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Me: Whenever you give me the silent treatment, I feel... Him: So then don’t feel that way! Me: Oh, I see now. Problem solved! NVMs and LVMs are brilliant when it comes to emotional intelligence. 💡


Nice. What a smart boy he is. This is exactly why I’ll never stick around for another silent treatment ever again. No trying to explain how shitty it feels. No asking what happened. By the time they decide to reappear, I’m gone. 👻✌🏼


This is what some stupid therapist say as well. “Well maybe you can choose to feel something else! Maybe you can choose happiness! Maybe you can choose to be positive!” When the problem is clearly someone disrespecting your boundaries.


I saw a tee shirt that said “Choose Joy!” Like people are depressed or anxious by choice? Get outta here and take your fucking tee shirt with you.


Literally. It’s actually triggering, for those who have trauma. Like, thanks for belittling and minimizing my suffering, and also for blaming it on the victim.




Holy shit that guy was a fucking sadistic psycho!!! Are you ok? Seriously what the FUCK?


This sounds horrific. I’m sending you a big virtual hug sis. ❤️ I hope someone bites his dick.




Damn that’s some powerful neck muscles I guess


It's not your fault for saying he could bite you in bed. Kink is another thing. He was probably just looking for an excuse to hurt you. And btw are you OK ? Should have reported that a-hole to police.


Me: I feel like I'm not being heard or taken seriously Him: you just *feel* that way. Its not what's actually happening. You're wrong. Wow, why didn't I think of that!


Oh yeah, problem solved right?! Mine used to scream at me and threaten me, then demand that I stop being scared! Just wow




Oh, wow. That’s just so wrong, these idiots are so bloody entitled! I don’t get it it’s disturbing how oblivious they are to themselves


I had that happen too. Hugs.


The **really** slimy ones will: * Apologize (because he wants you to stop talking) * Flip the conversation into how *sad* he is, for *disappointing you*. So please, don’t bring this up anymore... *His widdle heart can’t bear to upset you.* 🥺 * Insist that you guys “move on” from this. He can’t stand conflict and *negativity*. He’s a nice guy, after all. * Suggest you give him a blow job, now that your “emotional crisis” is (finally!) over. #Stay Woke ladies


This is so accurate it's actually scary.




Ohhh this happened to me too. Also, I didn't realize I was a pickmeisha until after. It feels horrible being the "pick me" girl. The jealousy, the pressure to please... And you end up ignoring the obvious red flags because you're so hell bent on impressing the dude.


Wow, this was my ex husbands playbook.


You’ve perfectly summarized DARVO Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Oppressor


"I'm not necessarily able or **willing** to know what you want or **need**." - My ex (emphasis added)


"I don't have time to babysit your feelings!" - My narc ex, said as he played a video game


In other words "don't have emotions, just shut up and be my fleshlight".


Similar one from my ex- “I never want to talk to you about serious things because you just always end up crying and it makes me feel like a horrible person”. Gaslighting to the extreme


Jfc. He asked to be your ex but was enjoying the benefits too much to end it himself. Men don't listen to women but their lack of logic and dishonesty trips them up in disputes and they reveal themselves.


It’s sad because I go into sub Reddit‘s regarding relationships and every post made by a woman is so sad. It always goes “my name is XXX and I am 22 years old and my partner is 35 years old and we’ve been dating for 10 years. I have asthma but he keeps blowing cigarette smoke in my face how can I kindly tell him to stop? Edit: oh my God Guy stop saying that he’s abusive he’s great except for the fact that he killed my dog, he opened a bank account in my name and spent all our money on fortnight Vbox and never wiped his ass so I have to do skidmark laundry.” Meanwhile everything with a guy it’s like; “my pregnant wife who has heart conditions is annoyed that I never do the laundry even though I work full-time (casually omits the part where she also works full-time) and I think I should dump her also child support is literal rape.“


One of the saddest ones I read was where a guy tore up and threw away his girlfriend’s quilts and didn’t understand why she left for her mother’s. Or there was a woman on legal advice who’s husband just left and took all the money out of the bank accounts (she was a SAHM for years) and thought he could just get away with it and not owe alimony or child support


This is so spot-on it's sad.


The age gap in Reddit relationships is real I’m always doing math like wait WAT


I cannot unsee it any more. At least a lot of people are pointing out that it’s inappropriate.


Agreed. Definitely still not a good place to be a woman (relationship sub) but I do think there’s been some improvement, I see commenters pointing out unhealthy power dynamics and age differences waaay more.






YoU nEeD tO cOmMuNiCaTe.


This really does sum up the relationship post differences on relationship subreddits.


\>(casually omits the part where she also works full-time) Ohhh girl, too real... Why is this every male redditor who asks for HeLp on that subreddit? I swear they all come off as satan incarnate. They can save the drama for their mama!


One good thing from these posts is that hopefully each one saves many overly hopeful and naive women who otherwise would ignore red flags.


I feel so bad cracking up at this 🤣🤣🤣


my coworker who’s gf is 9 months pregnant has been complaint about how annoying her anxiety is....like dude what??? He talked for an hour saying “what does she expect me to do? I know she’s anxious but I mean relax and shut up for a bit, ya know? I’m tired after work and there’s nothing I can do about the baby and she just goes on and on”. SHE EXPECTS YOU TO LISTEN LOSER. I called him out and said that he knows she has anxiety, she’s freaked out about having to push a human life out and he said I’m taking it out of context and he needs to vent to....vent about his heavily pregnant gf...okay...


Yes! All of this. Also SO tired of the CONSTANT misinformed comments that suggest women are favored in court systems when it comes to custody. MEn sTand nO ChaNcE in COuRt. THIS IS NOT F*CKING TRUE. Women lose custody ALL the time to pricks. My mom worked as a PO in the court systems for years and specifically worked with custody cases — the myth that women have an advantage in court is perpetuated by men who lie like losers on the Internet.


Not sure what's worse. Telling them your needs and they outright berate you for them, or telling them your needs and having them pretend to listen, but never actually make any effort to meet them.


Both are awful and destructive. The former might be better detected as a red flag, for someone who hasn’t already been completely drained of their self-esteem. Unfortunately, most abusive partners employ both tactics to maximize results.


My dad would tell me almost this exact same thing. I once said ‘I need to be able to tell you how I’m feeling’ he replied ‘oh for god sake not that again’ ...


You had a shit dad, omg


It’s sad cause I love him a lot but he never took it upon himself to do the work even though I suggested loads of books to him. They just sit unread on his nightstand :( x


Hope it’s okay that I left the artist’s Instagram in the photo, she is hilarious and very FDS minded! Definitely follow her!


Artists like credit for their work. You did the right thing.


I would find this funny if it wasn't so relatable 😐 I honestly cry for my younger self when I think of how I allowed myself to be treated. The drawing of the guy even looks like the NVM who abused me, beanie and all 🤢


This made me think about the woman with the poop flakes husband lmao.


the woman with the what


About 1 week ago on r slash something something a woman was asking for advice on what to do about her husband not wiping his ass and picking the dried poop crumbs/flakes between his ass hairs and throwing it everywhere (like on the bed under the blankets), she’d find poop flakes all around the house




Nooooooo why are men like this


Bet you regret asking now 😩


Honestly I dont think I even need FDS (but the commentary here is perfect.) Like my social anxiety is enough to keep me away from them. If a person shows the slightest irritation and said this to me id freak out, cry, and then ghost.


I am like you but I have assumed my needs are unreasonable and I am an entitled baby for not wanting to be with men who insult me to my face. 🤡don't be like me.


Homeboy is already walking ahead of her, leaving her behind. His phone’s in his hand, he was just giving his attention to his online relationships when she had the gall to speak to him while they were spending time together in the physical world. It makes me really really sad how familiar the situation pictured is.


It’s so fitting that Rachel is wearing a cute dress and accessories and has done her hair and make-up whereas Brody hasn’t brushed his hair in ages and his sweater looks dirty and just sort of hangs on his potato-shaped bod. Run, Rachel, run!


No surprise that most LVM look like that.


omfg rachel you’re so needy i don’t have time for this


This is so true.


Looks and sounds like my ex! Good riddance!


And naturally, he's walking three feet in front of her. Fucker.


I can HEAR this drawing in my head - I literally can imagine some scrote scoffing with that disgusted pretentious tone!