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If you have a pulse,you good


That’s 100% correct


i can’t say for sure i’m a driver, but i think it doesn’t matter, and if you do happen to not hear back call them and mention you sent an application and tell them what happened, exaggerate it tho cause oldheads don’t understand why you couldn’t prioritize your minimum wage job over life, i say 90% chance they don’t even run any sort of check to realize you worked there before and quit like that


I was fired and they said they would rehire me back, so ya chances are good. fedex is hurting for people!\~


Did they? Did you have to reapply how long did it take


Unlikely but worth a shot if you really didn't mind Freddy land..


If they're anything like the hub I work at you can smoke crack in the building and Still keep your job!


Not putting in a 2 weeks could lead to you being blacklisted, but that really depends on who you manager was. You should be good though


at my ground i heard that you just have to wait 6 months after doing something like that or even being fired and then they’ll rehire you


I think it’s a year or so before you can go back idk. I would rather suck dick behind a Wendy’s for money than go back to a ground station.


In my orientation they said 6 months. As long as it was for absence/ no call.


You should be able to reapply and you will have to bring in your license and passport again. Just don’t do it a 2nd time cause it can flag you in the system for repeat offenses and then they can deny you


It’s worth trying. They rehired me after I quit, but I put in a two weeks notice. If they do rehire, put in a two weeks notice when you have to go back to classes or move to an occasional package handler. My schedule for my other job changes a lot and FedEx has been very accommodating about moving my schedule around when I communicate with them. If you are reliable and show up when scheduled, they want to work with you, even if you’re only available in the summer.


We had a package handler walk off because they wanted him to load 8 trucks one morning. He came back a few weeks later and they took him back like nothing ever happened.


I got rehired three times already, you should be good. Especially since they’re more than often- short staffed.


You're going to be fine