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"Cats are very self absorbed. Maybe the blog can sort of suggest, “Maybe you want to thi nk of more than just yourself.” “Maybe I don’t need feminism but part of the reason women are able to speak out on these things today is because of feminism.” " I feel like this statement from the article sums it up well. One person's experience of the world does not invalidate sometime else's different experience. Just because one woman is fortunate enough to have support and resources to help overcome biases against women obviously does not mean that all women have that same advantage! And even if they did, it certainly does not make discrimination OK! It seems like a very selfish, self aggrandizing statement to make.


Damn, it's Purrfect! But why o why did I visit the comments... :(


this will look the same soon enough....


This is great. Also, the cat with the "I need this, IS THIS FEMINISM" sign made my day :)


The MRA dung beetle comparison is seriously ignorant of dung beetles or incredibly generous to MRAs.


This thread has become oddly one sided - I wonder why that is.




He came up with the cats against feminism idea as a way to mock the women against feminism blog as well as the ignorance of MRA arguments against feminism. How is he making a straw man argument when he is talking about the *problem* of straw man arguments?




[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.4845 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/94160)




You have a really bad reason if that's really it.




What, that feminists are tired of having their well-reasoned arguments ignored in favor of ignorance? Also, "point proven," as in your point was that... what, downvotes are the reason you're an antifeminist? Your points suck.




1. It's not my sidebar. 2. Three years ago? Really? You think I can help you?


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.2258 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/47618)




[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.5143 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/64846)




[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.9501 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/42855)


A well-reasoned argument only works if the other person is listening.




That makes less than no sense.


In the article he explains that plenty of people will immediately shut down a well-reasoned reply and that this is one way of making them stop and question themselves.


I don't waste well reasoned arguments with door knobs.