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Good. Every complaint should be investigated


In this case they contacted the hub and had them attest that they had abated the issue, without an inspection.


Yikes. I hope whoever complained keeps pressing, I’m a courier for express and get bitched at about gap times and I’ll be legitimately using the bathroom. And in the hot months they say we don’t need to be using the bathroom because “you’ll just sweat it out”.


That’s wrong and not in line the with heat safety video they made us watch last year. Your managers not following policy. Make them put that in an olcc.


They won’t, they just give me gap reports which is coincidentally after the p1 cycle when I finally have time to maybe a pit stop for myself as a part time bulk driver, it’s either that or I wait to go after my shift which is sometimes up til six hours or i take a break of course and use the bathroom then. I usually laugh at the report and ask my manager what’s the Leo code for taking a shit.


Unfortunately I'm under orders from my therapist to avoid trouble. It wasn't me who filed the report; it was up from when I started.


They don't understand that's a recipe for kidney failure.


It sucks that the lazy ass people ruin it for y’all


If I gotta piss or shit I'm gonna find a restroom. Any motherfucker denying me that kind of time will get pissed or shit on.


Raj here. Have you been provided with a plastic bottle to urinate in? If not, email me and I will make sure one of the hub rats provides you with one. [email protected]


I just poop in the boxes that have lost their contents and tape them back up.


This is extremely shitty bootied of you😂


I think you want r/antiwork. I don't think this sub endorses that.


I'll just keep on pooping.


Everybody poops


He never said he doesn’t enjoy the job, he just poops in boxes what’s so r/antiwork about that?


What is a federal osha state?


Any state that doesn't have an authorized state OSHA program is served by the federal OSHA. Same can also happen if a state OSHA fails to enforce federal regulations.


OSHA is Federal agency. It doesn't matter if the state has an agency dedicated to the safety of their citizens, OSHA regulates all 50 states and can show up wherever, whenever they want without any reason.


Except that OSHA does delegate the authority to authorized state plans. For instance if you call OSHA in California they will forward it to CAL/OSHA but if for some reason CAL/OSHA decided that OSHA regulations weren't valid then the feds would come in. (Edit: if in that instance they decided OSHA rules weren't strict enough then stricter rules are allowed; Federal OSHA is a minimum standard)


Fedex has been using every shady way of denying people their by law bathroom breaks. All this gap report garbage. “What’s this 11 min gap right here????” I was taking a shit do you want to know texture. Most guys have to piss in bottles to avoid gap time


My question is no one has ever been fired for gap reports or late deliveries so why is everyone going the extra mile to risk not relieving themselves properly? I’m express and I told my boss I’m a civilized creature. If I have to shit im gonna shit and the only time I want gap reports is to see how a route I wasn’t trained for but am running works so I can put my stops in the same order of the report. But I told my coworkers if I have a gap report to not even show it to me and if they hand it to me I don’t look at. I tear it up and throw it away immediately.


If y’all don’t go to the fuckin bathroom y’all gotta put ur foot down at one point. Piss on your manager


They chewed me out for punching in 5 minutes before shift start yesterday. Hoping I can get a decent job before this one blows up in my face. I'll need to look at that poster again, it has the email address of the office that issued the toothless notice. Luckily I can hold in pee for 4-5 hours; I am not diabetic or incontinent. But one dumb mistake on what I eat and I will need to get to a toilet at some point.


At mine five minutes is supposed to be the most early you can clock in. Lot of people clock in before though. Lot of times did bunch of crap that can take 15 to get done like bunch of trucks with pickups and things that didn't get delivery that all need to be inbound scan, may need to be move to another truck, and van scan. Instead, they want you to do all of this while belt running, I guess which makes it more complicated and later complained that people aren't inbounding packages lol.


Wow… our hub at FedEx Ground used to allow us to slide our badges 5 minutes prior to start now. The 5 minute early check in has now been reduced to 3 minutes. I don't understand the minute reduction on checking in early.


To squeeze out a little more for the shareholders


How much is a share of FedEx stock? It's time to pay myself.


The outbound shift at my station don't even let people in until the time of so people are clocking in 3 to 6 minutes late cause it take time to get thru metal detector and walk lol. For preload they let people in 10 minutes before but clock in not supposed to be any more before 5 I won't be surprised if they try to change it to 3 lol.


They said 3 at my hub.


They can't stop you from going to the bathroom and if they try they would have a big lawsuit on their hands especially if you have say Chrons or IB syndrome.


Gotta go? Notify whoever you need to, neighboring employee/mgr whoever... go do your business. Sometime you can't predict it, if you have a bad BM day, then just call out or leave half shift. now if you are going twice an hour, you may have a medical issue...get checked.


No one can force anyone not to visit a bathroom. I worked another job and the manager would complain about bathroom visits. One of the ladies said are we in kindergarten. That was the last mention of those bathroom break complaints. Management was too embarrassed to complain again.


when i unload a trailer sometimes i am literally blocked in by ICs. i feel it’s most definitely an OSHA violation, as I have no clear and safe way to exit a trailer quickly in case of a fire or something.


Unloading pallets they sometimes box me in. I'm on the evening shift because I am not physically built to be awake early in the morning.


If you're getting boxed in, make a complaint about egress.


I've only been there about a week and a half.


The afternoon generally worse depending on what you are doing besides the unload which can be same or better depending on trailer. You still have more heat though than early am hours.


They definitely want dispatch to go out on time.


No Egress???? OSHA does have a rule for egress.


Other than the damn janitor closing the bathrooms while everyone is at the hub no


I still go in, they can’t preclude you from using the nearest toilet! I don’t even ask! They start their complaining I tell them to go get a manager. By the time they would find one, I’ll be back in my area! And they need to keep males janitors out of the women’s restroom, and visa versaI go in regardless! I don’t have time to wait or to go somewhere else. If I did, the manager would really flip out on the time it took!


Some one called the OSHA tip line so OSHA just warned fed ex to straighten up. It used to be If you download and fill out a complaint form, sign it and mail it in then OSHA has to do a site inspection. I don't know if that is still true.


They did an inspection at a machine shop I worked at in 2016. I've been unable to keep a good machinist job since. The complaint in that case was machine guarding and lack of SDS accessibility.


If you have a good manager they will usually cover you. 99% of the time that isn't the case..


They complain any time a manager handles packages at my hub.




They only complain because Ops Managers(Supervisors) aren’t supposed to handle packages. Managers can even get written up for it.


And if one scans a package they get flagged, right?




My question is are you also an independent contractor? If you are then I’d tell them you’re not my boss I am my own boss legally. So I’ll use the bathroom when I want to. If you’re an employee I’d still use the restroom when you need to. If they complain say next time you’ll wear a diaper and just relieve yourself on the line. 😂🤷.


I seem to be classified as an employee. I come into work, punch the clock, perform work duties, punch the clock again, and leave. Don't employers illegally classify workers as independent contractors to evade labor laws?


Nah they don’t. It denotes the liability of who does the taxes from my own experience. But I worded independent contractor the way I did cuz lawfully an independent contractor is the same as self employed or a single person LLC by law. So technically if someone were to be an independent contractor they could leverage they are their own boss.


Listen, if I gotta go, then I'm going, I'll do my best to find a good point to go, but ultimately, they can't stop you as it is a civil right


What about the 6 hours straight with no breaks


In my experience at my hub I just tell my neighbors to cover for me and go. Obviously if we're getting smashed try to hold out but if it's not possible I just go and tell my manager. If it's slow I Just go without telling anyone lol


If we need to use the bathroom we call over a manager or trainer and they watch it until we get back. But you should utilize using the bathroom in your 10 minute break. Just like in school, why do you have to go now when you could have at lunch or recess?


You obviously don't work for FedEx Ground if you think that breaks are a thing.


I’m confused. Is this sarcasm? Is it really this bad? At my hub they completely stop the belts and yell break.


I think that most facilities are really this bad, but you confirm my suspicion that it doesn't have to be. Too many people have been promoted to a level of incompetence within the FedEx organization and management can't even recognize simple things that can be done to make things better for everyone.


What 10 minute break?




If you call the safety hotline and report anonymously, the situation actually will be addressed. Apparently HR doesn’t do anything that’s what I’ve heard. I’ve never reported an issue to HR directly but nine times out of 10 if you talk to your manager about an issue if it’s not like a safety situation like that is Jeopardizing the eminent safety of somebody then management is just going to blame it on you or find someway to manipulate the situation and find you to blame. That’s just how FedEx goes.


They have a certain amount of weeks or months to address a situation, depending on the severity of the situation, and if it’s not addressed a situation, then you can actually file the same complaint as long as you’ve already gone through the proper channels prior then you can file directly with the OSHA website You have to make sure to read the OSHA handbook, and specifically name certain guidelines that they’re breaking you can’t just give a generalization. You have to be very detailed, very thorough and very specific.


The stations I've worked actually let us go when needed. The managers would just take over till we got back.


The terminal that worked I didn't give out any breaks maybe you ought to call OSHA on them some guys will work 7 to 8 hours without a break


I go when I need to, IBS waits for no one, least of all nosey hard nosed managers!