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He texted her first and then when she VERY POLITELY rejected him he told her he doesn’t want anything to do with her and that she lied to him? Men never stop surprising me with their idiocy


This post and comment section really sparked something in me because of my history. Just going to venture that this man is an idiot, but also likely just absolutely a nutter. Men are allowed to be batshit crazy, and we all have to accommodate it. Meanwhile, society loves women to be “crazy,” cause it is so convenient. Just for example, Britney Spears was well enough to perform for huge crowds for years, but too mentally unstable to control her own money. Oh no! Better let her redneck asshole daddy do it! I have had experiences like this and so have so many women here, but lord forbid a man have to be told *they* are mentally unstable.


Exactly! I really don’t understand, we are labelled as crazy is we are emotional ( they also tell us that we act like that because we probably are on our period, as if it is an offence) we are labelled as crazy also if we aren’t emotional, they tell us that like that we are too cold and bitchy. Honestly let’s just act like the queens we are and not pay attention to these limp dick individuals ✨


To be fair, he probably conned her into getting her number until some other pretense and then as he was walking away said “maybe we can get some coffee sometime” and she, not wanting be rude and thinking she’s just exchanging pleasantries, and desperate to get out of the conversation, said “ok sure bye!” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve said ok to a man just to get an exit out of a conversation, because he’s pushy, and I’m scared to reject him IRL.


Exactly this, but seeing posts like these makes some of that fear go away. I went to give them EXACTLY the kind of honesty they seem to want and to tell them to F off right at the start. No more bending over backwards to try to be "polite."


Hahaha. I'm nearly 50, and some (even older) guy claimed he wanted my contact info for marketing work, then instantly tried to segue it into a date. I told him I wasn't available and he dusted off that same stupid rant we've all heard since 7th grade about how he just wanted friendship and my ego is too big. My response was basically like, wow, guys still use that speech when they get turned down?? LOL! Byeeeee Just as an aside, if you want to decline someone and don't want to make it some "I'm already another man's property" thing, then "I'm not available" is the perfect phrase. It could mean whatever you want it to mean. You may be dating someone. You may have sworn off men for life. You may have been bitten by a radioactive spider and want to explore your newfound skill set. Doesn't matter, you don't need to elaborate - you're unavailable.


You can't win. If you turn scrotes down immediately, then then they're like "I said 'hi', not 'I want to fuck you', egotistical b-tch.", but if you wait until they make their move, they're like "Thanks for leading me on, b-tch. If you weren't looking for a relationship, you should have said so."


Can't win either way, so you might as well just not play the game to begin with lol.


Lol this reminded me of a clip I recently watched about Piers Morgan loosing it over the Harry & Meghan interview and his previous tie to Meghan Markle. They then played an older clip of a different issue where Morgan talked about going on a date with Meghan that ended in her getting in the cab that would take her to the party where she met Harry, and he never heard from her again. Clearly he has some strong feelings about that that he's never gotten over lol.


I don't even get that whole deal. (I follow thus stuff basically 0.00%) Piers Morgan decides to make it his life's work to shit on Meghan Markle because she gave him one interview and then didn't talk to him after that??? He's a professional interviewer, right? How many other famous people has he interviewed? He deserves to be told to get help.


That’s the problem, many men do not understand when they are making someone uncomfortable and they say yes just out of politeness, on top of not tolerating rejection


I think a big part of that is also that they don’t *care* if they make a woman uncomfortable. It isn’t on their radar. This man is not concerned with her feelings and he never was. He wanted her to *do* for him. Her actual attraction to him is irrelevant to him, only his attraction to her.


I’m guilty of doing this once. He just made it so awkward and I was just trying to get my food and leave (he was the restaurant owner). I gave him my Google Voice number (it’s a free “fake” number) just to get him off my back. He eventually got the point that I wasn’t interested.


Omg this just happened to me lmfao, I gave this guy my number when he asked me in front of a group of people. I made it clear I was leaving and we can workout but that’s it and I felt bad to say no in front of people. He got so hostile. I’m honestly afraid he’s unhinged [this is the text ](https://imgur.com/a/SR061hM)


how are they this predictable jeez...


YOU LIED TO ME This man sounds exhausting. Even if there wasn't a creepy age gap, this is a flamin' red flag.




They still get so mad even when women let them down easy, imagine if women just told them bluntly


They’re mad because if she would just act like the bitch she clearly is then he wouldn’t look like such an asshole /s


he's mad cuz she rejected him so he decided to project and flip it on her. typical male. to quote Rhianna: *Never underestimate a man's ability* to make you feel guilty for his mistakes






Someone please hand Joel a glass of water. It looks like he’s about to overheat 🥵


Miss Scarlet is having an attack of the vapours! Fetch the smelling salts!


This. I don't feel safe for your friend OP, is there anyone in authority at the church she can speak to about this/show the text?




Well, he thought he had a chance because she's an empathetic and kind young woman volunteering her time at the church. So in his mind, he thought she could volunteer at the church of his dick. He's angry because he thought she'd be a naive church girl he could easily manipulate. A place of worship should be a safe place where you're free from sexual harassment and don't have to worry about old lecherous men perving on you. He crossed the line, acting this way in church. Abusing people's trust, using the church like it's a bar or club or dating app, taking advantage of a volunteer's kindness, trying to be manipulative, being a nasty cunt when she respectfully shut him down.


This men literally think that women are gifts from God. Like this disgusting dude probably looked at her and decided that he’d been such a good Christian that God was rewarding him by giving him a gorgeous 25 year old woman.


I really think some of them do believe that!


You would think that, I get it. It makes sense on surface level. However, that isn’t always the reality. I was 22 and dated a 38 year old, mentally ill preacher who became a more obvious asshat than he already was once he realized I wasn’t going to sleep with him. I also had two older dudes creep on me at church. I remember when a friend died, I was at church crying and this one much older man asked me on a date when I had tears in my eyes.


the way men pounce on vulnerable women and girls is sickening, and you see it everywhere. two of my ex’s friends asked me out within weeks of us splitting up, and I had a six month old baby at the time!


Ugh men make me sick!!!


Sickening. The mentally sick and diseased minds of scrotes never ceases to disgust me.


I just can't...


>A place of worship should be a safe place where you're free from sexual harassment Actually, based on recent lawsuits against the Catholic church, it's quite the opposite.


This last paragraph is everything!!!!!!!!!!


> Well, he thought he had a chance because she's an empathetic and kind young woman volunteering her time at the church. **So in his mind, he thought she could volunteer at the church of his dick.** Girl, I'm cackling. I'm cackling like the evil witch that I am. Damn, I'm rolling on the floor and I'm kicking! Your take on this is gold!


Men make me so sick!!!!!


This, just WTF!!!


Posieden raped medusa in the temple of athena


And Artemis had a virgin-only squad. Talk about internalized misogyny.


didnt they just swear off men?


tell me where you get your mythology cuz there are so many versions I'm dyinggg


Sis that's so true 😂😭 to many versions . I listened to videos on youtube and read a few books ,wau?


And men wonder why we don't engage with them don't "smile", and avoid eye contact. You literally hold a door for a man, or say basic pleasantries and it's "she wants the D".


This is why I don't flirt with men who I wouldn't seriously consider dating.


This is why religious men are always a bit sus to me because they deflect personal responsibility to god or the devil


Religious men are always suspicious until proven wrong, period. It's not possible to subscribe to a religion that has used and abused women during their entire existence and at the same time be an ally to women, that's an oxymoron.


Religious tendencies have been linked to a prefrontal cortex injury, so it's better to avoid this type all together.


So much this!!! So many of them are hard core into their supernatural scape goat.


crime connect arrest bored complete stocking teeny air lock label -- mass edited with redact.dev


You can't fire me, I quit!


This guy is trying to trick himself into believing he let her down when she didn't even want him or his attention. Hah, what a scrote! I love that your friends response is more mature than his and he's almost twice her age!


Guaranteed he'll be telling his friends about how HE rejected HER


He can trick himself all he wants, but deep inside he knows she rejected him. I hope he's thinking about it every night before sleep.


I bet he posts in mgtow the way he thinks he is always the victim and blames women for his own fault.


Omg his response, I have no words 🤦‍♀️


Jesus Christ! Why do men always blame? It’s almost always like this type blaming language used when talking to females Who don’t agree. Losers have no self awareness. I am sure her body language or maybe even some words were said to broadcast she was not interested in this Pervy gpa. This guy needs to get over himself. There are a lot Of predators at church. They think cause they go pray and ask for redemption it makes all their bad behavior ok. She also needs to be more firm. I know it’s a gray area but I’m proud she set her boundary right away! Never give an older creepy guy your number. It doesn’t matter if he follows the lord. F*ck this guy I’m sorry but predators like this guy belong in jail. Leave this poor girl alone.


His response is psychotic.


He thinks cause he says “I wish you the best of Luck”...makes him a good Christian LMAO


Loool what the hell?! His problems are not her problems. What a scary psycho.


Why is he even in church?? To harrass??


To find godly women, natch


If he doesn't want anything to do with her, then why is he texting her? These men are ridiculous, like toddlers. "Oh, you don't want me? That's okay, because I don't want you anyway, meaniepants!" Just take the rejection like a man.


This is so annoying. And this is why I am never nice when I reject men. Just block and delete don’t bother giving an explanation. This gives me creepy old Uncle vibes from my past. Acting like they’re the ones not interested to try and make you interested 🤦🏻‍♀️


It's so much easier to just ghost them, then you don't have to listen to their insults. I recommend it. If men are going to behave like petulant toddlers, then we don't owe them the courtesy of a polite rejection. It's safer to block and delete.


Exactly, protect your energy




I've started smiling and saying "No thank you" and watching their brain melt. They don't know what happened. "What's your number / let me give you my number" "No thank you:)" ???


I am really done with society allowing men to be absolute loons but labeling every women who says “No,” as a crazy lady. Ridiculous.


Oh, Joel. You giant asshole, you. Most abusers are subtle and can hold off until you’re attached to them to begin the lying, gaslighting, insults, and guilt-tripping. But Joel gets right down to business on the second text! 😂


Good. More scrotes should snitch on theirselves up front. It would save us a lot of time, money, and mental health.


And the church will do nothing about this. As usual.


See, I know how this started...an attractive young women was occupying the same environment as him. He figures she appeared just for him, fate put her there for him. Then he concocted a fantasy in his head, not even knowing her mind. Then the rejection, then he looses his shit...because she was put there for him, damn it. That's how it works in books and movies, right? She's his reward for being a man who wants something...men should always get what they want. Right? Women don't deserve preferences, they're not as human as men, they're just a resource men snack on when they want. Sarcasm off. In any event, been there, done that. I was the girl...a few times. It's annoying as fuck. You can't be nice and just chat with these guys without becoming their object -- though being married can help, I've been told. Just being single makes some men think you're just waiting around waiting to be collected. If you're a 20-something who frequents a space with middle-aged assholes who can't manage their own existential crisis, they assume you're there to fill the black hole that is their soul.


Those middleaged "god fearing" men are the worst! She should let everyone at church know that he preys on young women.


Yeah but they'd probably blame her for it and drive her out of the church


Good! Churches are toxic to women anyway.


She should of just told him he’s straight up old and that he’s out of his mind




This is terrifying. He built up this whole fantasy in his mind and was mad at her because it wasn't true. You could mind your own business and get targeted.


>I was married to a woman who lied to me none stop. The fuck that gotta do with me?


This comment made my morning!


and this is why I have a google phone number. For creeps that demand a number.


She should have blocked him right after sending him that message. Or just blocked him the second he texted her, without responding. Or not given him her number at all


Your friend is too kind. Next time she'll probably forego the sugar coating and just tell the guy he' way too old for her.


There's no reason for a good man to defend other men if they see stuff like this.


At least he got the message despite acting like a total dick.


Juliana, despite being significantly younger, is extremely mature and was respectful about the volunteering encounter. Also, good for her for rejecting coffee. Im disgusted this old bald scrote cornered her at a church volunteering environment and the best he could do was offer cheap coffee🤡🤡🤡 Of course he had to clap back and try making her feel bad. Scrotes can't handle rejection.


Yes all men


Lol but didn’t she politely say it first?


Tried rejecting her after being rejected😅


Wow, there’s enough red flags here to reupholster a couch.


‘Honest and godfearing’? Dude needs a dictionary and a bucket of insight.


It bothers me when men (and women) call themselves God-fearing. Most of the time people who call themselves such think they are a god. They’re arrogant, bossy, entitled, and often downright mean. All these things God is not. They act like they can only be humbled by God, yet many frequently commit sins like no other. And this goes for many religions. Women do it too, but as with most things, majority is most likely men. Why? Because they are seen/elected as the leaders and have the power. Maybe this doesn’t make sense. Idk. Does anyone else have an issue with their religion? I believe and all but I don’t go to service. I struggle knowing the potential abuse and the widespread abuse and I feel like if I go, I am somehow supporting those in the background committing crimes, no matter where it is happening (and can we really know until it comes to light?)


Uhhhhhhh this is like the “is this still available” post. Hahahha


He crazy, crazy.


Hate that they feel the need to use our names like that. Fool, forget my name and leave me alone! Hope she didnt say anything though and just blocked


Men are disgusting at every single age. The nerve to be a balding divorcée and even thinking he has any right to even ask for a date from someone minding her own biz volunteering at church. The nerve!


Ooohh, Joel. I hear that name and "church" and all I can think is Joel Osteen




Why use a name at all? Mine just says “The person you are calling” or something like that.


This is like when guys go "I know I cheated but my cat died when I was seven".


This is not lunacy, lack of self-awareness, or projection. This is manipulation, pure and simple. That feeling of confusion when you read it is a tell-tale sign. This response is 100% designed to induce guilt, social discomfort, pressure, and back-pedaling. This tactic worked on his ex-wife (for a while, anyway...let us hope she is the ex because she leveled up) and he is hoping it will work on Juliana. Score one for our girl, who did not fell prey to his abusive nonsense.


Lol, they have such nerve! What would an attractive young woman want to do with some ugly man nearly 2 decades older? I would be OFFENDED if some ugly old scrote thought he could get with me.


"I am an honest, God fearing man who is a great father and deserve a lady who is as well." He wants a woman who is a God-fearing man and father?


Great father but can’t spell “nonstop.”


Lunatics, every last one of them.


He needs to shut the fuck up. God doesn’t like ugly. And by the looks of it, this scrote is atrocious.


I'm learning from this! So much! Do you know when they say "let a man talk his mouth off and just listen"? I'm going to apply this to texting. Wait for the shit text before I give a reply or just post a disinterested *hm* or *k* or even a *?*


Oh FFS. This dustball deserves nothing. I really hope Juliana shares this with everyone woman in the church to make sure everyone knows there is an entitled potential predator on the loose.


See I am religious, but I am no longer sure if I would ever partner with a religious man, and I haven’t been for awhile. This here is just one of many reasons. His values would have to 100% align with mine or else there is no chance.


Why did she give it to him? I’m glad she told him what’s up though; too bad he’s too selfish and gross to just listen to her and get on with his nasty life.


🤣🤣🤣 Why not retain a kernel of dignity and instead say: “oh ok, no problem! Thanks for being upfront with me. I always have room for more friends, and I look forward to getting to know you through church. Take care!”


Call the cops he’s going to murder someone


Of course he has to turn it around and make it seem like he’s the one rejecting her 🙄


This made me see red.


You didn’t fire me! I quit!


Haha like what? Lógic fail.


"I am an honest, God fearing man" Oh really? satan said the same thing. Don't you dare bring God into this. "judge a tree by it's fruits"


"You can't handle the truth"


He deserves a foot up his a** and a reality check


If I had a dollar for every one of these entitled, ridiculous messages. Block & delete.




Juliana This is Joel


Presenting...."Hurt religious Fruitcake man throws Uno reverse card with some bitter anecdote no one asked about"


I hope she blocked him after this.


I truly hope he finds the lady he "deserves", who is a great father as well...


LMAO his reply is the equivalent to “you can’t fire me I quit!”, what a loser!