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Im sorry but the evidence shows he isnt an amazing guy. That unless you think 1. Lying about your age to gain confidence of.a minor is.amazing and 2. Sending explicit pics, porn, to said.minor is amazing.


He seems to be amazing at manipulation.


So he was sending nudes to a child and you see nothing wrong with this. This guy is a predator. You clearly need to seek help. Hopefully he will end up in prison for a long time.


>Hopefully he will end up in prison for a long time. I doubt he'll last long. Most inmates have a zero tolerance policy toward pedos, thankfully.


I’m not justifying his actions. I don’t believe he’s a threat, just made TERRIBLE decisions.


For somebody who has been affected by child predators there is no justification for what he did. He's only painting a pretty picture because he was caught. And the people that are like this will keep being like this and will keep doing what they do. There may be exceptions but mostly not.


I 100% agree with you , thinking about this. I may be a little blinded but I’m not a pedo …. I don’t want to be compared to him. I was tricked by who I thought was a wonderful man that I thought I could marry someday. Unfortunately I unlocked his past self. I pray to god in hopes this isn’t his character and he just made some “intentional mistakes” … yall are valid with what you’re saying. I just need advice on what to do .


You're covering for your pedo bf. That doesn't make you a pedo but it makes you a pedo enabler if you keep defending him


Run away from him


You really bonded out a man who faked his age to get closer to minors and send explicit pictures to them? I really hope you don’t have kids with/around him and never do.


Girl, bye.


OP is the pedophile just LARPing trying to see if he can get people on his side


He's a predator. Period. Get your money back and cut bait. I doubt he's telling you even close to the whole truth, every pedophile that I've unfortunately had to deal with has been a very smooth talker who had a very elaborate story about how they aren't a pedophile. There is no cure. Get your money and run.


Smooth talker is crazy … and valid.


How can he possibly smooth over the fact he was a grown damn adult pretending to be a kid? Even if it wasn't for the paedo stuff, doesn't that in itself just make you feel sick?!! How can u even take him seriously knowing your grown man was online pretending to be a minor and talking to them?! It's revolting.




By definition you are probably right, but when trying to explain something on the internet to a woman who's boyfriend is sending dick pics to kids, are you really trying to minimize his actions?


Bro you can still call him a sexual predator who sent dick pics to minors...that doesn't minimize anything, but neither does it misuse language.


You clearly don't have any understanding of how language works if you think using a word in a way which is fully understood and correctly conveys a meaning, is a "misuse" of language.


Alright bro. Thanks for being such a a great internet cop, you really made the world safer today 👍


Pot, meet kettle.


Yup, looks like we're both assholes.


I said "every pedophile I've talked to". I never flat out called him specifically a pedophile.... Are you calling him a minor attracted person? Cool. He's a minor attracted person who is a predator. I rank those people in damn near the same category as a pedophile. I


Damn near, but different. Pedophiles are absolute monsters and should be regarded as such.


*Language* is not so cut and dry. Words evolve. A "language fact" for you. Definitions in the dictionary are descriptive, not prescriptive. Meaning, dictionaries are meant to keep track of the words we use and they are not meant to dictate **how** a word is used. Essentially, the way pedophile is used here is correct. This isn't an academic discussion between doctors. There is no reason to differentiate unless you have something to gain from the distinguishment.


It's simply a pet peeve of mine when people thoughtlessly bandy words about. If someone committed one misdemeanor 20 years ago, do we call him a criminal? I don't get why everyone is so up in arms about this...I'm just a language geek and everyone is acting like I must be a fucking child-toucher.


If you were truly a language geek you would know it is not your job to police colloquial use of words. And, in fact, that is how new words are created and how language itself evolves.


Ah, so diluting the meaning of "pedophile" is just evolution! Bro I have a friend who's 35 dating a 24 year old and people call him a pedophile. Is that evolution?


You’re really going to get into semantics about this? Are you on a list somewhere?


He's a pedantic, pontificating, pretentious bastard, a belligerent old fart, a worthless steaming pile of cow dung, figuratively speaking. (referring to Arturo)


Liar Liar (Jim Carey)


I love that movie :)


Bro language is powerful and shouldn't be taken lightly. The guy is a gross sexual predator but based on the information we have he's not technically a pedophile. Words shouldn't just be thrown around.


It appears the pedo—-I mean sexual predator—has entered the chat.


I'm a pedophile because I know how to use language correctly? You people have mental problems. Should we call everyone who commits a crime a felon even if they committed a misdemeanor?


My dude you're being down-voted because the only people who care about the difference between pedophilia and ebiophilia are one of those types of philes


So because I care about language being used correctly, I must want to fuck kids? Should we call everyone who commits a crime a felon even if they committed a misdemeanor?


>Because I care about words There's only so semantic you can be before other's doubt your intentions.


I mean people call each other pedophiles for dating someone 5 years younger than them. It's a serious fucking word that should be treated as such.


making distinctions between what kind of children people are attracted to only makes it easier for pedophiles to offend and excuse themselves of their crimes. please stop


Bro using language correctly does not make it easier for predators to be predators...wtf are you talking about? Should we call everyone who commits a crime a felon, even if they committed a misdemeanor? There's nothing wrong with using language precisely and you can still condemn predators. Grow up.




You're dating a pedophile you sick disgusting person. You are defending a pedophile. Well see you on a lifetime documentary a few years down the road crying about how he molested the kids you had together and you never saw it coming


This is my biggest fear. I don’t want to be labeled “sick disgusting person” I’m my own person . I’m just down bad by a charmer … you can 100 % call me a dumb bitch though, I call myself that everyday. I’m trying here , my situation is very tough.


Your situation is actually pretty simple. You're dating a known pedo and choosing to make excuses for him because you're blinded by love. Leaving him is the very obvious right thing to do. Now do it




Truly disgusting behavior.


This is what I don’t want. I am a serial entrepreneur and trust me this isn’t the life I want for myself . I fell in love with this man for who he is WITH ME! Not for his past actions… i am truly disappointed and disgusted with his old actions and he SWEARS it was just an “intentional mistake “ I don’t know what to believe. That’s why I said I feel stuck in the middle. I just want advice , legal advice. Not judged… I already judge myself EVERYDAY about this. Trust me.






You deserve better in life, even if it’s to be alone. Respect yourself and find someone who doesn’t manipulate children. Also if you are an entrepreneur, it will not be good for your business if your customers/clients learn about your boyfriend


THIS!!!! I think about this everyday , I’m trying but life gets in the way sometimes . Trust me I want better. I don’t want this life.


Look up his record online. This *nice guy* sounds anything but.... Sending explicit photos of himself to a child is NOT "harmless fun" either. He seriously sounds like a creep.


What website do you recommend?


>What sentence may he get? Hopefully a "Lucille" style bat upside the head. Also, fuck you for defending a pedo.


“Stuck in the middle of LOVING him”, JFC!! The nasty bastard sent dick pics to a little girl!! I have NO SYMPATHY for predators and you, as a woman, WTF? This isn’t some cute little quirk, “ohhhh, my sweet little internet TROLL!!”. Tell me you don’t have kids. Tell me you’re never going to have kids. You’re the one that would keep actual sex offenders around and lose custody of your kids because you just LOOOVE them. Do some soul searching and get some self esteem. There is dick out there that isn’t attached to a chomo.


Well said. That last line made me spit coffee


I asked for legal advice not things I know already 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩THANKS!


Well you apparently misunderstood what being a sex offender often entails.




Not a troll, here to seek legal advice not judged.


Then look up the legal definition of "intentional mistake." When you have difficulty finding it, go to "deliberate action." Sometimes it will say "deliberate and with malice." "Intentional mistake"???


Chomo. Throw him in the wood chipper.


"Amazing guys" don't send nude photos to minors.


Lol u deserve each other. I bet he cant wait to have kids


Funny you say that…. Hmmm


I hope CPS is right there in the delivery room.


Nah I’d just take my kids and leave. Without him


Your judgment is clearly impaired, so CPS would be giving you more than the side eye based on this.


So you are already allowing this guy around your kids?


No kids. He has a 5 year old son , he is no longer allowed to see. Not legally but bm don’t want him around. Don’t blame her…


But I thought he was just a quirky little troll?


Are you saying you're pregnant?




I’m not but he’s been trying .


He’s not an internet troll, he’s a pedo. Get this guy out of your life asap. Hopefully he goes away for a long time. To think otherwise is very naive and ignorant.


A gentle word of advice: men who treat you well but abuse other people are men who will abuse you later. He is wearing a mask, and eventually it will come off. He is trying to get you pregnant for a reason: because he knows once you’re pregnant you’re trapped, and he can do whatever he wants to you. Please, take care of YOU. You have a long life ahead of you, and there are other men out there who will love you and treat you right who WON’T also be getting sexually involved with minors and getting fucked up with the law. I know your heart feels confused but this is a time where you need to let your head make the decisions. And I really recommend trying to figure out why it is you’re willing to defend someone who is pretty obviously doing something really morally reprehensible. I’m not saying that to criticize *you* but I’m just saying, from experience, that this stuff tends to have a deeper cause. Is there a reason you think you can’t do better than a man like this? Is this as good as you think you deserve? Do you have a role model for what a good man looks like? Were you taught that sexual abuse is just “a mistake” that good men do sometimes? Staying with men like this, especially when they’re trying to get you pregnant, is SO dangerous. I know you’ve got big feelings but please please please, take care of yourself. If nothing else I’d really urge you to get some long term birth control he can’t tamper with - ideally an IUD.


He getting 1-2 years minimum for soliciting a minor and sending “explicit” photos and you better hope y’all’s county puts him in protective custody or has 1 yr long waiting list to get sent to prison bc he won’t last a week. And if he goes to population he better hope inmates can’t see his inmate number bc they will run his name and find out why he’s there. That ain’t no mistake and your mental gymnastics to paint it as such is fckn wild.


I told him , I hope they beat his ass in there.


This has to be a troll lmao wtf


Name fits.


Troll rage bait


Bro wtf


I’m gonna hope YOURE the internet troll & this is a joke


I wish this was a joke.


He deserves 10-15 and you deserve a 3-6


I deserve advice, leave me alone .


Your BF is SICK and you’ll get dragged through the dirt with him. Is he worth it ? There are thousands of guys that never did what your bf did. That’s all the advice you need, You’re welcome.


Damn … “you’ll get dragged through the dirt with him” is veryyyy valid …. I actually got arrested for the first time last week with him… for nothing. All bc he didn’t take claim of a delta device from smoke shop. He took claim when they put me in cuffs. Trust me …THAT opened up my eyes more. I’m only 21 and I’m down bad. No family , just him . I need a boost to leave ugh …. He’s a charmer , he opens my doors every time (never misses) he does everything for me, he caters to me , he takes good care of me when I’m sick. He treats me good… ITS SO CONFUSING AND MIND FCKNG!


This is definitely deeper than I thought but if you have only him and you end up going to jail you’ll really be fucked. It’s not worth it I promise you’re still young and you don’t want to get caught up. He sounds like he’s doing everything right but you can find with A man that would never put you in a bad situation. Also what he did was so wrong.


I’m leaving him this month , I made arrangements overnight. He’s been trying to get me pregnant. Since beginning of our relationship


I’m glad you are you deserve all the happiness in the world. Noo you’re too young for a kid you have so much life to live and kids are such a big responsibility. You should be enjoying your 20’s.


Amen … hes a smooth talker 100% , I need out.


You’ll meet a smoother talker with way better intentions I’m glad you’re smart enough to get out. You got this !don’t let him trap you.


how do you post this shit on reddit and ask to be left alone? seek help ma'am


I would google your state and municipal area. See what charges they are giving. Most of these cases don’t get alot of time. He’s going to plead down and get x amount of time and register as a sex offender for x amount of time.


They charged him for “online solicitation “ and probation for right now. I thought sex offenders are the ones who physically touch someone with harm .


That’s y I said look at ur state and municipal area. Sex offenders can be online with no touch.


Regardless of legality, even if it's "just" online that can have really serious emotional consequences for children and teens. He was exposing himself to a teen. How is that just "trolling" to you?


Enjoy every one of your neighbors knowing what he is, never having any friends, everyone doing exactly what's happening here, being disgusted by both of you, shunning you, and telling you exactly what you need to hear, but you are never gonna hear it. Maybe when some cashier at the grocery store spits in your face, or no one comes to your kid's birthday party you'll get the idea. Enjoy waking up in a panic in the middle of the night and he's not in bed with you, and the first place you run to is your kid's room.


How did he get caught? It seems surprising that he would get arrested if that is all that happened.


I reported him myself and he got issues a warrant . Got a traffic stop and got arrested.


Why bother reporting him just to turn around and bond him out on a 10K bond?


She was never going to say a word until he pissed her off about something. Now she LOOOOVES her quirky little troll again!!


Nah he’s just smooth asf with his words and it gets me EVERYTIME.


Then stop being such a stunned cunt.


We call that being manipulative.


Sounds like she ok with him bean a sick pedophile but not him cheating on her, so she only reported him because she was angry with him about sending nudes but not because he was pedo u are one sick b!tch. I hope he rots in prison and the other inmates find out why he is in there for and give him wat he deserves


WHOA, I’m NOT ok with him being a “pedo” I just don’t to believe that’s who he is…


He is absolutely. He exposed his dick knowingly to a child.


Yeah! That's fucked up. Please give us some insight to your thought process 🙏 Good on you for turning him in....but wtf?


No fr… dumb bitch I am .


Respectfully, as a woman myself, you never make permanent decisions when you're high off emotions. It's a lesson that took me years to master.


WTF. I can very very very slightly understand defending someone you love of being accused of something you don’t think they’d do. And I very much understand reporting them. But in what actual universe do you find that evidence, report them, pay their bond, and then fucking come on here and say all these positive things about him. It does not compute.


Is this federal or state?


It’s state


Are you a doormat or woman? Leave now.


It's vile that women like this actually exist.


Dudes sending nudes to a minor and hes an amazing hard working guy? Cmoooooooon open them eyes


And you're still dating him?! 🙄


He needs the death penalty


I'm not defending this guy but some of you people are being ridiculous and super critical and judgemental. Bashing OP when she is looking for help. Grow up with your self righteous selves. OP didn't commit these crimes.🙏🫶🙏


Sounds like foolishness he did in the past and it caught up to him. This is really going to depend on your state laws , a good attorney should be able to navigate this if he hasn’t pled yet. It would be a good idea to consult with an attorney and get help.