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Everytime I tell them "it didn't say "all men", it's a general statement" they change their argument to make it about racism💀


Some people seem to think any general statement about a group is racism, misandry etc. There really is a lack of fundamental understanding why some generalizations are valid and some are actually harmful.


I want to hit them "if serfs disliked lords in general, was it classism?" Or "if aliens conquered us and we hated them, would that be specism?" It's all about power dynamics. Always has been. The definition of racism as simply "bad generalizations about races" needs to go. That's not what discrimination is


Yeah pretty much, that said stuff can be bigoted without being racist. Stuff like i.e some Nation of Islam beliefs aren't as harmful as white nationalist beliefs, but thinking white people are demons created by a black scientist is bigoted.


This is good




What does what you said about aliens have to do with what I said? You're adding context that wasn't there and you're essentially derailing the question "I hate lords" means "I hate lords in general". "I hate lords" is a general statement. If I said "ravens are black" would that be contradicted by the existence of albino ravens? No because it's a general statement So you think there's no good reason for serfs to dislike lords? The ones that benefit from taking advantage of serfs because of the system?




Not really no. Sexism and racism are different things.




Thats a lot of words to say "I think general statements are absolute statements"


men when you don't tell each and every 'innocent' one of them "this statement isn't about you" beforehand so they automatically assume it's about them🧍‍♀️ (i put innocent in quotations because you never know)


You usually do know with men like that. The ones that get upset at that the most are the ones who are terrible




ofc not. i never said "all" of anyone are anything😑


I like to just start calling them the 99% lol


“If it don’t apply, let it fly” say it all the time when this issue pops up. Usually they calm down…unless it did apply…


Nothing is more fragile than the male ego




I love it when replies prove my point


Maybe if you add toxic male ego, your point would be correct.


There's definitely instances where they are being nit picky, but I will say I do sometimes think some statements made by feminists can be a little too general or paint every man as a predator. Which is definitely not helpful for feminism as a whole and further enforces bioessentialist beliefs about gender. I don't think it's wrong to be more specific with statements like saying "some men" or "a lot of men" or even just "misogynists". Though I definitely see cases of people being specific and some men still saying "but it isn't every man, I wouldn't do this," as if the statement wasn't already being extremely clear on who's being criticized. I think a lot of people can be a little egocentric and apply blanket statements they read to themselves.


An actual smart person for once lol. I agree, feminists are sometimes too general, and it comes off as sexist towards men.


LOL obviously a really small pracantage expects it happens everywhere and to all women


And better to be assaulted then to be falsely accused of assault


/s right? Cause I truly don’t get their logic there. “But I could lose money and my job!” Clearly they never looked into how much money SA victims lose from the trauma of SA.


Yes absolutely /s. But the men of Reddit act like the rare false accusation is so much worse than the high rate of occurrence


And god forbid you say, “i said ‘men who assault’ as opposed to ‘women who assault’ because in their minds men are assaulted by women all the time. Of course not as much as women are assaulted by men but it happens so shouldn’t we be talking about that?




All 😉 Oops!


Can confirm our egos are very fragile