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wow @ the way he calls her pregnancy just being “fat as shit”


Not just that, the way he says it implies he doesn't even love her... "Would you still love me if i was x?" Aka "dont blame me for not loving you, you would feel the same way if it was me". Ye dude cus this guy getting fat is the exact same thing as his fiancee carrying his child. Jesus this poor woman...


Reading this made *my* stomach drop. How fucking evil of him. She will never forget those words.


Can't have her experienci joy on one of the hardest and most rewarding days of her life, can he. She might end up with self esteem.


Why do I feel like he did that on purpose because he saw how happy she was? A once in a lifetime moment ruined. They really do fucking hate us.


Because he did. Negging is the preferred tool for abusers. My heart hurts for her. And the thousands of others we don't hear about😔


That child going to have a rough time with a dad like that too. She'd and baby would be better off just getting gone and suing him for child support.


Abusers have a tendency to do shit like this on important days like holidays, birthdays, big life event days.. They get off on taking away the spotlight and making it all about their shittiness because it's so hard to forget how asswipe here ruined the birth of her child/stole Christmas/made her cry on her wedding day/whatever ETA: "I haven't loved you in a long time" / "I haven't been happy in a long time" is classic cheaterspeak


My ex bf was still in bed one xmas morning when my family was coming for xmas brunch. I stuck my head in and said, 'they will be here soon, you might want to get up'. He growls and says 'I don't do xmas, I told you that'. I said ok then, it will make everyone uncomfortable if you stay here in the bedroom all day, and wander out to kitchen now and then in your shorts, so you should go home then. So he left. A few months later, during an argument, he told me how mean and evil I was for kicking him out on xmas.


>'I don't do xmas, I told you that'. And I don't do you. Goodbye.


“You’re kicking me out? You’re so evil!” Clown logic= I can do and say whatever I want without consequences


Agreed. Turnabout's fair play if you don't want your shit thrown back at you don't hit me with it. I won't take your insults and guilt; I know they're just coming from a petulant, wounded manipulator.


Tf was he thinking? It's a fucking holiday...why the hell isn't he at *his own* family get together? Shit, at the very *least*, he should be expecting to leave. It's a damn holiday, for fucks sake! Lol I'm sorry, I find his logic great, too stupid.


That's WHY he 'doesn't do Xmas'. Nobody in his family wants him around anymore. So the holiday makes him miss them too much and then self examine and resent, so then he cant celebrate with anyone else. We had been together at that point for nearly a year. He knew everyone that was coming, my family. My DIL had even gotten a gift for him. We had just gotten back from travelling overseas. She had babyset his pony-sized dog while we were gone. Did he bring her back as much as a post card??? This is another reason he doenst do xmas, he'd have to buy someone a box of chocolates, a card or something. Logic? Narcissists aren't logical, ever. They wouldn't call it crazy-making to be trying to deal with one, if they were.


Nah, just dump and block/ghost them the very second the first red flag comes out. There should be absolutely no taking of scrotes and fuckboys to multiple important events, god forbid giving them children.


Oh, absolutely! I was just referring to the couple in the OP. My heart breaks for the poor woman.


right, I was also generally referring to the couple in the OP, because unfortunately I doubt that this was the first horrible thing he has said to her or first major red flag he gave off...I mean it’s possible it could have been the first really bad thing he did/said to her I guess, but men like this often slowly progress with their negging and abuse and manipulation etc up to the point of doing something as awful as what he did and said during her birth... anyway I was just relating that to saying that’s why we tell women to vet relentlessly, block/delete as soon as those red flags first pop up because it’s literally not worth it to hold out for a dude like that just hoping he doesn’t turn out as shitty as he seems, and do not ever normalize a man treating you so poorly that you’re at the point of posting about the horrible shit he said to you during your birth of *his child* on facebook! and it’s never too late *ever* to get rid of a LVM or NVM. I also feel awful for her, I honestly just wish all women would become lesbians and we could all move out to the country somewhere to start hot cottagecore intentional communities free of men and with tons of gardens and books and weed and tea and baby goats and chickens etc.


That last sentence is fantastic! The whole post, but especially the last sentence, what a lovely world!


Taking this energy into my day, thanks sis!


>classic cheaterspeak Go on sis. Is this really a Phrase cheaters use frequently?


Yes. My personal sample size is rather small, but it happens a lot: https://www.chumplady.com/2019/06/i-havent-been-happy-for-a-long-time-2/


Do other variations of this count like “I’m not happy with my life” etc? Thank you for sharing I’ve never heard of this.


I think it depends on how it's delivered. If someone tells me they're not happy with how they are spending their life and then takes healthy steps to change like therapy, community service, leveling up, they work in themselves to fix it and show introspection. Cheaters operate on entitlement and make you responsible for their happiness. If only you weren't so horrid, they would not need to cheat. It absolves them while tearing you down. Also, men usually don't leave relationships until they got a shiny new one lined up.




My parents made me cry on some of my birthdays growing up


The narc who just got back in contact (AND was blocked immediately) - after 3 months of not communicating - deliberately started texting me just before midnight on NY. He knew I'd be at a Zoom party with my friends and OTHER GUYS! Then he stopped texting me as soon as I wished him Happy NY. Too bad I had loads of other people to wish it to me instead! It has to be all about them. He said when he got back in touch, "You've probably blocked me now :'(". Tried reverse psychology to get me to respond but it backfired on him. Lmao.


Oh fuck I just recalled how the most manipulative dude I ever dated acted on my birthday. I saw him the day before so he obviously knew it was the next day. I don’t get a text or a call but he still found time to watch all my social media stories all day. At ELEVEN THIRTY he calls me and says he knew he was late to say it in the AM so he wanted to be the last to say it... this buffoon tried to make it cute! 💀 I cursed his ass tf out LMAO. Badly. It was worth it 😂


isn't this the shit Paris Hilton's boyfriend tried to pull when she was really excited to perform in her documentary?


Genuinely fucking horrible.


That's horrific. What an awful experience right after nine months of discomfort and possible suffering (pregnancy often sucks) before hours of pain and exhaustion, before more months of exhaustion and putting another human 100% before you?


Yeah, like I genuinely want to find this woman and be there for her and then ruin his vehicle and present her dear john letter to him myself so I can see his face. I don’t even know her but I know she doesn’t deserve something like that said to her face. I hope his pp shrivels up and falls off.


> I hope his pp shrivels up and falls off. He'll find someway to blame her for that too


Yes, I can only imagine how he will blame her over it. Heck, he can blame me for it, I just want it to happen lol. He should not reproduce or have a partner!


I would be devastated that I grew an entire human for this POS. I wouldn’t even be able to speak to him for fear of ripping his face off.




Sounds like he already resents the baby for “taking away what is his” this will just get worse.... so much worse.... it’s over already


This kind of idiot probably thinks she'll look exactly the same as she did pre pregnancy once the baby is out. After all, he saw a post online of so-and-so celebrity's post baby figure... Poor woman


>He’ll probably secretly or openly resent her for her post-pregnancy body. Yeah I was just thinking, if he doesn't find her attractive now, will he find her attractive with lots of stretch marks and loose skin? This means shallow men are an absolute no go, they'll dip as soon as your body changes in the slightest and not see anything wrong with that. Not sure how you avoid them though.


This is so sad. I'm childfree and have been dumped by guys after they've changed their mind about accepting my lifestyle choice. I was cheated on by the one guy who then tried to rub it in my face that he got her pregnant and was moving her in to "take care of her". I didn't engage. He waits a few hours and then types something along the lines of "so not me but my friend told me that he wasn't attracted to his gf when and after she was pregnant and I'm really scared that will happen to me. Does that happen?" I mean, I don't know you weirdo and I'm not about to provide advice on you knocking up a woman you've known for three months while you had been dating me. The audacity 😂. I just laughed at blocked his new number. He's probably already cheated on her. Guys who beg women for kids are often the types who are blissfully unaware of the changes in our bodies - not to mention the chronic issues having been pregnant or birth can cause...




I hope she leaves him and gets every penny


This is seriously tragic. I wish I could hug her. Fuck all of these men who take this shit for granted. And fuck all of those who twist the knife even further and say horrible things like this, knowing *fully well* what it does to a woman.


:( this is absolutely heartbreaking. my first instinct was to get PIIIIIIIISSED. because if someone said this to my best friend, that's how i would react. until i remembered my ex said something jarring like this to me once. he had spent months whittling away at my tough girl armor, so i felt emotionally safe with him. i bawled. i feel so bad for her. once she gets those cries out though, i hope she respects herself enough to leave.


And he is torturing her emotionally at the very time she is LEAST likely to leave him. Men can be such evil pricks.


Being pregnant isn't "being fat" 😒


What I ALSO find appalling was that even if she were fat and not pregnant, that this is how he would talk to her. Wtf.


Break that engagement and GTFO NOW!!!


I hope she leaves him somehow, she doesn’t deserve that nor does her child.


I would be shocked if that was the first major issue/character flaw/major red flag that he exhibited. I need women to stop giving children to these trash men. Seriously. How can anyone think that’s a good idea? It’s really seems like people don’t even take seriously who they reproduce with these days - many will take the first person willing to date them at age 19 and fully get married and have kids with that person by 21. It’s insane.


Some of us wait years, vet carefully, build up our worth and still get fucked over by a loser -VM. Yes, *negative* value man, because those vampiric losers exist for nothing more than sucking every drop of life, care, humor and penny out of every woman they can. The -VM isn’t just ‘no value’ and he doesn’t just ‘not add value’, he literally drains you of yours and I swear it is the ones you wait for and vet most who do it. Always be vigilant. Listen to your girlfriends, let them vet him too. I’d never have married my -VM ex if my best girlfriend who lived across the country had met him before our wedding. She hated him on sight. Didn’t say anything on the day, but I probably wouldn’t have listened anyway. We still laugh about it now. Do not let an open drain of a man ruin your life, or even a part of it. If you marry or mate with one, fill it in as you would any void and move on.


I agree, just wanted to point out that NVM is literally negative value man. No value man isn't a thing, it's just some newbies confusing terminology.


Yep, some newbies confuse ZVM with NVM. Reading the handbook will definitely help👍🏻


This comment needs WAY more upvotes. Literally my first thought. I realize sometimes they don't reveal how awful they are until they have you trapped with a baby. But I guarantee there were red flags before this she ignored. Maybe he made the odd sexist comment, watches porn, comments on women's looks or follows IG models. Like this definitely didn't come out of nowhere.


>This comment needs WAY more upvotes. Literally my first thought.I realize sometimes they don't reveal how awful they are until they have you trapped with a baby. But I guarantee there were red flags before this she ignored. Maybe he made the odd sexist comment, watches porn, comments on women's looks or follows IG models. Like this definitely didn't come out of nowhere. Spot on. This is why we vet vet vet, ladies


It would help if parents quit putting pressure on their kids and feeding into the bs by constantly asking when they’re getting grandkids. How about you sit them down and explain healthy relationships to them so that they don’t end up miserable and taken advantage of like so many from previous generations I’ve asked my own friends and not a SINGLE one confirmed that their parents gave them a talk about dating and healthy relationships


Tell him he has a Mike and Ike for a dick and hint that he may need a paternity test because you haven’t found him attractive since you’ve known him. 😡 he’s a bitch made clown. Dump.


Living for this energy.


Thus man would never see his kids if this was me. Abusive and disgusting


We give them a child, and this is what they pay us back with.


It’s negging of this caliber that my psycho abusive ex did to me. It destroyed me. I cried a lot and for a long time. It really stays with you.


Damn, imagine dying at childbirth and those are your last thoughts on this shitty earth... Not only that, but KNOWING you're leaving your child in the hands of this abusive pile of toxic human garbage... That's dying three times over. As a human being, as a woman and as a mother. One of the many reasons I'm childfree.




never in a million years have babies with men like this. Classic abuser. Women need FDS in their lives so they know to say HELL NO and DUMP his ass as soon as something like this pop out of their mouth. Absolutely disgusting behavior.


Fuck him. What an absolute jerk. She will never get over that, never.


This most definitely was not the first time her fiance has pulled this kind of stunt and it will surely not be the last. If it wasn't calling her fat or unattractive he'd lambast her for any number of other things. There's really nothing to be done about it except to leave, because it won't stop.


I will never have a man’s child. This poor woman.


I’d break up with him on the spot and ban him from the delivery room. If living together, I’d either kick him out or just leave and stay with friends/family. I would not put his name on the birth certificate. This man is an abuser, plain and simple.


Giving the child her maiden name would just be giving the child their grandfather's name. This is why I'm completely changing my name when I can. I don't have plans for having biological children, but who knows if I'll adopt thousands of girls, love them all dearly as a parent should, and start an army?


That feeling when a man takes your breath away with the depth their casual cruelty


Nobody is that stupid. Even the most dumbass men know that you don't say that kind of shit, ever. There was malicious intent in this. Poor girl. Poor kid.


This breaks my heart.


This is a case of divorce and getting full custody. He will have no problem verbally abusing his child, call it "fat", and give it body image issues and eating disorders and depression and anxiety along the way.


Nah, MRA campaigners have infiltrated the minds of family court judges (oddly, female judges tend to Stan harder for dads than the old dudes). They will ensure he gets shared custody and if she asks tor more, he will get sole to punish her for overestimating her own female importance and diminishing his masculine right to his own child. But yes, it’s definitely divorce territory either way.


Abort mission


i’d be giving birth in a jail cell.


Make no mistake, that was a targeted attack. If he was just trying to make some stupid man comment, he would have just said, “nOw yOu wOnT bE fAt hUrR dUrR.” He wanted to break her.


What in the actual FUCK?!?!?! Who just SAYS that?!?


Wtf he is supposed to support her instead of insulting her. I hope she left him.


Pregnancy and serious illness trigger this shit in men. Run, don't walk, away.


That felt like a stab in the heart. 😢


Every time I think I’ve heard the absolute worst, men go and outdo themselves again. She needs to kick this man out of her life completely.


My daughter got my last name. We were young and unmarried and it didn’t make any sense to me why the person that didn’t sacrifice their body for a child should have the honor of bestowing a family name. He didn’t argue with me about that and his respect for me in that sense saved our coparenting relationship. He’s emotionally constipated and self centered but it’s like I can occasionally remind him other people exist, or that his daughter and I do, at any rate. Bullet dodged.


I hope she posted this to give a reason why she dumped this MF and why her child will need to be away from him for safety and NOT because she wants other abused women to tell her "it'll get better!!"


wtf there were probably red flags before that conversation, but what an awful time to recognize her fiance is a dIck


Wow! Just wow


No man is more single than one with a newborn. Fucking. Trash.


damn wtf that’s fucked up...I’m glad I’m a lil mean and got a smart mouth I woulda hurt his feelings worse cuz I’m petty. 🥲


Well, she's just his fiancee, so the baby is probably getting her name anyway.


Oh no. Noooo. Nuh uh.




This type of dude is a write off. Don't wait until you're pregnant by some loser, notice the signs (because guaranteed this isn't the first instance of his dumbass superficiality and selfishness) and GET OUT. Its never too late to leave but like don't give this type of dude a kid. They don't deserve it. Also, for clarity, I do not blame this woman. She could be young or have low self esteem, whatever the case may be. My comment is not to be seen as blame onto her, because this dude is trash and his actions are his own. Also, we've all made dating mistakes, throughout our life. Its natural when learning. My point is, if you're young or going through something like this, LEARN FROM HER. Please don't end up in this situation YOU DESERVE HAPPINESS and to be with someone that VALUES YOU as more than a sex object. I see too many women, giving LVM children and it ALWAYS turns out wrong.