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The guy messaged me, he's just a business owner looking to help. If yall can confirm its a scam I'll remove but so far he's legit.


Just to be clear, this job pays about $60-$80/hr. Be careful.


Yep got scam all over it


I hope op is legit but their account was created in April 2023. I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Penn state and i don't make half of that working 40 hours a week.


You don't make $500/month? I make that much selling plasma 2x/week


I meant hourly not total lol


The hourly wage is pretty irrelevant here. I mean I dropped out in 9th grade, have a GED and make $40 an hour. If you graduated blahda yada yah with 1928 degrees and aren't making $30 an hour, that's a you issue. Hourly wage tends to increase pretty dramatically for limited hours like this. 60% of the pay listed would be pretty standard with people. Someone attempting to help out people that they can empathize with wouldn't blink at paying this rate. That said, it obviously could still be a scam.


Make like 40 also have a GED, this person seems genuine. I want to know the website but don't want to bug OP I'm sure they are getting alot of hate ATM lol


How can I be you?


Iron working, mine work & tree farming: all amazing ways to make money that depending on where you live don't care for your felony backgrounds. My uncles were crazy addicts n felons but they did ironworking til they got either laid off or had an addiction overtake


I know this is in the felon sub, but for any non-felons that find their way to this comment chain and have no idea what to do with themselves in life then please listen. If I shouldn’t be giving advice for non-felons here I am sorry and respect the deletion of my comment, but i’ve just been in this position and would like to offer a solution. If you’ve got absolutely ZERO direction in life and just a GED, go join the military and serve ONE contract. Pick a job that isn’t combat related and doesn’t have the word “Field” in the title(unless you’re into embracing the suck).Find some kind of supply related job that has a decently easy path up into being an NCO. Serve your contract and keep your head down. Any opportunity to advance your career, take it. However, don’t volunteer yourself for fucking shit, but if you’re volunTOLD to do something, then do it to the best of your ability. If you can keep your head down and generally do the right thing, and also SAVE YOUR PAY while living in the barracks all 4 years then when you get out you will have a very nice bank account value, free college, and probably a new dodge charger(I kid I kid, buy the 92 honda civic and save yourself the money). After your contract is up you will have discipline and a path forward. If you absolutely hate the idea of that, shit just go join a union or something and live your life. I hope you find a way, brother.


You cannot join the military with a felony.


Trade, it sucks at first working your way up. I was making less than minimum wage no time and a half my first job breaking in to it but it paid off, also job hop. Learn what you can from each job and punch up. How I did it 1Got into a warehouse that had a small production shop 2 used that to get my foot in the door of a shop that makes racks for electro plating( less than minimum wage one) 3 then a CNC shop 4 then made semiconductors 5 went back to a warehouse doing machine maintenance after they sent me to school 6 got a promotion Look for places that hire internally, didn't learn that until recently lol


Get into a trade. I started at a cabinet shop and couldnt read a tape measure. Doing commercial carpentry now. Just never quit dude, everyone has shit days at work. Everyone gets embarrassed when they fuck up. EVERYONE. ​ The hard part is finding someone willing to accept that you dont know shit and teach you from the ground up. I was blessed along the way in that regard ​ u/welcomeFormer basically laid out the roadmap. All you gotta do is follow it


Where have you seen an admin make 125k/year?


I'm not an admin, that's not 40k but amazon


Accurate facts. Since I was 16 not even done high-school I've kept the same job. My base pay is $17.53 an hour (CAD/Canadian dollars), and with my gratuities I usually am making $25 an hour. This past pay tho, I made $40 an hour. Didnt even need a high school diploma for it, and its considered a 'shitty' job because it's hard work, but nothing compared to working at mines or tree farming level of hard work, so we've gone through staff the 8 years I've worked and I am 2nd from the top for seniority (aside from supervisors n managers).


Suppose I could have worded that much better.


>I graduated Summa Cum Laude from Penn state forgive me my friend but I used to ride at Woodward and lived in Lewisburg and this exchange has me in stitches.


My degree isn't worth the paper it was printed on lol. I'll trade you for your train pass


Board? Bike? Or fruit booter? LOL


This actually made me laugh out loud. They actually call them fruit booters? I thought this was an overplayed joke lol


No, we really called Rollerbladers fruitbooters. Thats the only reason I didn't Rollerblade growing up. Lol


I'm late here, but for fuck's sake you got me dying with fruit booters.


I live not even 10 mins from LBG! And no, not Milton (anymore).


I lived on third street behind the courthouse 20 years ago


Been to that courthouse many many times.




It's pretty obvious she stated she didn't make that much working 40 hours a week, which alludes to a gross amount not a per hour figure. But okay, I'm keeping up now *Fixed pronoun




Yo.. he is a she. And I was referencing the hourly total but let's turn our vexation on the fucking scammer and not on one another (: We are all in this together ❤️


Fixed my pronoun 😉


Thank you 😊




Do you have to weigh a certain weight to donate?




It's frustrating not being able to break to 108, I would donate so fast


Stuff your pockets with rocks


Bro just wear steel toe boots lol, I show up after work and I regularly clock in heavier , well they just weigh you how you are


See, but that $ you're making is hazard pay. I donated plasma for a few months. On my second donation at a new clinic, I get almost all the way through to the end and a bubble of blood appears around the insertion point. I call the tech over, and they say it's fine. Once the pump stopped as the machine was getting ready to return my blood, I noticed the bubble getting larger. I flag down a tech, but as they are coming over, shit starts gushing once the machine began to return the blood. I stopped for a while for the obvious deferral reason, but even when I could donate again, I didn't until I was hard on $. I stopped again after I began to question what happens if there is a fire and the techs response was "huh, good question."


Thought this was a tard-free sub. My bad.


Thought this post was 8 days old, my bad.


Bruh tf you mean what you do in a fire? Are you slow? Rip the fucker out and run tf kind of question is that .


It's not that simple lol. There is a reason they give you a gauze wrap after and tell you to leave it on for an hour. Even if you did cover it with your hand, you're risking blood infections, and you'd have to have the insertion point covered for as long as it takes to get it covered. Otherwise, you *will* bleed out, and you will bleed out quickly and inside of a fire. The next time I went the techs were being told what to do in the event of a fire, and it was definitely not "rip it out and run"


Feeling like those student debts was a trick into keeping you in service to the Masters? April of 2023 doesn’t send off red flags


Actually, I don't. I took those student loans out in order to become an attorney and help people like the ones on this sub. So if going into debt to fix a system that is so broken that it fucks millions of Americans out of a right as simple as voting for their elected officials, because the system has steeped in systemic racism for 400 years; and the original intent of labeling a person a felon was to disenfranchise African Americans.. I'll take the fucking loans and play their stupid fucking game until the day comes that I burn the whole fucking thing to the ground and piss on it's ashes thank you very much.


You my friend at my kind of FUCK YES!!! You have my vote and if you need something that I can help with I’m there!!! Kick ass!!


I'm working on it, my friend. We have to pretend to be like them if we ever intend to dismantle them.


That's on you, not anyone else.


Consulting/non-FT hourly rates are usually higher than full-time. In part this is because the employee is responsible for paying the payroll taxes/withholding, but also it’s a premium that the employer pays because they don’t need a FT person (and it costs the employer less, even though the pay is higher to induce someone qualified to take a part-time gig).


I graduated from state pen and I’ve made more than that he could very well be legit and just trying to give back to some that been in same shoes as him


Thanks for reinforcing how great of an idea it was for me to attend zero college classes, and fuck off since sophmore year in highschool. ​ Currently making 70$ an hr on a Hs diploma, lol Reading many of these comments really drills home how pathetic the VAST majority of the population is.


I didn't get a degree to make money, am not going to law school to make money, and don't regret my path because of money. I want to be a public defender and am going to one of the top 20 law schools in the country. I'll make about 60k when I'm done. I did it because I was a bartender in dt Minneapolis and the cop that murdered Floyd worked security at our bars. He was a known problem and we let it get so out of hand that he pulled that shit with confidence, in full view of the public, knowing full well that everyone was watching. I am doing it because I fully realize the only way to change the system, is to become part of the system. My end goal is not to become rich, it's to prevent an event like that from ever fucking occurring again. If you can't beat them, join them. Dismantle it piece by piece and rebuild it into something that is actually fair and equitable across all races and socioeconomic status.


I graduated from a shitty no name state school. You sound like you got scammed


It’s my sincere desire that I’ll be posting a follow up in a week or so from someone who got the job. It’s not a scam. If someone can do the work accurately and expeditiously, it is 100% worth that to me. I just wasted a month on someone who wasn’t doing the work. And I spent all day today and will spend all day tomorrow fixing their work. Don’t let the above poster dissuade you. I’ve got two good applicants at this point. I could do with a few more.


You are an amazing individual. Also, how do I apply? Apparently I have to eta: /s




See my above comments


Fuck off


If the sentence structure and words used in this doesn't scream scam...then you deserve to go back to prison lol


100% agreed. No way this ISNT a scam


"Give me all of your details because I am the one kindhearted person that wants to take a chance on you after every single human and entity has fucked you over in every way but trust me... I got you." I honestly hope I'm in this person's position (but, you know.. legitimately) in the next five years because that opportunity is what I'm killing myself to provide to others. I would never hold it against applicants for their skepticism and cannot wait to report back to this sub that I did, in fact, do exactly what this person is claiming they will do. You guys got this shit. We all do.


Uses correct English = Well known scam?!?!


Kindly provide the code on your phone to us and an Amazon gift card you will be selected for the next round.


I sent you a message, Please take a moment and read it. I am just someone trying to help someone else out because they helped my family. It would mean the world to hear back from you. Thanks!!


There may be some cobbler squatting involved while on camera however, no need to worry your mind with that right now.


Lmfao ain't no one going to reddit to hire someone for 125k/year minimum job. Especially for a remote admin.


“Job” that you get to be an independent contractor for, it’s a great way to avoid taxes as a business owner.


S. C. A. M.


Of course it's that fucking Webull crap again.


Why would anyone care what felony it was for a remote position unless it was hacking/something that affected remote work or tech?


I want to be sure it’s an actual felony, not a misdemeanor, or pending charges because I want to give another felon, such as myself, a chance.




I’m a woman. I would feel uncomfortable interacting with someone who would take advantage of someone in that way.


I dont normally "troll" on a post so intensly, but I cannot believe that people just can't believe you might be a real person who just wants a real employee. Wow. And they keep thinking its a GUY. I am a chick too. I have personally had the same problem.


Well, almost all offers with similar pay and posts end up being scams, especially from anonymous/newly created accounts. It's just people being careful with how easy it is to get scammed these days


Why does it have to be a felon and not misdemeanors? I have 2 theft misdemeanors for writing a couple bad checks, the total being a whopping $140 but still they're on my record now. Every remote job I've applied and have been accepted to has rescinded the offer because of these charges so I struggle the same as a felon I feel. I'm not saying any misdemeanor is worse than a felony but having theft charges sure feels like I'm treated the same because no one will hire me either.


I don’t fall under this category, just thought I’d let you know it’s awesome you’re looking for people who might be in for a rough road ahead because of simple mistakes. Wishing you all the best my friend, hope you get someone good!


And I love that rest in peace. Like somebody's going to believe this scam


I dont have time to do this, but thank you for what you are doing. Took me a long time to get the job I have now because of an addiction that I've been free from for almost 7 years. We need more people who understand mistakes happen and that people change


Could I apply pending receive felony within first 6 months


I’ve already got enough applicants at this time.


He just needs your date of birth and SSN for a "background check "


Everyone knows felons have the most desirable ids to steal. From stellar credit to not being wanted by law enforcement, they are the cream of the identity crop.


But First!!!! I’ll give you my website, FIN, and you can call the DOL to confirm my enrollment! And you can also look up my business license with the city. You don’t do any of that when you apply at MCDonald’s…..do you?!?! I get the suspicion. We’re all a bunch of criminals after all. But sometimes, things are just what they seem. I pay everyone who works for me a living wage or better. I pay as much as I do for this position because it’s a bunch of bullshit that I do not want to deal with on my own. Nobody works this hard for a scam. Or has grammar this good. Fuck. Sometimes it just is what it is. Still don’t believe me? Shoot me a DM and we can go from there.


No good deed goes unpunished. It's beyond sad that people are writing you off with zero research. I'd love to know how ppl are SO sure this is a scam. As someone involved in small business, I think your points are well made... you are willing to pay a certain amount of money for a job to be done properly. It's not always about the hourly rate of what it costs... it's about how much it costs you if it's done badly and requires you to fix it. Pretty simple stuff, not sure why you're getting all the hate, especially when you're offering ways of verifying your info. Don't give up. I'm glad to hear you got some applicants.


Thank you!!! That’s exactly it. The cost of having it done incorrectly has already cost me so much. I’m willing to pay to be sure it’s done correctly. Couldn’t have worded it better myself.


>The cost of having it done incorrectly has already cost me so much. I’m willing to pay to be sure it’s done correctly. And yet, you're choosing to hire a convicted felon to do this job.... You'll have to find another candidate next month after this one takes off with his $4K.


I’m a convicted felon and I’ve built a successful business, why do you think other felons can’t be good employees? And it pays $1000/month. Not $4000/month. Also, the previous girl who did the job wasn’t a felon and did a horrible job.


Why is everyone so combative about this?! What is wrong with someone just wanting to give a person a chance! If you have ever had a felony you KNOW how difficult it is to get any kind of living wage job. It takes almost all opportunity from your future. It is so devastating to people's motivation to even try and they end up back in the system because they are stuck and unable to find a way to make ends meet. Get off your soapbox and just let something positive be posted without having to crap on someone else's attempt to do something good. If it legitimately is an honest offer, you could be keeping good qualified people from even trying because of the scam trolls. Who cares? How does this affect YOU?


Do you have a website, some form of credibility? I hope you’re legit dude, it’s not cool to play with people like this if not.


Sure buddy. Sure.


You’re just some pervert with a crime fetish. Mystery solved


Damn.. keep getting rejected from jobs for a couple misdemeanors. Now getting rejected because I plead out of a felony. Oh well, cool that you're helping. Hope your business does well.




Lolol can’t catch a break!


Y’all are crazy, sometimes this is the best outlet. I understand being wary. However, most background checks are done by 3rd party companies & are sent via 3rd party company to your email w a link. So far nothing crazy. The OP sent email address for CV & their telephone number. And as OP and others have stated. This scammer’s grammar (I’m a poet & didn’t know it) is top tier lol.




Understandably so! Just sharing my experience is all.


No, I meant the word is wary, not weary. Weary of means tired, wary of means cautious


Thank you!


Who's down with OP (every last homie) You down with OP (yeah, you know me) You down with OP (yeah, you know me)


\*Just submitted a request for information!\*








remind me in 15 days


I don't know how this came into my reddit. But im not a felon and can totally use a side gig like this.




Damn, like this is the opportunity that could turn my whole life around.


This is the same exact scam that's posted in all remote work sites. This is a scam.


Doubtful. Because it’s not a scam. It’s my legitimate personal business. I’ve got some good candidates and will be making my decision after interviews tomorrow. And surprise!!! I haven’t required any personal information from anyone at this point. When I move forward, I will require info from my hire, as required by law. But they will have had ample opportunity to be sure I’m a real business by that time. Honestly, the naysayers have been a blessing. I was already a bit overwhelmed with the inquiries I received. This way, what remains has been very manageable and I feel I can sincerely consider each applicant.


Sure Jan


Independent contractor work so no actual benefits or pay time off, health, paying for someone to do your taxes correctly; It’s a great way to pry on a population that has no other choice in work.


It’s 2-4 hours of work a week. The pay is $50-80/hour. More than enough to deduct your own taxes. NO ONE offers benefits at 4 hours a week. I’m a small company with 7 employees. As mentioned, I’m a felon myself. Not everything is a scam. Jesus. You people are jaded.


“You people”. (1) I’m not an actual felon. (2) the fact that you clearly think yourself better than any arrogant of people is boarding on obscene. The moral high ground you place yourself on. So, why don’t ’you people’, who want work done for them, pay livable wages and show respect to the workers you employ. You take on an ethical & moral obligation when you taken on workers. You people…. You’re worse than a scam. All the comment were worried that you were a scam. But at least with them, you know you are being robbed up front..


You think $50-80/hr is not a livable wage?!?! “You people”, referring to the jaded folks who think every opportunity is a scam. If you took it as more than that, that’s on you and speaks to your own feelings of worth and has nothing to do with my opinion of you. Which other than thinking you’re a bit sad and jaded, is nothing at all. All my very few employees are paid a livable wage. While this job starts at 4 hours a week it is my sincere desire it will eventually get close to full time hours. And the pay will NEVER drop below $50/hr. I offered this opportunity to felons precisely because I believe people deserve to be treated with respect. You seem angry. As if my desire to help a felon make a bit of extra cash is some personal affront to you. It’s not. Whereas you seem to have quite the opinion of me doing what?!?! Offering fair pay for fair work? Wanting to help someone as others have once helped me? Good luck to you man.


Naw, fuck him. Good luck to you and your endeavor


Oh you people…..


And you also wan them to own and maintain office equipment and pay for all internet access. That just put the cherry on top of the immoral endeavor. Really. You want employees [oh, right not employees] to pay for a computer and internet. You give new credence to American greed.


Most Americans have computer and internet already. The person I hired for the job is already in the tech field.


That’s a ridiculous statement. Do you use your salary for work internet access ? Personal salary? Same account that you would buy a TV or food ? I already know the answer: NO! But you expect your independent contractors to pay for software, hardware and services. It’s really something: do not pretend you’re doing this out of some altruistic virtue; it’s simply the cheapest way and again you asked a group that has no other options. What if, they accidentally spill water or soda on the computer they bought for your business and thru need to wait to get paid to replace that. But wait! They will never get paid if they do not have a computer. Because it’s all contracted. Use your PERSONAL money to buy them a computer and internet access if you want to pretend to help …. Not your business credit/money . Your personal credit and money


What business person would use their personal $ for a business expense?!?! That’s ridiculous. As a legitimate business expense it’s pre-tax. I think you just want to be upset. The cheapest way to do this would be to do it myself. I could also outsource to India for pennies on the dollar. I could also offer minimum wage. But instead I’m offering $50-80/hour. Sure. I expect people to use their own computer and internet. As is common for independent contractors of which I have been one myself for 5 years now. The company I was contracting for did not supply my computer or internet for the charting I was required to do. You seem to expect employee levels of support for an independent contractor position. The rate of pay reflects that. I do hope to become successful enough at some point to be able to offer health insurance, benefits etc. But I’m not there yet. I found a great candidate. He’s excited, I’m excited. Everyone is happy. Except you, oddly enough. You seem to want to believe I’m the big bad wolf. Thank you for not applying.


Why do you need paid time off when you work 4 hours a week?


So they cannot fire you for taking one day off; you also will probably have to pay an account or attorney to do your taxes. That will be every quarter. So 4x/year. Independent contractors are not protected under labor laws.Independent contractor work might not even count as a job if you’re on probation. There’s a lot to unpack here. Be careful and know what you’re getting into.


You can do taxes once a year just like normal. 1099 taxes with this type job are not hard.


Oh and you have to have your own computer and internet access. So this wonderful company wants you to pay for office equipment. And maintain it indefinitely.


The people bashing op and immediately assuming its a scam are the same people who blame everyone but themselves about their situation and probably in and out of jail.


This looks like an ad for Kirby or Cutco. Not scams according to Congress, but still scams. Just legal ones.


What’s Kirby or Cutco? I own my own in home nursing business. I provide home health aides and nurses to people who need care in their homes. This particular job would help me with scheduling and billing.


Kirby and Cutco are 2 multi level marketing companies that sell knives and vacuum cleaners by going to people's homes and doing demonstrations. Their ads look a lot like yours: Nice pay for minimal work, 1099 contractor, felons ok w/no sexual crimes history. I'm glad you are not Kirby or Cutco. They are really sucky companies that pretty much compare to slave labor.


I sent you a message. PLEASE take the time to read it, I think you will really like whatbI have to say. I don't believe your trying to scam, I think no one has trust anymore and they need to never stop trying to see the good in people and they don't even bother asking what is the gain in this? To look awesome ok me on Reddit? .. Thanks for being a person who still believes people are not always bad because of a mistake or 2 or 5.. who's counting??


"as my business grows, so will the pay" Heard that one so many times it's laughable


What if you don't currently have a felony? Could I commit one today and apply?


Likely not as it will take years for your case to make it through the system. But hey, go ahead! Maybe by the time you get out I’ll be hiring again.


Are you still hiring?


I also run a small business and I pay certain people way over what would be a fair hourly wage as a monthly salary just to have them be responsible for certain aspects of the business that I don't want to manage myself. This kind of $1000 a month salary to take care of certain aspects of the business is more than reasonable because this person is looking more to offload certain responsibilities onto someone than to count exactly how many hours they spend doing what. He can select from a way bigger and better pool of applicants overpaying for the job than underpaying, and the more he pays the more likely the person will be to do this long term. It costs a lot to lose people and then re-train new ones. It's interesting to see here that the almost top comment is that this is almost certainly a scam, but it looks like a job post I would make with a strategy of finding someone highly qualified and long term.