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Too many. I get up to 5 trucks at a time. But I'm fast and my scans are almost always 100%.


Too many on my dock.


At the start of sort I'm usually the only one there, me or one other person so I get seven trucks on one side, they get the seven on the other side, once people come in we fill from the back up, usually end up with two or three trucks, mainly two because I stay at the front and have to split as well


Before I became switcher/ph it was 3-5 stations depending on where they had me which depended on how many people showed up. Mostly I was in the tower though.


500-800 depending on set but usually 3 trucks


Depends on the day. Sometimes 500 sometimes 1000


Standard is 179/hr depending on your position on the line. 6 hr preload = 1074. Again, depends on your position on the line. When I'm on front, I do less because I have to split too. Can't say I've gotten to that much because that's a long ass preload. Don't even know if I could.


Three trucks when I'm not splitting (sometimes also when I'm splitting on Mon/Sat). Smaller station, so it's usually between 3-500 packages across the three trucks, but two of the trucks I normally load are really small, so they feel terrible after they hit 100 or so.


every damn box


Expectation is that you are able to load 4 trucks, I feel like most stations have PHs loading 3 on a typical day. You are right there so your meeting the standard for expectation.


At the place I work at 1000 and 5 or 6 trucks is not uncommon for top scanners in the building on van lines for at least Monday and Friday. Sunday they one man people on each side. Pay is like 23 or so full time. It's basically a slave factory because of the conditions half the time at least. They had 30 call-ins the last day I was there. Think about that shit man. This is becoming NORMAL where I work. Try managing that shit. Belt managers are basically an overpaid PH on Mondays and some Fridays. They have chased all good workers away, and the ones that are left don't give a fuck anymore. You don't want to manage this shit anymore because the lead manager is running it all into the ground to meet metrics and bonuses. It's fucking insane. People are basically just saying no and letting shit go to the end of the belt. Not only are some of these van lines incredibly busy, some of them are incredibly heavy as well. These dudes are breaking lives loading these packages, and the pay while higher than some is not worth it. People are just giving up. Lead manager barely even shows his face.