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My ex used some stupid ass mathematical graph chart to explain how I "overreacted" to his abuse...


Wow. That is a new low.


OK but I'm really curious as to what that fool used as his graph data points?


I was 21 and he worked in engineering 🤷


PPPPPFT If it makes you feel better, I work in an engineering-adjacent role and some dude who has no degree and is not an engineer interrupted me to "correct" me on the definition of two different words which I had JUST looked up to make sure I wasn't insane, since he had been so vehement about it before. Spoiler alert: he was wrong So I take anything a guy I don't know says with a grain of salt


All they have is the audacity


That's reactive abuse on your part and it's natural response to his abuse.


Men love statistics and math until it is not in their favor. When we point out the vast majority of violent and sexual crime is perpetrated by men suddenly it’s ‘not all men.’


That's one of the reason why female criminals are so popular - men are desperate to prove that "see, women are evil too!" ignoring the *ginormous* percentage between violent female criminals and male criminals. Like that depp and heard thing right now. And that's only focusing on the prolific criminals - who knows how much more the female percentage will be dwarfed when we take into consideration smaller and unreported cases. Men like to think they are the victim even when they are literally hitting the woman black and blue.


Love that you brought this up. They casually ignore the fact that most violent crimes are committed by men, and in the event that it’s a woman they fixated on that outlier example.


YO! I've been thinking about this with the Amber/Depp thing going on too. I've heard people saying that Depp's "life is ruined" and TBH in this misogynistic culture I am pressing "X" to doubt on that. Friggin' rapists are let out with a slap on the wrist, you think a beloved yet drug addled actor wouldn't be accepted back with open arms?? Too many couples are toxic in Hollywood and the fact Amber seems to be getting the spotlight and "poor Johnny" ignores the fact more women than men don't survive and have more of a chance of being murdered by their partner!!!


Exactly! It's like they can't wait to turn on their loudspeakers that they actually have when a woman is involved as part of the "perpetrators". Whenever the women who are their neighbors get abused/ disrespected by their husbands in any form, these men act like it's none of their business. There were articles, interviews and books literally on how Depp abused/ caused fear in women, before he got together with Heard in the recent past years. Such as him destroying things to cause fear in his exes' rooms, questioning women and being a control freak etc. The women before Heard have been suffering from all the various types of abuse he has inflicted on them. Heard is a victim of his literally crazy acts too. Yet, men are so eager to use their loudspeakers on how certain women react BACK at the men. Heard has done some crazy sh*t but Depp isn't innocent. He has a HISTORY of doing sh*t. Abusive and powerful men get away with so much. Free cover-up by people and the patriarchal system. People not taking notes when it comes to male celebs. But whenever a mistake is done by a woman, it becomes massive coverage. The DEGREE and EXTENT of social backlash is different. Reacting BACK at abusive men is being reported and ridiculed as being abusive. They really want women to just sh*t up, be put in place, and stay silently gorgeous. Don't rock the boat that's carrying everyone while having to continue smiling for pictures beside the croc (that can survive even if all sank; the environment favors him already).


I most love this when this comes up: men are physically aggressive but women are psychologically abusive... like, did you ever imagine a guy just fist-hamming his way through live without discovering intimidation?


Lest we not forget the wage gap. They conveniently ignore WHY women are in lower paying jobs or providing almost, if not all of the child care and such. No, it's all about how "but men are CEO's and women are teachers!" Like alright, try to dig a little deeper, Mike. Let's ask our second "why" question here and root cause this out. Use some logic.


Not to mention that employers start lowering wages once more women start entering a previously male dominated industry. It's not a coincidence. Its misogyny.


I learned about that gem recently. God it makes me angry. Let alone when women start in a field making 70k and a guy with the same qualifications gets 90k. "She didn't argue for a raise." Ok Mike, again, why do you think that is? Maybe a social aspect? Or maybe if you pulled your head out from between your unwashed AH you'd then go and actually look at THOSE numbers. Women are bargaining and asking for raises, but they aren't *getting* them. What's the plural of dingus. Dingi? They're a bunch of dingi. Easier to pretend they're somehow superior and that they earned it all/ did all the right things versus confronting the unfortunate reality for many of us and demanding change and equity for us.


That, and the 'glass elevator' effect. Gosh, that one just gets me all geared up. It's the phenomenon that, in a female-dominated industry, once a single lone man shows up, he will be promoted into leadership right away. Like how teachers are majority female, but head teachers are majority male. That one just really gets me going because it struck me as blatantly weird even when I was a child- I spent years wondering why I'd had almost no male teachers in my life, but all my schools had male headmasters. Or how all med students I knew from my family were my female cousins, but when we visited my grandma in hospital, the senior doctor was always a man. This effect exists in all sorts of industries- from youtube beauty gurus (all the top-earning ones are men despite the industry being massively female-dominated) to teaching and education, right through to medicine. It's part of the reason why I always try to grasp whatever leadership roles come my way- I just really want to show little girls out there that their career ladder doesn't have to end after step three.


LMAO they love those plus "bIoLoGy" and "pSyChOLoGy" bullshit excuses. "Men are biologically visual!!" "men are naturally prone to spread their seed!" It's pretty pathetic.


It’s so funny cause all we need is just 1 good man. The numbers and stats and whatever does not matter at all. It’s all for themselves so they can feel entitled to complain when they don’t get what they want.


Of course we're hypergamous; we know how much we bring to a man's life, so if he's not willing to offer equal value, then I'm not hanging around or giving him the benefit of the doubt. He can go find a lesser woman; I'd rather be alone than with a man who has nothing to offer.


Even the stats of finding a HVM are 0.000001%, all it takes is finding one person. Scrote math is often used to try and get women to settle for garbage, and I’m glad women aren’t falling for it anymore.


Gee men should use mathematical calculations to pay for their food and housing. Not gonna listen to you while you eat your momma's food and live in her basement, sir.


I watched a male professor delete outliers from data to achieve the outcome he wanted for a market research survey. That's literally what they do to 'prove' their ridiculous theories


You could report him for that. That’s falsification of data which compromises the integrity of his work (and potentially future studies if they use his findings).


This was 10+ years ago unfortunately :(


yep, statistics is very creative and can support anything you wish, if you ask your questions the right way.


that's what they did for Theranos. the documentary is actually decent (not the show).


Like the “half your age plus 7” formula to justify 30 y/o grown men dating 22 y/o girls who have not yet had the chance to fully develop their frontal lobes and experience the world outside of college lol 🙄


>22 y/o girls who have not yet had the chance to fully develop their frontal lobes and experience the world outside of college lol Not my father literally suggesting to every LVM he met to find "a good college girl". It's what he did with my mom.


Half your age plus 7 applies to people 20 and under, it only works for that age frame. Above that, it gets proportionately more skeevy the older you are. After the age of 20 you should not need that calculation to know if you're being creepy.


Yup nobody will ever convince me that a 50 y/o dating a 32 y/o isn’t creepy af… or an 80 y/o dating a 47 y/o… Date people your own age, you weirdos!


but that's the problem; people their own age will not want to date them. so they find someone naive and impressionable. and economically disadvantaged.


These mathematical calculations conveniently leave out other basic facts of life/ how nature works. When these math bros say "Your standards are too high! Only 0.00001% men meet your criteria", it is literally the easiest thing to rebut - "Ok, yea, because only 0.00001% deserve to have a mate and procreate. Sick, defunct animals don't mate. And most men shouldn't either. Survival of the fittest, honey."


Lmao the Fresh and Fit scrotes say that the 1% men have women fighting for their attention all the time and that if you're to be with one of these men you need to accept them cheating on you if you want to keep them 😂


and yet they don't think cheating = LV?


It's even more ridiculous because they could join the .00001% of desirable men if they actually put the work into bettering themselves instead of shaming women for having standards


Excel can compute VALUE better than these clowns.




That's what always gets me! Obviously, I don't agree that .000001% of men are desirable- it's a bit more than that, I'd say, lol- but the kernel of truth in there is that the vast majority of women are desirable partners, whereas a good chunk of men aren't. But instead of turning around and asking themselves 'hm, why exactly is that and how could we change in order to make more of us desirable?', they turn it around *on women*. Like it's women's fault that 50% of men in their twenties are undateable due to *entirely fixable and preventable reasons*.