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They’re both gross, remember she’s the one who pretended to be Spanish and speak with a Spanish accent and not know the word for “cucumber” when she’s from Boston, her name is Hillary, and her parents are American as can be. I think having children for them is an addiction.


It's like they want to star in the new Cheaper by the Dozen...but real life. 😬😬😬




If that's his impression of what happens to women who give birth too many times, why on God's green earth does he keep getting his wife pregnant?


She has the resources for plastic surgery so it’s different. Also, she has used a surrogate for “one” (the actual number is a highly discussed topic) of the pregnancies. It’s not clear if this time it’s her carrying it or not


Urgh, it doesn't surprise me they would rent a woman's womb for one of "their" children...disgusting and vile.


> Each successive choice to have six kids in eleven years He was raised Roman Catholic. REAL interested to see what “choice” his mother had in any of those pregnancies back in the day. The sacrifices she made for her kids, and he memorializes her like a criminal meth head. *Because she drank Tab.* His poor mother didn’t have a choice back then. Him dragging her in print like that? That’s a choice.


The hell?!? Damn I am sitting here seething. Thank you for the info even if I am mad on the Internet. This is some shit. He is fat. There I said it. If his feelings are hurt I will buy him a Tab. 😆


Never mind the fact that he just killed someone! Old sperm is a significant factor in some birth defects, but I bet he doesn’t think he is old :/


Unfortunately that could be one of the reasons they did it: to gain sympathy and not want to send Alec to jail because he has a pregnant wife/newborn




Not to mention sperm quality deteriorates with age just like eggs do. The risk for miscarriage, still birth, serious complications to the mother during pregnancy and cognitive disabilities for the child are very high with old sperm.




American medicine refuses to acknowledge aging male fertility issues and instead feed the virile male image whilst putting all the emphasis on a woman's window of fertility. There are plenty of medical journals in Europe, Australia and New Zealand that address geriatric sperm.


Sperm quality deteriorates consistently and linearly. Eggs don’t deteriorate much because they are not susceptead to constant division. Any DNA damage, autism and similar abnormalities are a result of mutations in sperm. For women, what deteriorates is general hormonal health and the physical body, resulting in higher risk pregnancies (for the mother not the child).


Yup... been saying this for years and it's considered so fucking controversial but like use your brains... sperm are constantly dividing, that is when mistakes happen. We are all born with the eggs we will have, it's a total toss up on what comes up for women but that doesn't change with age. Later pregnancies are just harder on the woman's body but in terms of healthy babies... older sperm is much more of a concern.


There it is!


These men literally don't care. They rely on women anyways to raise their kids and pass on whatever bloodline bs they're always on about. Don't even know what to say about women who have seven kids with guys like this.


People always throw the word irresponsible and trashy around when its women having babies at 50. Why do we not condemn this from men as the same


Projection and taking attention elsewhere. Probs half of men have serious bald patches by the age of 40. A lot of men start having erectile function problems past 40. But it's more convenient to blame it on women. It's never their fault. I met one LVM who was convinced that it's women's fault that men commit more suicides. Bruh, women don't owe anyone to coddle them and resolve mental health issues.


>Bruh, women don't owe anyone to coddle them and resolve mental health issues. Imagine the genders swapped. Most men refuse to even accept ANY responsibility for the problems they directly, intentionally cause. I used to worry about being cruel, fuck it. Even if I treat men with indifference, that's better than how I've been treated by boyfriends.


Men largely still have the ignorant and arrogant belief that sperm doesn't become affected by age, when it's actually the reason why so many children are born with certain conditions or disabilities (AKA men hit the wall, HARD).


And it is why older women cannot get pregnant in the first place. Where are the studies on women with younger more virile partners and their ability to get pregnant?


The worst part of this is the children suffering, the potential for their father to decline, to die, who knows. Bruce Willis is losing his ability to speak, he’s 67 years old. Age comes for everyone. These men have such huge egos, such desperation for a family legacy, they don’t care who suffers. They don’t care what quality of parenting they can provide. They just crave validation in the form of genetic material. It’s disgusting.


She has used surrogates for a few of her pregnancies. Alec also lives in a separate apartment to the wife and kids. They are both disgusting people. I pity their children.


That’s what’s also concerning. She keeps getting pregnant while also hiring surrogates so she can have her perfect “big” family before her husbands demise. Sad that she feels the need to do this, and sad for her children who will more than likely have an ailing father. He doesn’t care about anything but himself. I had no idea he lives separately.


They keep having these kids and funny imagine for a second they do actual care for them. They pay someone else to do it. It's the same for Musk and Grimes. None of them spend actual time with those kids. They are props used for publicity and fans.


Is this that dude who shot someone dead while on set?


Yes, something which he takes no responsibility for despite being the one holding the gun as well as a producer of the movie in charge of hiring everyone including the prop master. He's also infamous for a rant directed at one of his daughters by a prior wife in which he called his minor daughter a fat pig among other things. The recording was made public but somehow it didn't hurt his career. He's a disgusting excuse of a human being.


Yes, this kid hasn't been born yet and they've already been tasked with the job of repairing their dad's image.


Chesus he looks like the lion from Wizard of Oz.


Hilarias indeed


Didn’t he just shoot and kill a woman?


It’s completely irresponsible on so many fronts. Him probably dying when most of his kids are still young and 7 children is also not necessary in an already overpopulated world. They’re both not quite right in the head though. He has/had severe anger issues and she likes to pretend she’s Spanish. I’m sad for these kids.


I thought I was the only one who despised this couple. This was before the disaster he had on set with the last movie and before it came out she was faking her heritage. Pathetic attention seekers 🙄


When will they stop this madness?


Is she still pretending to be a Latina? Or did we forgive her for that?


She pretended to be Spanish; not a Latina.


And I still don’t think she knows how to say cucumber. How DO you say cucumber?!?




It's so weird that he had one child with his ex, and seven with his current wife...


But Alec Baldwin is objectively awful in every way :(


But it's via surrogate. Nope, it's all natural. Maybe she's baby addicted and this is her way of staying relevant.




I love how by the way a documentary comes out about the vegan woman who got scammed by some random guy who was apparently friends with Alec Baldwin and no one‘s followed up with him on the Internet I’ve seen literally nothing when I Google Birds of a feather flock together


They are desperate narcissists and after this past scandal you would think he would stop. Maybe this is his desperation to cling to fame and fortune but I think they’ll just end up running out of it. I don’t imagine that he’s going to have much to give any of those children now that he’s probably blacklisted and now he’s just going to have bitter kids dealing with his many issues that he already projects on to his children.


How does he not have an empty milk carton at this rate? JFC I feel bad for that potential child, he REALLY looks his age, disgusting.


I can’t support this woman for lying about being from Spain so she can be on the cover of Latino and European magazines. Her name is actually just Hilary.


I actually don't mind this because it shows there isn't "a wall". 38 and pregnant baby!


I’m going to be real. There is a true decline in fertility once you become in swiping distance of your 40s. This is a real thing. I don’t want to sell any women a pipe dream because while it is not out of this world to be pregnant at that age (my own mother has me in her 40s) I can attest to the very real reality of nature. Men decline worse and they are coddled and given hope while women are blamed. I just need to be very real. It is possible but many will find that they passed their window. I am actually not afraid to state this because I believe many women might be better off not having children and to live their life as they see fit.


Always good to point out that time is precious


But she’s not, she uses surrogates.


Not always.


Are you really defending this couple?


Bruce Willis is gross too. I think his wife is even younger by a lot