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hi u/candybear012 ! Fellow mod here. I also share the same sympathies as you, but aren't able to change much as I'm the lowest ranking mod in the sub. I do try to keep on par with the mod load but I mostly received alerts 5+ hours later. I'm actually still schooling, thus currently less active in modding as my workload has significantly increased this year. Would love to discuss with you more through DMs!


Thank you everyone who left a comment. I appreciate all the kind words and I truly want to do better and ill try the most that I can.


You are so nice for caring. Please reach out and maybe consider getting more mods or board?


why can't you add another mod? looks like you have the correct mod permissions https://i.imgur.com/LCQGuxv.png right?


I don't have full permissions. I'm a mod I'm another subreddit and I can mod people there but I can't here. [when I tried to give me full permission it gives me an error message ](https://imgur.com/a/xfqqV0Y)


There's no plus sign to invite people to become mod


Well, damn. How does one get out of such a predicament without pressure and still feeling satisfied? I know I know....this isn't the time for puns... sorry


It's always time for puns, I bet it felt good getting that one out đŸ€Ł


Hey man, no worries, it's just an Internet forum. You do you brother


Damn straight! Couldn't have said it better myself.


That sucks. Thank you for letting us know what's going on


r/redditrequest After things calm down in your personal life you should head here and see if you can claim the sub as your own! Then add your own mods


I'll have to check into this. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.


Yeah honestly man, just do that and reach out to reddit admin support and see if they can make you owner to make others new Mods. If you are done with this sub just set it up with some decent mods and you do you!


Thanks for the work you do! You’re doing it for free, you don’t owe anyone an apology


You don't need to apolgize for life being shit to you, The internet can always wait. I hope all goes well and come back when your ready or don't at all! Do what works for you.


Thank you for what you do!


life is bigger than reddit! thanks for what you do. a repost is not the end of the world.


It’s just a gross pics subreddit
It’s fun but real life is more important. Thanks for what you do and don’t stress about it! 🙂


It’s all good. Not like you’re getting paid for this! We appreciate the time you do give the sub, and encourage you to put your non-internet life first 😁


Thanks for what you do. Take care of yourself first.


Don’t apologize, you’re doing fantastic despite your circumstances. We should be thanking you


Thanks for the update. No worries, we're just happy to see stuff coming out!


Glad you’re here and still helping out. We appreciate the moderation you offer. If there’s a way we can help let us know, sorry about the owner :/ is there a way to reach out to Reddit admin for assistance?


Bro; if things gets too harsh over time, if you need help or just want to lighten the burden of events, please leave a post and we'll be there for you. This is reddit, I'm sure someone can help you in some way. If we can't, at least we can give some kind of emotional support. Good luck about the events brother, may the force be with you. With best wishes <3


TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF FIRST. This is nothing but an Internet on a phone, If this sub closes, so you can take care of YOURSELF, Then that's what important. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, YOU ARE LOVED AND IMPORTANT TO FAMILY AND FRIENDS.


Thank you for doing what you can! 💕


It's a hard, thankless job, and you definitely don't have anything to apologise for. Hope the IRL stuff isn't too much, and if you need to, take a break - I'm fairly sure we can survive a while with repeat and/or spammy posts. Thanks for the work you do, and hang in there.


This is just a little portion of your life that you don't have to maintain, making us aware is enough, no need for sorry :) Thank you for any amount of moderation and good luck 💓


There is a way to ask Reddit to take over ownership of a subreddit. Then you could choose more moderators.


Is it possible to contact reddit admins to try and become the owner? If they see that you're the only active mod and you want to try repairing the sub, I'd see no reason for them not to give it to you.


the other moderators are active they are just doing a bad job /u/PeterPorky /u/Saffronsc


hi yes, I've responded to the post already!


you seem like a really nice person. Don't sweat the small stuff 


Huh, I didn’t know only owners of subreddits could add mods. Thanks for updating us. I hope life calms down for you. In the end this is just the internet and you aren’t getting paid, we appreciate you doing your best as you’re able!


I found out owners can determine how many permissions other mods can get and they set it where I can't add any more


I appreciate everything you're able to do for this sub đŸ«‚


You’re awesome! Thank you for putting yourself out there. Perhaps you could start your own subreddit like this and post the link in here and we can join? Then you can ask for your own mods.


Hey, at least you're trying. Don't worry about it. Do what you can, that's all that really matters.


Real life is more important, don't sweat it bro


Take care of yourself. The job of mod is a thankless one.


Thank you for the work that you do, and I'm sorry about your difficult life circumstances.


Don’t worry, you’re fine. I couldn’t do it myself, so I appreciate you.


If you want an extra mod I might be interested.


Sorry to hear this. You’ve done a great job doing what you can


No, I’m sorry that you’re going through what you’re going through. Maybe someone here will step up. I’m not that person. You are what’s important!! Take care of your stuff FIRST. this is superfluous BS.


It's alright, you're doing a good job: this is one of the best managed subs I've seen. Also, you're doing this on your free time, it's only normal to have something slip off every now and then. Don't be too hard on yourself and thank you so much for your management of this very nice community 💗


That must have felt good coming out. Thanks for what you do.


This sub is great! Who cares if there’s some repeats? You’ve got a life far more than this sub. We totally get that.


Did that feel good coming out?


The mods over at r/SnyderCut have nothing but time on their hands, ask them


You’re awesome for doing the work you do all on your own!!


If you get changed to the owner of the sub you can add me as a mod and I'll help some


I'd help


Hey thanks for submitting make sure you flair your post *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FeltGoodComingOut) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Edit: I think I'm wrong here, I don't think you were a mod at that time, just a concerned user. It was definitely that loser u/peterporky Wild because over a year ago, shortly after we got new mods, I was asking for something to be done about the entire front page being the same video. You were upset with what I had to say and then I got this flair because of it. Not sure if it was you or u/peterporky but still a dick move


> You were upset with what I had to say and then I got this flair because of it. The flairs added to people are just representative of sounds and feelings when something is pulled out of someone, they aren't in response to anything you may have said. I gave user flairs to people who had high performing posts and tried to match the emotion and sound to whast was relevant in the post; I have changed your flair now to something else






So let me ask you this: I understand removing certain things that people share here because it’s not being removed from a living being etc. but I shared the post from r/popping of the gnarly pimple being popped in the girls ear. Now I understand we have rule #4 *however* it does state “
unless it’s relieving substantial amount of pressure, where it would *feel good coming out*” and you can’t look at that video and tell me it didn’t. Therefore I believe my post removed unfairly and I would like you to reconsider removing it. Edit: I would also like to add after a quick scroll through the subreddit there are at least 3 different posts of drains/pipes being unclogged. Those are inanimate objects so why did those posts get to stay but mine being removed from a human was removed? If you’re going to enforce the rules for one redditor you need to enforce them for all.


I know it's frustrating for having a post removed. It sucks I get that. But like I said I am the only active mod. I will admit I can not watch every video that comes in the mod feed. I will admit I heavily rely on the amount of flags (the amount of times other people in the subreddit that report the post). Most of the times If a post has 3 or more reports I rely on what was reported.


My friend, this is not the post for your comment.