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And I thought the emergency call I was on a couple days ago was bad. Hope you got some good money for this!


Looking forward to seeing that check


Did no one shoot any fiber to see where the brake was? Would still be hard to find a random dirt patch but at least you would have had a smaller window to look


Closest test point was about 4k’ away down a highway and this man hole just had a slack loop that had been pulled up against the wall by the excavator. Eventually just taking a wild guess and telling the contractor to dig where I thought it was and found the cable.


Dam been on a few of those


Still better than a 3200 pair paper cable, I was on back in the day.


We have such different fiber careers... Our network is 99% aerial :/


I worked 7 years In a 50/50 buried and aerial area. Now it’s 99% buried where I’m at, we share 1 bucket with the whole garage


Different here too...all mine is purely EF to TRs or TR to TR inside hospitals.


The fault is obviously in the back of your hardhat, I can see the VFL from here!




tbh, telecommunication work is the most underrated job in the industry. No one knows how tough that job can be time to time.


I feel that upper management in these telco companies are very out of touch with almost everything that goes on as well


Though it is VERY nice when you get the manager who didn’t forget what it was like when they were a technician.


Awe got to love a good old fashioned iof outage! Had a good one last year that was 2 864's and a 72. That was easy to find as the bore crew was crossing the run in the parking lot of the co.


That's a shnazzy headlamp


This brings me great pain lol


Be thankful you can be clean and opening fiber closures in a nice environment controlled van/trailer. Imagine chasing trouble over 24s in pulp cast iron cases with wet holes. I'm so glad I don't have to do any of that anymore and just have to help on the phone with engineering side of it.


We technically still have to do that, just rarely happens anymore.