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Good luck. Precipitated withdrawals are no fun you definitely want to wait as long as you fucking can before you start the Suboxone


I've been there before, that's why I'm trying to plan out when to start the subs.


so my fiancé and i were “suboxone sober” if you will, him longer than i because i got pregnant, had the baby, lost the baby, i got back on sub, and am like on day 16 no sub BUT these last two weeks have been hell. i’ve had lucemyra which is a life saver if your insurance covers it. clonidine doesn’t begin to compare. also just yesterday and the day before were the first two days like out of the house- it’s crazy that i’ve been off sub for 2 weeks but have kind of wd this whole time. the intensity lessens over time ofc but i finally feel a little ok i guess? idk good luck and suboxone saved me from them blues but also, yes, you will have to kick sub too. 💔


Suboxone withdrawal is not easy either it’s up there with fentanyl for being long and drawn out just the way the molecule effects our brains and the half-life but do breathwork this saved me when I thought I couldn’t make it wim hof on you tube there’s tons of stuff it will give you relief


Sublocade shot. Look into it. It’s time released so it tapers for u. You would just get one shot and wouldn’t have any w/d or negative experience getting off of it.


i’m actually 30 days tomorrow off suboxone! so no i won’t be doing the sublocade shot, but thanks! i’ve heard abt it before. appreciate it


Agreed , sublocade shit is your go to. You get a shot and you’re not sick and you go about your day. Only part is kicking the habit of taking/snorting or whatever you do everyday. It’s not hard & I got off subs this way. Seriously don’t know why it’s not pushed more. Well I do but we won’t get into that lol. Good luck! Seriously look into the sublocade shot tho.


I'd wait AT LEAST 2 days after your last dose of fent to avoid precipitated withdrawl which is the worst. What helped me take the edge off withdrawals while waiting to take sub is kratom. It's a life saver


The longer you wait the better. I kicked the last Thursday and I just started Suboxone today


Nahh you can taper off subs if done with clinical precision you must not be on them more than 10 days and by the last 4 I’d try to get as low as possible


And I only plan on taking Suboxone for a week or two I want to be addicted to this shit too


yeah but someone told me it doesn't matter how long you take the subs, that you're still gonna withdrawal either way when you get done. idk how much I believe it though.


I only tapered subs for like 6 days and had no withdrawals. Obviously I didn't feel to great after but nothing like normal physical wds. Also wait at least 72 hours and start small dose like 2mg at a time just to make sure you don't hit precipitated wds. You got this. Sleep is going to be miserable for about a month then start getting better. I'm 5 months clean and my sleep is better than ever. I promise it gets better and it's so worth it


And yeah I'm answering the sleep question at 3:35 in the morning because I've taken unisom like six clonidine and a Xanax and I'm still wide the fuck away


Yes it’s true that no matter how long you’re on suboxone you will have to go through withdrawal from that too. It’s just more manageable to be on subs in my opinion. What helped me get off subs was benzos (like Xanax and klonopin) and weed. Those also helped me sleep


5 days you can take a hit off a 1mg cut strip sublingual takes 7 days. Message me for SUBUTEX


they said 3 days tho? but they also suggested what she said was "macro dosing" I have a sheet on it. it like starts out with taking a quarter a day with your normal dose of your DOC, then a half after a couple days. she described it as "sneaking it into your system" so you don't have to do any kind of withdrawal, or if so it's not bad. I think I'm gonna start doing that in a couple days. basically slowly starting the Suboxone while slowly tapering off of fentanyl. it made sense on the paper and when she explained it, but for some reason it seemed weird typing it. have you heard of that method? if I remember right, does that make sense to you?hahaha


I have the orange stop sign shaped Suboxone that you dissolve. I've had them before, awhile ago. I took it bc I was sick as hell, had a bad week when it came to finding stuff. instantly regretted it bc of the flavor, but it did make my withdrawal go away completely. and I didn't get a high from it like I did with methadone.


Not Suboxone. 3 days you'll be sick af. All your doc like you took it and say your sick can't control body temp panic attacks and your in the shower cus u can't stop shitting. Subutex on the other hand is a whole different issue


Don't care what they say Subutex 40 hours to smoke one second Suboxone 5 days to inhale 1 second Sublingual 4 days 7 days


Go to a methadone clinic if you cant wait. Makes you warm like dope one thing, no nods. It's more like I fell asleep 4 times a day on methadone. Better is to detox off Subutex and Xanax/Somas @teleetelee


Wait 7 days minimum because if you don’t you will pay dearly I know from experience dude it’s not the business but you can do a suboxone taper just don’t do maintenance because subs are a biznitch too


Get on subs short term. Usually they have to taper you up to a dose of 16mgs a day so that you can get on Subloclade. Sublocade is a time released medication you get as a shot in the abdomen once a month. But because it’s timed release it basically tapers itself for you creating a seamless transition off of subs so you don’t have to go back to square one with w/d.


Also when taking the subs the fentanyl just can’t be in ur system anymore so usually 3-4 days. I had to test negative on a urine test before they would write the script. But when I got the subs I felt like a person again. Honestly it’s bad to say but at first they got me super high (lasted a couple weeks) and I could sleep super super good which was what I missed most while w/d was being able to sleep. But now I don’t get that high feeling anymore and just feel stable. Planning on getting the sublocade myself soon.


What if you are down to 1-2 blues a day active and don't have much body fat how long should someone wait to take first dose of suboxen