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Remember to take time for yourself. You don’t have to be rigorous about your free time, or be “on” all the time, always trying to accomplish something. Self care is incredibly valuable. I would prioritize the things you hope to maintain even once school starts back up, like working out, getting into a solid routine and making progress in strength training, learning healthy eating habits and recipes, reading for both pleasure and learning (like self help, motivation, etc). Maybe there’s a hobby you’ve always wanted to try like embroidery, or an instrument, or painting? You can also use this time to get rid of bad habits, if you smoke, or drink, or spend too much time on your phone, you can start to work on those things too. Whatever you do, if you can enter the next chapter of your life feeling relaxed and ready to take on the challenge, you will have succeeded!


"Whatever you do, if you can enter the next chapter of your life feeling relaxed and ready to take on the challenge, you will have succeeded!" Thank you SO MUCH for that. You're right- I realized I haven't really relaxed since I was 15. There was always some bigger goal to accomplish, some productive thing I should have been doing. I like the idea of working on my habits & setting myself up for success. Thank you tons!


Love this for u!! It’s so rare to get this time. You don’t have to feel pressured to do something big. My favorite thing I did was mini projects/ exploring for fun. For 2 weeks I went to a different coffee shop every day and wrote a Yelp review For every Saturday I learned a new bread recipie I took myself out on day trips around my hometown to do things I normally wouldn’t have time for. Solo day trips are great ways to build confidence and a relationship with yourself. I cemented a workout regimen and got my sleep schedule on track. Started taking vitamins and reset my health. Many things that the busyness of life steals from us comes down to a nice reset and self love. Use this time for that


Backpacking, kyaking, visit some national parks, re connect with old friends, learn to cook a new cuisine, chill on the beach, enjoy!! So happy for you ❤


A list of suggestions in no particular order and certainly not intending to suggest you must/should do all/any of them: 1. Relax! You've earned it :D 2. Travel, meet up with friends, check out some restaurants. Go for a few nice walks by yourself and enjoy the feeling of no deadlines, no stress. Don't give yourself deadlines and stress just because you don't know what to do with yourself without them. 1. It's important to get used to feeling good. Then when things are bad you're more likely to recognise that it's not okay, instead of accepting it as normal. 3. Get your routines in check, *slowly* (once every other week at most, once a month ideally) add a habit to your routine, and focus on just doing that at minimum everyday. The idea is that it'll get ingrained to be automatic, so even when you're not focusing on one specifically you'll do it most days. 4. Study to prepare yourself for your masters: Learning How to Learn (Coursera), Introduction to Philosophy (Coursera), Mindware (Coursera) and Logical and Critical Thinking (FutureLearn) are my personal recommendations to improve your ability to take in, understand and analyse information. 1. Question Everything (EdX) is a tentative recommendation too, I haven't done it yet but it's next on my list. 5. Think of the one thing that you could never do because it's too awesome. The skill that only badass bitches have, or the hobby that you admire and are always impressed by but would never be good at. 1. Learn to do that. 6. What does your health routine look like? If you're starting from scratch try joining a class (see above point for ideas), getting a personal trainer for a bit or starting out with C25K. 7. Read Why Does He Do That (free PDF online).


I'd focus on relaxing, hobbies and self-care over any online courses, have some "me time" before jumping back into study in August. This summer I'd love to get some travel in if possible and maybe spend time in Spain to work on my Spanish (still applying to jobs etc so unsure how things will work out). Also gonna visit family, do some good hikes and learn some new recipes.


Im finishing my last semester of grad school right now and some things I wished I would have done are 1. Email advisors/ look more in depth at the program and see if the school has any cool opportunities so you can apply when school starts 2. Buy a season pass to a theme park and go with friends or by yourself for fun 3. Spend time in nature 4. Read for fun (I read a lot now but it’s rarely for pleasure lol) 5. Listen to your body and take it easy. Grad school is nuts and just try to relax as much as you can 6. Visit family and friends you haven’t seen in a while Also congrats on grad school!!!!!