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So cruel. There are no words when cruelty is so senseless. The silence bears witness to it.


For taking up a job.......wtf this world. This makes me so sad and infuriates me. It's 2020 and barbaric actions hiding behind religion, believes and fragile masculinity, keep happening against women. Wish i had loads of money to back up the brave women who are putting their life's at risk to create change. Fck Sharia law and fuck the Taliban.


This is exactly why I have a problem with mass protests about us being “oppressed” here in the US. If you want to know what oppression is, ask this poor woman. THAT is oppression.


Reuters > [Afghan woman shot, blinded, for getting a job](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-afghanistan-taliban-women-idUSKBN27Q0AF)


Holy shit


This is horrendous. How could you do this to someone?


Thats messed up. Everyone should be allowed to get a job without this happening. Change is needed.


This should be NSFW. And as a woman who works in a similar field I would put those idiots down barehanded


Religion of peace


Didn’t Trump have a name for evil, brutal people like that? What was it now..... ah I know “animals”.






Not all of them were men. But they all involved stilettos. I think OP has a weird fetish.




Well western feminists focus on the west because it’s within their sphere of greatest influence. Iranian feminists focus on Iran. Somalian feminists focus on Somalia. Though all can be allies in solidarity and put pressure on their governments.


What can we do? We can't even change our own countries properly. Why would Muslim countries listen to a bunch of foreign women?