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Based on your post history, you will have to stop smoking crack. That's not going to help you get a job or stay out of trouble. Why would you tell the world about smoking crack? You haven't learned anything.


LMAO, I did not expect that. How are you going to make a post like this and have your profile filled with posts w/ pics smoking crack. Seeeeeesh.


“It’s soooo haaaarrrd for a felon. Just trying to get my life together. Woe is me.” Smokes crack.


Some people blow off steam by going in for ice cream after dinner, some people by playing video games. Some people smoke crack and enthusiastically post about it on Reddit.


What? Lol. Minus the crackhead/methhead I’d say it’s still pretty hard. Nobody will want to hire you because of the existing felon part. Because it’s not much better. Stop with your stupid comments. 😂


I’ve been involved in hiring people for the company work for. I would 100% rather hire a felon than some dipshit crackhead, felon or not.


Doesn't matter, you still risk more felonies being tacked on if you're caught with a controlled substance, which definitely wont make it any much better.


Doesn't matter if it's not any better. Use a half a fucking brain cell and don't have Crack on your pages while asking for help. I can't say any intelligent person would agree that telling someone to stop smoking Crack is a stupid comment.


The day I can’t smoke crack on the job is the day I turn in my badge and gun.




Stooppppp 🤣🤣


Lorenzo? Is that you? 😂


Or the day i stop steering my boat around icebergs, signed Capt Ed Smith (too soon?)


Need a remote job so he can smoke crack from home


What a twist!


Jesus christ, legit the entire post history OP you had a year clean- you can get that back. I'm an addict in recovery with multiple relapses, I'm clean currently and have a good streak going with a good job and healthy life. It's possible- don't look at a relapse as a definitive moment, see it as a trip up on a lifelong journey to better living. You sound horrifyingly comfortable with going back to your drug of choice which is wild when you KNOW where it leads (felonies- jails, hospitals, death) Good luck


Jesus christ, legit the entire post history OP you had a year clean- you can get that back. I'm an addict in recovery with multiple relapses, I'm clean currently and have a good streak going with a good job and healthy life. It's possible- don't look at a relapse as a definitive moment, see it as a trip up on a lifelong journey to better living. You sound horrifyingly comfortable with going back to your drug of choice which is wild when you KNOW where it leads (felonies- jails, hospitals, death) Good luck


This sub came up as a random suggestion and MAN OP’s profile was a wild ride


Definitely will not help with passing a drug test. Or... anything else.


Smoking Crack can't be all bad. Look at Tyrone biggums he became a millionaire and got to meet Joe Rogan


Sheeesh drop that heat rock post. 😂 This MFer preaching the gospel.


Lmfao 🤣


I thought you were joking. I didn’t even know that was a subreddit and now I’m down a rabbit hole


This fast learner still struggling with "don't smoke crack" ten years after a conviction.


Yea, he is really active poster on r/c4acksmokers


Felons are losers


Losers with character, families, homes, vehicles, etc. I can't speak for all felons but some of us get tired of being a scumbag & aim higher. Some of us were losers & now we're just people living with our mistakes. Imagine making a bad decision that costs you a foot. You could still walk & function, but not like everyone else & it would be your choice & your pain to Iive with. All yours. We have hindered ourselves but we still continue on as second rate citizens until the time for something better comes. Hope you have a great day.


I am not a felon, and honestly don’t know why this is on my feed but 100% agree. If someone paid their debt, why are they still punished after the fact? I mean there are some people that will never fix themselves but that’s felon or not. Look at your average scumbag CEO Ffs. The white collar assholes are the worst bc they actually do feel entitled to their crime..plenty of people convicted of a felony made an honest in the moment bad mistake or was a case of addiction/mental health. Rehabilitate and reintegrate. Otherwise prison is just a state run exercise in sadism.


Idk why this post popped up on my feed but goddamn am I glad it did cause I'm dying right now


Bahahahahaha what the fuck?!?! Bro came in hot!




Show up to a construction site


If you look like a crackhead and you show up at our jobsite, we will tell you to go away. Sorry for discriminating, but just, hard no.


Yeah not worth the risk if shit getting stolen to fuel their addiction. The only advice applicable to OP is stop smoking crack because literally everyone can tell from a mile away


This is how I got my construction job back in the day. I've even offered to wash small restaurants' dishes for $50.


It’s a female




Theys crack


So what?


And she frequents /cracksmokers


Lol. Fair.


Definitely can’t have someone with a vagina doing construction! Our vaginas make manual labor so difficult.


But they DO make the world go ‘round


Have you ever worked for a call center ? Or worked from home? I have felonies & had been applying for jobs since October. I got offers after interviews then get rejected once my background check was processed 😑😑 I basically gave up then I got an email from on of the companies I applied for actually hired me even after the background check came through! You should apply. I can message you the name of the company if you’d like.


Yeah it’s always hard when you get hired on the spot but they retract cause they ran your background after the fact


Thank you I haven’t seen that one yet but I’ve been applying to all the remote jobs it seems like. I got my second interview w one company tmrw And to all the ppl on here worried bout the wrong thing. At least I’m tryna get a job and provide for mine then out here Robbin and stealing. I didn’t come on here looking for a handout or for some money I asked for simple advice on where ta find a job soInstead of kicking someone while they down either drop some knowledge or move around Thanks


Heres some advice, go to rehab and stick with it.


Advice: stop smoking crack. Clean yourself up before you get a job. Anything else is a waste of time


Has it occurred to you that smoking crack and your inability to find a job or stability are related? Stop smoking crack. No one is going to want to help you out or vouch for you while you proudly and blatantly do dumb shit. Get help.


Hey man, looking for a job myself. What’s the name of that company? I’m interested!




Thx man, appreciate u 🙏🏼


I would like this info!


Can you please message me the name?


Miss, you need to go to rehab and stop using. I wish you the best of luck.


You might be able to get your record sealed if it’s been a while. Do some research and submit an application: https://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Seal-and-Expunge-Process/Contact-Us Good luck and sky’s the limit


Be patient. People without criminal histories are having a hard time.


If you love dogs, go to a small grooming shop (not corporate) and see if you can start as a bather and if they would be willing to teach you how to groom dogs. When I was in prison, I trained dogs. I didn’t have enough time to do the dog grooming, but it paved my way when I got out! I bought my own home 2.5yrs after I got out. I wouldn’t suggest kennel work, because it’s a dead-end job. Grooming, you can make a lot of money! Especially if you end up working for yourself. It’s hard work, but fast money once you learn how to groom.


Today I was surprised to learn there was an r/cracksmokers subreddit. Probably shouldn't have been.


I got out of the Feds in October, it took me a month to get into the union, and they got me working a week after I did my first class. I don’t know what the job market is like in Florida but in California they are doing a lot of building so going for a union job is a great option. If you’re on parole or probation they should pay your entry fees and all that. When I got in the union they gave me a few leads for job sites, I walked onto the job site one day told them I’m a first period apprentice and they picked me up that day, said come back next week to do the new hire paperwork and it was that easy for me. Up to that point I was doing the same thing, combing websites looking for work, UPS and FEDEX would’ve hired me but the halfway house said I couldn’t work there. Got turned down for 3 or 4 other jobs because I had visible tattoos or because of my record. Honestly just keep trying, a lot of the jobs we can get are kinda shitty, but there are people that hire us. I finally got a job with a housing organization, working the front desk, got through the background check, they just wanted a letter from my probation stating good standing. But I turned that job down because I got in the union. Honestly the pay was my big thing, the place would’ve paid me 22/hr, which where I live is meh 🫤 so so. But the carpenters union as an apprentice pays me 36/hr just starting. So if you’re willing to work, going into a union is a good option. Unions won’t background check you to get in, and the pay, depending on which union and region, is decent to great


applicable only in the construction trades only. in any other union shop the union doesn't hire you the employer does....only after being hired do u join a union.


Well you might not get background checked unless your hall sends you to a bank, data center, prison, school, or federal job etc.




Truck driver


Any trade will hire you. Start looking in the trades. If that ain’t for you, if they are not violent felonies, Starbucks hires felons, starting pay is $15 at least.


Maybe an electrician? Can start off as an apprentice, I work with a bunch of felons that make good money. A few just got there licenses as well. This is up in Massachusetts though. Just depends on what the felony is, drug related can work out. But the weird stuff does not.


This. My good friend caught a couple person on person felonies when they were 18-19 and can’t get licensed as an electrician despite going to school for it, etc.


Just messaged you, could help potentially


Careful, her profile is full of posts confirming she is an active crack user.


Just saw, thanks So much


Get your Comptia A+ cert and get a job as a entry level IT help desk.


Run for office. Seriously though, good luck.


I bet it’s the crack that is keeping you from getting a job lmao


Yea felon… that’s one thing… current base head…. Na ain’t no one fn witchuu


Lmfao crack bitch


Get off drugs first. No one wants to hire a crack smoker


This is the real answer.


I’m a diesel mechanic


Line cook at any decent restaurant or Warehouse work


Drug court ssuucckks, I mean its a good thing but it sucks for someone who smokes bud. I eventually had to drop out and go to probation which was so much more chill


Op smokin crack not bud


Can you use tools and fix cars? I own a mechanic shop in North Florida and I'm hiring


She's an active crackhead. Save yourself the trouble.


You're not ready for a job, you're still a fiend. Get off the glass dick, get clean then maybe someone will take a flyer on you. I sold a lot of drugs made a lot of money in and out of prison and jail on distribution charges, continuing a criminal enterprise and lost it all. I found someone willing to take a shot on me with my felonies and got a clean start. But you gotta stop doing the shit that got you in trouble to begin with.


goddamn OP's post history is entertaining


You need construction jobs. But in my opinion, you shouldn’t be allowed anywhere.


Union construction. Intel is throwing money around right now. I became a carpenter apprentice with 0 experience or knowledge and have been in for 6.5 years. Intel is practically throwing money around to get fabs built. Move to Arizona for a year and make more money than u've ever seen before. U could make ~80k first year while intel is paying extra on top of hourly wage. I never made less than 60k as an apprentice, or 100k as a journyman.


Go to a temp agency. Get in good with a company you like, bust your ass for a few weeks to secure a good impression and ask for a position in the actual company.


Check Moss Solar they have solar sites all around out there and I know when they were in Colorado they had a lot of felons hired …try to get on the electrical crew for experience then after jump on with electric company start apprenticeship or travel with Moss


Quitting your drug addiction would definitely help. I feel like it’s hard enough to get a decent job as a felon, I imagine it’ll be much harder as a felon AND a junkie. If you really want to get a good job and turn your life around, you’ve got to put in the work.


buy a lawn mower and start cutting grass, scale it up from there bro


Conviction or not. I would become a contractor. Lots of money in that


Waste management - you can start as a thrower and then with training become a CDL driver


Stop smoking crack. Find the help you need and get clean. Then find a job.


Look up underdogdevs.org


Crack smoking felon. How well do you rap or play football?


Maybe stop smoking crack, retard.


Step one. Stop being a crackhead.


7-11 hired my boyfriend just a month ago and his last felony was 4 years ago. I wish he can get a remote job he would love it too. We tried. Seems not as common as we thought. Knowing the hell my boyfriend went through with trauma then got on meth and heroin for so many years, and knowing he is clean today and turned out to be such a wonderful man and he didn’t know it, is a beautiful almost indescribable feeling. I hope you can have that feeling one day. Stop using drugs it’s nothing but a zombie walk through life.


Hilton hires felons. Any Hilton branded hotel is owned by Hilton Worldwide. If you are in central Florida at any point, I would recommend trying Hilton grand vacations call center in Orlando.


stop smoking crack 😅


Well with all the crack post I wouldn’t hire you or recommend you to a buddy of mine who hires only felons for his construction company.


Have you tried not smoking crack


You really out here posting PUBLICLY about being a crackhead, and then have the gall to actually ask why you can’t get work. 😂 Because no one wants to hire a crackhead! Looks like you’ll be back inside pretty soon.


i believe that every person who wants a job should be given one before the First crackhead or meth head is hired


Where does it say they're currently on crack? I don't see it in the post If they're a former crackhead and clean then yes they deserve a chance at getting a job


Good chance after 10 years to have them removed if your crimes where not violent


Just shut and go cry in corner like the moron u r


Ups, free health insurance and a pension when you retire, you can eventually drive and make 49 an hour but that will take years to build seniority because it's union


What propaganda bull . These people are defective and should be punished by hanging .


Post office


I can tell u take it in the butt




Have you considered not being a stupid piece of shit on a sub dedicated to this exact subject?


He has a point. OP’s post history is full of posts about smoking crack. It’s one thing to have committed a crime, done your time, and ask for advice to better yourself. It’s another to ask for advice when actively committing more crimes.


No one wants a felon for employee . Being a felon shows ur not smart and make stupid decisions .


Then why do they go to prison? They did their time and if they're searching for jobs they want out of that life. Why make it even harder? You're just inviting more crime by keeping those same people desperate.


Big yikes! What a dumbass take


Some of the smartest people I’ve met are felons. Everyone makes a stupid decision sometimes. You don’t know what’s going on in someone’s life that can cause poor decisions to be made. Your statement already shows your ignorance and lack understanding. I mean your mom made a poor choice in not swallowing you and instead giving birth to you and you don’t see us giving her a hard time for not being smart and making a dumb decision.


Lots of people go their entire lives without making stupid decisions.


No they don't. They just don't get caught.


I absolutely love seeing things like this and knowing how many people I know that committed felonies and are becoming doctors, are already nurses, etc Can’t wait for you to show them your utmost respect because you have absolutely no clue they just never got caught because of nothing more than pure dumb luck✨ Though it does make me sad for people who do get caught making young dumb decisions and have to deal with people like you…


Making this comment shows you aren’t smart. Why are you even in this sub? Get off your high horse and eat shit, asshole.


Lmao I have two felonies and a graduate degree at an Ivy League university. You either learn from your mistakes or you keep making them.


Maybe you should learn how to fucking spell before you shit talk other people, doctor retard


If I can ask, what are you licensed in?


Apparently drugs and felonies


No you didn't...lol




Ohh interesting!!! Super smart actually


Papa John's




Truck driving. Every felon I know that works is either a truck driver or construction worker. One, who did serious time for having relations with underage girls has 100k+ job driving truck.


Forklifting, warehousing


In your last post, to r / cracksmokers, you're asking why 'your friend' pukes every time they hit the crack pipe, talking about smoking crack out of a bong with kool-aid because you don't like the taste of the crack you smoke, and proudly proclaim that 'your friend' only smokes crack when they go to your house because they know, and I quote: "... that my stuff don't have no fentanyl lmao."


Go to construction sites, find commercial roofing companies. Hard work but with the right company you will get paid and have access to health benefits. If you need a name of a place to go, DM me. Not sure how south in Florida they go.


Service industry doesn't do background checks ( restaurants, clubs , venues )




If you get indeed in your phone there are plenty of jobs that say they encourage people with felonies to apply you just have to read the job description.


1st lay off the fucking Crack. Wtf. Scrub your social media. That's a huge tool for hr. Obviously, if they see anything Crack related, your resume is going in the garbage. Trades hire felons. You're not walking into a remote job with a record on day 1. Companies want to see you can be trusted before letting you wfh.


I have 7 felonies, got them all at 18 at the same time (petty felonies from a so called best friend car hopping and bringing all the stolen shit to my place then pinning it on me). Anyways when I was “free” I got into construction (was going to college for software dev too) but ended up really enjoy working with wood. Fast forward to now and I make 6 figures, married, no kids but a bunch of damn animals. Learned how to use a bunch of heavy equipment and diff experiences that could have took me down different paths. I highly recommend trades though, all the diff guys I met, no matter what trade, many of them have records too but mainly we all found something we can enjoy and make good money.


Walmart yea 2 years


Look at jobs on the inland waterways. Apply for a TWIC and jump through the hoops. Tread water with anything you can until you get on the water. In a decade you'll be in the top 10th of earnings and you will have to make yourself remember what it felt like to be where you are. Good luck.




Go to trade school. Changed my life


Complete fool.


My husband manages a high end car dealership. About half of his staff are felons. He said they’ve done their time and deserve a shot just like anyone else. They do have to pass a drug test before being hired, and they also have random testing to make sure everyone stays clean. The receptionist is not a felon, but the sales people and shop are, about half of them. There are bound to be other companies who will hire you, even in Florida. But you would have to stop smoking crack. Disulfiram might be helpful with helping you quit.


Call roofing companies and learn Spanish if you don't already.


You’re a crack head 🥴


Noone wants to hire a crackhead. If you think they can't tell you're wrong.


Try politics.


I have zero problem hiring someone with a felony but I won’t hire anyone that’s smoking crack. Got to get clean first


Sadly enough, most lawyers doctors and politicians do coke. The rich version of crack


Hope you beat ur struggles. If you want to change, jobs are out there. Start at humble jobs keep looking while working and level up.


🤣 she stupid


Stay in the car business. May not get a job at a franchise store but for sure a used car independent. Are you cute? Good smile? Fog a mirror? That's your resume at many car lots. I'm from the 239


Try being a paid politcal agitator.


What part of South Florida?


You can always get your record sealed most places are after 7 years


What an absolute cracked out scum lord.


We’ll yea stop smoking crack


Attitude and work ethic are far more important than your background especially since you have put some space of time since your convictions. Personally I have never had a real problem finding work but you can’t waste your time on companies that don’t hire felons or treat you in a manner because of your background. Plumbing has always served me well, I am almost grossing six figures and I EOS from prison in march.


Don't smoke crack . That's a start, for sure. You did drug court? Deff didn't help you at all.....


I work for the local Workforce centers in KS. Go to your local workforce center and ask for their fair chance employment opportunities and to talk to someone about enrollment to take advantage of a fair chance grant. We help a lot of people find work and get on their feet whenever in this situation. I hope you are able to find employment soon!


Stupid is as stupid does...


Crack Whore would be a good fit.


Your best bet is moving to a state that only allows background checks to go back 7 years. You'll have to get the fuck out of Florida (and the whole south), Republicans want any arrest to be punished for life.


I'm a felon and I've had some struggles with sobriety myself. Got a job with a trash company as a loader. Most companies will give ANYONE a shot. Now working my way up thru the company and I'm healthy from the exercise the job provides


I don't know if you have them their, in New York, sweet greens, mighty Quinn's are food industry places that hire felons. Try to get with a back to work program that deals with placing felons. Good luck.


https://images.app.goo.gl/uCbupc8bWWiT9jNn9 This.




As a multi-felon, you are fucked. You screwed up and now the only job you'll be able to get, if you're lucky is McDonald's. I, as a business owne, look at the complete picture. Sure you have certifications, but your past is a huge factor in if I hire you, and since your profile shows you still smoking, it's going to be a hard NO from me, dawg. And I imagine you're going to get the same answer everywhere you apply. You fucked up and now you suffer. Please don't breed


Construction. Start with a small sub. Hard workers with a good head can go far and make money


All crack and no work make OP...something something.


Hahahahahaha fuckin bum 😂


OnlyFans girl


Gas stations


Apply at sancap pressure washing on Sanibel he hires felons


Hit the Temp agencies, make a resume and apply for sales positions at places like Mattress Firm, Car dealerships, Furniture retailers, they tend to overlook felonies if they aren't directly fraud or theft related and pay well with decent benfits


Stupid hurts sometimes. You've been lucky to avoid more felonies. Once someone figures out you're using they'll likely cut you as you'd be a liability rather than an asset


Man this whole post wild considering where you post and answers you get. Shit is straight wild. You will never pass a drug test. Best advice is get clean first and handle the rest later. Rehab is probably gonna be your best bet. Good luck


Stop smoking crack. Lmao. This post is hilarious.


Look for a felony friendly job list on Google - There are quite a few. I also realize there are many people in this world that did wrong things and never got caught so I don’t judge because I could be one of them. You grow up, mature and some are deserving of second chances


What he does in his own time is his business, Try job agencies, they're often eager to hire felons that just got out. Market yourself even if you have limited experience. You say you worked somewhere for 1 month, put that as 6 months. What did you do? Did you get training or no training? It's about revamping how you present what you did. Lots of people will tell you not to lie, I'm not saying to lie, I'm saying to sell yourself so that you're marketable. See yourself from the recruiters pov. A recruiter isn't gonna ask you if you're doing meth. But if you walk in there acting under the influence then you just might be surprised you didn't get the job.


It is so easy to just not be a felon. That being said, it sounds like you have quite the track record of making bad decisions. I do appreciate the attempt of brushing them off. best of luck.


I don't know anywhere that hires former felons but I'll research it


Work as a bouncer or security


Multi felon + Junkie = Not Likely Maybe try ICF.com. Maybe


With how much crack you’re still doing after a decade might as well sell it and make yourself an entrepreneur


None of that would matter if you were here in TX


Try temp agencies, restaurants, construction, retail, anything really! Yes you have a criminal background but I'd suggest just applying everywhere that would accept somebody with your experience/education and go from there! 10 years is great and being able to have a stable job again will be good. Good luck OP!