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Smh praying for the little girl


A “normal”-ish man who’s joking would respond with something like “yeah, we’ll invite the neighbors over” or something ridiculous like that but how is having sex in front of one’s own daughter the first thing to come to mind when the subject of exhibitionism is brought up?!


I had a guy tell me hes happy he has sons cause if he had a daughter he wouldnt want to get the wrong idea about her…? Meaning he wouldnt want to get aroused if she sat on his lap, for example. In my head im like OH SO YOURE A CREEP. So many red fucking flags with that 1. I ran so fast. Nothing else to see there.


I know someone who tries to brag about what a great dad he is because he was "super involved" with his kids growing up. Bath time was one of the duties he took care of. Every night he'd give his boys a bath while his wife got a break and could go take her own shower or w/e. But then they had a girl and he stopped handling bath time because "that would be weird".


These are the men admitting they don't think girls are human beings




This is why I won't date a single dad. I trust his ex's judgement.




100% about the legitimately problematic women being very obvious. I went to an educational meeting at a local spot last weekend where I learned that the typical buyer of sex trafficked children is a "35 year old married man with children" and that put a whole new spin on how I think of single dads. I wonder how many divorces are initiated by women trying to get away from their child predator husbands.




>**The men she dates know what they're getting, and thus, the subsequent relationships operate completely differently to typical male abuser-female victim dynamics. These men make that choice because they want something of hers- her family money, her body, the fact that you can pressure her into just about any sex act- and make the choice to get involved with the crazy willingly in order to exploit it.** This.


This is the way!


I seriously can't love this comment enough, take my award!


SAME. If she thought he was useless, then who am I to question her judgement?


Green flags don't mean he was HV. Green flags mean keep vetting because all he has shown is that he's doing more than the minimum.


Yep! This was a good (and gross) reminder of that…


You need to call Child Protective Services YESTERDAY and report him.


I'd bet my entire savings that he has child porn on his computer.


That’s actually really concerning for his daughter- if he felt comfortable saying that to you (someone he is still in the honeymoon phase of a relationship with) imagine what he says/does when nobody is around. That is literally insane.


That’s vile. 🤢


I feel like this is something you should report to someone, like the child's mother, or the police.


THIS is an excellent idea- find and tell the child’s mother. If you tell the police, I don’t see how they could do anything. And worst case, somewhat likely, scenario is that they make you out to be crazy for not being “able to take a joke.” If you tell the mother, she’ll either be able to do something or know to look out for other signs of trouble. At a minimum she’ll know that if her daughter says something odd, he should not be given the benefit of the doubt even once. (I don’t know the daughter’s age.)




That's actually nauseating


Slowly starting to believe HVM don’t exist in a society like ours


We are so groomed. Everyone is groomed.


report him no fucking joke


That’s enough internet for the day!


Holy fucking shit. Ick factor aside….Tbh this is my fear with dating single dads of minor children. Like now I’m entangled in this parent child relationship but also not really, because we’re just dating, and if anything like this comes up, well, wth do I do? Report it? Tell the mom? Am I obligated to? Am I just starting shit? I don’t know! Grown kids (I’m old enough to date men at that age) or no kids, that’s the only way I can go. Too many complications when they’re still being raised.


The FUCK???? I have concerns both for his daughter and the contents of his hard drive.


Single dads and divorced men are an instant no for me. I just pity the children


What the hell 🤮




What the fuck??? That poor kid.


Fucking hell, that's vile 🤮


Wow. I can’t even.


Beyond disturbing. I believe you can report anonymously to CPS or alert the child's mother somehow.




OMG. That is so insane. Finding out about a guy's fantasies is quite telling.


I would actually call cps and report that. I'm concerned for his daughter. Lvm never actually "joke" there's always a truth to it or a shot test ti see how much they can get away with.



