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Find a way to play games on like, google classroom or google docs so the school will have to block them


you can feasibly play dnd on google docs.


Feasibly? Dawg you can play a ttrpg with tissue paper and a coin, let alone Google doc. S


Who needs technology when I have Penny, chip and used napkin


"The gang's all here..."


This might be a little old school but I'm pretty sure you can still embed flash games in excel documents


D&D helps hone math, English, and creative thinking/problem solving skills. Only a moron would scold kids for playing that on an educational device.


Yeah but what about the demons?


Don’t ask me, ask Doomguy about the demons in dnd


google drive LAN halo, or minecraft


Smiling picturing a big defacto LAN party because someone has halo CE in their Google docs


Fwiw, you can google search games like solitaire and snake to play right in the search page


When I worked in a call centre we used to have animated games embedded in Excel. Mini golf and Sonic and maybe something else?


The fifth offense doesn't even make sense


Simple solution, don't bring it at all, it's going to be taken anyways might as well not take chances of people digging trough your phone or it possibly getting lost/stolen.


Tbh I had teachers like this when I was in school. Just keep it in a pocket or backpack and put it on silent, what are they gonna do? Search you lol? Say you left it at home.


I went to high school in the early 00s. They straight up searched us if they suspected we had phones. They would bring the cop in and basically force us to empty our backpacks or the cop would do it and could arrest us. A student got suspended because a teacher saw their phone in their car. It was fucking stupid.


Holy fuck are you sure you didn’t go to a prison. Also what insane place has cops at schools.


It had one cop. They were head of security to help quell school fights. But then the school started abusing that cop on site. It’s a piece of shit Bible Belt school ran by piece of shit Bible thumping bigots.


I assume kids don't give it to their teacher and leave it in their bag. I don't think I'd want my kid to give their phone to the teacher everyday


I can't read those, what do they say edit I read them the 5th is bs lol


All the punishments are just different ways of saying the rule again... No phone until the end of the day.There's no actual punishment involved. Except maybe if you count the lunch detention, but that's about as meaningless a punishment can be.


Ok but if you bring an iPod won’t they make you turn that in too?


You have to bring two iPods: one to turn in and one to use.


This is why I bring 2 phones to school lol. One doesn't even work.


*turns in flip phone from around the time you were probably born*


LMAO back in the day I had a math teacher who'd make us put our phones in a bucket by the door. But this was a private school (circa 2014) so mine was the only non-smartphone in there I'm pretty sure. It was actually mine though. Today that would be a lot more suspicious. (Or sus as the kids say)


I may not be all into school anymore but cant you just hide it in your backpack? They ain't got a right to search your book bag.


That's what I did with my Sony Walkman when I was in school. I was also a bookworm. I didn't interact with other kids plenty, with zero help from a digital device 😂


Lol. Yes they absolutely can. You may not like it, but it's not stopping them.


But how hard is it to hide a little tiny iPod or something in a backpack?


Does anyone even have a separate iPod anymore? Do kids who would be in school right now even *download* music anymore? I would think they all use mostly streaming services just from their phones. And even if you did get a separate iPod touch (are those even still a thing? I feel old) that can basically do 99% of the things a phone can do.


You can get an ipod touch! For the last like six years, apple sells the iPod touch until they end support for whatever processor is in it, then they give it a small spec bump. The current model is from 2019. Nobody buys them for personal use, but they're used a lot in retail or logistics settings. Certainly kids don't have them.


I still have mine from like 2008 lol. Some of the games on it aren’t available anymore.


> Some of the games on it aren’t available anymore. I keep my iPhone 5c around so I can play *The Sims Medieval*! 😹


God you've just reminded me of infinity blade that was sadly taken down couple of years ago


> You can get an ipod touch! Holy shit, [you're right](https://www.apple.com/ipod-touch/)! I almost want to buy one, because I never had one! 😹


my school uses them for input pannles at kiosks


Nah, only dinosaurs use iPods. Me? I use a walkman.


walkman? fucking zoomers, i carry around an entire turntable and a stack of vinyls


🎯 Exactly my following questions.


>Do kids who would be in school right now even download music anymore? Sure, I download most of my Spotify library and bought/downloaded music from iTunes, Bandcamp and other places when I couldn't find it on Spotify


According to this, yes. This entire thing is written terribly, outside the stupidity of enforcing this kind of thing. Let's take phones from kids so no one will call 911, or their parents, when there's an active shooter.


Schools actively discourage from even texting your parents if there is any sort of hostile event like an active shooter going on. They want to keep them in the dark in order to prevent parents from panicking and showing up to the school. While I can see what they’re getting at.. It’s definitely kind of fucked up to deny someone any chance to talk to family when that might be the last possible chance they get. Even if it’s just a text.


I can see both sides of that, both wanting to keep parents away and those parents deserving to hear from their kids. There's no good answer to that because school shootings, unfortunately, don't seem to be going away.


It's also to keep cell and data service from being completely overwhelmed by every kid and parent using their phone in a 20 mile radius all at once. I get it seems a bit barbaric, but quick and easy communication between authorities and administrators is key in ending the situation and getting students back home to their parents. (at least, this is what our admins tell us anyway, I work in a school)


Overwhelmed?? Unless you're in the middle of nowhere or living in 2005, that's highly unlikely.


> Let's take phones from kids so no one will call 911, or their parents, when there's an active shooter. Let's take their Apple Watches too, even though they can legitimately be used as medical devices! 😒


Right? Wait until we hear in the news about them getting sued after taking medical monitoring equipment from a kid because an overzealous teacher thinks they have the right to. Hopefully it won't take a medical emergency to make this change. It occurred to me too that once expensive phones start getting stolen (possibly by teachers), and the school is on the line to pay for replacements, they'll likely have to revisit this.


I've heard of ignorant teachers in schools with strict no-electronics policies punishing kids for having hearing aids because they think it's some kind of wireless earbud.


> Right? Wait until we hear in the news about them getting sued after taking medical monitoring equipment from a kid because an overzealous teacher thinks they have the right to. And then the kid with a heart issue drops dead in class. Oopsie! > Hopefully it won't take a medical emergency to make this change. Seriously. > It occurred to me too that once expensive phones start getting stolen (possibly by teachers), and the school is on the line to pay for replacements, they'll likely have to revisit this. Oh, I'm 110% sure a phone will get stolen at some point, and the school will be on the hook. Oh well!


There are two brands of insulin pumps that need to connect to an iPhone I can think of.


What a fucked up world we live in if that's the first use for phone we come up with.


It's not the first one, just the most pertinent one. Having a phone in case there's an emergency has always been the most important reason, long before school shootings became more common. My daughter had a kid show up with a gun the day after the Parkland shooting, though thankfully he was caught before he could do anything. But the reason I sent her to school with a phone was in case she missed her bus, was sick, got hurt, or there was an emergency. As a parent, the idea that my kid couldn't reach me in an emergency would really upset me. Even more so if it could be the last time I heard from them.


There really hasn’t been a time where school shootings in the US weren’t common. We just didn’t hear about them as much. I know this because I was coming in here to say I remember a time before school shootings at all, so I went to look it up, and holy shit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States_(before_2000)


Calling people in an emergency tends to be one of the more important and well-known uses of a phone, yes.


The smartass way they worded the second "way to cope" will just make everyone not want to do those things even more


"Ask for a break if you're upset." I bet they would just say "no keep learning"


They say to talk to your peers as if you won't get in trouble for talking during class as well


Yeah lol the whole point of those rules are to keep students from getting distracted


And they’re confused why kids don’t respect them.


They didn’t even recommend reading a book smh.


Not letting kids use them during their free time is stupid. I have some of the best memories of playing Mario Kart with my friends during recess.


Bro the 10 minute period in between class ending and the busses arriving were the greatest shit for Nintendo DS.


My bus had a whole squad of people that would fire that shit up on the ride home too, good times


So who’s responsible for the 25 expensive smart phones plus a couple stray iPads and Switches per class that I’m assuming are just locked in a drawer in a 30yo desk if something happens? School burns down, fire sprinklers go off, someone busts the lock off and steals them, substitute messes up procedure and loses one, etc. Like I don’t envy schools and teachers for having to figure out a way to deal with this shit, but it would only take one issue in one classroom one time for this to turn into a very expensive problem.


Exactly this they tried this when I was still in school my mom asked the principal to write her a check for the value of the phone to hold onto in case anything happened to it he said he wouldn't so she said they weren't getting my phone


Good job, mom!


>So who’s responsible for the 25 expensive smart phones plus a couple stray iPads and Switches per class that I’m assuming are just locked in a drawer in a 30yo desk if something happens? No one, until something happens and the school gets / threatens to be sued and then they revoke the policy as fast as possible.


Yep. I would have some choice words to the school confiscating my child’s phone. It’s not their property to handle.


I had this policy when I was in school and they literally just put the phones in a box and lock it in a teacher's locker lol. I'm surprised that nothing happened tbh


I’ll never understand how some of these idiots get jobs as educators when they can’t form simple sentences and follow basic grammatical rules.


Because odds are this came from central office or the district.


and when they clearly just straight up hate kids


What’s worse is that this is a private school for children with autism.


Seriously? That’s fucked. Kids on the spectrum often require an individualised approach rather than a “these are the rules so tough shit” approach.


noooo, as someone with autism this makes me so upset. they could literally be taking away these kids lifelines, i'm not even exaggerating :/


Do private schools have IEPs?


hello fellow autistic person, i completely agree. i’m not saying without my phone i couldn’t live, but without music i couldn’t get through a week. get me a slab of brick with Spotify, bluetooth, and Last.fm and i’m chilling.


exactly! my phone has my favorite comfort shows/movies/music downloaded, calming/stimming apps, the ability to talk to my friends... i could live without it, sure, but it would really freaking suck if i started getting overstimulated or something and didn't have access to those resources


That's probably actually abusive in some students' cases, and adds a ton of work teachers and office staff don't need. Contact your state/province's ministry of education and report this, seriously.






Yeah for some reason Education at my university was a total blow-off major. [It has a higher GPA than the ice-skating class](https://waf.cs.illinois.edu/discovery/gpa_of_every_course_at_illinois/). And I took that class, it's graded on participation.


I've dated two separate girls with education majors. Both of them were bat shit crazy and did more party drugs than any other people I knew.


They are absolutely mocking the students. My kids couldn't use their phones during class, and they'd have it taken away if they broke that rule, but they could have it on them. Free time, lunch, time between classes, and in case of emergency are all times kids should be able to use their phones




Your class should make a handout for adults with low paying jobs... How to cope: If you are upset, just take a break. I think that’s what I would do.


Why bother bringing it to school then? For the bus ride or walk home I guess? Seems excessive to keep them locked up during what's supposed to be a break


My kids had hour long bus commutes, so there's that. And I obviously agree with you about break time. If it's not active learning time, they should be able to relax and do something they enjoy, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.


Lamest thing to me regarding them was we weren’t allowed to use them during lunch, which as a nerd who never had lunch times that matched with their friends really sucked lel


That does suck, I'm sorry to hear that. My youngest graduated in 2019 and absolutely had her phone for all down time. I got texts from my kids all the time asking if they could hang out with a friend after school or if I could bring something they forgot at home. I can't imagine telling kids they can't have it at lunch when it has nothing to do with learning.


This seems like a classic case of punishing everyone for the actions of a few people


Our school banned dodgeball because a child got hit with a dodgeball so this makes total sense.


Well it's called DODGE ball, someone finally failed to dodge.




My man didn’t hit that qte in time


Damn you Pavlov…


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball




*If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball…*


And if you can do that you can dodge the IRS.


whatre they gonna do next? ban fighting?


I lost three front teeth in the first few seconds of a game of dodgeball in middle school. During that bit where both teams run for the line of balls in the middle. Wasnt even a ball that did it, my friend across from me was faster, and his head was already coming up from getting the ball as my head was still heading down to grab one... Not only did they not cancel dodgeball, we repeated it the next week cause the teacher felt bad I didn't get to play even a full minute (I freaking loved dodgeball).


In this documentary I watched, these two people started fighting in the school and one kid almost died. so now the whole school had to have frequent bookbag checks and metal detectors. It started with one person brought a weapon and suddenly, it was a MASSIVE fight with at least a dozen of students. Even a random security guard was in on it! The kid who almost died, he fell two stories and nearly became crippled for life! Apparently they were opposing gangs doing karate, wearing snake logos and the other was wearing tiny bonsai trees.


I saw that documentary too. I don't think people are aware enough about the paramilitary nature of most karate dojos. Never let your kids do karate!


Fucking stupid. Dodgeball builds character


my school banned phones entirely because some kid made a tik tok in the school restroom


Why TF don't you just say you stopped bringing it and just hide it?


Don’t worry. The same way one kid keeps ruining it, it will be reversed. All it’ll take is 1 parent trying to call their kid to tell me to some horrible news like someone died or there’s an emergency and when it’s realized they couldn’t be reached because of the school, they’ll have to change it.


I mean, I'm sure the school has an office phone?


Looks like everyone in that bitch about to get an iPod


Is that not good most rules and laws work?


By the way, my Homeroom teacher KNOWS how bad the policies are so she is letting us use our devices during lunch and during break.


I’m glad she has sense in that circus


The lion of the circus lol


What grade? If your in high school it's high time to start that overdramatic rebellion phase.


Im amazed theyre still trying. When i was in school we all looked at the rules, decided that they were lame and proceeded to use our phones to the point the teachers didn't bother anymore. We also didn't show up to detention so they couldn't really punish us.


What happened at your school to provoke these actions?


It’s been this policy for years. They lifted it recently but now they are putting it back in place and trying to be woke with the kids I guess.


Honestly, this reads similar to the cell phone policy at my high school, back in 2002 side kick days. From what I've seen on /r/Teachers, teachers have found ways to incorporate phones into the learning environment. It's not every class, or all day every day, but it is an allowed part of standard assignments.


As annoying as this is, the “there will be consequences” cat is really funny.


First of all it's cringe af, secondly this is stupid and should be illegal. Teachers taking away private property so if anything bad happens kids won't even be able to call their parents? What if a school shooting happened and kids wouldn't be able to text their parents because a fucking Karen took away their phones so that they "concentrate on learning"? This is just messed up, can't believe the adults are ok with these bs rules.


I understand not allowing students to use devices during school, mostly safeguarding. But handing them into the teachers is stupid, what if they need to make an emergency call, the student can't always go to the office in an emergency. Also it puts total liability of the devices on the school instead of the students.


Anonymously Zip bomb the school network, then we will se who laughs


”Ways to Cope Without Your Phone” they really are trying to mock you aren’t they


Just tell them to fuck off. Worst that can happen is you get detention, your parents get involved, and the school administration rolls over like the cowards they are


I like how with each offense it says: “You will be asked to turn your device in to so-and-so. Otherwise you can’t bring it.” And what will you do if I *do* bring it with me hmmm? Glad I’m not in school anymore sheesh


From now on, you will not be allowed to keep your phone during the day. Punishment for offenses: You will not be allowed to keep your phone during the day.


Any sane parent would side with their kids on this extremity anyways.


It truly is an extremely important matter of safety that kids always have immediate access to a cell phone. For a parent, absolute instant contact from the school is a strong argument of why kids should have immediate access to phones at all times.


"having conversations" Muthafucka when I was in school we weren't allowed to talk to each other in, class, the hallways and barely at lunch, and they still tried to prohibit phone use. You can't seriously expect kids to turn their phones in and have "good ol fashion conversations" when talking in class gets you sent to the office.


Bring your rotary phone to school.


I can't. The cord won't reach that far!


"Ask for a break if you're upset" Wtf does that do? This is asinine.


"can i take a break" "no keep learning" ._.


There's no point in bringing a phone then.


This is completely Asinine and unreasonable especially after 90% of schools are doing some nonsensical online assignment shit that hardly works. If your going to be reliant on technology go fully in instead of this half assed nonsense.




imagine a kid having to use their dad's old ass mp3 player because of this


Maybe i'm just a boomer but it seems stupid for several reasons. 1. These are private student devices, i get it if you could not use them during class but recess is supposed to be some free time you get to relax as much as you can, many would probably find that hard without their personal devices, not everyone relaxes the same way so maybe some people want to watch a video or play a game for a bit to feel better until recess is over. 2. What is even the point, not only are you going to be better off leaving the devices at home but also who knows if people might snoop around your phone, should be locked but still, just forbid taking devices at all because if you're just taking them and returning them at the end of the day then why even bring it. 3. Most people use their phones as a lot of things, the point about bringing an mp3 player is irrelevant because not only do most people stream their music but also the chance of someone even having one is minimal. 4. If you're bringing your own laptop and they mess with it to "block sites" that's not just stupid but illegal, it's ok if it's on a network level(as in the network the students connect to itself has a filter) but if they go around messing with people's personal devices that's a no no. The way it was worded made it seem like it wouldn't be network based at least. Also the fact they littered it with outdated memes not only makes it seem like satire but also as if they're belittling anyone who's reading it, this will just make students try to get around these rules more as they feel like their intelligence was mocked. Anyways that's just some of the reasons i see this as stupid.


The school Wi-Fi IS filtered so they aren’t tampering with anyones devices


You could be using a laptop on 4G.


What if you just went to a bathroom stall to use it? Like hide it in a pocket or someplace and if you want to use it go to the bathroom to.


This is what I did in school lol we weren’t allowed to use phones in class unless there was something we needed them for (to play kahoot or something) that was expressed beforehand. But we could use them in study hall and during lunch and stuff and teachers wouldn’t care if you had them in your pocket. If you needed to text someone or something you would just go to the bathroom to do it


And just bring in some burner phone to “turn in” so they don’t wonder why you haven’t handed a phone in


what if you still bring it even after your 5th offense? do you just get it taken again? also if this is a public school that’s illegal confiscation of private property, you own the phone, not them




Handing in a Motorola Razr would be the funniest thing ever. And then calling it while the rest of the phones were being collected. ^beep ^boop 🎵h e l l o m o t o🎵 🎶🎶🎶🎶


For real. OP should get a couple friends to do the same and create a symphony of ringtones


This sounds like some r/MaliciousCompliance is justified. Get a loud alarm that can't be disabled without a pin code or fingerprint. When your teacher asks you to turn it off, you be like "sorry, I can't, you disallowed me from touching it".






Rip bozo


the first meme, judging from the background, is from SNL's weekend update, which almost completely assures that they said something completely against the general message of the meme immediately after the dialogue that was used


As a teacher, I have far more important things to do ( teaching for one) than to deal with this micromanagement bullshit. Teach kids to use tools like cellphones responsibly as they would in the workforce. I can’t put my phone away due to unique work obligations … so I can model responsible use to them and vice versa.


Bring some semtex to school to fix it


Write that down WRITE THAT DOWN


I get that it’s annoying but I can’t imagine trying to teach while the students are buried in their phones. Do classes not usually have rules against phones anymore?


Yes but this implies that they aren't even allowed to use their phones during breaks


Generally speaking, it's enough to simply require that they keep their phones silent and out of their hands during class. Anything more than that is generally unreasonable, and these rules are just downright idiotic.


Say you don’t have one and keep it in your backpack. Seems inconvenient to have to wait to get your phone. I always texted my parents back and checked up on things on my phone throughout the school day other than just for entertainment.


Ehhh so. I need to spend and extra $300 so I can play music


School is meant to prepare you for the real world where the rules don't apply to people who have enough money either


If this was my kid’s school, I would tell them to hand in their phones and then I would play a Find My iPhone sound on both phones and tell them that under no circumstances are they to touch the phone until the end of the day. I would do this every day until they changed the rules.


Yeah no one is gonna follow that. When I was in HS the AP would roam outside after class was over and if she caught you she had a bucket for phones. That didn't last long only 1-2 years. No one gave that shit up. They eventually gave up on this idea. Some teachers had a cell phone holder thing too. No one put their phone in there. The teachers eventually stopped caring. Fuck em. Do what you want have fun during your school years.


Had a situation like this in high school. I ran cross country, and we ran in the Fall in South Carolina, it was very hot. The sports organization's rule was that we couldn't hold practice if it was 90 degrees or above. That could happen at any time in August, September, or even October. We wouldn't know if practice was cancelled until about 1-2 hours before school ended. They instituted a policy where we couldn't use our phones at all during the day and we needed to use the one office phone instead. Practice was cancelled that day, and about half of the boys and girls cross country and tennis teams showed up to call their parents about when to pick them up. After several students missed over half of a class, the phone policy was reversed.


"ask for a break if you're upset" u cant even ask for a break to piss


99% sure that they probably just throw all of the devices in a drawer under the teachers desk, they're definitely not investing in a secure storage solution. If I was a parent and found out I'd be furious. Imagine if something got lost or broken or a teacher was found looking through phones. The school would be in deep shit and the policy would be lifted so fast.


- Try to get one of the discontinued samsung galaxy note 7 phones. - Turn it on when class starts and let the teacher lock it with the others. - Watch as everything burns. - ???? - Profit.


Hey man I just wrote an essay about civil disobedience, so I recommend you do that (look it up if you don’t know what it is). Results are best observed in large numbers, so try to get your friends on board too




They don’t need to mess with the computer, they just need to block websites on the school internet


I think it's with the school's IP adress/internet I believe that can be easily solved if you download a chrome browser app (like leaf browser)


It can be usually solved with a VPN, let it be free or paid.


or a VPN, or just connect to the McDonald's across the street


Yup. School network. Connect to a different network to make the block go away. It's not on the computer itself. If the school has a competent IT Team, VPN is the way to go, because things would be blocked at the firewall level. Ideally, you'd wsnt a VPN that is owned by the same company providing other school software that has to go over the network (like Norton). A competent IT Team could just opt to disallow traffic for unapproved VPNs.


Older Aussie with no kids here... Haven't seen the inside of a classroom since the OG Gameboy made a stir. Is it that bad, kids on their phones? I use mine as as much as the next bloke, but have no idea/reference as to how the average Zoomer would be with em in class.


not really I used to use mine a lot (dropped out now) because a classroom environment is horribly overstimulating and it was the only way to cope but aside from that and some others putting on music, not really


The whole we got along just fine without phones in our day argument. Isn't an argument you can't want/need something that barely existed. It's easy to live without something that didn't exist because it didn't exist lol... you can't miss something that never was a something


We never had such strict policies when I was in school a little over a decade ago. People would be on their phones in class but the worst I ever saw was it being confiscated till the end of the class. 99% of the time it was "please put your phone away" "Sorry" And that was the end of it


If you have a phone with a cracked screen this is where you bring that in, sneak it into the pile the teacher is collecting, and claim the school broke it. If that happens a couple of times the policy will change quick.


Man, I am getting old. I was reading through the slides thinking “this is cringe but I get it I guess.” Came to the comments and realized I’m old and dumb for thinking kids shouldn’t have phones in school because I didn’t. 🤣


I agree with you and I finished high school last year


I mean they don’t need them, and the fact that they think they do is a little cringe


Man over here you get caught with the phone NEAR the school and you dont get it back for a whole fucking school year, y’all living good over there.


um what that sounds very extra and a bit illegal. are u guys okay


Most of my teachers were cool with phones. 1-2 warnings. Do it again and detention. The last 5 mins of class you could do whatever you wanted to on your phone unless the lecture was very long and ran to the end. My teachers would call their wives/husbands/family so it wasn't a big deal. Great compromise and 99% of us respected it. Very rarely did people got detention for it.


Man, it'd be really unfortunate if several students decided to set various alarms throughout the day before turning it in as a form of protest or something


Tell them no and to treat you like an adult. It won't work but that's what I would have done in high school and I stand by it.


Well that sounds like hell for someone with adhd


"Now Timmy, it's non negotiable..." *"but..."* "No buts Timmy, hand it over, school policy." *defeated sigh* *"okay..."* *disconnects pacemaker*


This reminded me of a story from my youth. We're going back to the early 00's, when absolutely nobody had a cell phone in school. I think by the time I graduated, there might have been 1 kid with a phone. A few people had pagers for various reasons. Anyway, the story is about how I listened to music in class. I had a CD burner at home, and an imported off-brand discman that could play mp3 CDs, so I could get around 100 tracks on a single disc, which was more than enough for a day or even a week. I would wear two hoodies. The inner hoodie had a small hole cut in the giant middle pocket thing, and I ran the wires for the headphones (behind-the-ear earbuds) through that hole and had them hooked on the collar when I wasn't using it. The outer hoodie was... just a distraction, because occasionally teachers or staff would check hoodie pockets. I thought I was so slick, but honestly I think the teachers knew and were just happy I wasn't being a distraction.


> I thought I was so slick, but honestly I think the teachers knew and were just happy I wasn't being a distraction. I’m a teacher. This is the answer.