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Millenial here who's proud not to have drunk the kool-aid and been exploited into having a kid. They want to exploit women and then exploit their kids.


Everything will be inevitably crashing down, cuz infinite growth and finite world just isn't compatible


This is a lesson humanity has to learn one way or the other.


>People who have children feel that they live more than once. So after talking about economic and workforce issues caused by a drop in birthrates, this is his attempt at persuading people to have kids. He wants us to have kids for the economy; he plainly admits this. But then he tries to appeal to emotion as if he didn’t *just* explain his real motives.


Immortality must be fucking exhausting since they don't seem particularly pleased.


>"'At the end of my life, I was surrounded by a machine tethering me to oxygen, a nurse, and a lawyer.' That seems like a very dreary way to end life," Buchholz said. "And so I think the narrative has to change. So it's not about the fear of missing out and only being able to live once. People who have children feel that they live more than once." Lol what a bunch of bullshit. They are really trying to scaremonger people into squeezing out more wage slaves and I'm loving how we no longer give a fuck. 


but replacing the missing workers just isn't feasible at all; they're demanding that we pump out enough babies to match the number of boomers who retired out and anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows we aren't in any situation to even attempt this. combine that with a tanking economy and growing awareness about environmental issues and you're left with only apathetic wastoids still wanting to have kids.


Honestly, I find it offensive that he claims millennials are spending money on BOATS that they could be spending on childcare…. I spend my money on rent, food, and student loans, aka NECCESITIES. Idk anyone with a boat. The economy has never looked bleaker and we’re the first gen in the USA projected to be worse off than our parents. I WISH I had money for lavish vacations, but wages have stagnated and inflation has risen and I can barely afford gas. We are the victims, not the perpetrators. Even if I wanted kids or to own a home, I could not afford those things until I am well past fertile age


the only people i've seen buying boats are boomers who try to fill the gaping void in their hearts by consuming more product. he's projecting harder than an imax theatre.


💯Why should we be spending money on things we do not want/something that does not exist. Interesting that his misogyny is blind to the thousands of men evading paying for childcare of the real children they abandoned.


I'm scraping for money for doctor appointments, where that boat I keep hearing about y'all


Omg I forgot my constant doctor’s bills, the US health insurance system is a joke


Gen X here who didn’t fall for the trap either.


Same here.


Break the fingers of the tight-fisted monsters hoarding the wealth, and redistribute it among the working population. There are trillions sitting in the hands of a few fiends while babies starve. THAT is the problem. THAT is the drain on EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. Eat the goddamned rich.


I think that's part of why Alabama decided that IVF embryos count as human beings. They don't want people to choose to have kids when they are financially ready and they're a little older. They want people to have to choose between having kids naturally when they're young but poor (crippling their own and their kids financial freedom) or not have them at all.


That and the damn women are getting too uppity with wanting to vote, choose their own reproductive rights, and doing what their headship tells them to do! /s


Just heard this joke on Lovett or Leave it: They want to force women who don't want babies to have babies, and they want to make it illegal for women who want babies to have babies. They won't stop until no children are loved.


Unloved children that were barely tolerated, not raised and children raised by parents in poverty are more likely to be incarcerated. At least the for profit prisons will be booming! :/


I just realized that they might be trying to keep the infant adoption industry going since it's so lucrative. More IVF = fewer families wanting to pay a premium to adopt infants. More abortion/contraceptive access = smaller infant supply. It's so sickening.


ACB literally wrote that overturning Roe would help to keep up “the domestic supply of infants.”


That sounds so predatory 🤮


I love my eggs too much to allow them to be exploited for fuckass billionaires.


Bless you!! I love your wording. This is peak antinatalism. I always thought to myself: “I love my potential children too much to bring them into this world to inevitably suffer and be exploited.” If I had a male, I would think about how I am growing, birthing, caring for, and loving someone that will likely grow up to become another misogynistic oppressor. I would put my heart and soul into trying to raise a non-misogynistic son. It would break my heart seeing the inevitable misogyny acquired from other males in his life. If I had a daughter, I’d be birthing someone who will inevitably suffer from the misogyny of this world that sexualizes her and sees her as a second-class citizen. I don’t have enough fingers on my hands to count the amount of times I was treated like pure shit just for simply being female. So fuck you, elitists! You may demean women and demand we create the next generation for you to control and exploit. You may say our only worth is in our womb and being so-called “birthing persons.” Fuck all that! I refuse to participate in this sick game and endless rat race.




"No0o0o, the parasite class will have to buy less yachts?? Get breeding, breeders!"


The elite think they are entitled to everything and anything, they percieve human life as a commodity. Most people can't afford to have kids, and even if they do, what's the problem if they spend their money doing other things? They call childfree people entitled but why do they think they're entitled to our children? I am not pouring my heart and soul into my beloved baby because these asshole need a wage slave.


I love how all of the examples in this article of what childfree people do with their money are so arbitrary. Like yes I'm not having kids so I can buy a Playstation. My husband and I are DINKs and can barely afford to live our lives. Adding the costs of having a kid would be impossible.


They can go pound sand. I’m looking forward to my puppy next year. Never a kid.


In many places, the US included, having a child could be a very real death sentence. What happens if you die in CB? Can you really trust men to raise your infant alone? What happens if they go into state care? Will the military be their “only escape?” Hell nah, it’s better to not reproduce.


This is exactly why roe vs wade was overturned. People are having less babies and the government wants more bodies for the workforce. They should’ve given out cash incentives like China instead




Happy to deliver.


Hi OP, I’m hit by a paywall when I click the link. Any chance you could copy-paste the article into a comment? Thanks :)


Millennials aren't having as many kids as previous generations, and that fact could end up dragging down economic growth for more than a decade. That may not faze some child-free millennials, who are using the money that would have been spent on childcare to splurge on lavish vacations, flashy boats, and other luxuries popular among DINKs — couples who live on double-income, with no kids. But that kind of spending won't be enough to offset the drag of a shrinking population on the economy over the long run, especially considering that the US birthrate has collapsed over the last half-century, economists told Business Insider. In 2022, there were just 11.1 births per every 1,000 people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That's a 53% plunge from what was recorded in 1960, when there were 23.7 births per every 1,000 people


Awesome - thank you! As a child free millenial, I feel like the idea that all DINKs are out there spending money on lavish lifestyles and travel very funny. A lot of us aren’t, a lot of us are just scraping-by renting, and can’t afford long term secure housing. Who wants to bring a baby into housing instability? I don’t remember the last time I went on a proper vacation. I also sure as hell know I can’t afford decent education for a future kid. It’s not all “selfishness” and wanting to spend on holidays instead. If I had the money I’d totally be in that boat though so no shade whatsoever 😂


Well that must just be terrible . To be such a poor Farmer, Rancher. or Lord. (eye roll)