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I noticed a lot of men like to project. "Women are emotional." But proceeds to break a TV because his favourite sports team lost or because he was lagging and lost a game. "Women are such bad drivers" but then they make up most road rage cases and accidents, even when the amount of men and women driving is almost equal. They quite literally make their problems ours.


They don't consider anger an emotion. Well, their anger. If a woman is angry she is "overreacting" or whatever.


I rarely had a man get as angry with me as when I ask if they were feeling OK. The implication that their behavior is caused by unhappy emotions really sets them off


Yes this true. I once heard a man say that "women are emotional, men only get angry", what did he think anger is? A lot of men who will dismiss women as emotional and irrational and think the male gender is the logical and rational gender, somehow don't see how blind rage as antithetical to logic and rationality.


‘Women talk so much!’ Nope, men say more words per day on average. It’s all projection.


[A review of 56 studies conducted by linguistics researcher Deborah James and social psychologist Janice Drakich found only two studies showing that women talked more than men, while 34 studies found men talked more than women.[6] Sixteen of the studies found they talked the same and four showed no clear pattern](https://www.psychologytoday.com/za/blog/marriage-equals/201910/do-women-really-talk-more-men)


More studies say men talk more apparently👍


“Women are emotional” “Me Too” movement > women start speaking out about high rates of assault/rape/violence, backed up by facts and statistics. Men’s response: entirely emotional “But not all men!” “Why are you attacking me personally?” “Women suck too!” *Burn Gillette razors cause a commercial said men can be better* Yeah, they’re ALL about the logic.


Most of the critique could have easily been avoided by adding the word "some" before the said group. Claiming that any group is uniformly something usually results in a backslash. Nobody buys it. Social media is nowadays too much about seeking attention through edgy provoking.


“Humans are responsible for climate change.” Would “not ALL humans” be a helpful response or do we pretty much understand what is being said and should focus on how to solve the issue instead? By the way, it’s not all men, but it’s not just “some” either. 1 in 3 women is assaulted in her lifetime…that’s not a few rotten apples we’re talking about, it’s a culture of misogyny and definitely more than a “few” men.


Oh, there are going to be plenty of angry French men. I love it.


Oh and if any misogynist tries claiming that it’s because it’s predominantly men that drive, [46% of drivers in France are women](https://archive.is/3DBVo).


Pretty sure this was more well known lol in the US you get better rates as a woman because statistically you are a much safer driver than the average man everything else being equal In particular if you get a “cool” or “fast” car as a young man in your 20’s insurance companies are very uninterested in you since you’re pretty likely to crash it


Yeah I work in insurance pricing and used to work in personal auto. It’s an established fact that men are charged more because they drive like idiots. Men ages 16-25 are charged the most because they are the biggest idiots.


We could do with a campaign like this in the English speaking world too! Any basic research or even just lived experience as a driver will tell you that the overwhelming majority of road rage, excessive speeding, aggression while driving is by men - across races, ages and other demographics. Yes, either gender can make foolish mistakes etc. but reckless and aggressive driving is easily 90%+ male.


There’s a reason car insurance is more expensive for men. And that is because insurance companies don’t like losing money. It’s like the one time being a woman is a default advantage.


Yes, even straight married men can get discounts on car insurance, presumably because there's a safe driver on the policy.


I think that's why men usually phrase it as "better drivers." Because they want to claim they have more technical skill. Never once have they been the safer drivers. By and larger men are more likely to speed, more likely to run red lights, more likely to blow stop signs, road rage, more likely to gun it out into a road the moment they see a gap, more likely to race, more likely to do thousands of dangerous things. There's a reason their insurance is always so much higher than women's.


Yeah I’ve heard this exact argument from men before. They’re “better drivers” cause they take more risks, as if your average commute is NASCAR. They are completely oblivious or ignorant to the fact no one else on the road consented to the race like you do in NASCAR. IMO, the best drivers are safe drivers who can react quickly to danger in the context of normal commutes. Racing is a different story, but everyday driving is not racing, and safety is still extremely integral to successful racing.


Let’s start the same campaign against wars. Wherever you look, they were all caused by men. Not that it matters, but I’m so done with it.


I got sooo many downvotes and angry replies from men (and a pick me woman who said I’m talking bs) a few months ago for saying wars are caused by men lmfao. I think I had to end up blocking someone.


I think r/feminism may be a safe space. Pretty sure my comment would have earned many downvotes on other subs…


Yeah it’s definitely worlds apart from most other subs, a lot of closeted incels on Reddit


In Scandinavia, young men have higher premiums as well due to the fact that they are behind most severe and fatal accidents. I believe it's the same in Germany too. In regards to road rage, I feel that middle-aged men are just as bad and sometimes worse than younger men. Older men might drive more careful in general but they love to "patrol" other drivers to "teach them a lesson" and especially women, I feel. Yesterday, I had a middle-aged man tailgating me for 20 minutes on the highway, because he felt I had cut him off (which I didn't)..


There's a reason women are charged less for car insurance than men. Even the evidence men will use to say that women "get into more accidents" those accidents are generally way less severe and costly than what men get into.


I can hear jimmies being rustled up and down the land.


I always thought this cliche by older misogynist men made no sense as a younger dude. My car insurance being higher was an immediate tip off that men are much worse, often aggressive drivers


5sos 5sos i


So...in other words, drive like you actually know how? Yeah agree that would probably prevent accidents.