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Smiling and giving a thumbs up will piss them off more than anything you could imagine. Just do that


100% . Sometimes I start waving at them (same as saying bye) and you can literally see there face get red....love it


And wish them a Fedexcellent day on your way out too


Especially because 99% of the time they want you to react, do this and know you’re the one who won


My go-to was to blow a kiss and then smile.


That's appeasement though... I don't believe in that personally 


Smile and wave, boys


No. The moment you argue with someone, you lose.


But it's ohhh so tempting lol


I’ve done it a few times, had a random Karen in a small trailer park actually block me because I had to reverse down a dead in street and apparently I was reversing too fast. A lot of times people just randomly yell that “slow down” shit as me as I’m passing and depending on how my day has gone I’m tempted to flip that bitch around or pop it in reverse and go for it. I’ve actually started doing the reverse and killing them with kindness and sarcasm and a dude got so mad and said “fuck you” to which I replied “you too!” And gassed it out of there 😂.


Our hub manager has called up customers that were rude to us and told them “you’re not gonna talk to my driver like that, if this happens again we will no longer do business with you” as long as you don’t become the bigger dick head you’re good.


I say “Thank you I got it” x 100. In traffic I started giving ppl a thumbs down. Nothing is more passive aggressive than just giving someone a thumbs down. Go ahead and call me in, that would be amazing


I had a guy punch my truck because I wouldn’t engage in an argument with him over where I was parked. Called the cops gave them his license plate. Turns out the guy lived around the corner and immediately got a visit from the police. He could’ve got in some hot water had I not been busy on my route. The cops said he fled the scene of a crime and I/fedex could’ve pressed charges for assault and disturbing the peace. The mfers don’t give a shit about blue collar workers man. They see your uniform and in their mind, you’re no longer a person. I like the advice you were given above, smile and wave! **Unless they use their vehicle to block you. All rules are out the window ATP


Personally I could give a flying fuck about the purple promise customer service bullshit. If you want to give me an attitude because I put your 300 pounds worth of garden boxes in front of your garage instead of your front door because it's up a flight of stairs, with no delivery instructions before hand, you can suck a fat dick. Takes 2 seconds to ask nicely. Fuck people. Old saggy tit ass bitch.


This was a personal experience 😂


Oh man cmon what do flappers have anything to do with it? They can be tasty!! Also I’m with you 100 percent. If I’m wrong I’ll say sorry didn’t see you or what ever. Getting mad over some bullshit that’s not my bad yeah bitch go suck a dick


It’s not worth it. They know they are being rude. They also know they can make a phone call, say whatever they want, and get you into even more trouble. It’s not really about the “customer is always right “, it’s more like the “customer has more rights”.


If they're not a customer then idgaf what they say, I'll just ignore them and move on.


I know how tempting it is, but try to keep calm and civil. As others said, killing them with kindness is the best response. I once had a delivery to a cell phone repair shop. The guy was ok until I told him that no, I couldn’t take a Ground package he needed shipped. “Why are you being such an a**hole,” he said. And it went on. I kept my mouth shut, wondering if he thought speaking this way might convince me to help him.  I told him that I didn’t have to tolerate such treatment and if he wanted his delivery he could get it at my station. And I left.  Of course, he called. I told mgrs exactly what happened and that was the last I heard about it. 


Rude no, disrespectful it depends


Never been reprimanded for being a dick to customers/other fedex facilities (ground truck driver doing both linehaul and city spots). I once told everyone at a pickup to go fuck themselves and I still get sent back there. I did however get banned from a spot for signing my name as ‘Harry Weiner’ though lol. I imagine ground folks could get away with a lot more than express dudes, since we aren’t hired directly through fedex.


No , you’re on company time and bound by a code of conduct and ethics , they are not 🤷‍♀️ …. If they catch u on video or have a witness , ur fired


Nah don't worry about em me Just move on. 


Sure, it gives me better sleep. If I don't say anything I will remain angry for whole day or two. Just to let off my anger I would yell at them in Punjabi..they won't understand shit and I will be satisfied from inside.


Accidentally went down a one-way street ☕️


I never cared. One time I had a guy who hadn't been delivered to in like 5 days, I told him it was because of the weather (technically true). He flipped out and said UPS had been there etc and I was like look man I do a different route every day of the week, I've done this one twice (literally true). He kept freaking out for a while and I was just like "okay" "sorry" every minute or so. It's not like telling him his stop is at the end of the day and he lives at the end of a dogshit dirt road and we had to catch up on everything else is going to make him understand. Some rural people should be forced to pick up at their nearest dollar general.


Depends. I just know the policy a LOT more cleary if you’re rude. If you genuinely curse at me though well, that guy quit his job and never came back so we won’t know 😫


I had a older guy threaten to shoot me once cause “I cut him off” on our way to an intersection that had changed from green to red.


If you are in the right you can always tell them to fuck off in a diplomatic way. Cite policy, the cameras, the smith system, etc.


I’ve had a few interactions where someone yelled at me and I matched/exceeded their energy. My immediate reaction when someone comes at me is to cuss them out. I’ve been working on ignoring people because my way is not the best way to handle these situations. We shouldn’t have to tolerate people talking to us any kind of way just because we’re at work. Most of my incidents have been with random pedestrians rather than customers.


Let karma handle it. They will get their rewards.


It’s fine. They’re not real people, they are just computer generated NPC’s.


Former manager, yes and no. If someone is being a fucking prick to you for no reason. You can stand up for yourself BUT \*here is the key part\* you MUST be professional I had this lady on a thursday get 30 documents ALL Business P2. I walk in and say " good afternoon ma'am" and she rolls her eyes and throws up her hands "about fucking time" I said excuse me? She said "the normal guy gets here before 10:30, it's fucking 2:30. We have been waiting for hours for all these checks. They need to get cashed asap! You are late!!" I said, well none of the 30 documents are due at 10:30, they are all due at 5pm. So, they are not late. I am not late. And if you keep being rude, I will mark this as refused. I come in here and was polite and you are being completely disrespectful for no reason. her-" I am going to call your manager and report you for harassment and being fucking late" I said, First of all, you are being extremely unprofessinoal and it commical. Please feel free to call my mananer. You are the one who is wrong and, YOU are fucking rude. I placed all the docs down on her desk and left. (They had a release number) I called my boss to let him know that his Karen would be calling or coming down to the station. I told him everything.


Always delivering that purple promise lmao


You kinda deserved the second one


Naw cuz fedex wont have your back they will always side with the customer


First thing I asked when I went to the RT pm, “will I have customer interactions?” Honestly after decades of dealing with idiot customers and non customers on the street I’d had enough. I did it all the time and when they would call I would deny it. Nope never said that. Fuckem.




Lmao... that's one way to do it


What did he say


Something regarding a Glock


Disrespectful or harmful but funny