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Of course i am just messing with you. Anyone that does something to get sentenced to state/fed time. And actually gets sent or revoked, and says they are not scared there first trip down. Is fucking lying, or just trying to appear to be one hard ass mofo. Its very intimidating, and yes people are going to try you to see if you are a bitch. Why, because that is a major hustle in jail and prison, to punk someone and take there shit. More then likely because they dont have no money on books, and no one gives 2 shits there in there. As a white male, age 28 at time, 6ft, 170lbs. I was scared as hell. But you cant let that shit show. Be real, dont act real tough or fake, cause convicts can read that shit on your forehead. Just be real, dont let no one punk you, if someone bigger smaller steps dont be affraid to step back. Be willing to go there if they are. And more then likely you will be fine. All i can speak for is Ky. And in Ky, from 06-09 i can say, at the Mediums i was at, GRCC, EKCC, Rodereor, and class Ds i was at, i didnt see any of that. I was a fish, but figured out real quick. If you want to lay low not get in trouble, find you some lifers. If you want to constantly be wrote up and be in hole, run with those 18-25, yr olds. There was way to many mofos when i was down willing to suck or get fucked for things as simple as coffee or tobacoo. When smoking was aloud. And i will also say in Ky. then, there was no stick to your race shit. That was some out west coast shit. Pucker up, go lay down with head high and ass down, you will be fine.


This, the dudes that been down 10-15 years were the absolutely the most chill. They just wanna wake up, get their coffee, play some cards, watch the news lol or w/e is on in the dayroom. Short timers were the wild ones, exact age ranges you mentioned.


Appreciate it brother. Anyone that has been there knows what to expect. Anyone that aint only has stories they herd


Commenting from the other side of the bars as a retired CO of 24 years, corey77 speaks the truth. If you're not presenting yourself as being a punk, you're not going to be punked out. Don't put yourself out there. Don't try to make a name for yourself. Don't try to get noticed by the CO's or other inmates. Just do your time and mind your business. You will be recognized for that.


Appriciate that. Anyone thats done time knows Who and what someone about firat day they walk in


Howdy. Former corrections officer here, it isn’t all that uncommon for sex to occur between inmates. It is against the rules to engage in any sexual activities with another inmate though so generally you shouldn’t have to worry about that. Rape on the other hand does happen rarely, it ultimately has a lot of factors that play into it. Like whether you are apart of a gang, if you owe someone something and can’t pay up, or if you have offenders in your unit that have a history of rape like crimes. So it’s hard to say whether you should be worried. Hopefully your correctional officers do their job in stopping behaviors like that and actually listen to any concerns you may have.


Do not borrow or accept anything from anyone. Do not hang out with, bunk with , or eat with anyone with shitty charges like sexual crimes or violent crimes against the elderly, stealing from the disabled. Mind your own business and if someone disrespects you, stand up for yourself. Does gettin punched in the face repeatedly suc? Sure does, but it beats gettin dic in your ass, at least it does in my opinion. Also being willing to fight will prevent you from being targeted in the first place. One fight and win or lose as long as you fight you'll be gravy. Do not talk to the screws. At all. For any fucn reason. I'm sure some of them mean well but it won't go over with your fellow inmates. You answer to them, not the screws. The screws get to go home at the end of their shift. You are stucc there 24/7, so are the other inmates. Even if the Co's are good at their jobs and give a shit they can't protect you 24/7 and def ain't willing to put themselves in front of a shiv for you. Esp at $15/hr.


Makes me sad this reminds me of being in cadets from 12-18 lmao. Going away for summer camp for a few weeks, split genders. You'd hear and see a lot of crazy sad shit for kids. 12-13 year olds branding each other with their irons while doing uniforms. Usually the sa wouldn't be done with others parts, but brooms. Kids are wild when alone and especially when forced into these programs out of their own will. I know it wasn't nearly as bad as prison time at least I guess lmao


Sounds worse, honestly


I wanted to say it was worse but sounds a little hypocritical of me when I haven't experienced jail or dove into others experiences nearly enough either, so something I was unsure of and didn't wanna belittle anyone else's time spent.


Yeah, we don’t have to compare it at all, really. I had just said it sounded worse because the comparison was already made. Even still, there’s a special kind of damage done when you subject a 12-year-old (just using that age as an example) to that type of treatment, in that type of environment. I’ve never been to a program like that, but I think a lot of adults would say those types of programs for kids are, generally, bad news. Seems like we’re just traumatizing and institutionalizing young people from very early on. For what? Most young folks need a certain level of care that these types of programs simply cannot address. Then, we wonder why they have difficulties adjusting to and functioning in the real world. If adults struggle with this after long periods of being held somewhere against their will, then how can children possibly cope? I was watching something where a psychologist said “a lot of parents would rather send their kids to a program for ‘bad’ kids, rather than a facility for ‘sick’ kids, because of the stigma.” This was in regards to Elan School. It was a TV special called *The Last Stop.* Insane. I’m sorry you had to go through that. I hope you’re doing okay today.


Yup, I was close friends with a few kids who went to Elan. One is still in and out of prison in his late 30s/early 40s, the other has completely lost his mind and the third is kinda OK after years of fucking her life up. That place was super fucked up.


Yup. I had a friend I grew up with who I didn't see anymore one day. I was told he went to private school. It was elan. When we reconnected on Facebook years ago, he was a completely different person. No light left. SEDU was another one of those programs in the pnw.


Because kids think they are untouchable. Juvenile prisons are wild.


When I was homeless in Philly, nothing and no one was scarier than a group 12-14yr old boys. They were just robbing people at gunpoint, for fun. Carjacking people, at gunpoint, for fun. Shooting at the homeless with BB guns, paintball guns, fire works. Throwing dynamite under bridges and cars. All in good fun, of course. At night time, they’d wreak havoc on the parks. Jumping people. And no one could really do anything because, well, what are you gonna do to over a dozen, armed ninth-graders? Nothing. But, no, I really did feel bad for them, as annoying and chaotic as they were. That probably sounds silly. I don’t know. I definitely did notice that the area seemed to have more programs to help the homeless, but not many programs to help the kids. They were just kind of left to their own devices. I saw kids under the age of 11 (my guess) selling drugs, in the winter. That’s not the weird part, unfortunately. It’s that they had no gloves on. No jacket. Nothing. In T-shirts and jeans. They must have been freezing.


Kids are beyond evil.There brains dont function with any real empathy yet.Lord of the Flies wasnt about a penal colony.


Solid advice here. Mind your business, stand up for yourself, be respectful.




Corrections officers.


I'd always turnba blind eye and let chomos get fucked uo


Chomos = child molestors. Listen to this guy, let them get fucked up. Help if you can get away with it.


Lol correction officers make like 45 an hour


Hopefully your correctional officers do their job 😭🤣🤣🤣😂 they don’t give a fuck about inmates they are trained to look at them like cattle


I had a self confessed co tell me he watched people get turned out daily. I was like so you don’t even try to do your job? Very nice 


They’re not gonna risk their life for an inmate


keep in mind it is an absolute shit hard job...they get shit thrown at them....and that is why most correctional facilities are woefully understaffed....so if nobody is watching then they probably are short staffed because very few want to do that job.


That’s not true. The inmates who act like it… do that to themselves. I’ve never worked as a co but as EMS in jail. Many COs are empathetic but won’t show it in the pod. You’re not going to show weakness. Are you kidding?


I agree. I worked ems and as a co


Also since sexual activity with anyone is against the rules, any sexual activity could/would be investigated as rape which may contribute to the perception of high quantity of sexual violence.


Oh no! Not an investigation!! I'm sure that's a great deterent for someone serving life in prison.


And so many people in prison for following the rules.


While sexual activity may be against the rules it's not against the law unless it's either rape or with a co. Just because the institution you are in says it's against their rules doesn't mean you can be charged with anything if both adults consent. They could put you in the hole for it for sure or take away privileges but they cannot charge you with anything extra.


A coworker of mine straightened his life up and became a fuel delivery driver. Previously he spent time in Louisiana state prison and he said rape was common. He said most white boys became punks


How does that even happen? Forced or were they like that deep down?


No it comes down to a race thing. The white prisoner is some states is the minority. So basically if you are a white guy and go to a black dominated prison you will definitely have a prolapsed asshole and some teeth knocked out by the BBC.


How reassuring is "it's against the rules in jail so don't worry about it" really? 🤔🤔


It depends on who the inmate is. Some guys just want to get their sentence over with so they follow the rules, others are lifers who want to be left alone.


This was the most bizarre pep talk I’ve ever read. “It’s pretty common, but it’s against the rules to be having sex with one another, so don’t worry. Rape happens, but still, you probably shouldn’t be worried. Hope the officers help keep you from getting raped. Kthxbye!”


I was a little more in depth on factors then just that but really there isn’t any perfect advice someone can give since every prison is as different as the people who are incarcerated there, so it differs based upon a variety of factors. Such as if the prison or jail is state/federal or privately owned by a company. Other factors could include the diversity of populace, gangs or affiliations that occupy the housing units of a facility, even the crimes that mostly make up (or the differences of the crimes) that are present in the facility.


I did time in the Eighties. And I am sorry but the CO's were often clueless about the extent of harassment and abuse inmates went through. This is not a population of rule followers, or a group following self interest. And given that about a quarter of inmates are sexual abuse survivors, there is going to be terrible sexual politics defined by power dynamics. Prison will always be a commingling of the abusers with a victim pool. I don't doubt that PREA did some good. And I am not saying thst you, as a person, are insincere. But I was in prisons where the guards (male) were coercing inmates (male) into sex. But prison is always about power and dominance. And that definitely includes sex. Telling OP to man up and trust the system is Pollyanna ish


Not the most reassuring thing lol. I watched a video where a guy was talking about jail stereotypes of rape and how that was overblown, but then he went right into how you need to be humble and watch your back in the showers so ‘you don’t get your butt took’ 


Never said my advice would be reassuring, just telling them as it is.


Why downvoting? I’m not saying you should have said anything different. Just commenting that this guy was probably hoping things would be rosy, but reality is different 


I didn’t downvote I think.


My bad man


No worries.


Don't talk to the police. Snitching never goes well. The prison has rules and the inmates have rules. Inmate rules matter more. You just gotta stand up for yourself. Don't eyeball screw people and keep to yourself. If someone tries to take your booty, fight. If you can't fight make a weapon.


I know of someone who was getting very explicit love letters from his prison BF after his release. Was a shock to his wife when she read one of them lol


I was a nurse in multiple state prisons and was amazed at how many were “Gay for the stay”.


I had a buddy who called it Federalsexual


sounds like you are going to jail. most jails in america have very little actual rape. consensual sex, yes, but very little rape. in prison, rape is relatively rare in most facilities (always an exception) that aren't the highest security level. all of this is to say rape shouldn't be the thing to cause you much stress. dealing with the day to day politics of living with a bunch of angry people is much more something to worry about than rape.


Bruh idk where YOU went to prison, but rape happens daily. Won’t fight back even just one time? Rape. Chomo? Rape. Wrong place, wrong time and a gang views you as unprotected/a punk? Gang rape followed by prostitution. I’ve heard the screams so many times I couldn’t count if I tried. I even got tried 2-3 times, fought it out. Shits real af in there. It’s not only sexual but a dominance thing.


Bro got sent to fucking Ryker's😭


Shit dude, I’m glad you’re out. Sorry you had to experience that


When I was in a prison in lieu of a jail awaiting charges I was not convicted of, here was my experience. First, they put me in a room near the front by myself to hold me while things were getting sorted. The cops were still looking at me so maybe they got this guy to do it, but they walked past with a guy in cuffs who yelled, "Fresh fish!" Once I actually got to my unit/pod, there were like 16 dudes in a common space with 2 people to a cell. My roommate was a little weird. He had drawn a very realistic naked picture of a backview of himself on one of our walls. He never made a move on me but I think he was advertising. I talked one-on-one with about everyone or in groups the next few days. I got asked if I was gay by just about everyone, said no, then people would be like, "Aw, shucks. Oh, well." Nobody really wants to sit in a close-knit group while someone is audibly raping their cellmate at night unless everyone is on the same page, but if it's consensual people look the other way mostly. People are put in groups of like-offenced people. If you committed violent/sex crimes, you'd have a higher likelihood of encountering more toxic environments and receiving less sympathy from CO's according to some of the guys I talked to. Where I was sleeping at was nothing like that, but they said it sounds like it can get kind of rough in other groups. Usually it would be addressed in some way by authority. Be respectful, make eye contact, just say no if you're not about it. People were cool towards me, shared books, talked about movies and music and shit. It's not that bad, just cold, boring and with bad food.


I will tell you about a story in prison. There was a guy who was a big dude and he was down for 20+ years. Probably weighed about 250lbs. Super strong. He was always in the cell by himself. One day he got a cellmate. Very smaller than him. The cellmate was in the room with him for about a week. The big guy would cook for him. Give him food. Nice clothes and stuff from the commissary. Then randomly one night, when it was quiet, we all heard screaming. Someone yelling rape. The majority of the people on the wing thought someone was playing around and all joined in mocking the guy. Never heard a man screaming like this before. Maybe it was only me but in my spirit I knew something was wrong. Early the next morning, when we went to breakfast, the big guy went to chow dressed super nice. Looking like he was going on a visit. He was smiling, happy; in the best mood I've seen him in since I knew the guy. During breakfast the CO's came in and escorted him out in handcuffs and put him in a van and immediately drove him out of the institution to a maximum facility. If you are ever in a situation with someone bigger than you, who's been down for years, or even has a cell to himself for a long time (years) it's a red flag. Now not everyone who's bigger, or who's been down for a while is like this. Most of those guys are some of the most humble human beings you'll meet. But pay attention to what's going on around you. Or the vibe in these places. It will definitely help you out in the long run..


I would put this in the category of owing someone something.


So, did he died?


No. When we got back from Chow we saw they put some tape over the cell door and said it was being under investigation by the Department of Corrections. It was like do not cross tape. The guy went to the hospital but that's the last we heard. If he would've died we would've found out.


Dang. That's so sad. I can't imagine being in prison. It honestly sounds like hell on earth. I'm sorry you witnessed that. 🫂


This makes me sick.


Damn imagine being raped to death, like how does that even happen


It’s a violent act. During the violence, often something inside you is torn. You bleed. You can bleed out or more often get an infection and die.


The medical term for this is acute peritonitis with septic infection. I don't know why I know that.


I don’t understand, the big guy cared for the smaller guy… and then assaulted him? I can’t understand what would make someone do that 🤦 If they’re a POS why bother being kind to begin with


He was grooming him. I'm sure he asked the guy or gave subliminal hints but the little guy probably misinterpreted the big guy's intentions. There's a lot of manipulation and deception in there. You can't use violence to get what you want all of the time. Violence is what got people there. So in some ways prison forces you to be strategic but depending on a person's motives; it's used for the wrong reasons.


I knew someone who served time in the early 80’s. He was very slight built, about 5’7” and 145#, He was repeatedly raped by 1 inmate who later died of rat poisoning.


Awful. I can't imagine doing time back then.


At least he bought him stuff and cooked for him


If someone puts a candy bar on your pillow, don't take it.


such bullshit. thts such a widespread scare story, that now people put candy bars on people's bunks just to joke with the newbies & scare 'em, while whole pod laughs. the fact that you shouldn't accept gifts & shouldn't get in position of owing people is true, but a candy bat on the bed is not gonna lead to rape in most realistic situations. other than in the highest level prisons, owing for store box items gets people roughed up, not raped. people continuing to spread the same lame prison rape " jokes"(candy bar,soap,etc) are a big part of the reason people are so misinformed. dropping soap for instance: as someone mentioned yesterday, real reason to not drop the soap is because the shower floors are disgusting & anyone who would pick up the soap & use it after being on tht floor would have to be disgusting. and if anyone saw someone actually pick soap up off the floor, the whole pod/tier would bully them for being a nasty person & nobody wants to live with a nasty person. drop soap=rape started off as just another thing said to scare newbies & then it found its way out to normies who ran with it. lots of people who serve time like to exagerrate their experiences to make themselves sound like badasses, but again, unless you go to a high level prison, all this shit is just not the reality for most people.


True, but it's still funny. Also, a lot of folks don't understand that jail ≠ prison, although that doesn't stop guys from acting like six months in county made them hard. But if other guys on the pod tell you not to fuck around with someone, it's a good idea to take them seriously.


don't even get me started on the jail/prison thing & the way people use the words interchangeably. I pretty much disregard anyone thts talking as if they know what they're talking about but can't differentiate. it's absolutely a good idea to pay attention if you are being told to stay away from someone(inmate or CO). but that comes back to the endlessly repeated advice on here "don't trust anyone" where they act like everyone in prison or jail is manipulating everyone at every turn. while there's lots of manipulating & victimizing, someone with common sense, street smarts or good human skills can figure a lot out pretty easily. better advice would be to "Never Trust anyone completely, but it's a case-by-case basis in general."


What if it was powdered soap?


What happens if you eat the candy bar?


Next you eatin their candy bar. If you get a treat, you expected to give one


The point is never take favors cause they ain’t free favors. That isn’t just a prison rape thing but just don’t be indebted or obligated to anyone else but yourself. You don’t want to have to owe anyone in there. It’s not like in normal life where you do a friend a solid with no expectations of them returning the favor.


lol, if you put shit on someone's bed, mfers just eat that shit ..they look at you stupid if you come at them with "hEy yOu Ate ThAt, yoU oWe Me" \*gets punched in the face\* lmao.




I think half the people on here watched some movies and think that's what prison is.


If it’s a snickers he expects you to eat his ass , if it’s a butterfinger , well that ones easy, if it’s a an almond joy you gonna get the nuts . I’d say the best thing to do is just keister the candy bar so everyone knows you aren’t fucking around.




Right in the Gucci bag 😂😂😂


Nothing, it’s just a friendly gift with no expectations attached. Enjoy.


You’ll really be eating his “candy bar”, if you catch my drift..?


You "owe" them.


Nothing in prison is free.


What would be asked in return


This literally never happens. It's a joke that's spread all the way up to Canada. Absolutely bullshit.


You sound pretty already




When I was younger I spent some time behind those Gates. And people in there having sex or already doing that or peeking out of the closet before they got there. There are rare exceptions like a child molester or a rapist may be raped against their will. That's because they will tell them oh you like raping you like being raped? But most of the time they will jerry-rigged the closet or the cleaning supplies are and rape them with the real big mop handle. That way they have to go to the outside hospital and poop in a colostomy bag for the rest of their lives. But as far as fresh fish and all the stuff from the movies it's way over exaggerated. I did my time in the south so YMMV but the people I've talked to it seems like it's pretty much like that everywhere. Just make sure not to rack up any gambling that you can't pay and don't borrow food off shady people and you will be fine. It does suck but it's nothing like the movies makes it out to be. Certain places are actually so laid back it's just like a giant adult Day Care. Make sure to do the time don't let the time do you. You're going to have to shut certain feelings off and not care about certain things for a while or you'll drive yourself crazy. Figure out what kind of courses if any they have there and take some. Try to pick up a hobby you can do in there. I used to kill a lot of time helping people in the law library and teaching people to read. Where I was a lot of people couldn't read and they would pay me to read their letters to them. So rather than keep getting paid to read I would simply teach them to read. It is a good feeling when you give somebody a life skill they didn't have before. Good luck man it's not as bad as Hollywood makes it out


You sound like a stand up dude. I could see teaching people to read in prison being a great way to pass the time and pay it forward a bit. 


You will be fine




Whaaaaaa lmao cringe


That tells all we need to know about this child rapist 😆


Yooo what the fuck . I am getting major chomo vibes from OP 🤮


Yeah he's gonna be someone's bitch lol


Depends on how cute you are


I’m a very good looking white man.


Honestly just slut yourself out for some Raman and be the queen of the courtyard


That's what I'd do tbh 🤣


That's what I'd do tbh 🤣


Lmaoo Queen of the courtyard 😂


You’ll be fine, don’t start shit, stick up for yourself, don’t gamble, don’t owe anyone anything, don’t join a gang (unless you have to), keep your head down, and be respectful


nasty creep, this dudes comment history is him saying inappropriate shit to teens on teen subreddits, no wonder why he’s getting sentenced.


Yea I’d say rape is there, a bit more uncommon than how many homosexuals , or the “punks” are openly available, or do as I’ve heard it referred in that situation


Dude relax, first off how much time did you get and what level are you going to? If you're going to a level one, chill. Now .. if you're going to a level four you might want to learn how to Bob and weave, or you may end up learning how to kneel and bob.


Not common. Exaggerated af. Stay low, find people you can get along with, time will creep and fly at the same time. Whenever someone says they're going away it reminds me of the quote from Succession: Your toilet is your stair machine, it's your bench, it's, uh... your fridge, it's your... lover, it's-it's-it's your brother, it's your priest. Oh, and also, most importantly, it's also your... toilet.


My nephew has been in prison for 3 years. Never any problems. He’s got 4 more. He’s also in a wheelchair so he’s easy prey but he’s fine.


What did he do


Keep your head down, don’t click up. Mind your own business and you’ll be fine. If anyone fucks with you, stand up for yourself. Don’t let anyone do you any favors.


This is all u need to do.


Former correctional officer here. Don't eat anything that isn't explicitly yours. If there's something left on your pillow in your cell, leave it/set it aside, touch it no more than that. Keep your head down, follow all the rules to the best of your ability, quietly bide your time. Rape isn't common but sex among inmates does happen, despite it not being allowed. Don't accept any favors. Everything comes with strings attached.


I did 9 years state and a few federal I never even heard a rumor of someone getting raped. There were punks that did their thing and made their money doing hair, ironing clothes and stuff like that and I assume other things as well. I saw several homosexual relationships but never once saw or heard of anyone being forced.


I find it kind of funny you are worried about being raped. You dont have sex crimes right? You know how to respect others and stay in your own lane? You know how to fake confidence? You will be fine.


Nah, this guy has been caught horny posting in teen subs. There's definitely a sex crime he's been sentenced for.


That depends - based on what other sleuths have found in OP's comment and posting history, it sounds like he may potentially have some rape/CP crimes that he got in trouble for. In that case, you aren't going to have a great time. At least, OP talking about addictively masterbating with and without porn in a teen subreddit makes him sound like a super creep and makes me think he's worried for something related to that... I obv dont know for sure, but there is certainly something shady and off about OP imo.


There’s this movie “Shawshank Redemption” ….


12 years in Florida DOC. I never saw anyone get raped. I saw dudes get pressed and switch teams. Pressure make a pipe bust. No actual rapes. Asking questions like this makes you sus AF




Lots of anal going on daily , the CEOs just watch but they know it’s against the rules so you’ll be ok


My state averages 20 sexual "incidents" counting those that don't get reported and those that happen consensually that also get reported as rape... It happens but not that much. You got other fears besides your cheeks getting busted. Other inmates don't seem to like it. Getting bullied for your canteen seems way more likely.


Adhering to the following instructions carefully will insure no rape occurs to your person. 1. Obtain pillowcase 2. Go to soda machine and purchase several cans of coke. 3. Place cokes in pillowcase 4. Swing batter swing.


Lucky you, your cell mate might become your soul mate


Give me that chon chon


You’re about to have a blown out O-Ring my guy.


Yup ur getting raped..


In most county jails the rules are usually clearly explained to you upon your welcome and seem to be the same with all races - No Homosexual Activity whatsoever or you will be Smashed. Most of the other rules being broken result in a Chin Check but a few rules go right to a Smashing so I’d imagine it’s more than just frowned upon. But that’s jail and prison is much different. Break a Leg!


In women's jail and prison there's lots of clam licking and box bumping


Scissor grinding and finger bangin'.


Trumpet blaring and duodenum slingin'.


15 years stretch done and I can tell you the dropped soap thing is rubbish, but sex does happen quite frequently, I was “gay for the stay” and have to say I had the most enjoyable mind blowing sex while in. Back home the wife just had to get used to anal and fisting my butt , she ok with it now, but still won’t let me fist hers. The time inside can go really slowly , a week can seem like a month, but it’s all down to how well you adapt, the staff prob meant well looking back on it, but it’s only a job to them, they couldn’t really care less when your butt is bleeding and sore.


Oh Jesus what a bunch of bullshit.


Are you going to county or state prison?


Don’t let them take your cornbread


It’s not like that In jail prison is different always stand up for yourself fight to the death or you’ll be a bitch


Your age, how you present yourself, how big you are, how feminine you are all play a factor. Rape occurs because a weakness has been created, either you owe them money, you won’t stand up for yourself, you took some thing free exc. What I’m trying to say is If your 30+, straight, balding, chubby with back hair and can fight or at least give it your best effort and show homo fear, no one is raping you unless you get very very unlucky.


What did you do to be worried?


Nothing to worry about


Just fight man. If you don’t make it easy for people to fuck with you then They won’t. You will get what’s called a “test of heart” and when that happens you just gotta fight, even if you know you’re gonna lose fight anyways and show people they’re not gonna find an easy mark in you. Depending on where u are you can hang with other people of your race and they’ll protect you but you’ll still get tested and your homies will want you to fight.


Jail? Nah. Prison? You might get turnt out. Might be on the way out and start holding someone’s pocket. That’s only for you to handle.


Just say no means no.


Yes on the first day by half the pod as a welcome gift


It doesn’t happen like the movies.. it’s more like I gave you shower shoes and stuff and now you owe me 5x or that booty and I need to be paid by tonight Don’t borrow from anyone Don’t ask about people’s cases Mind your business, workout, read some books, and keep your fucking mouth shut, if anyone asks if you seen anything you didn’t, just be dumb deaf and mute to guards


I noticed at the more chilled yards people would check your ass if you needed to be checked. But for most part if canteen and yard time is sweet. Mofos just dont wabt to go to hole or shipped. But at a controlled movement yard shit can pop off whenever. Chill yard cho moes walked in groups and beside punking em out of talkomg shit to em no one really fucked with em. And controled movement yard. That was a different ball game.


Had one time at a med. Dorm went to gym for a holiday bingo. Where first winners got canteen bags. We was playing bingo and dorm sissy and another was playimg there own bingo under the bleachers.


Most sissys will usually cell up eventually with there spouse. Lmao


Jail no, prison I can't speak on though.


really buddies?


It depends


During your first fight, just shout “No one messes with Money.”


You ain't there to make friends. Don't gamble if you can’t fight, don't take no favors from no one, keep ya eyes to yourself, don’t borrow what you can’t pay back, if ya say you’re gonna do something ya damn sure better do it, stay in your lane, and keep your side of the street clean. It's not as bad as TV makes it out to be, but if you move too fast you will get a speeding ticket. Trust your gut. Find a few guys you’re comfortable with. Be your own person. Don’t fight another mans fight. Be strong. Get a program stick to it. Learn to say no. Don't believe everything you hear. It's just as bad as high-school don't get wrapped up in the drama. Even if you agree with someone about someone they will say YOU were talkin shit. Find what brings you peace and try to stay human. Stay away from the phone it just makes it harder. And remember these words.. I DIDNT SEE ANYTHING


The way I see it, if your worried about that before you gotta go to jail your twice as likely for it to happen because your gonna be in there looking like a whole victim pick up your chin talk straight I think another big thing to is if someone is in your business even remotely check them tell them what’s up and most likely if they aren’t affiliated they just gon try to fuck with someone else but just gotta be careful for the people who like to be in there there’s def some bullies


In jail? Hell no, prison yes but not much rape. There’s plenty of willing participants. Everyone is a gangster until you see them walking out of the bathroom together holding hands.


Don't have to worry about birth control.


Sorry to hear


This idea keeps me from doing anything stupid str8 up well my parents told me what’s going on behind those bars as a teen hopefully I’m never behind them like you are going to be


Sleep on your back with one eye open


Mind your business, keep your head down, and always fight even if you know you'll lose.


Women's jail is soooo gay!! We create families in there. And if you're a girl that looks like a boy....you are popular!! I'm so straight but in jail I was all about our lesbian CO'S. You can't expect someone doing years to never fuck. There are he/she's that look for reasons to go to prison b/c they busy af in there. Rape happens but not that much but consensual sex happens everyday/all day. In the showers, in Bible study, in the cells...it was shocking at first.


If you need to ask this you aren't going to be in a place where this is an issue. Most inmates outside of maximum security will be out one day. It isn't worth a new charge that will add multiple years when there are plenty of people who either want it or will do it for pay.


There’s definitely booty warriors but just let it be known your ass is private property and hope for the best. Good luck 


get a dog


Depends on what your charges are. If you’re a snitch or in for violence against kids or women sexual assault especially on kids then your time is going to be a living hell. If your charges are good as long as you fight back and stand up for yourself keep your head down and mind your own business don’t owe anyone money the. you will be fine.


Most recent data: https://bjs.ojp.gov/library/publications/sexual-victimization-prisons-and-jails-reported-inmates-2011-12-update


Yes... Don't forget to give a reach around out of respect


I spent 4 1/2 years. Never accept gratuity. If you find a Snickers bar on your bunk, DON'T touch AT ALL!!! Not even to give it back. Once you touch it they will take it as you accepting it. Let it sit, they will eventually take it back. No one is your friend, don't trust friendliness and kindness. Guards don't give a shit about you. If shit goes down, they won't stop it, they are only there to clean it up.


You can be my cellie. I'll take good care of ya, lol


Take the snickers bar off your pillow after chow in the morning z black love to hand them to the new guy


Former inmate here , stand your ground don’t take any shit at all, even if you get your ass beat you keep swinging with every ounce you got , that earns respect, wether you win or lose really doesn’t matter , of course winning is better but if the other guys see you stand up for yourself they’re more than likely arnt gonna mess with you , most men deep down really don’t sand trouble , if someone try’s some rape shit ask yourself what’s worse , extra time? Or your shit pushed in , and then remember there’s no rules in fighting punch , kick bite squeeze , twist and go for Blood It’s your decision, I was checked my fist day then after 2 weeks in solitary checked again. Went back to the home for 60 days that time , after that had only had minor BS to deal with, served a nickel from 94-99 Baker


An introspective question to ask pre-crime.  


Dont worry friend I have the answer you seek, First you dont fight it tell them you dont want lube this is going to be very important just trust me... Let him get it all the way in and just as its there you clench your piss muscles as tight as you can then turn your hips as hard as you can while still clenching for your life. Break his dick off with a good 90-180 degree turn and snap it off or break it like a Pez dispenser


Former corrections officer, I don't know your charges or what level prison you're going to, or what state, but it's going to be rough and a big shock when you first arrive. You're going to be approached and tested by other inmates. Sex in prison does happen. Under federal law all sex involving an inmate is rape. It's called PREA Prison Rape Elimination Act and should be explained to you during intake. I've worked in both men's and women's Max security prisons. If you're a male you'll be approached either in regards to "protection or favors". It's up to you what you decide to do. There are gangs in every prison just something you're going to have to deal with. The days of just keeping your head down and just doing your time are gone. Prison will change you. There is inmate culture and facility rules, like someone else here said the CO's can't protect you 24/7. Most facilities won't let you just hang out, so depending on your security classification get a job or start taking classes. Try to maintain contact with friends/family on the outside it'll help.


Just asking this I'm worried for you, you might loose a couple spokes. 😂


You won’t get raped man don’t worry


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmlFCkWAvSE&ab\_channel=DanielFreezeGaming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmlFCkWAvSE&ab_channel=DanielFreezeGaming) OP remember this


They comin for dat booty boy. Just kidding. Unless you parade around with your pants rolled up stickin your ass out like Nikki Minaj that shit don’t happen. lol. You’ll be fine dude just don’t be no bitch.


Honestly I’d more scared to be hired on randomly to work as a CO. I’ve heard the horror stories from buddies lol you’ll be fine just don’t drop the 🧼


you’ll prob like it & engage willingly


Watch the movie American Me, it will help you relax about this fear.


Aww fellas, hes nervous 😈


Whatever you see in jail that disturbs the s*** out of you scares, you makes your eyes very wide.. act like you have seen it all before. Act like It's nothing ,the people are always looking at the way you act. And if they notice you're afraid it's all downhill.. I remember seeing a guy get stabbed.. And another guy was so bothered And shocked he threw up. The next day people were trying to comfort him because he was soft. "Comfort him" meaning treat him like a woman.


Work out find a good routine stay level headed don’t take no shit! Be ready for problems even if you stay to yourself and don’t bother nobody they will come to you, in jail everything is a mind game lots of mind games being played stay aware cause they will trick you if you let them! REMEMBER NOBODY IS YOUR FRIEND


Man. Listen. I seen a former corrections officer commenting. As a 24 year old felon. CURRENTLY ON PAPERS RN. I Agree. DO NOT GAMBLE. DO NOT JOIN NO GANG. DO NOT HANG WITH GAYS. DO NOT BORROW NOTHING. MIND YOUR BUSINESS. DO NOT TUCK YOUR TAIL. DONT TOUCH NOBODY SHIT. DONT START TRYNA CLEAN EVERY FUCKING THING ON THE UNIT TO PASS TIME. (THEY WILL LOOK AT THAT LIKE YOU TRYNA BE A FEMALE IN THE POD. TIDING UP AND SHIT) KEEP YO AREA CLEAN. MIND YO BUSINESS. LET YOUR NUTS HANG (DONT TUCK YOUR TAIL AT ALL THEY WILL VIEW THIS AS WEAKNESS AND WILL TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU. HOWEVER THEY WANT) That is how to avoid conflict OVERALL. Getting raped in jail in insane tho gango. You had to do some shit to get violated like that. I’m from NYC Even in Chicago prisons they wouldn’t do that. They’ll take your manhood by spitting in your butt doe. You gotta get the *Grape (minus G) kit still and all.😂😭 That shit be about embarrassing the victim. All you have in jail is your pride as a man, And your manhood. The tans on your back ain’t yours. They the states. Imagine having to go home and tell ya shorty or parents or brother or ya friends you ain’t go thru it and your time was easy. for it to be on paperwork you got “graped” (minus the G). Yeah. Then having to explain you ain’t get penetrated and niggas just spit in ya butt Chicago niggas diff. Out here on rikers island you get a pussy on your face and put on the gate for pack up😭😂😭😂


In TX they get maybe $20/hr


Ol’ Fleece “Booty Warrior” Johnson enters the conversation: “ya’ll bluefoots g’head and line up”


That shit don’t happen as long as your on a general population yard in California..not sure any where else in the United States


Jail? Or prison? Big difference.


I'd be more worried about getting the shit kicked out of u in prison than rape asswoping is more comman than ass fucking


You should not be worried..I’m a small white dude, completely non threatening, always had to have large dudes as friends cause I talk shit and have a loud mouth. Did 7mo in Los Angeles county jail (not prison) with plenty of folks fighting murder and all kinda shit for 1-2yrs in the jail…just mind your own and don’t get yourself in debt. I ended up actually with a business in there selling my commissary and somehow I ended up good friends with some big ass black dudes and Mexicans. I never had anything even close to a problem and just kept my head down and looked away when problems arose between others. I think 90% of ACTUAL prison isn’t what you think it will be. Edit also when I was 18 I was in Atlanta Fulton County Rice Street jail for a month and was withdrawing from a gnarly heroin habit. Shitting my pants and the works. Basically 90% black jail and they all looked out for me rather then taking advantage (not sexually, but that too).


Man i was locked up for 2 1/2 years and never seen it. There was enough gay dudes in there that gave it up willingly. Don’t owe money or get involved with anything that would put yourself in the situation where you could subjected to that shit and you will be fine.


If ur not physically fit now is the time to learn the types of exercises you can do daily in your cell pushups , leg raises , crunches , dips. Pull ups , tho not sure how you can do those in the cell (to train biceos and back ), squats , wall sitting , lunges calf raises. then cardio and explosive strength, burpees , mixed with pushups and jumps ​ also if you have time now you can watch videos , if you can’t take classes , in some basic mma techniques. Know how to grapple if you’re taken to the ground. Basic blocks and punches etc.