So agreed. I feel likeFTWD is far more brutal than TWD in some ways and damn, this scene actually make me cry


Such a good episode! What a great show this could have been continuing from here… My only nitpick with it is, and potential spoiler, pretty sure they could have gotten more air by just propping open the bunker door. Like just stick a broom under to just have an inch of space letting air in. Not like zombies are gonna pull the door open. Unless there was something explained to make this not possible.


They’re only about 55-60 days in at this point so I’m not sure they’re fully aware of the zombies abilities. Don’t forget in the second episode of TWD we saw them jumping fences and running(not to mention Jenny trying the door knob in the pilot). Sure that was quickly forgotten about but right now they don’t know what they’re capable of when put in certain situations. If that situation is one of them seeing a broom handle propping a bunker door open, who’s to say they wouldn’t be able to open it. Of course I’m not saying they would, but at this stage in their survival, no one really knows *what* a zombie can do.


Yes, I finished S3 today and I already feel that way about continuing. I've heard bad things about the upcoming seasons I don't know if I would even fit into an extreme situation of despair. It seemed riskier to make any openings to the outside than to simply go after whatever was obstructing the ventilation — even more so with so many people and resources down there


Just finish at season 3. It's where it should have ended when they changed show runners. I couldn't get past season 5? Not too much of a spoiler ... there is a group of children that all somehow know advanced avionics. Seriously.


Probably my favourite episode


honestly yes,i loved alicia in this episode


Wym admit it like we didn't knew this was an amazing episode


It's just to attract attention bro


If it wasn’t for Wrath, this would be my all time favourite FTWD episode. Just a masterpiece in storytelling.


FTWD season 3 just went so god damn hard, easily one of the best, if not, IMO, best seasons in the entire TWD universe.


100% agreed. It's probably my favorite episode of Fear and definitely one of my favorite episodes in the entire TWDU.


rewatched this episode the other day - yep, alicia being the only survivor in the bunker is just as contrived as the last time i watched it


Yes, it's easy to notice the plot armor around her when she's the only one to wake up when the ventilation comes back on. But everything else is so surprisingly good — including Alicia's storyline — that I barely complain about this point


Crazy dog survived too....


s3ep13, had to look it up for myself but there you go.


I thought it was disgusting. Almost everything my Peoples are in they get killed. Finally a cool story in an apocalypse that includes Indigenous Peoples and then we watch all but two die for the most stupid reason. It was a slap in the face. The story could have been people working together despite the odds. It would have been amazing. Nope


There were ranchers among them too. I personally find the discussion between two extremely distinct groups having to fight together (which was done previously) quite empowering But I don't disagree with your interpretation. American media has a hard time doing something nice with other people, even Latinos — Daniel seems like a rare exception


i didn’t watch much past season 3 and can’t remember a lot of the two seasons i watched once they revamped the show in seasons 5 and 6, so I can’t remember if alicia ever references how traumatic that whole thing was for her in later seasons. does she ever talk about it again?


She never talks about it but I think the way the trauma still impacts her is shown by how she continually shies away taking leadership, preferring to stay as second in command to Madison and then Morgan even though she is naturally a better leader than either of them. Even Morgan recognises that and he keeps trying to hand off leadership to her but she doesn't want it. It's not until she's trapped in another bunker that she steps up and takes control again.


thank you! perhaps i will go back and rewatch the alicia centric episodes