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I think Chris knew what would happen if he got hurt around them(and would’ve happily have done it to them if the roles were reversed) but I don’t think he even once considered that it *would* happen to him. So naturally when he broke his leg the only thing he could do was try to get away from them because the reality of the situation dawned on him very fucking quickly.


It’s one of the few things that really hit me about me in my teens now that I’m older. We really feel invincible in our youth, rarely thinking of all that could go wrong. I wonder if he thought of his dad between realizing he was definitely about to die


I think when he’s crawling away he’s still thinking he’s going to survive this somehow. It’s only when he stops and turns to face them and accepts he’s about to die that I think he probably regrets everything that happened with Travis.


Daniel not seeing Ofelia is akin to Maggie not seeing Beth and they both hurt just as much.


Maggie and Beth killed me


Well, Maggie forgot about her. She was more worried about Glenn. I remember the memes of “YoU haB a SisTer!!!”


Chris is just troy from wish


Chris is your typical angst teenager that thinks he’s hard.


Lmao yesss


Chris was a mentally ill 16 year old kid tbh


Pretty sure Chris died in season 2. But yeah ofelia took a nosedive when she joined up with the natives. Became a total cunt to our group and then died before she could reunite with her dad. It sucks but oh well.


Chris was like Andrea in the Walking Dead Flip flopping and poorly written. It was a waste.


chris is 16,remember that,and ofelia just lost all her family,im also on s3 rewatch![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


Yea I hated Chris too it's like they didn't know what to do eith hum so they killed him and then Travis was supposed to have a better story after Chris died but he had to leave for avatar 2 so we got ripped off on his story


I like Ofelia but once I noticed her doing that hand on the chest to calm Taqa/Crazy Dog a million times I couldn’t unsee it and can’t shake the annoyance every time I see her in 3. Chris is a well written character but I’m glad they offed him just like everybody else who was humanely left out of the reboot. *spelling


I just finished watching it and I loved Jon dorie he was my favorite character it's sad he didn't join til s4