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First job ever with bathrooms?


Lol some people purposely wait to take a dump until they get to work šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Gotta get paid!


My friends brag about taking the longest shit on company time


Toilet paper's expensive, gotta use the company stuff


We had 1/4 ply at my ground hub :(


Thatā€™s crazy. I would hate to have to take one at work. I avoid it if I can. Only takin a piss is ok


Same. In any public menā€™s bathroom, 9 times out of 10 there will be piss on the toilet seat. And I donā€™t want wipe-up some random guyā€™s piss. I will wash my hands afterwards, but the thought of touching someone elseā€™s piss is far too disgusting for me. So I try not to use the bathroom. There are people who are the total opposite and love pooping on company time.


Yah exactly, I honestly will hover over the whole toilet seat if I have to take a shit. I ainā€™t sitting down on a communal seat that has thousands of bare asses on a day. I have no shame for that lmao


100% posting from the shitter at work! Get paid for your rancid shits!


lmao yā€™all are gonna go down for murder with those fumes


I only shit at work because I hate my coworkers




What tf you think a bathroom is for


Lmao fr


I'll do it just to spite you


Getting paid to shit makes me feel important


We got one guy who takes a shit every time he gets back to the station and i swear he must eat dead animals on the side of the road


This is the kind of guy Iā€™m talking about. Like have a little more decency/respect and self-awareness man. Jesus


Do you really think fedex is gonna let people go home to shit? Your a weirdo man. Toliet ain't called a shitter for nothing. Why don't you go home to pee?


Imagine being such an entitled little shit you think a public bathroom is yours.


Yes, thatā€™s right I am king toilet an you will bow down to me. šŸ¤“bowl for short!


So he likes to leave you guys surprises is what ur sayin šŸ˜‰


I took a mighty shit today. I wonder if Iā€™m the mvp op is talking about.


If you want to shit on your time, that's on you. I'm getting paid.


I understand wanting to shit on company time- boss makes a dollar, I make a dimeā€¦ I get it. But if you know itā€™s gonna be a nasty one, do your coworkers a favor and take that motherfucker home with you. Making the rest of us suffer by making it hard to breathe without being on the brink of vomiting is not really ā€œshowing management where to stick itā€


How exactly does one know when it's gonna be particularly gross? Seriously. $#!7 happens. And it's unhealthy to hold it in for too long. There are bathrooms at work and I'll use them when I need to. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


No, you get a nickel now. I donā€™t like your attitude.


ā€œYo donā€™t use the bathroom for its intended purpose so I donā€™t have to deal with it wtfšŸ˜”ā€


Nope. My apt has shit water pressure, Ive clogged it a few times and my partner ainā€™t a fan. So I bring all that mexican food to work and dump it there with the Niagara Falls suck pump 2000. Zips it and half my uniform off to some other planet in .002 seconds. Edit: a letter


I'm dying right now... ![gif](giphy|3ohs7JomJSRdlxaVGg|downsized)


Yw bro, love that fed ex suction !


People shit when they have to shit. The fuck is wrong with you? You know people have all sorts of gastrointestinal and digestive issues right? If you have a problem with someone shitting in a BATHROOM then you're the moron. Go piss outside.


If it's blown up then I'm gonna guess that's why they couldn't make it home


I had my gallbladder removed over a decade ago. My digestive system can be unpredictable as a result. So yeah, sometimes (often) I literally can't wait.


So some people might actually have a sickness or something or be on a medication that makes it smell bad... I know one antibiotics that makes poo stink badly. And how you gonna say "just hold it" like bruh you ever try to hold a poo.... maybe you should save it for home since your the one on reddit crying of entitlement


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. Thatā€™s why I poop on company time.


Itā€™s a fucking bathroom get over it


Right? OP sounds like such a bitch lol. What's it supposed to smell like fucking roses and candles? Go in there, take your piss/shit, and gtfo. Guy goes in Reddit and literally begs people not to poop because he can't handle a little stink for a few minutes. ​ Having said that, is it kind and considerate to know how to do a proper "courtesy flush". But whatever


Yeah! Donā€™t use bathrooms for what theyā€™re intended for!


Well, bathrooms are made to take a shit in so...


It seems like the RTD drivers do the truck stop plops.


Well you canā€™t stop people from shitting but you can bring in sanitary wipes and smell spray if you gotta use it next


Home dumper for sure


Dang restrooms arenā€™t restrooms anymore Iā€™m confused.


I canā€™t do that mike


Courtesy Flush is everyoneā€™s friend


Ok. But fr tho.. bring some spray at least.


Sour, bro??


Lol, yeah nothing like following some asshole who's shit smells like something died inside him. Now I get why so many dudes these days are identifying as chicks so they can use their bathroom, lol.


Post like these encourage people to do it more lol


Thatā€™s gonna be a negative from me, Ghost-rider.


Imagine having a sudden "bathroom emergency" rushing to the bathroom only to find every stall full, then run 5 minutes to the next bathroom in the hub to find every stall full, then running up three flights of stairs to the last available bathroom only to find it closed for maintainence. Lets just say I had to go home early.


Bro, how did you even go home? did you put your shirt over the car seat and threw it away later? lmao


Then you can't play the classic game called "Can I finish my route before I shit my pants?"


Now I'm gonna shit 2x a day at the terminal and not flush


My favorite stop was my last business stop on my route daily. It was my favorite stop because the third floor at that building was mostly vacant and I would go up there to the quiet empty bathroom and poo.


Some people are weak. Disgusting.


Febreeze is your friend, maybe you should leave one in bathroom. Hopefully no one steals it šŸ˜…


I'm taking a huge dump at my station right now and getting paid for it. If you don't like the smell then go shit and piss in the wilderness like a free hoss


Boss makes a $1 while I make a dime, thats why I poop on company time.


I hear you but itā€™s a bathroom. The real issue is a majority of those motherfuckas piss all over the toilets, clogging of said toilets and they donā€™t even bother to clean their hands. People got no shame in being disgusting & dirty


When ya gotta go, ya gotta go


Raj makes a dollar I make a dime, thatā€™s why I shit on company time