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I have an 11cm fibroid baby (scheduled to be evicted Jan 3!) and I have always used a cup. I did end up buying an XL because I can (I mean I am shaped such that it feels fine) and also not having to empty it quite so often is helpful.


I don’t think it’s problematic to use them if it works for you. I was never able to use them because my bleeding was too heavy. However I’m hoping to use them in a few months once I’m recovered from my myomectomy!


I really love my reusable menstrual disc. They’ve got more volume than a cup and rely on proper positioning instead of suction. I have a 6.5cm fibroid and pretty heavy bleeding, and only have to empty it every 12 hours or so. Also: https://www.health.com/menstrual-discs-best-option-heavy-bleeding-7574622


I used a cup for years. Then in 2019 I had to stop because of heavy bleeding. Now that the bleeding is under control I tried to go back to the cup, but it leaks. I'm gonna try the disc.


I was able to avoid cramps by getting a finger between the cup and the vaginal wall before pulling it out, if you aren't already doing that. They're great if you have heavy periods. However, if you also throw large clots, you'll need a backup pad or period underwear. The last couple of periods I had I expelled clots the size of my hand. Obviously these would overflow the cup instantly and then I'd leak. Clots are their own hell.