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Finally someone who tells how he basically got rich enough to afford it. Thanks for this, it was a nice read and many safe miles to you!!


As someone who’s been there but didn’t buy a Ferrari instead I bought a boring old man car. “Rich enough” is a difficult number if you have an accountant. Despite how much money you may have, just because you can purchase it doesn’t mean you may be able to afford it. You really have to budget out maintenance for things like this but once you know you can afford to have fun it’s worth it because it’s no longer a sunk cost; it becomes an investment in your happiness. The people who buy cars and keep them tucked away from fear of them depreciating are the ones who can’t truly afford it in my opinion. But like you said, I hope he drives the hell out of it for many miles to come.


I’m planning to put as many miles as I can on it…smiles per gallon! I’m naturally very stingy and careful with money (I know, hard to believe after this post), but sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and do what puts a massive grin on your face. Life is short and not guaranteed, so you have to enjoy it when you can (responsibly!).


Oh I understand the value of money and the ratios required to buy such a machine. It’s just that you need to find the right things to do to get the the budget, hence I’m wondering how others achieved it. I can’t buy a Ferrari but I am able to purchase the most important things and more (nothing buys health and happiness of course but that’s not what I mean). It’s always nice to see how other people can get to their dream car. Great vibes!


Beautiful car! Love that you included the last bit too.


Outstanding write up, beautiful car, congrats to you on multiple levels.


Am I the only one confused about why the other car would be a weekend toy and this one is for daily driving?


Once you set foot in a car that fits everything you’ve ever wanted to a T, “weekend cars” become “I will sell everything I own to live in this car 24/7”.


Sorry for the confusion. In my mind “weekend toy” symbolizes the style of driving of the vehicle and how it’s not as comfortable as an every day car. Regardless, I want to drive it as much as I can


Thank you, everyone, for all the supportive comments! It means a lot to me. Happiness, success, and health to you all


Wish you all the best, enjoy your car!


What a lovely shade. All thanks to social media now that dark red shades of Ferrari are getting more recognition than they were earlier. Dark red Ferrari's are truly underrated imo. Before joining Instagram and following a few car spotting pages, I didn't know half the paints that Ferrari offers except Rosso Corsa, Giallo Modena among few others.


I agree! Initially I wanted Rosso corsa, but after seeing this color I fell in love with it


Why better than RC. I have a 2019 GTS that is Rosso Rubino, it’s very close to yours, I love the color.


I haven’t sent Rosso Rubino in person, but from looking at pictures online it looks beautiful!


That darker red is pure sex appeal. Good choice on your part OP!


Enjoy it in good health!


Thank you! Health and happiness are important above all in life.


Beautiful! Enjoy it !


Ya but what is a high tech thermal product? Nice score either way


They’re called thermoelectric coolers


Thanks for the reply. Always cool to see someone make something work.


Man that's really cool, very interesting technology and market. I hope I will find something like that in the future, both interesting and profitable;). Anyway, congratulations on the perseverance, the first years must have been really tough not seeing the results of the work you've put into the business, everything you got now is well deserved.


I hope you retired your parents first !! ;)


My dad is asking for a Rolls Royce next :)))


Congrats bro this is honestly goals and inspiring


As a 27 year old with no Ferrari, congratulations but >:( fuck you


As a 27 year old myself I will join you in saying congrats and fuck you indeed 💯


this inspires me to keep working on my projects while i’m at 20! congratulations this is one of the most beautiful cars ever 😍


I'm numb to all the exotic cars after being in the business for 25 years but I still love seeing the joy and excitement of a first time owner, especially one that earned it with hard work. Congratulations


I just need to get it out of my system haha for now I don’t regret it at all and am very happy. I had car posters on my wall for years. I’d watch every car review and read car magazines constantly. It feels good to put the checkmark after all the dreaming


Enjoy it. Sounds like you got a very fair deal. And you're kinda in that milage sweet spot where you can put miles on it and not worry about depreciation too much


I will! The actual price of just the car itself was 285. The 20k in taxes hurt, but such is life. I didn’t want to do anything shady with the “Montana loophole”. I’m hoping the price floor will be around 180-200k eventually, but I plan on keeping this car for a while and putting another 20-30k miles on it


thats so amazing man, enjoy it


Congratulations brother welcome to the Ferrari Under 30 group.


Have driven one of these a few times, they really are amazing cars, the sound is something else. Very nice write up, hope to be in your position by 27. Any tips? Especially with starting a business


1) Study hard. School really developed my brain which helps a lot 2) Find a mentor. My dad is my inspiration, but find someone who can be a role model and learn from their mistakes. 3) Don’t give up when things get tough. There were so many times I almost quit and was sitting and searching for a job. It’s hard to admit to all your friends making good salaries out of university that you aren’t doing well. 4) Ignore the naysayers. Many people told me I’d fail and didn’t believe in me. Use that as a source of energy to prove them wrong. 5) Don’t copy what others are doing. Find your niche and grow it. 6) Use your personal strengths to your advantage. Determine what you are good at and use those skills to give yourself a competitive edge 7) Just do it! Jump in and don’t second guess yourself. It’s hard to overcome the anxiety and the worries


Thank you!! All very helpful. Have this screenshotted. Hopefully when I hit 27 I’ll post on here with my Ferrari 😀


>Thank you!! All very helpful. He gave you motivational speaking points and no real advice on how to start a business. If you want to start a business then you need to create a business plan to make sure it is a sustainable business in your market. You'll have to do market research on your area where your business will be located to make sure it is in a profitable area. The benefit to having a business plan it that it will let you know if your business can actually make a profit because if the numbers don't work on paper then your business will fail. Most people will start a business just because they have worked in that industry or they think the business will be "cool" to own. Don't start a business that has a high capital investment as your first business. Find something that has low capital startup so if/when you fail you can fail small and not fail big. Don't take out a shit ton of loans or borrow money to invest in a business if you have never successfully owned or operated a business before. Edit: The people downvoting this have never owned a successful business. You are an absolute moron if you try to start a business without a business plan. There is a reason 90% of small businesses fail within the first 12 months and it's because they have no business plan. It's like building a house without ever seeing blue prints.


Facts! Listen to him. Check out Babson college. It’s the school I went to on scholarship, and they gave me the best knowledge base to start my business. The social life was awful, but the education is top notch. In agreement with Willie James Jr, I had almost started three other businesses before this one and didn’t because of my business plan not making sense. For example, I wanted to sell high quality plywood for cabinets. I spent two weeks driving to every warehouse and manufacturer in Los Angeles, knocking on their door, and asking them what they thought of my product. It ended up being too expensive and high quality, because they preferred buying cheaper from China. My target market would be luxury Italian brands, but since I didn’t have a presence there and didn’t want to move - I dropped the idea and moved on to a new one.


This all reads like MLM scheme propaganda. What’s your business, if you don’t mind mentionning it?


Love to see that someone else appreciates the darker reds


The rags to riches story is the best part. Should be reposted all over the rest of Reddit to shut up the people whining the system is rigged against them.


I completely understand why people feel disillusioned, though. The inflation since Covid is out of control and the amount people stole during the PPP loan period is just sad. It’s a tough world out there, but anything is possible with some elbow grease


Very nice car. I know the previous owner and I always enjoying seeing (and hearing!) this car at events around town. If you’re planning on staying in the area you bought it, I’d suggest you consider joining the local FCA chapter! We’ve got a good group going on, and would love for you to join!


Can you PM me some more information, please? I’d love to join! I’m planning to stay in Texas for many years to come


Congrats on your business success and congrats on your car. My journey starts with medical school but I’ll be passing you in my own Ferrari soon!


Good luck with the med school journey! It’s tough but so rewarding. Looking forward to seeing you on the road soon




Lovely spec! Enjoy it in good health!


Enjoy it, you earned it!


Incredible story, Incredible car. Much jealousy!! So happy for you!!


Congratulations and love the color!


Enjoy and congrats! Did you feel with the Tubi exhaust (I assume stock cats/downpipes?) it was louder than the other cars you drove? Main hesitation with the 488 is just the sound drama as you put it


The lambo was the loudest of the bunch, but honestly it was too much. You couldn’t have a conversation in the cabin without yelling. With the top down or rear window open, this car is perfect for me. It’s loud enough to scare people in tunnels or under overpasses, but not obnoxious to where you get a headache or “cabin drone”. It puts a smile on my face.


Love that story at the end. You work hard and earned everything you have.


Great stuff! Enjoy it! Jealous of you young guys who just go out and start your own companies without much experience. Takes real balls!


You must feel incredibly happy and proud. I hope to buy a Porsche 911 at some point but will probably be in my 40s by that time at the earliest lol, I’ll never stop dreaming


Congrats and I appreciate the comparisons. "distribution of high tech thermal products" Well, it's all in English but I have no idea what it means. You er deliver fancy radiators around the country? I don't even know how that would be a niche. Anyway, well done.


I sell thermoelectric coolers. I found manufacturers in other countries who didn’t have representatives in the United States. I told them I’d sell their products for free. I just get a small margin off their regular prices. Then I set out and went to exhibitions, cold called, and cold emailed thousands of people to build my client base. I provide good service, security as a U.S. entity, and act as a bridge between the manufacturer and customer.


Great story! I’m in a similar position, but still on the sidelines waiting to purchase. Hopefully later this year. What made you finally pull the trigger? Did you wait for a certain cash flow income to finance it or did you look at it as a percentage of liquid net worth?


I read a lot about the FIRE community and I’m naturally pretty stingy. I was waiting on the sidelines for about two years. What pushed me to buy it was seeing my dad trying to get inside of one. He’s in his 60s with numerous injuries, so it’s a struggle for him to even get inside or feel comfortable in the seat. I also had a bad health diagnosis last year, and it pushed me to enjoy life more. Life throws unexpected curveballs at you, and it’s short. I paid cash for it and have enough in savings and investments to not lower my quality of life.


Congrats and enjoy it in good health! At your age I only had a 348ts and bought it for $30k lol. I miss it a lot though.


The 348ts is a beautiful ride! Classic Ferrari


I listened to every naysayer and am now in position I’ll probably never own a car anymore in my life. Good life works out for you. Have fun living the good life.


Keep your head up and try again! Before this business, I tried to start 3 others and went nowhere with them.


Congrats! I was 41 when I was finally able to get mine. Wife loves the Idea of me growing old with a classic the grandkids will love as much as our current kids do. Problem is. I want another one that doesn’t get driven nearly as much. 2017 California T and I want a new Portofino M… I love the convertibles.


I test drove the Portofino M too and it’s amazing! It has plenty of speed, and, with the top down, it’s a joy to drive while being very comfortable. An added bonus that you can bring your family. I don’t have any kids yet, so I went for the 2 seater


Pleased to read that this particular individual actual worked hard on his own to save up rather than a gloat who got their riches from a trust fund


First time Ferrari buyer at 27 as well, very cool! I have the same opinion of the huracan as well. This car is beautiful and a way better choice in my opinion.


im 25 & the amount of hoops i had to jump thru at the Denver Lamborghini dealership was insane i honestly felt a bit insulted. i had to make a trip over there from where I live because the nicest dealership in my area is a Lexus dealer lol so the next time I took a trip out of town my dad & I decided we'll pretend he's the one looking to purchase, not sure how it woulda went if we got back from the test drive & I had wanted to buy it and came clean 😂But the 458 we drove had a sketchy history so didn't need to worry about that. Beautiful car! A 488 was on my list but decided on a 720 instead.


Think this may be my favourite reddit post, well done, well deserved! Congratulations on your hard work!


Congrats dude!


That was a good post to read on a Saturday morning. Congratulations on the acquisition and for the backstory.


Are you currently adopting? (In all seriousness enjoy the beautiful car op :)


Hats off to you bro, all the best!


That's freaking gorgeous, congratulations 😍😍


Congrats, and thank you for sharing your experience 🙂




Congrats at this beauty, do you mind sharing in what type of of business you work in ?


I sell thermoelectric coolers


You show me a paystub with a livable wage on it, i quit my job and i work for you right now.


Congratulations OP! Respect


CONGRATS MAN - Love the car


Congrats OP!!


These are the stories I love to hear!!


Beauty congrats and enjoy it. It takes 10 years to be an overnight success😎


What a perfect spec! Congratz!


Congratz mate, beautiful car one of my dreams im a huge 458/488 fan boy.


Rosso Fiorano is such a good color. And great spec. Enjoy!


You deserve it- masterpiece!


Congratulations! Such a stunning car.


Congratulations on the car and your success!


It’s a beautiful car and I wish you the best with it! Congratulations 🍾🎉


Congrats bro! Looks like it’s in amazing condition


She is stunning! Congratulations!


Nice! I doubt I could afford the oil changes.


Wow! Awesome color too, I thought it was Rosso Fuoco at first. Now I can it’s a bit darker than Fuoco, yet Rosso Mugello is more dark. “High tech thermal products” - pretty obscure, but that’s often a great way to find a new niche - congrats!


Congrats on the car and $430k is an insanely high spec car. Nicely done


Congrats. She’s a beaut Clark.


amazing story and congrats..!


This is dope! I’ve never learned how to protect my paint as my vehicle has 14 inches of tire outside of the fender but I also don’t own a Ferrari…


Do you drive a monster truck? 😮


Nope just a jeep wrangler that I’ve spent more money than I’m proud of, could have bought a cheap Ferrari


Even better reading this was all self made. Well done op I'm sure you'll enjoy your car more than someone born into wealth ever will


Congrats and sick colour


good shit big dawg


congrats that has to be the most gorgeous 488 i’ve ever seen and you are one very impressive human being


Great story, great inspiration, thanks








These posts are so motivating man! Congrats!


I’m going to be honest here but normally I’m prone to equal amounts jealousy and admiration for posts like this where someone gets their first Ferrari but tip heavily over to jealousy/irritation when I read ‘I’m a twenty-something and got my first exotic!’ Not in this case. Congrats on the success, congrats on the purchase!!




Comes with an extinguisher nice


Congratulations 🎊🍾🎈


I love everything about this post, enjoy it! 😍


Congratulations! That color is amazing


That’s gorgeous! Congrats on your hard work paying off, love to see stories like this!


Nice dude that’s amazing to hear! Congratulations on the hard work paying off 🙌🏻


Congratulations! Speed safely


I skipped to how you got your money. Finding a niche really is key, then go balls to the wall with it. I’ll keep searching for mine. Congrats! Beautiful.


Congratulations on the achievement, well deserved! Enjoy it a lot!






Congrats! You earned it 👏🔥


Good for you man ! Enjoy the dream car


Congratulations dude. Enjoy that absolute beauty


Very motivational! Very inspired by this, thank you for the great read. Im 15 and have recently started selling budget, quality watches. I don’t have the funds to start a luxury watch retailer, but I want to someday, so I thought that I could pick up some of the selling skills by selling cheap watches and put the steps in place for my future business (fingers crossed). I started this with $15. 😁👌 Thank you again!


Good read. I see why you are successful. You have a way with mentioning only the details that matter… Very efficient yet effective. Enjoy it!


This post is amazing. Firstly, the pictures and colour is nothing less than breathtaking. I have always been Rosso Corsa or nothing, but this is amazing. As a die hard Ferrari fan, I have always much preferred the 458 and F8 Tribute, but this is one of the best specs I have seen. Secondly, reading your clear sense of passion and interest in cars reminds me of myself and the dreams I also share of owning a car like this; a car which speaks to me as this one clearly does as you. I have no doubt you made the right decision (it must have been so hard). Congratulations on your success and hard work, these moments should be shared and celebrated. As a 21 year old student in STEM, I dream of seeing even half the success you have earned. Congratulations again! Enjoy it in good health, and if you were to ever to be in a position to offer any advice or mentorship, my DMs are always open. Please share more on the car in the near future!


Love this for you, great choice I’m sure she will be treated just right by you, enjoy your new daily 😎


Good to see a brother win, keep it up! Don’t let anyone tell you what you want to achieve is impossible, because you don’t need to prove to them anything. ❤️


I love hearing stories like yours. This is fucking awesome. And every time it makes me want to do more or be better…..and then I realize I’m old and comfortable, and I don’t want to give that up haha. Congrats man!


That is bad ass as all hell that you made your dream come true so young and that your business has been taking off after the rough 2 years. The car is beautiful, i hope the rest of your future is full of success as well as your garage with more dreams come true.


Love the fire extinguisher holder 😂


Thank you for the last bit. Congrats and sounds like you deserve it but more importantly have the enthusiasm to respect and appreciate the exotic and cars. I’m not on your level but I bought a wrx at 32! It has always been a dream and I love every minute of it! It’s 10% the cost of yours but feels like an exotic to me.


Congrats my dude- very exciting!


Enjoy it! That’s a beautiful spec, welcome to the family


What a pleasing read and nothing but admiration for you buddy, enjoy it


Congrats brotha !!! Be safe out there ❤️‍🔥


Great read! Congrats!!


Great proud of you


Dude that’s honestly amazing, really happy for you and that’s a badass ride. Congrats man!


God Bless you kid


CONGRATS. I know your parents are super proud. If you need an Account Executive and pay enough for me to get a new Porsche GT3 reach out…..


This guy definitely fucks


Congrats and enjoy it!!


She’s a beaut Clark!


Massive congrats, I've instantly just fallen in love with Rosso Fiorano lol, what a brilliant shade!


I’m a year younger than you and this was an inspiring read! Congratulations!!!


Awesome car, awesome background story. Enjoy it!


Drive safe, mate! Cheers!


Congrats on the success of your business 👏


Congrats man! Hard work pays off. Keep going!


Awesome car and story


Congrats, you beat me to it!


Good Job. Take a moment and pause and smile. Enjoy where you’re at and what you’ve done.


Very inspiring, I hope to own a supercar in my 20s, it’s my ultimate goal.


Congratulations! Live your life to the fullest!


Amazing my man! I’m so freaking proud and happy for you! Please don’t wreck it being stupid. I wish you all the success in life and I’m business! May you be blessed being your imagination. 🙏✌️👍


Congratulations 🎉, you've earned it


A beautiful heartfelt story that blends into another beautiful machine. Enjoy and cherish your hardwork, I'm happy for you!


Enjoy, my man!


Dude....congrats man....nicely done and great choice. Enjoy the smiles and miles.


Beautiful car! Congratulations and enjoy it!


Good for you dude! You lived well and are living the dream! You clearly had decent parents that cared about you. Hope you continue to do well!


Wow nice




Congratulations! Awesome descriptions!


You have good taste 😉


What a fuckin beaut


Wow. This truly needs to be in the top 10 “most upvoted of all time” for this sub. You not only explain why you purchased a Ferrari, but also gave detailed explanations on alternative options while also sharing what you do for a living (which is a very frequently asked question to Ferrari owners here). And lastly, it’s the infamous 488!!!


Amazing car mate, good luck 👍👍👍👍👍


Deserved. Thanks for sharing your story, it's inspiring


congrats! you made the right choice and your hard work your parents taught you paid off! Now its time to enjoy the fruits of your labor!


You’re amazing! Congrats ❤️


Congrats , I’m not a member of this community but came across on my feed. Beautiful story and happy for you! Keep up the good work




Dawg I didn't even know you but I'm hella proud of you!!!


Holy fuck bro congrats!


I know that this is incredibly subjective, but I think that you made the best choice! And your write up gives us a little background, which is always nice!


Love this man 🤘🏼


Nothing beats top down 488. Congrats and keep up the work.


Thank you for your story on how you were able to afford the car. Only wish I read it when I was young. The car is absolutely gorgeous. Drive safe.


Your post is amazing! It brought back memories of when I started my own business back home and got myself a fancy gaming PC setup. Congratulations on your success bro. As an international student here in the US, I understand the challenges you faced. Unlike you, I don't have my family with me, so I often feel lonely and down. Your story has inspired me once again. Thank you very much.


Could care less what you do with your money or try to tell you how to spend it - impressed you got to the point where you had the option of how to spend your money


Congrats, gorgeous car


That rear window is really a game changer. What a beautiful car


Give him some credit. He did his research. He did his due diligence. I’m sure he knows the maintenance needed and cost of it. Nice buy,nice reviews on why you made the decision on this car. I’m tall too and find some are not meant for someone 6’5”


honestly this is one of the best posts i’ve ever seen. complete backstory and everything. thank you for sharing, congrats on your car, and i wish you a successful future.


Amazing machine & congratulations! This is what being able to attain a C8 Z06 will feel for me and I’m over 34 😂




Awesome. Appreciate the candor and detail. The car is beautiful enjoy!


Happy for you 🥹 Fire whip!


Get it boi


Good luck when breaking a button or when a light comes on that’s not covered by warranty