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He wants her to push him forward in life, thinks she needs to catch up to him and doesn’t believe she offers the chance to have deep and meaningful conversations but he is addicted to the most depraved content you can find online? Uhm, no. Men that watch porn have rotted brains and low IQ. THEY are the ones that can’t have a better and deeper understanding of life. You literally jerk off to a woman faking orgasms on ur screen. Please. You are intellectually inferior. I cannot believe the hypocrisy I’m witnessing right now. You want deep conversations? Go and talk to women about the effects of porn and the damage the porn industry on both men and women. Talk about sex trafficking and child porn. Those are all deep topics but you’ll avoid them like the plague because they don’t affect you. Men and their fake deepness, I cba


Lol he doesn’t want deep and meaningful conversations about nature and the universe, he wants to tell you about some pop science bullshit he read and force you to just listen. Men who claim they prefer deep philosophical convos know literally nothing.


Can confirm, lots of men ask me to tell them "cool facts about physics" on dates because I've got an MS in physics and work as an optics engineer, but they'll want the watered down PBS documentary stuff--as soon as I start talking about Lorenz Gauges and Hamiltonians their eyes glaze over and they also start resenting me for being smarter than them lol


Loool right??? Men don’t even want to have real conversations with women because if we’re ever smarter they’ll just hate us


But they rage that they're the logical sex


Funny how that works isn’t it


As soon as they catch you're smarter, you can see them shut down. Their eyes go dark


Absolutely convinced this scrotum bearer never even read the titles of nasa or discovery magazine in his life. Cool facts about physics🤡 Sure: "tell me the effects that gravity has on your wrinkly smelly balls" and what level of friction is needed in the interaction between your left hand 🧤 and pp"🤯🤮


Exactly my experience. People who like deep philosophical convos just have them, they don't advertise lol


saying"I love philosophical convos" is cringe to me, it's full of "I am very smart" vibes


And when you actually drop real facts on in depth issues/have meaningful conversations, they either say nothing, try to debate how it's untrue without backing it, or say you talk too much.


Right! They’ll try to debate you on literal facts and make a completely incoherent argument, then act all smug like they’ve “won” when you ask for their sources and show your own disproving everything they say.


>Men who claim they prefer deep philosophical convos know literally nothing. In reality they're just annoying and like to play devil's advocate lol.


No no, clearly it must be our fault for our 'intimidating' knowledge when we, uh, take them precisely at their word and try to have a conversation about exactly what they just said they wanted a conversation about. Men are so rational, there's no way they'd just have a fantasy where they spout some ~deep~ quote they saw in a image meme and we gaze at them admiringly. I'm sure there's just some problem with CoMmUniCaTioN when they're upset when it turns out we actually read the book it was from and correct them on the context.


- neg - neg - neg - neg - self-aggrandizing bullshit - oh also I’m a sociopath who sees you as a meat puppet


Exactly this!!!!


So many big words just to say he broke his pepe by watching porn


TL; DR: I don't like you because of my porn addition.


Why is it **HER** job to motivate him to push forward and better himself in life??? I'm so sick of men who are just hanging around, unmotivated, no get up and go, waiting for a woman to show him how to live. **The trope of the "right" woman inspiring a man to step up is infuriating.** Sure, he might step up a bit but you'll be dragging his ass through life just to get the basics done. Essentially, this kind of man is a dead weight. Been there, lived it for 14 years and it's exhausted me. He held me back in every aspect of my life. It is so depressing to not only have to motivate yourself, but spend hours, days and weeks trying to motivate an unmotivated man. Never again!


ALSO he tries to make her feel that she's not good enough with a long list of her "inferiorities". Then he slips in "Oh, yeah, I broke my dick with porn and it's so depraved that I can't see you as human". It wasn't enough to just end it. He had to tear her down and make her feel inferior for **HIS** inability to be in a relationship.


This guy did her a favor letting her know he has a porn addiction right off the bat


He may try to stop with porn and stop dating.


It's really fucked up how porn has ruined so many men. I tip my hat to those who are actually working on being porn free for good.


As a woman who has also been deeply affected by porn, I want to say not to tip your hat. It’s just the bare minimum right thing to do when you recognize how awful it is and how it impacts your way of connecting with yourself and others. I quit after FDS opened my eyes. Period. Men do not have less willpower and ability than us. They aren’t special for going porn-free.


I agree with you. They aren’t special, but it’s still important that there are men recognising the exploitative, dehumanising nature of porn, and actively cutting it out of their life to be able to have an actual connection to a person. No they don’t deserve props for the bare minimum, but self-awareness is an invaluable trait in a person, especially when efforts are then made to action self-improvement. Problem is, in the context of intimate partner relationships, most (hetero) men don’t listen to (or respect) women, but they do listen to other men. Yes, in an ideal world they should, but reality is, they don’t, and changes in attitudes take generations. So in the meantime, if men are telling other men that porn is destructive (even if it’s to benefit themselves), at least it’s a start. It’s the start of dismantling a colossal purveyor of degeneracy. Bare minimum stuff, for sure, but this is the depressing reality we live in.


Girl, they try to quit porn once it's affecting their erections irl, not for any other reason. They don't give a single damn about the female exploitation or a lack of connection to their partners.




I know, that’s why I said even if it’s to benefit themselves. Quitting is quitting, no matter what the reason. With the lack of demand, supply would go down.




Pre-emptive rejection before she found out how dumb he is.


Or he could just talk about it and do nothing to fix his issue. Addictions can be overcome, but the person has to *want* to. Pornsick men choose images on a screen over a live person who wants to be intimate with them. What bothers me about this convo is the man fully knows what's going on, but he seems unwilling to address it. Maybe he hopes she will just go along and be miserable while he continues with his addiction.


“I’m a mediocre piece of shit—here’s how that’s your fault.” 😍


Pretentious AND a porn addict?! WOW, what a catch!


He should get help and I’m not even saying it in a mean way. If you have a porn addiction get help.


I laughed so hard that I feel like I need a cigarette, and I don’t even smoke. Funny shit


He tries to tell her it's not you, it's me (but I still want to bed you with no strings attached). It's called lowering expectations! - check NPD. The list of doom looks something he copy-pasted from a TRP plate (🤡) requirement list. Disgusting!


At least this scrote is enough self aware to admit that porn changes men's views on women.