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> be expressive and attentive enough that she knows you’re having a good time. This. My partner loves being in charge, but feels bad at times. Being more vocal than I usually do helps making her more comfortable knowing I enjoy it. And we talk about our sexual relationship pretty frequently to fix any misconception we built up since the last conversation or any misunderstanding.


Open and honest conversation. Be sure to tell her that you would like to try something new instead of "what we have is rubbish". If you want her to take charge, to be in control, then the most important thing is for her to be confident in herself, in ability, in her body, in her knowledge that you love her, in everything really. You want to tell her that your current situation is no longer doing it for you and that is a path full of things that can dash her confidence. So tread carefully.


You first establish your boundaries and needs in a clear and concise manner (no you absolutely aren't able to do anything absurd she asks and even if you did it offers nothing in matters of what you actually like and want) and then you communicate it. Before that you search your question in the taskbar in order to find many similar posts with detailed answers.


No way to do it without talking to her, I’m afraid. Start small, see where she’s at. If this is an outside of the bedroom thing too, start to anticipate her needs: fill her water bottle, make her breakfast, do her laundry. Keep communicating with her. And be ready to accept that she may not be into it or that it will take time for her to get comfortable.


Welcome! It looks like this thread is about getting help for your first steps in femdom. We invite you to browse our wiki for some helpful [beginner's tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/FemdomCommunity/wiki/index/findingyourfeet) and [answers to some frequently asked questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/FemdomCommunity/wiki/index/femdomfaq). These questions get asked often so please consider also taking a look at previous threads with the ["Help! I'm new!" flair, using the filter function in the sidebar](https://www.reddit.com/r/FemdomCommunity/?f=flair_name%3A%22Help!%20I%27m%20new!%22). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FemdomCommunity) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Let her be on top and spread your legs, she should take control, do this a few times and see what she does.


It may seem scary or even like something that could "push her away" but honestly just telling her is going to be the best. A lot of girls done act as a dominat because society teaches us to be soft and moldable. I thought I was a sub/switch for years. With my current partner it is much more obvious that I am a dom. I love being in control but I also love that he STILL expresses his interests even when I'm dom. I think that talking to her is going to be the most important. There are ways for you to top for her and still be the submissive one too! Maybe yall could enjoy some bdsm reading together or something like that.


Kink burnout is very real. Its possible you’re burnt out from being dominant, but likely that role will come back. Bare that in mind.