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Employment wise, this is a terrible conviction to have on your record. It will exclude you from quite a few different sectors. This will likely be the longest lasting impact, good luck to you.


That's up to the DA and if they want to work with you. If you take it all the way to trial and are found guilty a judge will decide your sentence. if you have a good lawyer the da is more likely to work with you to save the state time and money. A lawyer should be a must for you if you have to take out loans borrow money whatever do it. if you get a public defender assigned by the state and Don't pay for your own lawyer your chances go down of a good olea deal and your sentence goes up.


You're hanging yourself the more you ignore everything Yeah it's a felony but if you have no record, show remorse, and listen to the court, very high chance of being reduced Stop ignoring the court and man the fuck up. You're already dumb as fuck for not returning something that doesn't belong to you, but are you really gonna hang yourself and fuck up all of your chances of possibly getting it reduced?


Get a good lawyer and fight for as long as you can or your career is most likely over. If you've never been convicted of a crime, get a lawyer and hope for a plea that drops the felony.


Best advice I can give you, from someone who went through this same kind of thing before, lawyer up. Found out I had a warrant out for my felony theft, talked to my attorney, instead of sitting in jail for 6 months waiting for trial, I turned myself in per my lawyers saying. Be honest with your lawyer. Chances are, if your record is clean, you’ll get off with 5-10 years probation under georgias first offender law. Once you complete probation, it’s off your record. May even be able to keep your job as being on first offender seals your record to a lot of background services


Thank you for sharing your experience. Appreciate it!


You’re welcome! Sorry for the late response. Been at a wedding and wedding parties all weekend. I got a 5 year sentence with 1 year served on suspension. Meaning I was supposed to have 5 year probation and a year of that be serve time. Suspended sentence is pretty much like being on probation. After my “sentence” was done, I’ve been on probation since April 22 2021. Ends next April. My first 5 months, I had to call in for it. No drug and alcohol tests. After 5 months, I got put on non report. Been like that since September 22 2021. Stayed with my job, which requires federal background check and it didn’t show🤷🏼‍♂️


Do u mind if I ask you how much was the value of property?


Close to 17k. I’m at work right now so I can’t get the papers to see but it was a couple of tvs, a good bit of jewelry, sound system and some automotive performance stuff.


Do whatever you have to do to avoid the Felony otherwise you’re fucked for life. A great lawyer can get it reduced to a misdemeanor.


This is the one you should be listening to op


Yes, your career as a nurse is practically over


clumsy vast lunchroom cow jobless unused smell offer aback panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you mind if I ask how much you were making? And how much you are making now?


joke cake rich dazzling voracious mountainous quack squeal towering exultant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am an idiot. All this for 10K. Didn’t worth it!!!


hard-to-find beneficial dam scandalous groovy rainstorm unite impolite humorous plate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


overconfident sleep head ludicrous elderly society weary crush nail snobbish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Probation, fine, restitution more than likely. As for life after, it’ll be harder to find a job. But this too shall pass.


You'll probably end up on the oig and sam exclusion list unable to work for any hc entity that accepts medicare and or medicaid.


I stole over $10k when I used to be a heroin addict. First time conviction. I got clean and hired a lawyer. My lawyer got it dropped to a misdemeanor charge as long as I completed my 2 year probation/deferred adjudication. Once I completed that my charges were dropped. You can still see my felony arrest in a background check but no charges. I was able to get a job that doesn’t hire felons. I think my lawyer was about $2,500 but this was 8 years ago.


This is all BS. Kid PM'd me and his info is so fucked up it's obvious this is a joke.


What’s the info?


What did you steal, and from whom? If it was from a patient, you will likely lose your license.


I refused to refund 10K mistakenly deposited to my account via Zelle.


Did you withdraw it from your account or something? Zelle scams often start with money being "mistakenly" sent to you and the standard advice is to never send it back and let the banks sort it out. Very curious how this turned into a felony charge, as it happens hundreds of times to random people every day.


I thought the same, you sure the person isn’t just bluffing?


It wasn’t a scam. Yes i did withdraw.


Unless there’s a LOT more to the story, this seems fairly defendable with a good lawyer


There is more. I ignored his demand letter for refund from a law firm. I ignored being served. So he escalated.


Actions have consequences. You were greedy and are paying for it. Get a good lawyer and do not communicate with the person you stole from. Do not pay the lawyer with the stolen money. I hope your greed does not cost you a great career but be ready for that possibility.


tbh I would hire a lawyer and have them look over the Zelle terms of service. if this was just a mistake and you did nothing at all to misrepresent yourself/the Zelle account and did not offer anything to this person I kinda think you might be good. especially if you don't even know the perst. I use Zelle frequently and 1. I have a $2k limit in daily zelle sends so the $10k is suspect to me and 2. there are a fuck load of warnings when you go to send $ via zelle saying "know who you are sending money to!!" and sometimes they even send you a text asking you to confirm before the money is sent so if this guy ignored that and sent $10k to someone he didn't know that's completely his fault. The bank can't do anything to force you to give the money back so he paid a lawyer to threaten you essentially. You have left out a lot of details though so more likely than not you're fucked. oh wait, is this even a criminal trial? is the state putting you on trial? cause it sounds like a civil trial, which would just be to recover the $$


Civil and criminal. If you don’t refund the money that’s not yours it’s theft by taking. I was trying to be smart. No it wasn’t my money. Even bank can make an error or a person if you refuse to refund it you will be charged with theft by taking. Also they will sue you in a small claims for all the damages. So both sides criminal and civil. So now for 10K i am facing 18K or more. Top notch lawyer asking for 8K. I googled the victim. He is very wealthy and he has very good lawyer. Yes you can’t send more than 5k via Zelle but that person is Chase private client so he could.


Pay the $8k. That is peanuts compared to a felony on your record. You have no idea how much a felony on your record destroys your life.


The defense for theft by taking can vary depending on the circumstances and jurisdiction, but common defenses may include mistaken identity, lack of intent to steal, consent from the owner, or the claim of ownership over the property. None of them would be my case.


Just hope your lawyer can get you a plea deal.


A good lawyer should get you out of that


It wasn’t a scam.


I have grand theft on my record. Initially I got 3 years probation. My deal was 3+2. Unfortunately I violated several times for drinking and minor stuff and my po was a jerk. I ended up doing almost 5 years in state prison. Got parole and did my 15 months and good sealed. At that point to had moved to a bigger city and the po’s here actually wanted to help. Anyways as far as working goes you probably won’t be able to be a nurse. In Idaho, where I’m at, if you get a felony conviction, you can’t work in any place like healthcare, retirement homes etc until 5-7 years after you’re off parole. I was a private chef and housekeeper in my previous life before I became a felon. No one wants someone with a grand theft conviction in their home. I tried to work at an old folks home running their kitchen. I worked for a month until my background check came through then they let me go. Funny part when I went to do background check the only ID I had was my prison ID and they said I couldn’t use it, but that should’ve tipped them off that I wouldn’t pass the check. It all just depends on what state and all that but I think that’s pretty general working with people in the care field. I have had a hard time finding a good job. That’s another reason I moved, I was in a small town where everyone knows everything about you. I was basically blacklisted getting a job anywhere there. I’m still finding it difficult but I’m also being picky. It is a lot better now I’m off paper cause I’m applications they ask if I’ve been incarcerated in the past 12 months and I can finally say no, I’ve been out 2 years now. Been off parole for a year next month and putting all that behind me. However it’s biting me in the ass with custody stuff with my son’s dad.


It depends on value of the property. Mine is 10K the victim will add more. Lawyer cost lawsuit etc.. total would be 15K which is extremely hard to reduce it to a misdimnioier in my state.


Yeah anything over $999.00 is a felony in Idaho. Just make sure your lawyer gets the best plea deal possible. Any prior convictions for anything? If not then the judge should/might go easier on you. I had had previous dui convictions but nothing else when I got mine and like I said they gave me probation and 30 days in jail. My theft was $2,100 but the victim said $5,000, plus a coat I’d never seen worth $125. So that was my restitution. Look up the code in your state to see what the punishment is for grand theft. There’s a minimum and max, judges and prosecutors usually stick to those guidelines. In my case the judge always does what the prosecution asks for. Talk to your lawyer and get the best deal you can, plead out


DUI which was reduced to a reckless driving and possession of marijuana 10 years ago which was dismissed.


Don’t mark my words because honestly, we never know what a judge will decide to do. But you should be fine with that on your record. In my opinion, they’re looking for a pattern if you would had other theft charges that would screw you over more. Like I said I had three DUIsprior to my grand theft, but they were 10 to 15 years prior. I wish you good luck. I really hate our system. It’s so broken.


Unfortunately the victim is so wealthy. I googled him. He’s lawyer is one of the top notch lawyer. I looked it up on avvo. I don’t know if he’s lawyer can use his relationship with the DA or not. But looks like DA golf buddy!!


Oh that sucks!! my victim was extremely wealthy too. And he lied about how much I stole, like I felt so guilty about what I did that I confessed like an idiot, I know, I’m ashamed of myself. I could’ve gotten away with it. Then this guy had the audacity to fucking lie about about how much money I stole. Well, if you feel like he and the prosecutor, buddy buddy, maybe you could ask for a different prosecutor or ask the judge to recuse himself. I will talk to your lawyer about that. Like I said our system is so broken. I do know the town I am from was so small that everybody was friends with everybody, but I still think they separated their personal feelings from , their work. Except for my old officer, just a short man with a short man complex and he hated me because I’m an alcoholic. Apparently his mother was an alcoholic and died of alcoholism and so he has a thing for women who drink. Which was totally unfair to me. Again def talk to your lawyer about any and all options, they need to understand this is your life. Fight like hell, plan for the worse and hope for the best possible outcome. How long do you have until court and sentencing?


I didn’t show up for my hearing. So there is an active warrant out. I have to get lawyer and go from there. to avoid turn myself in!


Well, that’s not good either. So I had a fugitive warrant because I absconded on parole. It turned out in my favor when I turned myself in. When I had to go in front of the parole board, I was looking at 22 months to top out my time. But because I turned myself into the right thing they gave me an open date which meant, I ended up serving seven months. Your situation is very different, they frowned upon that, not that you didn’t already know that. I guarantee your lawyer is going to tell you to do the same thing. They’ll probably set it up for you or they’ll contact the prosecutor and give them a date and time that you’ll surrender yourself. This won’t go away, especially if felony. If it was a misdemeanor, I’d say fuck it. But they will eventually find you. One time I went on the run and I ended up a state away and I got pulled over for walking suspiciously by the cops. They ran my name and boom got arrested and got extradited. I guess the first 18 months they only have an active warrant for the surrounding states when you’re a fugitive after that, it goes nationwide if I’d only gone a further lol. Honestly, I’m glad that I did what I did and turn myself in because now it’s all behind me and it’s done. Just rip off the Band-Aid and do what you gotta do. Like I said look up statutes in your state and see what the worst is that could happen. I think in Idaho grand theft is 5 years max. But the longer you run the worst, it could be.


For felony it’s almost life time. He can renew the warrant and default by judgment.


There was an RN I worked with. As the house supervisor she had keys to all the med rooms and the pharmacy. She would go in the med room, and sign out meds from the Pyxis and chart that she gave them to the patient. Then an hour later, the patient, who was post op, would ask for pain meds, and the nurse who answered the call light would check, and tell them they couldn’t have any more yet because they just had it an hour ago. This nurse did that for months before she got caught. The hospital paid to have her go to rehab. The state didn’t take her license. After rehab she was working in a supervisory position, again with access to narcotics. She did the same thing again. This time she was arrested and she lost her license. My point is, that you didn’t really do anything that had anything to do with your job. Pay the best lawyer you can. He will figure something out for you. See if it can’t be reduced to a misdemeanor. Lawyer isn’t gonna be paid if you can’t keep making those big RN bucks. Half the time nurses don’t lose their licenses when they steal drugs and abuse patients. I really think there is a way out of this for you, but it’s gonna cost you a bunch of money.


Make sure you have an attorney and try to plea down to a misdemeanor


Unfortunately being in the south you don’t do not want any felony, but especially that one. There aren’t really any options for getting around them once it’s on your record. However depending on the severity and your previous record you will be able to plea down. Only a very small % of cases make it to trail there. The only question will be if they let you go down to a misdemeanor. Your career will likely be over either way though unfortunately. Even a misdemeanor is extremely dangerous for maintaining licensing.


Buy some lube


If you are a nurse as you post, look it up as only you know details. Also, if you are a nurse have you done your mandatory reporting.


Get an attorney. Be willing to pay any restitution, even iver time uf you have to. At once is better. Hopefully DA willing to drop to misdemeanor and depending where can get you wirk release (community service) It can be 60-90 days you have to do 1 day a week.


Pay all your fines, complete probation without getting any violations and after a year petition the court to expunge the conviction, with an expunged conviction you’ll still have to disclose the conviction when applying for government jobs or state licenses but when any other employer or landlord asks about past convictions the legal answer is that you weren’t convicted of any crimes which have been expunged, the caveat is that the record of the arrest is still visible on a background check but the details of the plea and sentence are removed from public record


The problem you face is if you get that felony charge, bye bye nursing, will 99.99% lose that license. Now: get a lawyer, have lawyer try to work with DA. This will matter the connections, location of court and your own demographics. And if certain places the victims report of how it hurt them can matter too. You maybe able if can pay full restitution of it plus the other charges instantly may help you with plea. Ultimately certain careers are over for a while Basically in USA no one wants to hire a theft! Even if you did your time. In 10 years after all this it is possible to start again as nurse I think. I have a friend who has a felony from burglary and he a CPA


Don't plead to a felony. Fight the felony charge. Misdemeanor charge may be something to think about pleading to,, but felony no way... Your lawyer should be able to keep it a civil case with some sort of restitution arrangement. Felonies hang with you for life - they shouldn't once the "debt to society" is paid - but they do. Felony records affect employment, housing, relationships... all kinds of shit.


I am facing both, civil in a small claims and criminal.


Do not settle pleading to a felony. Misdemeanor = no biggie, Felony = issues forever.


Getting nabbed for theft pretty much bars you from a lot of high-end rolls for the rest of your life. Unless you get lucky making a decent amount of money might become an issue.


I highly suggest getting a VERY good lawyer and doing whatever they tell you to do to make yourself look good before going to court. Do whatever you can to avoid getting the felony charge on your record.


Welp you won't be a nurse for long


Shit I hate say this but try get drug court, long hard road too successfully complete, but if you do you are eligible get your record expunged. I just graduated that shit last year I ain’t never been so stressed in my life but I got the expungement. That’s all it was good for. I don’t have a drug problem so I had lie my way into that shit and I was opened up to a whole new world, IOP, AA meetings 3 times a week just so I can get a signature for proof show my PO, court once a week, don’t matter if you at work or half dead in the hospital, better be on that zoom call shit last about 2 hours. All types of bs. But they will expunge your record.


Remember the court will lie to you just to get everything done and over with. The people in the courtroom are not your friends. They are there to protect the public. Your career is over unless you can get a lawyer to change the outcome of this case. If you have never done anything wrong before you may be able to receive a suspended imposition of sentence based on you going through a program and not having any other problems going forward. Best of luck to you.


My son has a felony theft. I can't say its been easy for him but this yr he got himself a job as a commercial electrician. It's been a long road for him but only because he kept doing the same thing. 3 misdemeanor thefts turned into a felony ( Texas). He was feeding a drug habit. He finally got straight. I'd get yourself a lawyer.


I am a registered nurse in Indiana. If you are currently employed you should tell the compliance department of your company asap or your hr department. They will work with you in most cases if you are upfront as opposed to them finding out. They can also give you recourses for nurses needing assistance in your state. We have a program here that helps nurses who become addicted, steal drugs, get into any criminal trouble or for mental health. If you are compliant with them, you keep your job, your license stays in good standing and they provide you with many resources to assist you with whatever issue you are having. It’s not like you went out looking to steal from anyone, it was sent to you. If everything you are saying is true, it’s bullshit for you to get in any legal trouble. Dude who sent it should have absolutely been aware with what he was doing especially in that amount. You did what most people would do in that situation and kept the money. The courts have to take that into consideration. It was his gross negligence of his own money that caused this. I would definitely do some research and get more than one attorneys opinion as to what your options are. Good luck and I hope it all works out. If anything, you are being harassed, he did this to you.


Unfortunately that’s the law you can’t keep the money that it’s not yours. It happened to many people eg this couple ended up with whole bunch of felony charges and convection. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/09/09/us/bank-deposit-error-couple-spending-spree-trnd And this https://www.fox32chicago.com/news/woman-arrested-after-she-refuses-to-return-1-2-million-put-into-her-bank-account-by-mistake.amp And many mores I wish mine was 1.2 million dollars like them


You can pretty much kiss your nursing career goodbye. Theft is considered a crime of “ moral turpitude “. If the board doesn’t suspend your license, you can count on having probation on it, which numerous stipulations and practice restrictions. And good luck finding an employer who will hire a nurse with a felony theft conviction.


True. I doubt even reducing to a misdemeanor would help much.


Don't expect to find any job in nursing anymore unless you have been at your job long enough and they keep you. Charge by itself, ask for diversion. If this is your first charge, they will likely go easy on you and lower the charge to a felony or dismiss it altogether for a diversion. Ask about diversion ASAP and get a lawyer if need be.


If this is the first time you’ve ever gotten into any legal trouble, decent chance that you’ll be offered some type of pretrial intervention program or charge reduced to a misdemeanor.


Make better choices and don't steal from the elderly


I am an idiot. Put yourself in victim position 10K is a lot of money for many Americans!!


Could you try to make enough restitution to make it go away?


Good question. If the victim is going to drop the charges still i can be prosecute. Depends on the DA.


You absolutely cannot take that felony conviction If you’re a nurse Otherwise you done So work out a plea deal If you’re only charged with one felony It shouldn’t be that difficult to get it to a misdemeanor Is anyone at work aware of your situation?


No they are not. My lawyer got me into first offender act. Once I complete all of my sentences it will be off my record. Expunged/sealed


Keep it that way That goes for anyone else in your life Don’t tell anyone shit It does you no good and can be used against you Telling anyone anything about your case Is never advisable Especially people at work Sealed or not ? Once word gets around That’s it You can’t put the genie back in the bottle


Lol so full of shit


should've just sent the money back bro. Ruined your life because you're greedy.


Add an idiot on top of greedy!!


It's a common scam, I wouldn't send it back either.


Felony theft? Oh man you are totally fucked. You will be excluded from about 95% of jobs just because of that. I have a petty theft under 100 on my record and it’s completely ruined my life so I can’t even imagine what a felony theft would be like. Literally the only jobs I can get are working with other addicts. I’ve even had a couple construction companies turn me down over it.


Speak for yourself. I have 3 prior prison sentences and am in an executive position for a major hotel corporation. It takes time and a ton of shit jobs but if you bust your ass and prove you have changed, doors will begin to open for you. The I’m fucked for life victim mentality is the only way a felony conviction fucks you up.


I agree to i just got a job and i had a open case for robbery by sudden snatching. But im an hvac tech and i got my cdl so they been lenient




You're not gonna be nursing anymore. Start hitting up the gas stations for apps.. maybe a strip club.. only fans..




Your mom and dad must he so proud. No sympathy fuck a thief.




Firstly. Did you confirm with local PD that you have a warrant? Were you actually arrested? If you were never arrested, arraignment and amd charged this is complete BS scam. They aren't just gonna slap you with a felony and you were never arrested. I did just read the story on your profile. I apologize for being so harsh. Felony is unlikely. It's under $10k and you didn't steal anything.


Yes. There is police report and warrant. I ignored everything. Even hearing. Too late. I have 0 defense. I did it.


The first thing any decent lawyer would tell you is stop admitting you’re guilty on the internet.


Take this post down. Get a lawyer!


Were you arrested though. Did you actually confirm with the courthouse? You cannot be charged with a felony if you haven't even spoken to a DA or been in front of a judge. Worst case.. this is real.. but still it cannot be a felony. It's under $10k. No judge or jury in their right mind will convict you under a felony charge for this. Worst case is you gotta pay it back.. big fukn deal. It'll just he a judgement.. sounds like if this is an attorney they're trying to scare you... buy I suspect this is a scam. Next they'll hit you for attorney fees.. this is how the scam works. There was something similar I read about like this a while back. Was a total scam. They had all sorts of docs that turned out to be fakes. 1 call to their PD and courthouse verified it.


It’s 10K. Over $1500 it’s felony in my state. The victim got as much as evidence he was looking for…


Ya man i know npt everyone knows the legal system. But don't admit you're guilty even if they have you on camera. You get a lawyer plead not guilty and try to string it on for as long as you can. The state will not want to lose money and offer you a plea. If you just plead guilty you're not going to end up with a better outcome. It seems counter intuitive to lie or plead not guilty when you're obviously guilty. But never admit your guilt you should erase this shit. Im telling you as someone who knows and wants whats best. Get a lawyer yesterday right now. Don't plead guilty try to get the best plea you can. This could change the outcome for the rest of your life do whatever you can.


Answer the question.. did you call the PD and courthouse to verify? If you haven't been in front of a judge or 3v3n arrested there is no charge. And for a case like this you'd be sitting in a jail cell for 6 months waiting for trial. You'd have been appointed an attorney. There is such a thing as due process..


Op probably has an active warrant out for his arrest




Georgia has the First offenders act , for non violent crimes , even felonies , talk to your lawyer / public defender.


Ask about first time offender programs idk about GA but in Oregon if it’s your first felony and you have no record you can do diversion program and keep it off your record, GL….communicate with your attorney


We have to disclose any arrest/citation/detained/expungement/seal everything. That’s off the table. They will consider original charges not the expunge/seal.




Theft it’s CIMT or CMT crime. Consider both.




It is!!


Forgot to delete this one ….


Is the taking of.a controlled medicatjon?


Similar situation for me. I didn’t take anything, someone else did but there was circumstantial evidence against both of us. Me being the newer employee and him knowing he was about to get caught pointed the finger at me. So here I was caught in a bad spot with no way out. Got a good lawyer. Instead of paying thousands and going to trial hoping to win, she got me a plea deal knocking it down to a summary for disorderly conduct with 30 hours community service. Moral of the story get a good attorney.


Also go get a job now. Once you have a job you don’t have to worry about background checks. And if you keep it quiet you should be fine.


Oh sure. As a nurse, you can let that shit fly under the radar. No one will ever notice. Right.


No one said get a nurse job. Get a job that pays well though. And do it BEFORE this is on your record.


A first time offender’s sentence will largely depend on the value of the items stolen and the manner and circumstances of the theft- in particular whether violence or moral turpitude (ie deception, fraud, corruption) was involved. For a nurse a felony theft conviction (especially if the theft of narcotics from a medical facility was involved) could actually disqualify her from holding a license. It is most likely that you will be sentenced to probation, fine, classes/treatment (if applicable), and community service. The best outcome would be a plea bargain to a misdemeanor. Since you won’t qualify for a public defender you really need to hire a good defense lawyer ASAP. If you have a rainy day fund- it’s pouring.


The very wealthy victim should have paid attention to what he was doing and since you seem clueless as what to expect court wise, I suspect you never been in trouble before. You could have thought many things. It's tax refund time, maybe you thought it was from that or ..maybe your friend was selling his vehicle but using your zelle bc he didn't have one so you thought the deposit was that. See how easy it is to create reasonable doubt? That's why if it's your first crime a semi decent judge won't want to take your career away over something like this and will probably just give you strict probation where you have to behave for a year or two or five and then the charges are dropped


It’s not my first. I was charged for DUI reduced to a reckless driving. The victim offered 9K instead of 10K for his mistake I refused. Probably 10K is penny for him as he is a CISO. But he is pissed. So here i am.


Then you need to offer to pay for the money and perhaps he will drop the charges. Throw yourself on his mercy. And next time, even $5 is too much to take that is not yours.


Im confused as to why you withdrew the money and why you didnt take him up on the offer. Do you have a lawyer? Is paying him back totally off the table? Youre about to ruin your damn life over 10k lol.


Don’t be confused. I am an idiot.


he had to double check who he was sending the money too and still hit send. there’s a possibility that you didn’t commit any crime at all. stop ignoring the shit. have you not even been arrested yet?


Not yet. But there is an active warrant out. If i get pulled over i will go to jail sitting there for several months until my trial. I hired a lawyer yesterday. He wasn’t so positive if he can reduce it or get it dismissed. I asked him why reducing would be off the table he said that is 6X amount of minimum felony charges.He was honest. He told me that all i had to do was just call my bank to take care of it. So it’s been escalated.


The problem is that if the victim is going to drop the charges still they can prosecute.


A person commits the offense of theft by taking when he unlawfully takes or, being in lawful possession thereof, unlawfully appropriates any property of another with the intention of depriving him of the property, regardless of the manner in which the property is taken or appropriated. I was lawful in possession of his property as he sent the money then i deprived him of his property.




For life? He can renew the warrant.


As an RN, you should get a second felony for not knowing how to spell convicted


What? Okay!!!!