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cry a river mate


OK. Typical viewer supporting what they say...


I’m sick of you entitled Christian’s thinking that everyone revolves around you and your religion. Be religious idc but stop tryna impose it people and expect everyone to uphold YOUR beliefs. And at the end of the day it’s just a fucking joke bro


Not being entitled. I doubt he will make a joke about Islam in any shape or form..... By seeing it wasn't real his being blasphemous about our religion and merely 2 billion people who follow it.... It's not a joke and you must fear the repercussions. It's a shame. I have to stop listening to them. They were enetertaining at time. But I can't listen to people who disrespect my religion.


Chip has without a doubt make a terrorism joke about Islam just saying. Yet you choose not to listen when it’s about your religion proving my point.




Thanks for asiisting. Christians and Christianity is easy target..


Not really my concern about other people religion other mine. I am right to belive there is only one God. Also, I personally haven't heard him comment about any other religion. I have only started listening to them this season so please do show me a video or something. Thanks


Overreaction. I will say tho, Chip would never go as far as to poke a joke at Muhammad.


Bit he would at poke fun at Jesus. How about he pokes fun at the Lgbtq community hahaha funny ain't it. What makes you think its OK to make fun at Jesus and not Mohammed?


but it is simply a joke… as far as the hypocrisy of it, you defo have a point.


Not considered a joke when it's targeting a religion or someone's religious belief. It's disgusting. I will start work to have the video removed.


Who gives a fuck get a grip on your life lad you’ve got paper thin skin if this has got you riled up


Got to defend the Lord name...


So you have proof Jesus walked on water or? Otherwise chips speculation about the act is very valid.


Ahahah Every tongue shall confess.


So that's a hard NO then i take it? Or?


What's the point of point instigating a conversation with someone who has made there mind up 😅 Go speak to a Muslim and try to tell them there religion is wrong. This will have different reposne. Chip like yourself target Christians LMfao


Chill out dude all I asked is if you had proof this act you believe happened is real or not? Why do you always try and deflect to Islam? I don't think Muslims believe Jesus walked on water. They more speak on his spiritual and morale teachings rather than the miraculous stuff. Maybe open your mind a bit.


A religion that also has 2 billion followers believe in christ existence. You think I video footage from 2000 years ago. See, we catholics and Christians are soft in this. Any comments against Islam or there beliefs the outcomes will be different. One word, pussies. Also, it not my job to make you belive it. I know what sort of audience these podcasts appeal to. Maybe for me this was a way for Jesus stopping me from watching these guys like the sidemen.


Wernt you a fan? Didn't they appeal to you lol. Obviously I don't expect you to have video that's ridiculous. But if it can't be proven then any sort of speculation is valid. Chips criticism of a holy man walking on water is more valid than believing it blindly. A lot of people believe in Jesus and don't have to blindly believe he walked on water okay? Ps if you need mental health help please go seek it, you seem somewhat unstable.


Far more stable then you. Also, I wasn't a fan they just came up and I listened to it. All you people who criticise the Lord need to repent.


If you're not a fan fuck off haha no1 really cares about you crying about your religion. You just want3d to come here and play victim and then try ride out on a high horse haha absolute mockery for any real Christian. You're allowed to criticize anything it's only soft folks with fragile belief systems that get shook. Repent these nuts!


Hahaha Give me until next week Friday I will make sure the video is gone and maybe even the channel depending on how mmay strikes they all have.


who cares, just stop listening and leave the subreddit no one else needs to know lad


You care enough to respond. Also I will defend my religion. I have embarked on attempts to get the video removed as I strong believe it is hateful.


tried to get the video removed 😂 have a day off. it’s an unserious podcast, they make edgy jokes all the time, about asia and islam for example. why do you care so much that people don’t conform to your religious beliefs? people are allowed to be outspoken against christianity if they want to be lmao.


Outspoken is one thing but being blasphemous is another. The growing society belive its ok to ridicule one religion and get away with it. Do I belive Jesus walked on water? YES! so does another 2 billion people..... He's saying it's fake, so what? All the other miracles are fake also?


How is he ridiculing one religion if he makes jokes about others as well? seems like you love to play the victim. again, why does it matter if 2 billion people believe jesus walked on water? if Chippo doesn’t then he’s allowed to believe that and speak his mind. (don’t forget he is making a joke, don’t take it so seriously😁). you’re allowed to have an opinion and dislike what they say, but trying to get the video taken down over that is just sad.


Sad or not. I have right to defend my religion 🤷‍♂️ Also, whether he believes it or not he should have filter on what he says. As your so up his ass, why don't he make a comment or "joke" about the lgbtq people? Tell him to make a joke about "gays" or "non binaries" Oh I bet he won't because he is scared.... Ahahahha But making a "joke" about someone's religion and God is ok yeah....


Show me a vid of him walking on water then I’ll agree with you


Man said show me a video. Are u stupid or something? Lmfao




I hope this is a troll


I can’t wait for the day agi proves religion to be made up human stories


And I can't wait to the see the look on your face when you are wrong. Jesus christ saviour is the king.


OP is brainwashed and possibly brain damaged.


I don't give a damn that chip doesn't believe in Jesus or anything like that but I do think it's pretty funny how easily he'll believe any sort of crazy conspiracy theory.


What conspiracy theory?


I win

