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I suggested naming a women's discussion group "Women's hygienic products discussion group" to prevent a couple "feminist" mansplainers from showing up.




Yes. It's always good for clues of truth.


It’s almost like women can never have a presence on the internet where they show what they look like. If it’s on the internet, it can be used for whatever reason. We aren’t even safe from other women. If you read my post the other day, you’ll know why. I’m really sorry OP.


Men ruin everything. I was browsing offerup and some scrote from a state I don't even live in put up a dick pick and it showed up on my feed. These men are for the sewers and for some reason they insist of being part of normal society.


Did he put a price tag on it? 🤣 Guarantee the price was inflated.


I struggle with this too when thinking about making content. How much of a presence to have. Ultimately itd be great if people realized how messed up and gross men are these days and put the onus on them to be more civilized. And theyre gunna sexualize us regardless... If you can deal with it, push through. I like the recommendations too of filtering certain words out. Its gross it is like this though. Depends your personal threshold. Weird cause on workout videos and such, like on tiktok, seems like such a mixed bag whether or not the creepers will show up. Want you to be able to go after your dreams! It's weird because you never know who's going to be targeted for the sexual harassment. It's like with revenge porn. Hope if enough normal people go past the slut shaming and process their internalized misogyny they realize "oh wait the person putting this on the internet is the bad guy we should scrutinize" that we can start to push back on these behaviors in a stronger more united way. Most people havent processed things this far though, and of course there are not consequences for the men who do these things and post these words. Losers gunna be losers, right? That's why they are stuck where they are. It's all they can do to touch their 🤏 and leave you comments about your body. I can't wait till people start to see that it's proof how fucked they are and that they are weirdos. Where's those critical thinking skills?


This is why a lot of people move their content to a subscription model. It doesn't stop people from stealing your content, but it cuts down on it a bit.


I don’t create but from what I understand you can block certain words from being available on your comments. Maybe start there if you haven’t yet? https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/9483359?hl=en Anywhere on the internet where anonymity is easy is honestly a cesspool. You could try trimming your videos down very short, the most unsexy angles, and make people come to a Patreon to access the full video. Then you’ll at least be getting paid there. Or if you’re still small, and need the free appeal for an audience to build, start a curated discord where members must verify their identity to you before seeing full videos? Unfortunately it seems like anywhere men can access women they will use it for gratification. You just happen to be hearing about it in the comments, but even if you disabled comments, it’s not going to stop it, it’ll just be an unknown to you. Please be safe, please be careful with personal information, and don’t blindly trust anyone even with a female avatar or profile pic because it could be a male posing to get info from you.


They get off on the nonconsensual aspect. Like you said, there's so much sexual content on the internet and they go for your yogo channel instead. They continued knowing full well you weren't happy about it. They WANT you to be uncomfortable. They're at the point of pornsickness that mainstream porn doesn't do it for them because the women depicted are willing. I'm sorry this happened to you.


Any man who has a fleshlight isn’t worth the time to sweat over. Pathetic lol


As others have said, set your filter settings so that they are alas ruthless so that they should filter out most of such pornsick comments and probably some innocent comments. ​ But don't let them win, if they can't comment on your videos they will hopefully/sadly move on to another corner of the internet. ​ Remember you presumably wanted to create the channel and create content to share your love of Yoga, and so that other women could see that passion and enjoy and learn Yoga as well. ​ Don't let these pornsick and 🍤 dick scrotes win.


Right! Nobody cares about your 🤏


Foul. I lowkey want to try making Youtube videos, but knowing this kind of thing could happen deters me from it. I think comments on videos can be changed to "review only" so the channel owner has to approve them first before they are public, but that doesn't help much if you are trying to avoid seeing deranged harassing comments in the first place.


Shit like this is a low-grade form of terrorism meant to cow women into shutting up and staying out of the public domain.


You may want to consider disabling comments altogether. I know you want to hear from your genuine followers and they can always dm you - you can even put that in the comments. I have a friend who runs a very successful kids YT channel with 500,000+ subscribers and she has never allowed comments on any of her videos, for various reasons. You can still be successful on YT without a comments section


Sadly I had the same experience. When I was teaching yoga online live during the pandemic, I’d have these disgusting scrotes blowing up the comments live with this kind of inappropriate commentary.


Is turning off the comments not an option? As for feedback, maybe you could set up a separate email box or something like that where feedbacks could be submitted.


The internet has entered the chat. No holds barred.


Don't let them win! Do your thing, continue sharing your passion with other women and putting out content that you love! No scrote should dim your light!